One of the best ways to put language learning to practice is to spend time in the countries where the language is spoken. You could join a travel program, participate in a student exchange, or sign up for volunteer work abroad. There are many programs available to middle and high school students (over the summer or during the year) and to gap year students (the year after high school and before college). Research travel, adventure, exchange, and/or volunteer abroad programs that take students your age to countries where German is spoken.

Write one paragraph in English summarizing a program that appeals to you. Your paragraph include 8-10 sentences and respond to the following questions:

What is the name of the program?
In which German-speaking country is the program located?
What are the requirements to participate in the program?
What interests you about the program?
Remember to include a link to the program you choose.


Answer 1


I would solve and snap it

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Jesús fue enviado al mundo para que las personas pudieran tener vida en relación con Dios. El objetivo de su envío, según 14: 6, es que la gente pueda "venir" al Padre, lo que en el contexto inmediato significa que puedan conocer y creer en Dios.


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flug von reggio di calabria provinz nach cagliari villasimius sudsardinien


Answer:Its not german its Corsican


hallo! wie alt bist du? am english so this is probably horrible...




"Ich bin 21 Jahre alt"

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