mademe sofronie character is most developed throught


Answer 1


picture please........

Related Questions

Read the following paragraph:

"The 'marshmallow test' was developed in the 1960’s as a way to understand personality traits. In the test, preschoolers were given a marshmallow, then told they would get two marshmallows if they didn’t eat the first one while the researcher left the room for a few minutes. At the time, researchers thought that the children who held out for a second treat had greater willpower.

"However, a new investigation suggests that the marshmallow test didn’t really measure willpower after all. When researchers tried the experiment again, they found that the decision to eat or wait had more to do with economic background than personality. Children from poorer families were more likely to eat the first marshmallow than wait, perhaps because in their experience the future is uncertain. Wealthier children found it easier to hold out, perhaps because they had more expectation that their needs would always be met."

A. What is the implied main idea of this reading?

B. Research experiments are not reliable.

C. The results of scientific studies should be interpreted cautiously.

D. Wealthy people have more willpower than poor people.

Some kids like marshmallows more than others.



C. The results of scientific studies should be interpreted cautiously.

Question 2. The little boy pleaded _____ not to leave him alone in the dark.

A. on his mother

B. his mother

C. with his mother

D. at his mother



c number with his mother

write a creation story



examples of creation story

Middle EastDebate between sheep and grain.Enûma Eliš (Babylonian)Genesis creation myth (Hebrew)Islamic creation myth (Arabic)Leviathan (Book of Job 38-41 creation myth)Mashya and Mashyana (Persian)Sumerian creation myth.


for example korean creation narratives

Korean creation narratives are Korean shamanic narratives which recount the mythological beginnings of the universe. ... Many elements are shared by most Korean creation narratives. In one such episode, two gods grow flowers in a contest to decide who will rule the human world.

our snacks taste, tastes so delicious!​



taste not tastes.


grammer? makes more sense?




what is industriringal engineering



industrial engineering in simple terms is basically engineering that deals with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems


Industrial engineers find ways to eliminate wastefulness in production processes. They devise efficient systems that integrate workers, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or provide a service.

brainlyest if u give the right answer



Select the line from Androcles. Hope it helps


Is this the correct answer, need to know, pls help!


Yes the answer is B you got it corrected


Yes, the correct Answer is Option "B".


Hope this helps :)

What is the meaning of the word grim in this sentence?

When I showed him my poor report card, my father gave me a grim and disapproving look.






Confused answer correct

A) Stern

In the context of the question, confused and appreciative don't work. If we try to fit worried in, we see it also does not work as it does not match with disapproving. We can tell that the father is upset, so Stern works best. Trying to substitute the new word into the passage can help give us a better understand of what we are looking for.

I hope I've helped! :)

To adequately analyze student work to assess student learning and revise and improve teaching, teachers must do which of the following?

assign student work

examine student work

collect student work

All of the above


A : All of the above

We will not speak of the innumerable instances in which wasteful and idle men live upon the earnings of industrious wives. Nor shall we speak of situations in which wives leave their husbands, and take with them the children, to perform the double duty of mother and father. And after doing so, they are then followed from place to place, and threatened to be robbed of their children. These wives are accused of depriving the so-called rights of a husband. The husbands, claiming their rights, plant themselves in their poor lodgings, frighten them into paying tribute by taking from them the children, and run these overtasked women into debt. Such instances add up by scores within my own memory. I have seen the husband who had stained himself by a long course of low vice, till his wife was wearied from her heroic forgiveness. His treachery made any effort to forgive him useless. To be able to provide bread for herself and her children, she had to be separate from his ill fame. I have known this kind of man to install himself in the chamber of a woman who loathed him and say she should never take food without his company. I have known these kinds of men to steal their children, whom they knew they had no means to maintain, take them into corrupt company, and to expose them to bodily danger, just to assert their power over their wives. And these women, who alone have borne the pangs of birth, and nourished their infancy, are denied equal rights to parent and protect them. I do believe that this mode of kidnapping—and it is frequent enough in all classes of society—will be by the next age viewed as it is by Heaven now. I believe that the man who avails himself of the shelter of men's laws to steal from a mother her own children, or claim any superior right in them, save that of superior virtue, will bear the stigma he deserves. Just like the man who steals grown men from their motherland, their hopes, and their homes.

What does paragraph 1 suggest about Fuller?

She is scornful of women who repeatedly excuse their husbands’ immoral and criminal behavior.

She feels men abuse their power to control those without rights, such as women and enslaved persons.

Fuller is against the institution of marriage because it does not benefit women.

Fuller demands severe consequences for men who cannot financially support their families.



i feel personally it is the second answer of the multiple choice. reason being is that the men who are described in the paragraphs abuse the power they have over women. they know these women dont have as much power over things that a man has, they know that they can take as much as they want from a woman without there being big consequences. in the paragraph it discusses how men threaten to take the children, women have no power over that being there is no equal rights. Men often leave the women in debt, which again women have no POWER over. so i feel it is "she feels men abuse their power to control those without rights, such as women and enslaved persons."


In the text, the author discusses scientists' limited knowledge about why
What do you think could be the benefit of better understanding why humans dream?



Researchers now believe that dreams help us process emotions, consolidate memories, and more. Sometimes dreams make a lot of sense -- like when we've been working hard and we end up dreaming, alas, that we're still at work. Other times the meaning of dreams is less clear.

Let’s Create Focus Skill: Summarizing a text using a 6- Frame Comic Strip Goal: Write a comic strip about bullying to help anyone who is being bullied. Role: Artist/Illustrator Audience: All students Situation: The Supreme Student Government in your school wants to help students and teachers understand the cause and effect of bullying. The SSG club has asked you help them spread awareness on their bullying advocacy by creating a comic strip based on the text below.

Paki-ayos po Ng sagot
Please I need it now​


The question above is intended to assess your reading skills, text interpretation, and creativity. For that reason, it is not right for me to answer this question for you, but I will show you how to answer it.

First, you should read the text and pay attention to the main information it presents about bullying. This information will be covered in your comic book.

You may already know that a comic book is told from drawings and texts, organized and framed. You don't need to make elaborate drawings about it, but you can show a simple drawing.

This drawing should:

Present what bullying is.Show the problems that bullying causes.Show how to report cases of bullying.Show how to fight bullying.

More information:

Read this sentence: Godzilla didn’t make as much a mess as my baby brother did with his toys and blocks. What type of allusion is the reference to Godzilla? Biblical Historical Mythological Pop culture



Pop Culture


Because Godzilla is a famous film character that is known by the public for these movies, it is pop culture.

It could not be any of the other answers because Godzilla isn't real, in the bible, or a mythological figure.

4. _______ talk like that. *
A. Don’t
B. Be
C. Doesn’t
D. Aren’t
5. _____ they speak Korean? *
A. Are
B. Does
C. Is
D. Do
6. They _________ baseball *
A. don’t play
B. doesn’t play
C. aren’t play
D. not play
7. When _________________ lunch? *
A. you usually eat
B. do you usually eat
C. do usually you eat
D. do you eat usually


Don't talk like that...

Do they speak Korean...

They don't play baseball...

When do you usually eat lunch..?

4. A

5. D

6. A

7. B

Hope this helps!

Home - www.commnet.e.
Upload Assignment: Co.
W Williams, The Dance
Bb https://learn-us-east-1-p.
poetry & painting compa...
The Wedding Dance int
The Dance
Pieter Brueghel, Kermesse (1567-8)
William Carlos Williams
Oil on canvas, approximately 45 inches x 64.5 inches Kunsthistorisches Museum,
In Brueghel's great picture, The Kermess,
the dancers go round, they go round and
around, the squeal and the blare and the
tweedle of bagpipes, a bugle and fiddles
tipping their bellies (round as the thick-
sided glasses whose wash they impound)
their hips and their bellies off balance
to turn them. Kicking and rolling
about the Fair Grounds, swinging their butts, those
shanks must be sound to bear up under such
rollicking measures, prance as they dance
in Brueghel's great picture, The Kermess.
Return to the Poem Index



So, what is your question?


Based on the list of word roots what is the correct spelling of a word that means a vehicle that moves by itself



Automatic would be the best word <3




I chose Automobile because a vehicle that is able to move automatically. Most vehicles, cars, and trucks are called a automotive or a automobile.

the word eradication means​



remove or eliminate


it's simply the meaning

Which word from the paragraph can help Alejandro determine the meaning of the word titanic?
A. largest
B. animal
C. slowly
D. stranded





hope this helps!



British firefighters said on Wednesday they had come to a boy’s rescue after he got a toilet seat stuck on his head.

The toddler, aged two-and-a-half, and his mother walked into a fire station in Braintree, Essex, Tuesday saying the boy had put his head through a small trainer seat for the toilet and now could not remove it.

“His mum had tried to get it over his head but couldn’t budge it so she walked him down here and asked us to have a look at it and we went to work and we managed to get it off in no time,” firefighter Chris Cox said.

“We simply put some dish washing liquid on his head and ears and it slid off nice as pie.”

He said the boy had been “very brave” and “toddled away as happy as can be” after his ordeal ended.
question: which paragraph give you all this information?



The first paragraph


British firefighters said on Wednesday they had come to a boy’s rescue after he got a toilet seat stuck on his head.

Based on her statement, what does Sonia Sotomayor believe?





It Is A Judge's job to make the law

What skills were special agents taught in secret training school? Why might they have been useful?




Most were being prepared for special missions behind enemy lines. The skills they learned included silent killing and unarmed combat, sabotage, and how to recognize potential supporters of resistance movements who could help them in their mission. They were also trained in methods of finding suitable new recruits.

Read this passage from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

"I should like to buy an egg, please,” she said timidly. "How do you sell them?”

"Fivepence farthing for one—Twopence for two,” the Sheep replied.

"Then two are cheaper than one?” Alice said in a surprised tone, taking out her purse.

"Only you MUST eat them both, if you buy two,” said the Sheep.

"Then I'll have ONE, please,” said Alice, as she put the money down on the counter. For she thought to herself, "They mightn't be at all nice, you know.”

The Sheep took the money, and put it away in a box: then she said "I never put things into people's hands—that would never do—you must get it for yourself.” And so saying, she went off to the other end of the shop, and set the egg upright on a shelf.

"I wonder WHY it wouldn't do?” thought Alice, as she groped her way among the tables and chairs, for the shop was very dark towards the end. "The egg seems to get further away the more I walk towards it. Let me see, is this a chair? Why, it's got branches, I declare! How very odd to find trees growing here! And actually here's a little brook! Well, this is the very queerest shop I ever saw!”

The tone of this passage is best described as

unusual and strange.
logical and orderly.
realistic and ordinary.
negative and critical.





Can I get some help about a descriptive essay about Coronavirus​





Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans

Help help help help help help



b. convey scientific information and findings to readers


A persuasive essay is a type of academic writing where you use logic and arguments to convince readers of your point of view, using solid evidence such as research, stating facts, examples, and quotes from experts.




Both B and C.


I took the test


you are Correct, its B and C

Which statement best describes what will happen to your financial needs
throughout your life?
A. Your financial needs will increase.
O B. Your financial needs will change.
C. Your financial needs will stay the same.
O D. Your financial needs will decrease.


Answer: your financial needs will increase


As you grow older (and possibly have kids or pets) you will need more money to meet your needs

Answer: B. your financial needs will change


Which word from the passage most clearly shows the poet's attitude toward
the subject?
Spring returns with its
foolish attempt to undo winter.
A. Winter
B. Foolish
C. Spring
D. Returns


It’s C because I had homework last week on this question and I got a 100


The word foolish shows the poet feels that spring is silly for trying to ''undo winter''


The answer is B.

Your welcome, good luck!

Read William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. Note that it is divided into three quatrains followed by a concluding couplet. Which two signals indicate the start of the third quatrain in line nine?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


The ninth line of the sonnet brings in a major change of tone. Shakespeare jumps on elaborating the immortality of his lover rather than continuing the criticism of the sun.  Moreover, the limitations of nature are replaced by his lover’s thoughts and he claims that his darling is not bounded by the rules that are being displayed.

In line-4, the summer is stated as ”eternal summer”, since it keeps returning every year. And noticing from the previous personifications employed in the sonnet, we can easily recognize the similarity between “summer’s day” and “thee”. Both can be eternal or can fade with time. This is the major reason why the author takes a turn on line-9, as both of them have only one threat-time; and the third force that can eternalize them both is the poetry that the author has created.

To conclude, we can easily notice the turn in topic and breaking of the stanza.

Answer: There is a shift in topic AND The rhyme scheme changes


How might the meaning of this sentence apply to Charlie’s life in ""Flowers for Algernon?""


Which sentence ? I’ve read the story before willing to help out if you type it in reply

what does this quote mean O clear intelligence, force beyond all measure! 295
O fate of man, working both good and evil!
When the laws are kept, how proudly his city stands!
When the laws are broken, what of his city then?
Never may the anarchic man find rest at my hearth,
Never be it said that my thoughts are his thoughts.


The quote, "O clear intelligence, force beyond all measure!" means that this intelligence that someone has is so big or this person is so smart that it goes beyond all measure. The "beyond all measure" part means that it is more than they know of.

Practically, this person is so smart.

Other Questions
Which paired structures of the male reproductive system lie at the base of the bladder and connect to the vas deferens via a duct In which of the cases below is friction most helpful?A.between a moving box and a rampB.between car tires and a roadC.between a person and a playground slideD.between ice skates and an ice rink Describe the process of Louisiana becoming a state. Warning danger ahead sign In the early 1900s, the Chicago Defender was an African American newspaper. a novel by Langston Hughes. an African American song. 03.01 Sentence Structures #1You will identify each of the following sentence structures that you have learned:Simple sentenceCompound sentence with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)Compound sentence with a semicolonComplex sentence (both types)PART 1: Fill in the bow below each sentence with the correct sentence type/structure. If it is a compound sentence, underline the coordinating conjunction/ FANBOYS (if it has one).If it is a complex sentence, underline the subordinating conjunction/ AWHITEBUS.1) She has a blue backpack.2) We went to the park, and we had hot dogs on the grill.3) The children finished their work, so they played on the computer.4) I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak German.5) Erica likes to read her book in the morning.6) I like to read romance novels; my sister likes to read mystery novels. 7) Because my coffee was cold, I heated it in the microwave. 8) She is reading her book because she is done with her homework.9) The teacher gave back the students homework after she noticed it was full of errors. 10) My friend enjoyed the movie, but I did not. 11) I have a pet dog; his name is Spot.12) I have a pet dog whose name is Spot. I will mark brainlist please help1. Identify the type of the underlined complement in the following sentence.Through his own efforts he had become our (captain). Predicate adjectivePredicate nominativeDirect objectindirect objectObject complement2. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the sentence.By cutting down those trees, you endanger (not only) the spotted owl (but also) the land itself.interjectioncoordinating conjunctioncorrelative conjunctionsubordinating conjunction3. Identify the complete subject in the following sentence.All the stars will appear in the spring festival.AllAll the starsthe starsin the spring festival4. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the sentence.The sun went (down) behind the hill.interjectionconjunctionadverbpreposition5. Identify the type of the underlined verb.Following in the family tradition, Elizabeth (became) a pharmacist.action verblinking verbtransitive verbintransitive verb6. Identify the simple subject in the following sentence.The habitats of plants and animals are often destroyed by deforestation.plantsanimalsThe habitatshabitats7. Choose the antecedent of the underlined pronoun in the following sentence.Both of the actors gave superior performances. They captured the hearts of (their) audience.actorsperformancesheartsaudience8. Identify the complete subject in the following sentence.About two miles down the road is a modern hotel.About two miles down the roadtwo miles down the roada modern hotelhotel9. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the sentence.The destructive flood stopped (there).pronounadverbadjectivenoun Quelquun peuvent maider en faisant le schma narratif de Le petit Chaperon rouge merci bcp. how long does it take for a body to decompose to a skeleton how do u simplify 4625/1000 Help me with my history homework pls Im stuck on this 2 question If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the puck and the ice is 0.05, how far does the puck slide before coming to rest? Solve this problem using conservation of energy. initial speed is 5.3 m/s What is a job outlook?a) One way the job market is changing over time.b) Groups of similar occupations and industries.c) An area of concentration within a career cluster.d) A forecast or prediction about trends affecting that job. 9. What did Pizarro get from the Incan Empire? - 24 tons of gold and silver using example, explain the concept of homeostasis A new yo-yo factory is operating at 80%of capacity and produces 4,000 yo-yosdaily. When the factory reaches 100%of capacity, how many yo-yos should beproduced each day? The position of an object at any time t is given bys(t)=3t440t3+126t29.1 Determine the velocity of the object at any time t.2 Does the object ever stop changing?3 when is the object moving to the right and when is the object moving to the left How do you think investing relates to wealth inequality? Shakespeare's plays often contain puns, which areA. plays on words.B. archaic phrases.C. rhyming linesD. slang terms. Sphere is to bubble as ______ is to die.* a) globe b) gambling c) cube d) pipe