In what way were the mongols affected by China?


Answer 1
The mongols united a divided china.
Answer 2


Until about 20 years ago, most scholars of Mongol-era China emphasized the destructive influence of Mongol rule. One major scholar of Chinese history even wrote: "The Mongols brought violence and destruction to all aspects of China's civilization.


can you me as brainliest if its right? i need 10000 points and 35 brainliest's to rank up to genius

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Which of the following was the key evidence against Sacco? He had been seen committing the crime by witnesses. His cap was found near the crime scene. He had been in trouble with the police for his political activities. One of the bullets was said to have been fired from his gun.


The key evidence against Sacco is that one of his gun bullets was said to have been fired from his gun.

Sacco along with Vanzetti, were charged for robbery and murder offence at a shoe factory in South Braintree.

South Braintree is In Massachusetts state where murder trials are quickly performed.

The key evidence against Sacco is that one of his gun bullets was said to have been fired from his gun.

In conclusion, the Option D is correct.

Read more about Evidence against Sacco


D. One of the bullets was said to have been fired from his gun.


Experts testified that a bullet fired during the crime was fired through Sacco's pistol. The gun found on Vanzetti at the time of his arrest resembled one that the guard was carrying at the time he was shot.

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Just saying you know if you search it then you could find the answer in case u didnt know

when was the virginia house of burgesses established


the house of burgesses was established on july 30 1619

One shared cause of the French and American Revolutions was their desire to end



there oppresses


in both wars they were trying to leave the monarchy behind and  run a democratic country

How did Daoism contradict the philosophy of legalism. A Daoism taught that common people should make the laws. B. Daoism that only nature's that only nature's laws are good. C. Daoism taught that the priests should guide the emperor. D.Daoism taught that obedience was the greatest virtue.​


Answer: Eventually, the people of Ancient China revolted and Legalism ended. Daoism was much less focused on politics. The idea behind it is that humans need to be connected with "the dao" or "the way of nature." It's all about the balance of good and bad in the world: the yin and the yang. According to Daoism, having money and power does not matter.


What kind of a trial does the Seventh Amendment guarantee citizens?
O televised
O jury
O political
O public



The right to a jury


All citizens have the right to a jury in court. Which is stated by the 7th amendment.

It is political because it is part of the citizens

Five most valuable artifacts in Europe



at can be found around the world:

Greywacke Statue Tribute to Isis.

Harrington Commode.

Goddard-Townsend Antique Secretary Desk.

Pinner Qing Dynasty Vase.

Rosetta Stone.

Diamond Panther Bracelet.

Napoleon's Gold-Encrusted Sword.


Which statement describes what must occur before a bill becomes a law in Georgia?


Answer: The Governor may sign the bill or do nothing, and the bill becomes law. If the Governor vetoes the bill, two-thirds of the members are needed to override a veto. Acts and other laws enacted at the session are printed in the Georgia Laws series. Also,the act  incorporated into the official code of Georgia Annoted.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

Choose all of the items that are associated with U.S. homefront during World War I.
A) the Alien Act
B) the Sedition Act
C) the Espionage Act
D) Schenck v. United States
E) internment camps for Japanese Americans



the sedition act and the espionage act.

What kinds of conflicts could emerge in an empire as diverse as the Hapsburg Empire?


The hapsburg empire face a lot of of trouble when trying unifying the empire physically as well as ideologically. This is because of the diverse nature of the people.

Different regions posses;

different religionslanguages cultures.worldviews.

Habsburg Empire can be regarded as modern umbrella that covers numerous lands as well as kingdoms of the Habsburg dynasty.

Therefore, Habsburg Empire face trouble of uniting people.

learn more about Habsburg Empire at:

I would like some help



B. Sketchbook


To what extent was the availability of credit the main cause of the “boom” of the 1920s?

Explain why?



The development of credit in the 1920s is a significant contributing factor to the economic boom. The introduction of credit enabled consumers to buy goods they otherwise would not have been able to afford and therefore meant more sales for companies fuelling the boom

who was president at the beginning of the gold rush in 1848?



James K. Polk



President James Polk


President James Polk if I'm not mistaken...

Diferencia entre el significado original el romántico y el actual término cultura



Romanticism is a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century and culture is a relation to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society.


Which concern of the colonists led to the American Revolution?

Question 1 options:

Opposition to British tax policies

Fear of attacks by American Indians

Increasing immigration from countries other than Britain

Desire for greater religious freedom

Question 2 (1 point)
What law prohibited the colonist from moving West of the Appalachian Mountains after the French and Indian War?
Question 2 options:

Stamp Act

Intolerable Acts

Proclamation of 1763

Townshend Acts

Question 3 (1 point)
Why were tax laws like the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and Townshend Acts passed by England?

Question 3 options:

To help the colonist become more independent

To help colonist make a better life for themselves

To pay off war debt from the French and Indian War

To ensure that their self-government worked

Question 4 (1 point)
Why were colonist upset about the tax laws?

Question 4 options:

They wanted to get rid of Mercantilism

They lacked representation in Parliament

They did not have the finances to pay the taxes

They wanted separation of church and state

Question 5 (1 point)
What is considered the first battle of the American Revolution?

Question 5 options:

Battles of Lexington & Concord

Battle of Yorktown

Battles of Saratoga

Battle of Trenton

Question 6 (1 point)
What battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution because the victory encouraged the French to join the American side?
Question 6 options:

Battles of Lexington & Concord

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Yorktown

Battles of Saratoga

Question 7 (1 point)
During the winter of 1777-1778, Washington and his army faced many hardships. What were they?

Question 7 options:


Harsh Weather


All of the above

Question 8 (1 point)
According to the Declaration of Independence, from what SOURCE does the government get its power?

Question 8 options:

the king

the president

the consent of the governed

the military

Question 9 (1 point)
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

Question 9 options:

To declare war on France

To declare the reasons the colonist wanted to separate from England

To outline the structure for a new government

To describe the new rights Americans would have

Question 10 (6 points)
Match the correct person to their description.

Question 10 options:

Leader of the Boston Tea Party and the Sons of Liberty.

He led the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

He wrote "Common Sense" to encourage the colonies to break from England.

He was the 1st patriot killed at the Boston Massacre.

He wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

He helped as a diplomat in Europe to negotiate the Treaty of Paris (1783).

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

Samuel Adams

Thomas Paine

Crispus Attucks

John Adams

Question 11 (1 point)
Why did the Boston Tea Party occur?

Question 11 options:

because the British loved tea and the colonist knew this

because the rebels thought tea was only suppose to be for the Navy

because the British refused to lift the high tax on tea

the sons of liberty found they were bored and decided to protest

Question 12 (1 point)
Colonist formed different protest groups to provoke the British and fight for independence. Which of the following is the name for one of those groups?

Question 12 options:

Sons of Liberty

Continental Children

Freedom Fighters

Revolutionary Rebels

Question 13 (3 points)
Match the correct description to its term.

Question 13 options:

colonists were required to house troops and feed them

placed new taxes and took away some freedoms from the colonists.

import tax on molasses, sugar, wine & coffee

Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Townshend Act






"Use the table to describe each of the movements and their point of view regarding the US policy of neutrality from 1914 to 1917.

(The Preparedness Movement) | (The Woman's Peace Party)



The Preparedness Movement

The Preparedness Movement was founded in the US shortly after war broke out in Europe in 1914. Adherents of the Preparedness Movement urged the US to strengthen its military power and also thought that the US should become engaged in World War I. The movement held summer camps to train future military officers. It was led in part by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood.

The Woman's Peace Party

This group was one of many that wanted the United States to stay neutral in the war. The party, which was created in 1915, feared that increased militarism in the US would lead the country to war. Led by activist Jane Addams, the party wrote a letter to President Wilson urging him to focus on finding a diplomatic, rather than military, solution to the war in Europe.



which international agreement renounced war as an instrument of national policy?


Answer: Kellogg-Briand Pact

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

The Kellogg-Briand Pact, which stipulated that all international disputes would be resolved peacefully, was eventually ratified by almost all of the world's states as a result of Kellogg's proposal.

What is Kellogg-Briand Pact?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact or Pact of Paris, also known as the General Treaty for Renunciation of War like an Instrument of National Policy, is an international peace treaty that was signed in 1928 and states that were signatories agreed not to use war to settle "disputes or conflicts of whatever form or of whatever origin they may be, which may occur among them."

On August 27, 1928, Germany, France, and the United States signed the pact. The majority of other nations quickly followed. The Pact, which was sponsored by France and the United States, is named for its creators, French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand and United States Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg. The agreement, which was reached outside of the League of Nations, is still in force.

Learn more about Kellogg-Briand Pact, from:


how did the versailles treaty sow the seed of revenge in Germany​



The seeds of Second World War were sown in the treaty of Versailles. It was because the treaty was forced on Germany after her defeat in the First World war. ... S he had to pay a huge war indemnity and her mineral rich areas of Saar and Rhineland was occupied by France.


The Mediterranean fruit fly came into Florida, ruining the fresh fruit before it could be picked off of the tree in what year?


Answer: the answer is 1929


why people believe ONLY one person fired shots at JFK.



The ongoing media frenzy over the release of documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy highlights the public fascination with JFK and his death, all these years later. Do the documents add to our understanding of the assassination, the motives of the assassin, or the possibility of conspiracy?

The declassified materials are part of a debate that began with the 1964 Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, popularly known as the Warren Commission. Established by President Lyndon Johnson one week after the assassination, it concluded, after nearly 10 months of investigation, that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, had fired three bullets from the sixth floor of the school depository building. It found that Oswald’s death 48 hours later at the hands local nightclub owner Jack Ruby was an act of spontaneous revenge.


What is the answer to this I really need it the other option is 32





first find a by equating the two expressions





Now sub in a in CD




which slave state remained in the union during the u.s. civil war?



Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, and Kentucky


The slave states that stayed in the Union, Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, and Kentucky (called border states) remained seated in the U.S. Congress. By the time the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863, Tennessee was already under Union control.

Hemp help help help last one



It's most likely Montesquieu because he thought that governments should be run in e certain system like the United States.


In what ways this skirmish considered both a victory and defeat? What is the outcome of the Battle of Fort Necessity considered to​



Other accounts suggest that Jumonville was shot and killed in the skirmish. In the aftermath of the battle, Washington and his men retreated and hastily constructed Fort Necessity, where Washington was forced to surrender to attacking French forces a month later. The French and Indian War emerged from this series of blunders.


why did the federal government create this program in 1933?



To help the unemployed find work, by creating jobs.


What can people do if the government does not honor these truths?

Maintain the same government

Elect new leaders

Support a new king

Change or overthrow the existing government
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.



Change or overthrow the existing government


Governments exist in order to secure, or protect, the rights of the people. If a government does not protect their rights, the people have the right "to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government."





Why or why not was slavery a big part of the civil war?



Slavery was a big part of the civil war.


Slaves in the Confederate service. The Confederacy's early military successes depended significantly on slavery. Slaves provided agricultural and industrial labor, constructed fortifications, repaired railroads, and freed up white men to serve as soldiers.

Why did France join in the American revolution



The French gave the essential assistance that enabled American victory because they wanted to embarrass the British. This assistance manifested itself in a variety of ways, including the covert delivery of military supplies, lone volunteers, diplomatic support throughout Europe, and ultimately a formal military alliance.


A discipline that describes and explains God and his relationship to the world is known as Theology.





Theology describes the world's relationship with a higher power.

what amendment would she use


I cantnot answer this question because i donot know what amendment you are talking about and who she is?

Hope that helped:)

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