What does clause one of the Magna Carta mean?

"We have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our heirs forever, all the underwritten liberties, to be had and held by them and their heirs, of us and our heirs."


Answer 1


1. Clause 1: The liberties of the English Church. "First, that we have granted to God, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired.

Related Questions

what was frederick douglass willing to do to abolish slavery



He became a leader


He became a leader in the abolitionist movement, which sought to end the practice of slavery, before and during the Civil War. After that conflict and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, he continued to push for equality and human rights until his death in 1895


Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave who became a prominent activist, author and public speaker.


How did the female goddess Ma'at decide if a person would successfully reach the afterlife?
O She interviewed the deceased's neighbors.
O She would allow them into the afterlife if they had a lot of gold.
O She would allow the deity Ammit to sniff the heart and decide if the person was worthy.
O She weighed their heart against a feather.



I think it's d) She weighed their heart against a feather.

1. Which source below is an example of a primary source?

A History Book


An expert on the Civil War

A Journal written by a soldier from World War 2​



B. Newspaper

hope it helps


Texts of laws and other original documents. Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did. Speeches, diaries, letters and interviews - what the people involved said or wrote.




Which two states entered the Union in 1890?


Idaho and Wyoming entered the Union in 1890.


Idaho and Wyoming


What is the lesson learned from Imperialism?


state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion

how many types of pyshics are here ..?​



There are Two Major Branches of Physics that are Modern and Classical Physics. Further physics sub branches are electromagnetism, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics.

Main Branches of Physics:-

Classical Physics.Modern Physics.Nuclear Physics.Atomic Physics.Geophysics.Biophysics.Mechanics.Acoustics.


Hope this helps !!
Type of Physhics :

Classical Physics

Atomic Physics



Nuclear Physics

In what ways could the Northwest and California relocation camps
have been similar to concentration camps?


they were both used to control the population of a certain demographic in the area and/or racially cleanse these areas

what most likely prevented the empire from expanding farther into these areas?









░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ This is Bob

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░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ Over Brainly

What does “freedom of the press” mean?
(Please answer in detail using one or more full sentences)



The meaning of freedom of the press is the right of newspapers, magazines, etc., to report news without being controlled by the government.


Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is the principle that communication and expression through various media, including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, should be considered a right to be exercised freely.


It is the concept that communication and expression through the media including printed and electronic should and can be exercised freely.


Before the Constitution could go into effect, __________ of __________ states were required to approve it.
5 . . . 7
9 . . . 13
13 . . . 13
45 . . . 50

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C. 13 states.



its b

Explanation: got it right on test

After the Plan of San Diego true purpose was unveiled, what reality was understood by U.S. officials?

A.Every American male over 6 years old was to be killed.
B.The revolutionaries were supported by Spain.
C.The Mexican army was very large, and was present on both sides of the border.
D.The plan actually stimulated much of the economy around the Rio Grande.





Cause that's what go.ogle said

What is the capital city of Mesopotamia




In antiquity, gardens at Babylon, the capital of Mesopotamia, considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Occupied as far back as the 4th millenium B.C. After Solomon built the Temple on Mt.


Brainliest me^^

hope it helps!

The capital city of Mesopotamia is Babylon.




1. Big Bend

2. Panhandle Plains

3. Piney Woods

4. Coastal Plains

Which line from the play The Glass Menagerie leaves matters uncertain when Tom and his mother are together on the fire escape?

AMANDA: When he sees how lovely and sweet and pretty she is, he'll thank his lucky stars he was asked to dinner.

TOM: If you're going to make such a fuss, I'll call it off, I'll tell him not to come!

TOM: Aren't you being a little bit premature? Mr O'Connor has not yet appeared on the scene!

AMANDA A secret, huh? Well, I won't tell mine either. I will be just as mysterious as you.​



the fourth one


Answer: AMANDA: A secret, huh? Well, I won't tell mine either. I will be just as mysterious as you.​


Do you consider yourself a classical liberal or a classical conservative? What
about your belief system leads you to this conclusion? How does this compare
with what you know about Joe Biden? Please be as specific as you can in
formulating your response.



Liberal conservatism is a political ideology combining conservative policies with liberal stances, especially on economic issues but also on social matters, representing a brand of political conservatism strongly influenced by liberalism.


Which phrase has come to mean that each
person's rights are as important as every other
person's rights?
A. "We the People"
B. "all men are created equal"
C "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
D. "all power is vested in, and derived from,
the people


B. "all men are created equal"

Because all men being created equal means they are all the same amount of importance.

"all men are created equal": person's rights are as important as every other person's rights. Thus, option B is the correct option.

What are all men created equal and have the right to?

We firmly believe that all people are created equal and that these rights, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are given to them by their Creator.--Governments are established among men to uphold these rights; they derive their legitimate authority from the consent of the governed; and whenever a particular form of government starts to work against these ends, the people have the right to alter or abolish it and re-establish a new one, based on whatever values and organizational structures seem most likely to ensure their safety and happiness. Prudence, in fact, will require that long-established governments should not be altered for trivial and temporary reasons.

Learn more about person's rights here:


I need some help with this this!

Have this done quickly for brainliest!



This letter, my very dear Eliza, will not be delivered to you, unless I shall first have terminated my earthly career; to begin, as I humbly hope from redeeming grace and divine mercy, a happy immortality.

In paragraph form, describes the main idea of the 5 characteristics of civilization.



A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics which include: advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology. Advanced Cities Cities were the birthplaces of the first civilizations. A city is more  than a large group of people living together. The size of the population alone does not  distinguish a village from a city. One of the key differences is that a city is a center of  trade for a larger area. Like their modern-day counterparts, ancient city dwellers  depended on trade. Farmers, merchants, and traders brought goods to market in the  cities. The city dwellers themselves produced a variety of goods for exchange.  Specialized Workers As cities grew, so did the need for more specialized workers, such as traders, government officials, and priests. Food surpluses provided the  opportunity for specialization—the development of skills in a specific kind of  work. An abundant food supply allowed some people to become expert at jobs  besides farming. Some city dwellers became artisans—skilled workers who make  goods by hand. Specialization helped artisans develop their skill at designing jewelry, fashioning metal tools and weapons, or making clothing and pottery. The  wide range of crafts artisans produced helped cities become centers of trade.  Complex Institutions The soaring populations of early  cities made government, or a system of ruling, necessary. In  civilizations, leaders emerged to maintain order among people and to establish laws. Government is an example of an  institution—a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community. Complex institutions, such as government, religion,  and the economy, are another characteristic of civilization.  With the growth of cities, religion became a formal institution. Most cities had great temples where dozens of  priests took charge of religious duties. Sumerians believed  that every city belonged to a god who governed the city’s  activities. The temple was the hub of both government and  religious affairs. It also served as the city’s economic center.  There food and trade items were distributed.  Record Keeping As government, religion, and the economy  became more complex, people recognized the need to keep  records. In early civilizations, government officials had to  document tax collections, the passage of laws, and the storage of grain. Priests needed a way to keep track of the calendar and important rituals. Merchants had to record accounts  of debts and payments.  Most civilizations developed a system of writing, though  some devised other methods of record keeping. Around  3000 B.C., Sumerian scribes—or professional record  keepers—invented a system of writing called cuneiform , meaning “wedge-shaped.” (Earlier  Sumerian writing consisted of pictographs—symbols of the objects or what they represented.) The scribe’s tool, called a  stylus, was a sharpened reed with a wedge-shaped point. It  was pressed into moist clay to create symbols. Scribes baked  their clay tablets in the sun to preserve the writing.  People soon began to use writing for other purposes  besides record keeping. They also wrote about their cities’  dramatic events—wars, natural disasters, the reign of  kings. Thus, the beginning of civilization in Sumer also  signaled the beginning of written history.  Improved Technology New tools and techniques are  always needed to solve problems that emerge when large  groups of people live together. In early civilizations, some  farmers harnessed the powers of animals and nature. For  example, they used ox-drawn plows to turn the soil. They  also created irrigation systems to expand planting areas.  Sumerian artisans relied on new technology to make  their tasks easier. Around 3500 B.C., they first used the potter’s wheel to shape jugs, plates, and bowls. Sumerian metalworkers discovered that melting together certain amounts  of copper and tin made bronze. After 2500 B.C., metalworkers in Sumer’s cities turned out bronze spearheads by  the thousands. The period called the Bronze Age refers to  the time when people began using bronze, rather than copper and stone, to fashion tools and weapons. The Bronze Age started in Sumer  around 3000 B.C., but the date varied in other parts of Asia and in Europe.

What measures did the Framers build into the impeachment process to try to make it fair?


Answer: The framers decided to create a powerful chief executive with a fixed term of office, it was immediately evident that a remedy was needed in case something went terribly wrong.





B i belive not too sure

(Place in chronological order) PLEASE HELP
London Company establishes Jamestown
Mayflower Compact
US Constitution
Declaration of Independence
War of 1812
1st Continental Congress
Columbus's first voyage to the Indies
Louisiana Purchase
Revolutionary War begins
Washington becomes 1st US President


The following events are arranged in chronological order:

1. Columbus's first voyage to the Indies in 1492.

2. London Company establishes Jamestown in 1607.

3. Mayflower Compact in 1620.

4. First (1st) Continental Congress in 1774.

5. Revolutionary War begins in 1775.

6. Declaration of Independence in 1776.

7. US Constitution in March, 1789.

8.  Washington becomes first US President in April, 1789.

9. Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

10. War of 1812.

Chronology can be defined as an arrangement of data, items or events in the order in which they occurred or happened (in time), usually from the earliest to the most recent or latest. Thus, chronology refer to ordered events that are organized and arranged in order of time.

In this exercise, we would arrange the following events in chronological order:

1. Columbus's first voyage to the Indies took place in 1492.

2. London Company establishes Jamestown in May, 1607.

3. Mayflower Compact was written and signed in November, 1620.

4. First (1st) Continental Congress took place on the 5th of September, 1774.

5. Revolutionary War begins on the 19th of April, 1775.

6. Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July, 1776.

7. The US Constitution was established on the 4th of March, 1789.

8.  George Washington becomes first US President on the 30th of April, 1789.

9. Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

It encompassed 530,000,000 acres of land situated in North America that was purchased from France by the United States of America, for $15 million on the 2nd of May, 1803.

10. War of 1812.

It was a conflict between the United States of America and Great Britain on the 18th of June, 1812.

Read more:

President Lincoln abolished slavery when he issued the emancipation proclamation in 1863, this meant that slavery could continue in the United States.
True or false?



false. it made slavery stop in the United States

the answer to this question is false

Witch of the following is NOT an impact of the Russo-Japanese War?


can i see what the options are?

2. How did the economic role of women change during the Civil War?



Women became included in the overall workforce that had been restricted to men only.

Explanation: Before, men dominated the workforce because of the strict gender roles that forced women to stay at home. However, during the Civil War, common men became soldiers and were often out fighting, leaving their jobs open. Their wives were left at home, so they filled their husband's positions, produced artillery, and overall supplied the war effort from home.

Answer: Since men were too busy fighting off in war to do it themselves, women now had to work in the farms and factories. They also became nurses to help injured men on the battlefield.

What would be an example of a time when you would want to use standard English?
in a letter to the editor of a newspaper
in an email to your best friend
in a note you passed in class
in a text message to your mom


In a letter to the editor of a newspaper since you should sound nice and polite


What effect did vagrancy laws have on African Americans?

A. The laws allowed African Americans to be arrested unfairly.

B. The laws gave African Americans land for farms.

C. The laws provided African Americans with voting rights.

D. The laws required that there be African American government officials.

What caused the Radical Republicans to reject Presidential Reconstruction?

A. It kept the Southern states separate from the Union for too long.

B. It provided too much government assistance to African Americans.

C. It was too easy on the Southern secessionists.

D. It was unfair to the former Confederates

What was the most significant political effect of Reconstruction plans on Texas?

A. Texas rejoined the United States.

B. Carpetbaggers shaped politics in Texas.

C. Texas was overseen by many different governors.

D. Two main Unionist groups with different viewpoints formed.



The corrects answers is A C D B A


Hope its help

what major invention changed the living pattern during the preindustrial society

None of the above


A major invention that led to a profound change in preindustrial society was the Plow.

Thanks to the plow:

Increased the ease at which cultivation could be done.Decreased the time taken to farm.

As a result of the plow decreasing time taken to work in agriculture, people were able to engage in other activities instead of just farming. This led to the introduction of other economic activities.

In conclusion, the plow was immensely helpful to preindustrial society.

Find out more about the plow at

What do you think is the most effective way of bringing about
social change? Why? (Journalism and raising awareness?
Activism/protests? Laws/ regulations? Something else?)



Practice Random Acts of kindness like smiling at a stranger or holding the door open for someone anddd can be a great way to make a social change impact.

Create a Mission-First Business

Volunteer in Your Community

Vote With Your Wallet


I believe the most effective way of bringing social change is civil discourse and debate. Now 10 years ago I would've said activism and raising awareness, as there were so many issues with society that society had turned a blind eye to. But today, the mass majority of people are aware of issues that our society has and have already made their decision about it and thats the biggest issue we face. Protests/activism and raising awareness is no longer that effective because the majority is already aware of the issue and have made up their mind about it. We cannot use laws or regulations to change society, everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe, no matter how wrong it is.

The problem we are facing is that both sides of the debate are stubborn in their ways and refuses to agree with the other side and society cannot change because of that. The solution is civil discourse and debate. Both sides need to explain their side of the issue and their issues with the other side (respectfully). They need to have an open mind and really put themselves in eachothers shoes. Only then can we learn from eachother and progress as a society and break this standstill we are in right now.

Hope that helps :D


What would it mean to have an “absolute” right to freedom of speech, and do you have it?



to freedom of opinion and expression


Why did Marshall describe the economy in Europe over the past 10 years as "highly



When Secretary of State Marshall accepted an invitation from Harvard University to receive an honorary degree during the first week in June 1947, the State Department informed the president of the Alumni Association that Marshall would make a speech for the afternoon meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association but that Marshall did not want it to be a major speech of the occasion. There were no discussions with representatives of other governments; there were no notifications of the American press that an important speech was to be delivered, and even Harvard President James B. Conant did not expect a major address from General Marshall.

The speech was drafted by Chip Bohlen, a Russia specialist and interpreter who used memoranda from the Director of the Policy Planning Staff George F. Kennan and from Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs William Clayton. Bohlen especially benefited from Clayton’s graphic oral descriptions of Europe’s situation. In the memorandum he wrote, “Millions of people in the cities are slowly starving,” if the standard of living continued to deteriorate, “there will be revolution.”

On the day of the speech the capacity crowd of 15,000 in Harvard Yard did not expect to see history made but simply to see one of the most admired public servants in America. However when Secretary Marshall began to read his speech there was a recognition that the carefully worded remarks on the political and economic crisis in Europe marked an important event. In that speech, Marshall outlined the need for an economic aid plan to help the devastated nations of Europe and their citizens to recover from the ravages of World War II. When Marshall said, “It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace,” the Secretary of State committed the United States to consider a European recovery plan that would be developed by the Europeans and presented to the United States. Thus was launched The Marshall Plan for which George C. Marshall would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


It had had too many changes.


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