lamb to the slaughter
Do you think Mary planned to murder her husband with the leg of lamb? Explain.


Answer 1
Mary's murder of her husband is not premeditated because it was not a thought out, developed plan.

Upon hearing the news from her husband, “everything was automatic now ”.

She was in a state of shock when she swung the leg of lamb over her husband's head.

Related Questions

please help me guys h


i think the answer is the last one :>

How has technology improved your life



Better understanding of world


Given me a lot of exposures to a lot of knowedge


Technology has improved my life in many ways; one of those ways being education. There are many things that I, and others struggle with when it comes to school. Sometimes getting in-person help isn't always an option so having unlimited access to knowledge is always helpful.

what modern letter replaced the middle english letter known as thorn



replaced with the digraph th


The y is actually a replacement for the letter thorn from the Futhark runic alphabet, and it is pronounced like the letter "th" in the word "the."

What do you mean by Letter?

Usually written or printed, a letter is a sign that represents a speech sound and is a constituent part of an alphabet.

The word "thorn" is a part of the runic alphabet, which was once used to write English and still is today. The runic alphabet was abandoned for English after the Norman conquest in 1066, but the roman alphabet had been used to record English for a very long period prior to this.

The Old English, Old Norse, Old Swedish, and contemporary Icelandic alphabets, as well as contemporary transliterations of the Gothic alphabet, Middle Scots, and various dialects of Middle English, all use the letter thorn or orn.

Therefore, Since most printing presses lacked the letter thorn, it became customary to use a y in its instead, creating the word "ye."

Learn more about Letter, here;


Why is frankenstein a tragic hero? And where are there examples from the book to check?



Victor Frankenstein best exhibits the five characteristics of a tragic hero; Peripeteia, hamartia, hubris, anagnorisis, and fate. Victor possesses flaws that go down the pathway of downfall. It is Victor's ambition that steers him to experiment with science. The desire for knowledge without acknowledging morals is lethal.

Image result for Why is frankenstein a tragic hero? And where are there examples from the book to check?

Hamartia is a literary term that refers to a tragic flaw or error that leads to a character's downfall. In the novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein's arrogant conviction that he can usurp the roles of God and nature in creating life directly leads to ruinous consequences for him, making it an example of hamartia.

When a speaker appears unkempt, it can cause the audience to think the speaker does not care about:



The subject being discussed

Lars is writing a research paper on the Russian conquest of Siberia in the 16th century. Read Lars’s research question.

"How was Russia able to also conquer parts of Poland in the 16th and 17th century?”

Is this research question effective?

Yes, because it can be easily answered.
Yes, because it states the topic of the paper.
No, because it is indirectly linked to the topic.
No, because it includes repetitive information.


Yes, because it states the topic of that paper

Yes, because it states the topic of the paper. Therefore the research paper is effective.

What is the Russian conquest of Siberia?

The Khanate of Sibir was reduced to a loose governmental system of vassalages between 1580 and 1778 when Russian explorers began to threaten the Khanate's authority.

Siberia only really became a part of Russian history at the end of the sixteenth century. The first recorded Russian invasion into Siberia took place in 1581 when the Cossack hetman Ermak Timofeevich led a detachment across the Ural Mountains and swiftly routed the Siberian Khanate's army.

Russian expansion into Siberia was largely justified ideologically by the view that the Khanate of Sibir was formally incorporated into the Russian realm, giving Russia full legal dominion over the region extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.

The Circassian genocide, or Tsitsekun, was the methodical extermination of 80-97% of the Circassian population, or roughly 800,000-1,500,000 people, by the Russian Empire during and after the Russo-Circassian War (1763–1864).

To read more about the Russian conquest of Siberia, refer to -


Rewrite each sentence using the necessary punctuation marks. Remember to capitalize where appropriate.

I was writing all night I printed pages 1 20 what do you think




I was writing all night. I printed 1 - 20 pages. What do you think ?

which description best defines diction?
A. the grammar of a text
B. the word choice of an author
C. the definition of new words
D. the use of rhyme
PLZ HELP i will mark brainlist





The definition of new words is the description best defines diction. Hence, option C is correct.

What is diction?

For instance, formal language can sound like this in response to a request from someone: "I will address that issue right away." In contrast, informal language would be used to respond with something more casual like "You got it." Despite having the same meaning in both sentences, they have different tones.

Your word selection should be appropriate for your audience and goal. Application The three standard diction levels are formal, popular, and casual.

Word choice by a writer or speaker constitutes diction. There are many different kinds of diction, including formal, slang, informal, concrete, colloquial, and abstract diction. A good dictionary should contain precise and simple-to-understand words.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about diction, click here



So why do they have a lottery to begin with?
I don’t get that!
I don’t know.
Maybe because they accept it as fact;
it’s become part of their identity.
Well, someone tells Old Man Warner
that a neighboring village is giving up the lottery
and, believe it or not, he got angry about it.
He blamed it on the youth.
He says here, “Listening to the young folks,
nothing’s good enough for them.
Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living
in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while.”
As if stoning somebody in a public arena once a year
protects them?!
How ironic is that!
I mean, it’s the most Neanderthal thing you can do. Yeah!
And the worst part is, the lottery is so random, so
Let’s stick to Old Man Warner’s speech.
I mean, he goes on to give us a reason why the lottery is still
going on.
He says, “Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June,
corn be heavy soon.’ First thing you know,we’d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns.”

In this clip, Paige asks why the town has the lottery at all. How does Rebecca respond to the question? How does Miles provide relevant observations and ideas to bring the discussion back on topic? Explain.



The village lottery culminates in a violent murder each year, a bizarre ritual that suggests how dangerous tradition can be when people follow it blindly. Before we know what kind of lottery they’re conducting, the villagers and their preparations seem harmless, even quaint: they’ve appointed a rather pathetic man to lead the lottery, and children run about gathering stones in the town square. Everyone is seems preoccupied with a funny-looking black box, and the lottery consists of little more than handmade slips of paper. Tradition is endemic to small towns, a way to link families and generations. Jackson, however, pokes holes in the reverence that people have for tradition. She writes that the villagers don’t really know much about the lottery’s origin but try to preserve the tradition nevertheless.

The villagers’ blind acceptance of the lottery has allowed ritual murder to become part of their town fabric. As they have demonstrated, they feel powerless to change—or even try to change—anything, although there is no one forcing them to keep things the same. Old Man Warner is so faithful to the tradition that he fears the villagers will return to primitive times if they stop holding the lottery. These ordinary people, who have just come from work or from their homes and will soon return home for lunch, easily kill someone when they are told to. And they don’t have a reason for doing it other than the fact that they’ve always held a lottery to kill someone. If the villagers stopped to question it, they would be forced to ask themselves why they are committing a murder—but no one stops to question. For them, the fact that this is tradition is reason enough and gives them all the justification they need.

Villagers persecute individuals at random, and the victim is guilty of no transgression other than having drawn the wrong slip of paper from a box. The elaborate ritual of the lottery is designed so that all villagers have the same chance of becoming the victim—even children are at risk. Each year, someone new is chosen and killed, and no family is safe. What makes “The Lottery” so chilling is the swiftness with which the villagers turn against the victim. The instant that Tessie Hutchinson chooses the marked slip of paper, she loses her identity as a popular housewife. Her friends and family participate in the killing with as much enthusiasm as everyone else. Tessie essentially becomes invisible to them in the fervor of persecution. Although she has done nothing “wrong,” her innocence doesn’t matter. She has drawn the marked paper—she has herself become marked—and according to the logic of the lottery, she therefore must die.

Tessie’s death is an extreme example of how societies can persecute innocent people for absurd reasons. Present-day parallels are easy to draw, because all prejudices, whether they are based on race, sex, appearance, religion, economic class, geographical region, family background, or sexual orientation, are essentially random. Those who are persecuted become “marked” because of a trait or characteristic that is out of their control—for example, they are the “wrong” sex or from the “wrong” part of the country. Just as the villagers in “The Lottery” blindly follow tradition and kill Tessie because that is what they are expected to do, people in real life often persecute others without questioning why. As Jackson suggests, any such persecution is essentially random, which is why Tessie’s bizarre death is so universal.

Hope this helps, have a nice day! :D

If it did help please mark as brainliest!

how did the song "heal the world" affect you?​


MJ invites everyone to spread love all around us. Make a little place for love all around us.

aliah and kaitlynn and everyone else i know, i wont be on anymore.


I hope you feel better

the term ""fauves"" is derived from the french phrase meaning


the term "fauves" is derived from the French phrase meaning "Wild beasts"

Read the advertisement for employment.

Help Wanted: House sitter needed to watch house while owner is out of town. Job requires overnight stays two to three nights a week, some weeks more. Flexibility is required. Experience preferred. Submit references with résumé.

Use the details in the advertisement to answer the big-picture question: "Which person would most likely apply for this job?”




a college student who has some free time.


I will mark brainliest to the correct answer.



Tia - An Aunt

Mami - Mommy or a motherly figure

Munecas - I believe this means dolls

Melancolia - Melancholy or a sad feeling

Posadas - Inn, meaning a hotel/motel/inn

Nina - Grandmother

Which sentence uses a word incorrectly? Question 11 options: The sweet, ferocious kitten curled up happily in my lap. Derivations can be formed by adding prefixes to existing words. The exhausted climbers trudged up the treacherous mountain slope. The latest storm absolutely decimated the town square.



The sweet, ferocious kitten curled up happily in my lap.


Please help geniuses only I'm super embarrased to ask this​


Answer: Part A is D

Part B is A


Part A is D because it states how smartphones make students less activly evovled in a lesson. While Part B the answer is D because it help supports that smartphones are a distraction and make jobs harder for teachers.

Which two lines in the poem help the reader determine the theme?

A Life on the Ocean Wave

by Epes Sargent

A life on the ocean wave,

A home on the rolling deep,

Where the scattered waters rave,

And the winds their revels keep!

5 Like an eagle caged, I pine

On this dull, unchanging shore:

Oh! give me the flashing brine,

The spray and the tempest's roar!

Once more on the deck I stand

10 Of my own swift-gliding craft:

Set sail! farewell to the land!

The gale follows fair abaft.

We shoot through the sparkling foam

Like an ocean-bird set free;—

15 Like the ocean-bird, our home

We'll find far out on the sea.

The land is no longer in view,

The clouds have begun to frown;

But with a stout vessel and crew,

20 We'll say, Let the storm come down!

And the song of our



a life on the ocean wave and where the scarttered water rave


its the ones with pine and brine


got 100 on edmentum mastery

Which question most helps the reader to identify the central idea?

A:What facts are provided?
B: What is the text about?
C: What examples are provided?
D: What is the goal of reading the text?



what is the text about (b)


I think it's either what the text is about or what examples the text is about.


it's most likely what examples are provided. (srry I rlly tried to answer it the best that I could)

Dictionary entries for the words "principal" and "principle" showing the number of syllables, pronunciation, etymology, parts of speech and definition. Which sentence uses principal correctly? We learned the valuable principal of honesty from Dad. Our school principal is respected in the community. Madame Sofie taught her dancers the principals of ballet. Responsibility is one of life’s fundamental principals.



B: Our school principal is respected in the community.


I made a 100 on the test.


The answer is B!!! pls good reviews


"Kyle and his frog were happily eating a slice of yellow cake."

What part of speech is the word "his" in this sentence?







its a pronoun





its an adjective because "his" is modifying the word frog

write a letter to your uncle inviting him to your end of the year party


Hey Uncle [name],

Since it's getting close to the end of the year, the team and I decided to make a party! We're inviting everyone that we know and it would be nice if you came! Loads of fun will happen and it's gonna be at [friend's name] house on the last day on December. I'll text you the address if you don't know where it is, but I hope to see you there!


[your name]


Hello __(name)__,

I am having an end of the year party and I would like you to attend it will be set at __(time)__ pm/am and it will be at __(location)__. -__(your name)__.


(tell me if it needs to be longer or needs any adjustments and I will edit it)

Please Help With this question



I think its C / 3rd multiple choice



Why does President Kennedy use a very short sentence ("That statement was false^ prime prime ) after a very long sentence?
A. Because the President knew that the audience was not capable of listening to another really long sentence.

B. The President had been
speaking for so long, and he needed a break so he included a short sentence.

C. it is the pattern of the entire speech: 1 long sentence followed by 1 short sentence throughout the entire piece.

D.After a very long sentence, an extremely short one catches the listener's attention; he will listen more closely to it.



your answer is C


Which of the following sentences contains an action verb?

Marlene takes the subway to work every day.

Chinese history is incredibly interesting.

Dominic seems like a nice guy.

The band sounded great at the concert this evening.


Marlene takes the subway to work every day


there ya go :)

Marlene takes the subway to work everyday is the answer. “Takes” is an action verb because she’s doing something

Re-read Text C, The penguin lessons, in the insert and then answer Question 3 on this question paper. Question 3 Imagine you are a local journalist. Recent events have prompted you to write a magazine article about the need to better safeguard the area. Write the magazine article. In your article you should explain: the attractions of the local area and why people visit the problems affecting the area and the likely impact if things do not improve what Tom Michell did and why, and the result of his actions. Base your article on what you have read in Text C, but be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points. Begin your article with a suitable headline. Write about 250 to 350 words.​



look at the link and theres your answer


help with this question



B) Loving


The passage talks about how wonderful the author's little sister is.

Hope this helps :)

The answer is B. Loving Because the author is talking about his/her sister and how great she is and it sounds like he/she is very loving to his/her sister just by the tone. Hope this helps you!

What sentence states the central idea for patriotism?


The answer I would use is
Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland or the country and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment to create a feeling of oneness among the people.

I need the answer fast please .


Hi [friend's name],

Remember how I talked about joining a volunteer group? Well, I did it! I joined in our last school holiday! We join every week to help a lot of people and it’s so fun! I found out about the group by the newspaper. My father got it and he found a section that was just perfect for me. I joined the group right when I had the chance and I’m so glad I did! On our most recent meet, we went to nursing homes and we helped the elderly people there. We cleaned up the place a bit.

Anyways, you’ve got to join this group! It’s so fun and it’ll be even more fun doing it together! Sometimes we get to help clean up parks and we get to sort books in the library and we get to go up to kids and play with them. It gets tiring sometimes, but it’ll be worth it. I hope you join the group because you get to make more friends and it’s very satisfying helping the community.

Well, that’s all! Hope to see you at the next volunteer meeting!


[Your name]

Total word count: 193 (excluding this)

Which sentence is not a run on sentence
I have never lived away from home in fact i have never spent the night away from home.
a.I have never lived away from home, in fact i have never spent the night away from home.
b. I have never lived away from home; in fact, i have never spent the night away from home.
c. I have never lived away from home, in fact, i have never spent the night away from home.
d. I have never lived away from home, in fact; i have never spent the night away from home.



C (I think)



C I thing most likely

Yesterday afternoon i (go) _____ to visit the Parker family. When i (get) _____ there arount two o’clock, Mrs. Parker (be) _____ in the yard. She (plant) _____ flowers in her garden. Mr. Parker (be) _____ in the garage. He (work) _____ on their car. He (change) _____ the oil. The children (play) in the front yard. In other words, while Mr. Parker (fix) _____ the oil in the car, the children (play) _____ with a ball in the yard.





1. Went

2. Got

3. Was

4. Worked


6. Played


8. Played

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