N2 + O2 → N205
how do i show my work im trying to balance the equation


Answer 1


2N2 + 3O2 –2N2O3 this what I got balancing though

Related Questions

Nitrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes.
Predict the number of neutrons in the two isotopes of
nitrogen, N.
How many protons?



Nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 electrons and 7 neutrons.


The atomic number of an element is the number of electrons and protons they have. The atomic mass - the atomic number of an element equals the number of nuetrons. The atomic mass of nitrogen is 14 and the atomic number is 7 therefore we have to subract, 14-7=7.

2. What physical force causes suspensions to settle






It can settle down and separate over time due to gravity.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

Based on the periodic table, what is the oxidation number of oxygen (Group VI, period 2) in compounds? a) 0 b) +2 C) -2 d) 1​


The oxidation number of oxygen (Group VI, period 2) is -2.

The  electrical charge of an atom describes its Oxidation number.\

The number of electrons that must be gained or lost in an atom's valence electron shell to  make it  to be filled or half-filled gives us the oxidation number value.

When the atom gains electrons,it acquires a negative oxidation number. When the atom loses electrons,it acquires a positive oxidation number

Oxygen has  8 electrons  with   {He] 2s² 2p⁴ configuration.

With 6 electrons in its valence shell, it need to gain 2 electrons to achieve stability, When it gains 2 electrons, it acquires a negative oxidation number of -2.

See more here:https://brainly.com/question/11621135

The reaction is at dynamic equilibrium.
N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

Which statement is correct?

(1 point)

The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen gas and ammonia.
The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen gas and ammonia.

Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at the same rate that ammonia breaks down.
Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at the same rate that ammonia breaks down.

The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen and hydrogen gases.
The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen and hydrogen gases.

Both directions of the reaction have stopped.
Both directions of the reaction have stopped.


When the reaction N₂ + 3 H₂ ⇌ 2 NH₃ is at dynamic equilibrium, Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at the same rate that ammonia breaks down.

The reaction is at dynamic equilibrium.

N₂ + 3 H₂ ⇌ 2 NH₃

Which statement is correct?

The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen gas and ammonia. NO. Even though we don't know the equilibrium constant, it is unlikely that N₂ and NH₃ have the same concentrations at equilibrium. Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at the same rate that ammonia breaks down. YES. At the equilibrium, the forward rate is equal to the reverse rate. The solution has the same concentrations of nitrogen and hydrogen gases. NO. Even though we don't know the equilibrium constant, it is unlikely that N₂ and H₂ have the same concentrations at equilibrium. Both directions of the reaction have stopped. NO. The reactions don't stop because the equilibrium is dynamic.

When the reaction N₂ + 3 H₂ ⇌ 2 NH₃ is at dynamic equilibrium, Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at the same rate that ammonia breaks down.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/17433141

What is the average acceleration of the car between 24 and 40 seconds? Include the correct units.





40 - 24  16

2. Calculate the heat of combustion of C6H14(l) in kJ/mol if 1.66 g of C6H14(l) were ignited in a calorimeter containing 2750. g H2O. A 3.54˚C temperature rise was observed. The calorimeter constant is 11.2 kJ/˚C. The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g˚C.


This problem is describing the combustion experiment where by the heat of combustion of 1.66 g of liquid C6H14 can be calculated via calorimetry. The calorimeter (C=11.2kJ/°C) contains 2750. grams of water with a temperature rise of 3.54 °C, it means we can calculate the total heat released by the combustion of this hydrocarbon via:


Because the heat of combustion is released to the water and the calorimeter. Next, we break down each heat and subsequently plug in the given values:

[tex]Q_{combustion}=-(11200\frac{J}{\°C}*3.54\°C +2750.g*4.184\frac{J}{g\°C}*3.54\°C )\\\\Q_{combustion}=-80,379J=-80.4kJ[/tex]

After that, we calculate the moles of C6H14 by considering the given mass and its molar mass (86.18 g/mol):

[tex]n=1.66g*\frac{1mol}{86.18g} =0.01926mol[/tex]

And finally, we divide the total heat of combistion by the moles to get the heat of combustion:

[tex]\Delta H_{comb}=\frac{-80.4kJ}{0.01926mol} =4,174\frac{kJ}{mol}[/tex]

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I need help with the question below



the answer is Crystal structures

please help me with the second image questions it is really important and I really need it please help me out and provide me the answers for the second image two questions, looking at the first image please.



is this exam.. are you coping..

what scientist is credited with formulating the octet rule



The electron configuration of the neon atom. American chemist Gilbert Lewis (1875-1946) used this observation to explain the types of ions and molecules that are formed by other elements. He called his explanation the octet rule.

Which over lappings are present in carbon(iv)oxide molecule



the double carbon to oxygen bond

What is the main piece of evidence supporting the theory of seafloor spreading?

Fossils of plants and animals along the ocean floor

Volcanic activity along the Ring of Fire

Glacial scratches on the seafloor

Alternating magnetic pattern in the rocks of the ocean floor



Alternating magnetic pattern in the rocks of the ocean floor


The rocky sea floor on either side of mid-ocean ridges has a matching pattern of magnetic stripes. This information provides evidence for sea-floor spreading. The matching striped pattern shows that Earth’s polarity was recorded on either side of the ridge as lava oozed from the ridge and cooled.  


Alternating magnetic pattern in the rocks of ocean floor.


The ocean floor consists of several types of rocks.The mid-ocean ridges has a similar pattern as well as magnetic field lines.So this makes a clear evidence.

A compound is 2. 00% H by mass, 32. 7% S by mass, and 65. 3% O by mass. What is its empirical formula? The first step is to calculate the mass of each element in a 100-g sample of the compound. We use 100 g because it makes the calculations more straightforward. What is the mass of each element in a 100. 0-g sample of the compound? mass H = g mass S = g mass O = g.



We assume that there is 100g of the compound (because it makes it easier to calculate) and we turn the percentages into grams.

2% of Hydrogen = 2g of H

32.7% of Sulfur = 32.7g of S

65.3% of Oxygen = 65.3g of O

Now we change the mass of these elements to moles by dividing the mass by the molar mass (which is the value of atomic mass on your periodic table)

2g/1.01g = 1.98 mol

32.7g/32.06g = 1.02 mol

65.3g/16g =4.08 mol

divide all these mol values by the smallest mol value, which is 1.02. (Round the values to whole numbers)

1.98/1.02 = 2 (rounded) of Hydrogen

1.02/1.02 = 1 of Sulfur

4.08/1.02 = 4 of Oxygen

H2SO4 (also known as sulphuric acid) is your empirical formula.

hii what the procedures of making organic fertilizer and its precautions. can u answer it i kinda need it now



Go through your kitchen waste. Vegetables and fruit peelings are the number one food remnants you should keep aside. ...

Add other organic materials to the compost. ...

Collect some garden waste. ...

Create the compost. ...

Apply the fertilizer.



Organic fertilizers are an essential source for plant nutrients and a soil conditioner in agriculture. Due to its sources and the composition of the organic inputs as well as the type, functionality and failures of the applied treatment process, the organic fertilizer may contain various amounts of infectious agents and toxic chemicals, especially the antibiotics that can be introduced to the subsequent food chain. A range of human and animal pathogens of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin have been the cause of food-borne epidemics due to unintended contamination from organic fertilizers. The use of antibiotics by humans and in animal feeds will also end up in the organic fertilizers. These antibiotics and other chemicals, depending on the sources of the organics, will enhance the likelihood of occurrence of resistant and multi-resistant strains of microorganisms in society and have been reported to cause ecotoxicological environmental effects and disruption of the ecological balance. Exposure of microorganisms to sublethal concentration of antibiotics in the organic products induces antibiotic resistance. WHO guidelines for the reuse of excreta and other organic matters identify the risk for the exposed groups to the reuse of the


5. How could you use Kepler's 3rd Law to find the relationship between all of the
moons of Jupiter?



essentially through the use of keplers 3rd law comparing the proportionality of a planets squared versus cubed orbital patterns you can determine how fast a planet will orbit something and complete a full orbit


Kepler's Third Law: the squares of the orbital periods of the planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axes of their orbits. Kepler's Third Law implies that the period for a planet to orbit the Sun increases rapidly with the radius of its orbit. (from NASA)

¿que otro nombre reciben las órbitas?


Podría decirse que es una elipse con el sol

When potassium metal is placed in water, a large amount of energy is released as potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas are produced in the reaction 2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H2(g). Your lab partner says this is a redox reaction and a combustion reaction. Do you agree? Defend your answer by explaining whether or not it meets the requirements of each type of reaction.


This is a redox reaction but not a combustion reaction.

Redox Reaction

A type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons or gain of electrons between two-element. An oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes.

Combustion reaction

It must have two products. CO2 and H2Ooxygen in the reactant is must.

∴ The reaction is Redox ✓ not combustion

Learn more abut Redox reaction here: https://brainly.com/question/21851295


What products would you expect from the reaction of ammonia and sulfuric acid in aqueous solution





2NH3(aq) + H2SO4 (aq) ---> (NH4)2SO4(aq)

Ammonia reacts with sulfuric acid to give the fertilizer ammonium sulfate.

the protein’s specific sequence is?



The linear sequence of amino acids within a protein is considered the primary structure of the protein. Proteins are built from a set of only twenty amino acids, each of which has a unique side chain. The side chains of amino acids have different chemistries.

Hope this helps

A model for a potential chemical reaction is shown here. Evaluate the model and the reaction shown. Which statements are correct about this model. Select ALL that apply.

A) The law of conservation of matter is followed in this model.

B) Conversation of matter is not observed because of some of the atoms are converted into energy in the reaction.

C) Conservation of matter is observed because there are the same number of each atom on both sides of the reaction.

D) Conservation of matter is not observed because there are different numbers of molecules in the reactants and the products. ​


Answer: b/c


how might rising atmospheric co2 concentrations lower the ph of the oceans?



As CO2 concentrations rise, excess CO2 is absorbed by the oceans. CO2 in the oceans can react chemically with water to form acid. ... The difference in pH units between two acidic solutions is three.

what object in our solar system has the largest gravitational force


Answer: The sun

Explanation: because it has the most mass


Hey there. That would be Jupiter.

Jupiter is the largest in our solar system which means it has the highest gravity.

Propose an explanation for why the element carbon, rather than sodium, is important in forming natural polymers?
I need this ASAP


Carbon has a one-of-a-kind ability to make covalent bonds with a wide range of other atoms. It has the ability to form bonds with other carbon atoms as well as atoms from other elements. Carbon frequently forms polymers as a result of this capacity. A polymer is a big molecule composed of numerous smaller molecules linked together by covalent bonds.

why are there no elementary substances that have the ionic bond?


This problem is asking for the reason behind the nonexistence of elementary substances with ionic bonds. First of all, it is necessary to bear to mind that the definition of the type of bond in a compound depends on the difference electronegativity that is present between two of the atoms composing it.

For instance, in binary salts, such as KCl, NaCl, KBr and so on, we are able to know these are all ionic because they are composed by a metal and a nonmetal, which have the smallest and largest electronegativities, so that the difference electronegativity is large enough to produce an ionic bond.

In contrast, elementary susbtances, such as liquid bromine (Br2) and gases such as H2, N2, Cl2, F2 and O2, since they are all nonmetals and the same type, the electronegativity difference will be 0 and therefore, they will not be ionic but covalent.

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According to Dalton, atoms of different elements will be____________.



The atoms of different elements vary in size and mass.


the temperature of absolute zero is stated as ___________.



-273.15 degrees Celsius

-459.67 degrees Fahrenheit

It is considered to be coldest conceivable temperature and is impossible to reach


If you are looking for degrees it is

-273.15 degrees Celsius

-459.67 degrees Fahrenheit

or just 0 on the keilvin scale

When carbon dioxide enters the blood, some of it combines with ____________ to form carbaminohemoglobin, but most of it becomes ____________ ions that diffuse into the blood plasma.



hemoglobin to become bicarbonate


When carbon dioxide enters the blood it combines with hemoglobin to form carbamino hemoglobin or carboxyhemoglobin but most of it becomes carbonate ions and diffuse into the blood plasma.

What is carboxyhemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a blood protein giving red colour to the blood. It helps to transport oxygen everywhere. When oxygen fills in the air sack, it combines with oxygen and form oxyhemoglobin.

However, hemoglobin have more affinity towards carbon dioxide and and they combines to form carbaminohemoglobin which prevents the transportation of oxygen through blood.

The carbon dioxide will be converted into carbonic acid by combining with water. This acid then forms its carbonate ions and these ions helps to maintain the blood pH to be constant.The carbonate ions, CO₃²⁻can easily diffuse into blood plasma.

To find more about carboxyhemoglobin, refer the link:



anyone have any ideas on what i should draw for my art project please let me know



A pumpkin or a deer cus it's hunting season

Birds, Scenerys, Fish, Planets, Seas, Trees, Butterflys, BTS, Fruits, Cactus! Drawing Ideas: Imagination

Draw an object and give it a face.

Create an alternate cover to your favorite book or album.

Illustrate a scene from your favorite song.

Draw a scene or character from your favorite book.

Illustrate your favorite fairy-tale.

Invent your own insects.

Draw an intricate made up flower.

Hope this helps!

Help Please

I Have to finish this assignment asap


Answer:a. limiting reactant

b. actual yield

c. mole ratio

d.excess reactant

e.theoretical yield


g.percent yield

h.limiting reactant

i.theoretical yield

Explanation: ..

How many molecules are in 0.79 moles of NH4?





Describe the process of pasteurization?



Pasteurization is a process in which packaged and non-packaged foods (such as milk and fruit juice) are treated with mild heat, usually to less than 100 °C (212 °F), to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life.

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