It is March 15, in the year 2514. The people of former New York are in desperate circumstances. They are being overrun, and they are losing hope. The banners proclaiming a Free the Real NYC lie in the gutters, trampled by terrified and panicked citizens. Two teens– or kidz, as they are called now– are on their way home from a secret meeting. As they walk in the shadows to avoid detection, they both trip on a huge titanium cylinder. Etched into the surface are a series of scratched-out words. The only words they can make out are, "he will prevail." They drag the heavy cylinder into a hidden alleyway and twist it open. The glow from their flashlights reveals the contents of the cylinder. With gasps of relief, they look at each other with hope in their eyes for the first time in years.
Adam and Bridget were walking home one night from a Free the Real NYC meeting. They were walking in the shadows to avoid being caught by the curfew police when they tripped over a huge titanium cylinder. There were three words etched on it that they could read. "He will prevail?", Bridget asked quizzed, "What's that supposed to mean?" Out of curiosity, Adam opened the container. They shone their flashlights at the titanium cylinder as they gasped in awe and relief. It was a news article from December 13, 2505! It was written about how the leader of the formerly NYC was planning to build a machine that could wipe out the entire city! They rushed back to the secret base of the Free the Real NYC resistance. They put the container on the table. Now that it was in better lighting, they could read the rest of the etchings. They read ψοφώ, Greek for "I'm dying." They learn that the etching was written by the founder of the resistance, Henry Gihigal. He wrote it when the leader of the Cultists, Tabea Thomas, was torturing him with methods unheard of. He wrote the "He will prevail" section speaking of the resistance. The "ψοφώ" was to tell the resistance to choose a new leader. They started planning their attack to make sure that the machine was destroyed.

Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Narrative Organization Chart and your introduction (exposition), you will write the middle (rising action and climax) of your narrative story.

Important note: You will submit your introduction and middle for this assignment.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

Review the ideas you wrote in your Narrative Organization Chart and your introduction.
Include your introduction paragraph with your middle paragraphs.
Using ideas from your chart, write the middle of your narrative: the rising action and climax.
Make sure you include:
two sensory descriptions
two events
the climax event
Write 300 words or more in the middle of your story and write in the third person point of view.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 03.07 The Middle of Your Story.

Some very kind human did the middle one for me thank you so now all i need is the ending 75 words or more will give brainliest

(I already did the first part i just need someone to do the end for me also read the paragraph to get a full understanding and reading the questions as you do your paragraph the final paragraph must have 75 words or more for the ending and thats all i need this is due today so please hurry thank you.)


Answer 1
the answer is nobody’s gonna read all that to help you
Answer 2
I fail my exam I hope all ur pillow are warm and you stub ur toe walking to the bathroom than miss the toilet and land in ur pee also if I can’t pass you can’t either :|

Related Questions


ABC Order and Definitions













13.attention *








ABC Order and Definitions

Write down 50 affixes containing the sufffix:

-tion/ ation




1: Antagonist- A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

2: Attention- Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.

3: Dam- A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, forming a reservoir used to generate electricity or as a water supply.

4: Elasticized- Of a garment or part of a garment made with rubber thread or tape and able to be stretched easily.

5: Essay- A short piece of writing on a particular subject.

6: Exposition- A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

7: Fragrance- A pleasant, sweet smell.

8: Giddily- Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.

9: Interval- An intervening time or a pause.

10: Invitation- A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.

11: Minutely- With great attention to detail; meticulously.

12: Mutter- Say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.

13: Narrator- A person who narrates something, especially a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative poem.

14: Onomatopoeia- The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle).

15: Protagonist- The leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc.

16: Pudgy- Part of someone's body that is rather fat.

17: Stance- The way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in cricket, golf, and other sports); a person's posture.

18: Stretched- Something soft or elastic made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.

19: Swirled- Something that moves in a twisting or spiralling pattern.

20: Vision- The faculty or state of being able to see.


Pheww took me like an hour


1: Antagonist- A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

2: Attention- Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.

3: Dam- A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, forming a reservoir used to generate electricity or as a water supply.

4: Elasticized- Of a garment or part of a garment made with rubber thread or tape and able to be stretched easily.

5: Essay- A short piece of writing on a particular subject.

6: Exposition- A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

7: Fragrance- A pleasant, sweet smell.

8: Giddily- Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.

9: Interval- An intervening time or a pause.

10: Invitation- A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.

11: Minutely- With great attention to detail; meticulously.

12: Mutter- Say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.

13: Narrator- A person who narrates something, especially a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative poem.

14: Onomatopoeia- The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle).

15: Protagonist- The leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc.

16: Pudgy- Part of someone's body that is rather fat.

17)Stance- The way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in cricket, golf, and other sports); a person's posture.

18) Stretched- Something soft or elastic made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.

19)Swirled- move in a twisting or spiraling pattern.

20) Vision- The faculty or state of being able to see.

Please mark the person on top or me as brainliest we both look atleast an hour or more but I reccomend to mark the person on top as brainiest bc he answered first but enjoy the answers and hope you get your question right!

Directions:Choose the correct verb from the best completes the sentences
1 My sister _________on the team at her school (run,runs)
2 The car __________slowly down the road (drive,drives)
3 Lena and jade _________ the ball back and forth (throw,throws)
4 our class _________quietly at lunch (talk,talks)
5 Third grade teacher_________all the subject (teach,teaches)


1. runs
2. drives
3. throw
4. talks
5. teaches



My sister runs on the team at her school.

The car drives slowly down the road.

Lena and Jade throw the ball back and forth.

Our class talks quietly at lunch.

Third grade teacher teaches all the subject.

Excerpt from Run with the Horseman Ferrol Sams The family was poor. It was "poor but proud." The confused boy grew up thinking one should be proud of being poor. One of the in-laws slipped around occasionally and made liquor. He had plenty of cash, did not read books, and was tolerated but not admired. A cousin had surrendered to the boll weevil, moved out of the county, and bought Coca-Cola stock. He was rich, but there was unspoken disdain for him because he had left the land. The grandparents told horror stories of having to boil dirt from under the smokehouse to retrieve salt after the Yankees had been on the land. They had learned to eat a weed called poke salad as a means of survival in those days, a custom that they passed on as a springtime ritual of communion to their descendants. Things apparently got a little better for awhile, but then the Great Depression hit the South like aftershock from the earthquake of Reconstruction, and the children knew poverty firsthand. They also, however, knew pride. No one in the county had any money to spend, and there was a security of blood that transcended the possession of material things. When one is convinced that one is to the manor born, the actual physical condition of the manor itself is of negligible importance.
Which best expresses the irony present in this passage?

A) It is ironic that the family is poor, yet still is proud.
B) It is ironic that one of the in-laws in the family slipped around occasionally and made liquor.
C) It is ironic that one of the boy's relatives had moved out of the county, bought Coca-Cola stock, and become rich.
D) It is ironic that they boy's family had learned to eat a weed called poke salad as a means of survival after the Civil War



I think its b sorry if its wrong


Personally, I think you’re best option is (A) It is ironic that the family is poor, yet still proud. I’m quite confident that that is you’re answer

List three character aspects about the Flop hated Misha.

NEED HELP RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Fat, smelled like mint,liked to kill children with his belly


hope it works


Fat, smelled like mint, liked to kill children with his belly


hope this helps!!

I have a D in language art can yall help me plsssssssss


Yes I’m in honors what is there
Yes i can help you i get A’s in English and I’m in all honors classes

Which feature of the Roman Republic's government is also a feature of the United States' government?

1. a Senate with 300 members appointed by the head of government

2. the ability to appoint a dictator to power in time of crisis

3. a three-branch government with legislative, executive, and judicial arms

4. a group of praetors who acted as judges in courts of law



1) a senate


In the roman republic they used to have a senate which were comprised of retired magistrates. this is similar to us' government

Your answer is 3./C. a three-branch government, NOT 1./A. a senate with 300 members…

Again, 3. Three branch government, not 1.

How do we know that some pattern, rhythm, or meter was present in some of the Psalms?

Many psalms were sung.
The first line of the Psalm states the pattern.
Many musical words and notes are used in the psalms.
Rhythm is detected when a psalm is read aloud.


Answer: Many musical words and notes were used in the Psalms

Which phrase best defines a sitcom?

a series of interconnected episodes following a set group of characters

a series of self-contained episodes following a set group of characters

a stand-alone episode designed to gauge interest in a show

a series of self-contained episodes following a rotating group of characters



set group of characters

a series of self-contained episodes following a set group of characters


on usually weekly ,and in sucession

Answer: C

A stand alone episode designed to gauge interest in a show

Describe a time in the discussion when you learned something new and changed or added to the idea with your own thoughts.



say something about a class


maybe you could say something along the lines of " in(insert class name) we learned about... .... and I thought something different of it before we learned more on it, but now that I learned more, I finally understand and it changed my perspective on it ."




















ABC Order and Definitions

Extra Credit
Write down 45 affixes containing the sufffix:


What is the direction? I can't answer without the directions


Alphabetic order:

1: audience: the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting.

2: circumstantial: pointing indirectly toward someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it.

3:conclusion: the end or finish of an event or process.

4: contagion: the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.

5: emotional: relating to a person's emotions.

6: fleeting: lasting for a very short time.

7: focus: the center of interest or activity, the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.

8: format: the way in which something is arranged or set out.

9: influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

10: introduction: a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name.

11: mentorship: the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution.

12: normal: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. The usual, average, or typical state or condition.

13: participate: take part in an action or endeavour.

14: positive: consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence. Constructive, optimistic, or confident. A good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute.

15: purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. To have as one's intention or objective.

16: react: respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.

17: shift: move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance.

18: specify: identify clearly and definitely. To state a fact or requirement clearly and precisely.

19: thesis: a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. A long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a college degree.

45 words ending in or, ness, or ment

1: mayor

2: supervisor.

3: contractor.

4: competitor.

5: prosecutor.

6: ambassador.

7: instructor.

8: integrator.

9: kindness

10: nearsightedness

11: warmheartedness

12: halfheartedness

13: kindheartedness

14: ineffectiveness

15: attentiveness

16: inattentiveness

17: movement

18: acknowledgement

19: micromanagement

20: overdevelopment

21: underemployment

22: extinguishment

23: judgement

24: advertisement

25: encouragement

26: establishment

27: labor

28: tutor

29: accelerator

30: minor

31: actor

32: predecessor.

33: incinerator.

34: commentator.

35: thickness

36: coldheartedness

37: descriptiveness

38: unpleasantness

39: ridiculousness

40: effortlessness

41: outrageousness

42: infectiousness

43: rebelliousness

44: document

45: shipment

It is important to recognize stereotypes in multimedia. FALSE TRUE





True. Stereotypes are an important thing we all have seen or heard of. It is important to recognize them.

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men.

Which quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Anthony’s words?

A: It was we, the people . . . the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men.

B: It was we, the people . . . not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity

C: It was we . . . the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men.

D:It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty . . . to the whole people—women as well as men.





it is the only one that reads correctly with the original meaning of the passage

The quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Anthony’s words is It was we, the people . . . the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men.

What do you mean by Citizen?

A citizen is a person who legitimately resides in a nation and is accorded that nation's privileges and protections

Women should be regarded as having the same value as males. We should provide young females with the same possibilities for school and other pursuits that we do for boys. Men and women would have healthier relationships if women's rights were improved, and society as a whole would be better.

Men are more analytical, intellectual, and logical. Women are more comprehensive, integrative, intuitive, and creative. The expressing of feelings in their presence might make men feel quite threatened since they have a much harder time connecting with their own feelings.

Therefore, Option (A) is correct.

Learn more about Citizen, here;


What does the last sentence of Chapter 18 show?

1. Brian accomplished his goal.

2. Brian would now be rescued.

3. Brian failed.

4. Brian cannot last much longer alone in the wilderness.


1. Brian accomplished his goal.

Explain the process of amending a state constitution. Describe the initiative and referendum processes.



1.The process of amending a state constitution is the following:

Before describing it, it is important for you to know that each state of the U.S. has its own rules and procedures that administer the way its constitution should be amended.

These are some of the ways a state constitution can be amend:

It can be changed through judicial action. It happens when a federal court proclaim that some part of the constitution is unconstitutional under the U.S constitution.

Another way is going through a legislatively-referred constitutional amendment.

This method is only approved by 18 states and it is: by the way of an initiated constitutional amendment.

Only in Florida is allowed to amend the constitution through a commission-referred amendment process.

Only in Delaware can be possible to do it through direct action of the state legislature, and

Last it can be done by a constitutional convention.

 2. Initiative process: This process that allows all the citizens of a state pass over their local legislature and propose a constitutional or statute amendment. There are two types of initiative, direct and indirect.

  3. Referendum process: Permits citizens to vote on a law that had passed by the legislature to stop it from taking effect. There are two types of referendums, the legislative and the popular.


1. The process of amending a state constitution is the following: Before describing it, it is important for you to know that each state of the U.S. has its own rules and procedures that administer the way its constitution should be amended. These are some of the ways a state constitution can be amend: It can be changed through judicial action. It happens when a federal court proclaim that some part of the constitution is unconstitutional under the U.S constitution. Another way is going through a legislatively-referred constitutional amendment. This method is only approved by 18 states and it is: by the way of an initiated constitutional amendment. Only in Florida is allowed to amend the constitution through a commission-referred amendment process. Only in Delaware can be possible to do it through direct action of the state legislature, and Last it can be done by a constitutional convention.   2. Initiative process: This process that allows all the citizens of a state pass over their local legislature and propose a constitutional or statute amendment. There are two types of initiative, direct and indirect.    3. Referendum process: Permits citizens to vote on a law that had passed by the legislature to stop it from taking effect. There are two types of referendums, the legislative and the popular.

Explanation: your welcome :) I redid it so I'm not copying the school work.

plz help me..

In my town, the Chinese Cultural Center offers language lessons on Saturday mornings from 9 to noon. My parents were born in China, but I wasn’t. My parents were educated in a Chinese language called Mandarin, but I go to a school where we all speak English. As a result, my family worries that even if we speak Chinese together at home (and we usually do), I might not truly understand our culture or learn how to read or write enough Chinese characters to be literate and fluent.

The narrator's parents

I. were born in China
II. spoke Mandarin at school
III. never learned English

I only

II only

I and II only

I, II, and III


It’s c, they where born in China *check*
We’re taught in Mandarin, *check*
And they know ELA. Reason why, they USALLY speak Madarin. Not always, but most of the time.

How can I tell the difference between complete sentences and run - on sentences ?



A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly. eg. : I would write one every day if I had the time. One common type of run-on sentence is a comma splice. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined with just a comma.

Hope that helps. x


One of the easiest ways to tell is try reading the sentence out loud. You shouldn't be running out of breath reading a sentence. Another way is when there is a new point being made, or a slight change in the topic or subject, and there is a period, or comma missing, that would be a run on sentence.

Example below

Another way is when there is a new point being made or a slight change in the topic or subject and there is a period or comma missing that would be a run on sentence.

How did Brian's attitude toward the hatchet change from earlier in the novel?

1. Brian understands that the hatchet is the invaluable key to his survival.

2. Brian determines that the hatchet may not be as important as he thinks.

3. Brian realizes that keeping the hatchet with him was more challenging than he thought it would be.

4. Brian regrets accepting the hatchet as a gift from his mother


I think the answer is #1.


its ether #2 or #3


i hope this helps you!

According to Misha at the beginning of ch.22, how has his identity changed once again?

He is now known as the flop-flattener and is feared in the Ghetto

He is rid himself of his Gypsy identity and adopted the last Milgrom

He has returned to the name StopThief because Thefts on the other side of the wall



Answer:   Janina is a young Jewish girl, seven years old at the beginning of the novel, whom Misha befriends when he wanders into her backyard and steals a tomato from her garden. She’s Mr. and Mrs. Milgrom’s daughter and Shinsel’s niece. Janina has curly hair and huge brown eyes. Upon meeting Misha, she invites him to her birthday party. She and Misha reunite during the march to the ghetto, when Misha attaches himself to her family. Janina is spirited, willful, and very spoiled. She can even be quite bratty, screaming at her sick mother, throwing Misha’s belongings over the ghetto wall, and trying to get him into trouble. Janina is also stubborn, determined, and brave.


Which reference work would be most helpful in finding other forms of the noun torrent?

an encyclopedia

a thesaurus

a dictionary

a glossary




Use the passage to complete the activity.

Claim: Wolves no longer need protection.

Tension exists between the ranchers who feel threatened by wolves and the conservationists who want to see wolves protected. Many ranchers want to remove federal protections for the gray wolves. They want to allow hunting again. They point to increased wolf populations in several states. Numbers have grown from under 1,000 to more than 5,000. The increase has led to more wolf attacks on sheep and cattle. Conservationists say that current wolf packs and populations are not at all stable. They point to the fact that wolves neared extinction before laws protecting them were enacted. Allowing hunting could eliminate the gains.

In 3 to 5 sentences, explain whether the author's evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claim. Explain how the author could make the paragraph stronger.

(4 points)


Yes,Because the author has strong supporting details and factual evidence like the wolves have grown from under 1000 to 5000. The author also supports there claim with evidence about more wolves attacking sheep and cattle causing less gain for cattle.the text has a strong support of the hunting of wolves and has an even stronger evidence to support their claim.

Read the text The History of Ice Cream:

(1) I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Who doesn't love a nice, cold scoop of ice cream on a warm day? For thousands of years, ice cream has been a decadent dessert loved by most people around the world.

(2) There is some argument about who first invented ice cream. Some believe that ice cream was invented by the Chinese people anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 years ago. They created a recipe of frozen milk and rice that was served as a dessert. Persia has also been credited with first serving frozen desserts. Over 2,000 years ago, the wealthy people of Persia enjoyed shaved ice from the mountains, covered with grape juice. They later learned to freeze rosewater and add different fruit toppings. These desserts were considered delicacies that only the richest families could experience. About 1,000 years after this, there is evidence that suggested Nero, the Roman Emperor, also enjoyed frozen treats and demanded that a constant supply of ice from the mountains be available to him. He liked to add honey to the top of his dessert.

(3) Ice cream as we know it can be traced back to the 9th century in Arab cities, such as Baghdad, Damascus, and Cairo. Near the end of the 13th century, Marco Polo returned to Italy after his travels through China with news of a frozen creamed dessert. In Europe, ice cream could only be found in Italy. Then, in 1533, Italian noblewoman Catherine de'Medici of Italy married Henry II of France. As Queen, Catherine introduced ice cream to France. Soon, the popularity of the dessert spread across all of Europe.

(4) The first recorded account of ice cream in the United States was in 1744. In a written letter, a guest of Maryland Governor William Bladen detailed a delicious frozen dessert featuring strawberries and milk. The invention of electricity and manufacturing meant that ice cream could be made and kept much more easily, and the popularity of the frozen treat grew quickly across the country.

(5) To start, ice cream was served in a dish. It wasn't until the late 19th century that the ice cream cone made its first appearance. As with ice cream itself, there has always been some controversy over who the true inventor of the ice cream cone was. It is claimed that in 1896, a man by the name of Italo Marchiony invented the ice cream cone in New York City. He was granted a patent for this cup-shaped invention in 1903. Then, in 1904, ice cream was served in a true conical-shaped cone by Ernest Hamwi at the St. Louis World Fair. Whoever the true inventor was, the discovery caught on, and by 1924, Americans were eating over 200 million ice cream cones a year!

Read the text "How Ice Cream Is Made":

Ice cream is a frozen blend of sweetened cream and air with added flavoring. This is how it is made commercially.

Necessary Ingredients:

Dairy products, including milk, cream, and butter fat




Approved additives to prevent ice crystals during production process

Production Steps:

Step 1: To start, the ingredients are carefully measured and then combined together. The dairy ingredients, solids, and additives are blended well to ensure the liquid and dry components are completely mixed.

Step 2: Next, the mix is pasteurized. This means it is heated to high temperatures to remove any bacteria which could be found in the raw ingredients. Pasteurization can occur at 155°F for 30 minutes or 175°F for 25 seconds. The temperatures used to pasteurize ice cream need to be higher than those used for milk because the mixture includes high-fat dairy sources, sweeteners, and egg yolks.

Step 3: Following pasteurization, the ice cream mix is homogenized. This occurs when the fat globules in the cream are broken down into smaller parts through vigorous mixing. Once homogenized, the ice cream should be very smooth and uniform, meaning free of bubbles. Now the ice cream will be easier to whip and will not melt as fast.

Step 4: The next step is to let the ice cream mixture stand for at least four hours. During this time, the fat cools and forms crystals.

Step 5: A special barrel freezer is then used to gradually freeze the ice cream. The machine also pumps clean air into the mix. This keeps the ice cream soft and allows it to absorb the different flavorings. Without the air, the mixture would become as hard as an ice cube.

Step 6: During freezing, flavoring can be added. Ice cream flavors have moved on from plain vanilla and chocolate to include hundreds of combinations using fruit, nuts, candy, cookies, and other baked goods.

Step 7: Finally, the ice cream is packaged and put into a blast freezer where the temperature is between -22 to -40 Fahrenheit.

How does paragraph 4 of The History of Ice Cream relate to Step 7 of "How Ice Cream Is Made"?



The paragraph 4 and step 7 relate to how electricity made the packing and storing of ice cream easier.


Step 7 says ".. ice cream is packaged and put into a blast freezer." This relates to paragraph 4 by the statement "The invention of electricity and manufacturing meant that ice cream could be made and kept much more easily.  

Someone helps me with this question please! I will give brainliest

Read the lyrics from Natalie Merchant's song "Wonder."

with love, with patience and with faith
she'll make her way

How might these words have inspired the author of the novel Wonder?

They may have made the author decide that August's mother should have only two children, because raising a lot of children is hard work.
They may have inspired the author to make August's character have to be homeschooled and his sister's character be able to go to a regular school.
They may have made the author decide that August's character should be a boy to avoid any confusion between the novel and the song.
They may have inspired the author to make August's character strong enough to face the challenges of a new school with the loving support of his family.



They may have inspired the author to make August's character strong enough to face the challenges of a new school with the loving support of his family


it seems most accurate


In Natalie Merchant's song Wonder, she sings about a girl who will make her way "with love, with patience, and with faith". These very words may have inspired the author to make the young boy Auggie's character strong enough to be able to overcome the challenges that he will face in the new school. Added to that, the support of his loving family members, even his own sister Olivia will also help him face the challenges. So yes it may have influenced the author to make August's personality strong enough to face challenges


brain brain pleaseeeeee :)

How do we know that some pattern, rhythm, or meter was present in some of the Psalms?

Many psalms were sung.
The first line of the Psalm states the pattern.
Many musical words and notes are used in the psalms.
Rhythm is detected when a psalm is read aloud.



Many musical words and notes are used in the psalms.

Many psalms were sung.


"Psalms" is one of the 66 books in the Bible of the Christian faith. They contain songs or praise and worship which are mostly written by David, the then king of Israel.

The name "Psalm' is derived from a Greek translation, "psalmoi" meaning "instrumental music, or words accompanying the music". The psalms of the Bible are also lyrical songs of praise that can be sung or recited as verses. The presence of musical words, notes and the very nature of the lyrics shows that there are some patterns, rhythm or even meter in the Psalms.

Why is this happening again. Help. -_-
How is the conflict in a novel different from the conflict in a short story?
Characters in a novel resolve the conflict right away.
In a novel, the conflict is much harder to figure out.
In a novel, the conflict always involves a disagreement.
Characters in a novel face the same conflict over and over.


B or much harder to figure out. Novels are much longer than short stories so the conflict is usually harder. Hope this helps.


Characters face the same conflict over and over


That one main conflict has to last the whole novel, so the characters keep facing that conflict, even if it’s not head on

A cliche can be describe as:

a new idea
a form of fiction
a meaningful phrase
a tired, overused expression


Answer: here


A tired, overused expression

Overused expression. Describes an unimaginative idea or action

In the outsiders, list 3 things that wouldn't have happened if Dallas (Dally) dint die.
how would the story change?


the book wouldn't have been written as an essay to the teacher

ponyboy wouldnt have passed out

ponyboy wouldnt have almost failed the grade

not only would the final part of the story be extremely underwhelming, but there wouldnt be a story to begin with if ponyboy hadnt failed that class from grief and felt the need to prove himself.

1. Pony boy probably wouldn’t
have passed out

2. Ponyboy wouldn’t have written the book for his english project

3. The greasers wouldn’t have their prospective of the story told

Briefly explain, using paraphrased text support and a quote, why you believe Nye chose prose to convey her ideas in the story, "Allied with Green."



A narrator used a variety of prose to convey her ideas in the story, "Allied with Green."

*The narrator wrote with a sense of urgency and persuasion by incorporating various metaphors throughout the piece.

"The earth is just as cold as me, but somehow it doesn't put up a fight." This phrase captures the intensity of her mood when she feels hopeless. The author uses rhetoric to draw sympathy from readers and make them feel like they are inside her mind.

which sentence best describes voice rather than style?


b or d
pretty sure D


make sure you give more context so it is easier to answer, but I think it might be a


if it is not correct then I apologize

What is the best way to think about setting?

a. The mood and feeling of the story’s surroundings
b. The location where a story takes place
c. The time when a story takes place
d. All of the above


d. all of the above

Choose the indirect object in the sentence.

Adnan loaned Bruce his bicycle last Saturday.



The answer is Bruce

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