In 'Any Human to Another," Cullen describes that when people share each other's grief, they gain some comfort
Which lines from the poem best convey this thought?
O "The ills I sorrow at / Not me alone / Like an arrow, / Pierce to the marrow
O "Your every grief / Like a blade/Shining and unsheathed / Must strike me down."
O "Let no man be so proud / And confident,/ To think he is allowed / A little tent"
"Your grief and minel Must intertwinel Like sea and river"


Answer 1

Paying attention to the words in the line of the poem can help us to understand the thought conveyed by the author. The line from 'Any Human to Another," where Cullen describes that when people share each other's grief, they gain some comfort is;

"Your grief and minel Must intertwine Like sea and river"

In this line from the poem, the poet shows that when his grief and another's meet through sharing, they intertwine like the sea and river. The sea and river share similarities because they connote peace.

So, when people share their griefs, they gain comfort.

Learn more here:

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What is the name of a grammatically optional comma that appears as the last comma in a series immediately before the conjunction? series comma parenthetical comma introductory element comma an Oxford comma



Serial Comma


We can make an example what it looks like,

Hey, can I get my lunchbox, my towel, and my backpack?


                                      This one would be the serial comma

write a letter to your uncle thanking him for a gift​





My dear uncle ,

I got your letter yesterday .We all are fine here .I hope you are also fine there. I thank you for the gift you sent on my birthday.

It was a beautiful watch. All my friends like it very much .Now i am being late for school.I will come to meet you soon .Take care of yourself.

your nephew


In "Sympathy," why does Dunbar repeat the phrase "I know" throughout the poem?



to emphasize his understanding of the harsh effects of racism on individuals

In "Sympathy, Dunbar repeat the phrase to demonstrate his awareness of the severe effects of racism on people.

What do you mean by racism?

Racism is the practice of giving people of different races unequal chances and results based on systems, policies, behaviors, and attitudes. Prejudice in words or deeds alone does not constitute racism.

It happens when the ability to discriminate against, oppress, or restrict the rights of others coexists with this prejudice, whether it be institutional or individual.

Since the beginning of European colonization in 1788, race and racism have played a significant role in the structure of Australian society. The colonization process and the underlying ideologies still influence Australian culture today.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are considered the First Peoples of Australia, have suffered the worst effects of European colonization and are particularly vulnerable to racism.

Racism encompasses any laws, regulations, philosophies, and other restrictions that impede people from enjoying justice, dignity, and equity as a result of their race.

It may manifest as intimidation, violence, verbal, or harassment. However, racism also exists in institutions and systems that function unfairly and unequally.

Learn more about racism, here


A speech paying tribute to someone's accomplishments that is delivered when someone has died is known as a __________.





a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.

"his good friend delivered a brief eulogy"

Write 3 different examples of the different points of view.



The three primary points of view are first person, in which the narrator tells a story from their own perspective ("I went to the store"); second person , in which the narrator tells a story about you, the reader or viewer ("You went to the store"); and third person , in which the narrator tells a story about other people ("He went to the store").

3. What do Miriam and Sobel have in common?



love of reading and ideas


hope this helps good luck

Which is a type of metrical foot?
A. Beat
B. Trochee
C. Stress
O D. Syllable





it is a foot consisting of one long or stressed syllable followed by one short or unstressed syllable.

let’s say you’re working on a post for a campaign, and want to create several variations of that post, without altering the original. which technique or feature would you use?



Duplicate a draft


Someone or anything that is similar to or relates to another.

is enlightenment a concept or action? it's english


It is an action.

Hope this helps :)




Enlightenment is a process that requires action in order to put realizations into action while avoiding emotional static.

I need an answer, please. Help, please.



I was so nervous. In my hand was the script I had wrote to say aloud to the people in the room. I was running over my lines making sure to say everything right. after the ceremony was over I was so relieved. I was also happy with the way everything had turned out.


just something I came up with

what is the meaning of being outspoken​


Answer:direct and open in speech or expression : frank outspoken in his criticism — Current Biography. 2 : spoken or expressed without reserve his outspoken advocacy of gun control.





my best friend she was new to my school and i showed her where her classes were at and helped her with her work in our first period we hit it off after that.

she doesn't have a lot of friends at our school besides me and a couple other people. she doesn't expect me to be someone other than myself which is one of my absolute favorite things about her and vice versa from me.

our first period teacher absolutely loves the fact that me and this girl are best friends.

the reason why our teacher loves the fact that were best friends is because if we don't know the answer to a question we discuss it together to try and figure out the answer together instead of giving it to each other.

thus the fact why i wrote about this person and why i think she is a great person


"Rarer" or " More rare". "Toxic-er" or more toxic?


more rare and more toxic……

Read this poem about the American colonists fighting the first battle of the Revolutionary War. First, identify the figurative language used in the line shown in boldface and determine its meaning. Then, explain how this figurative language contributes to the overall meaning of the poem.

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Concord Hymn"



The figurative language in the poem's bolded sentence is "the shot heard round the world." It is figurative because, rather than being a gunshot heard across the globe, it demonstrates that the colonists' act of revolt was significant enough to have an influence on the international stage.

In the remainder of the poem, Emerson explains how this act of rebellion has been planned for a long time and how the revolution is vital for future generations who would develop and dominate America. "The foe, long since in silence slept;/alike the conqueror silent sleeps," the British are. The colonists' dissatisfaction with the British grew gradually as they interfered with colonial growth more and more. These lines demonstrate that the tension had been simmering for many years before bursting into the "shot heard round the world."

The poem concludes by emphasizing the significance of the "shot heard round the world" for future generations who would shape the colonies into contemporary America: "Spirit, that made those heroes dare/To die, and leave their children free." These sentences demonstrate that the "shot heard around the world" had an influence that extends beyond this one fight. The revolution is critical for colonists' independence and America's development into its own power.


Figurative language is often employed in poetry because it may express a more nuanced message with fewer words. It is more colorful and thrilling to refer to the commencement of the American Revolution as the "shot heard round the world" rather than just explain for what caused the conflict like a history book. This poem is essentially a reenactment of the first combat of the Revolution, and Emerson used metaphorical language to help the reader understand what was at stake in this conflict.

Where in "A sound of Thunder" show Mr. Eckles personality?​



Eckels is an arrogant person; he is used to being in charge, yet he lacks self knowledge. He doesn't consider the serious ramifications of time travel. It's simply another experience he can consume. He therefore underestimates the risk of traveling back to the dinosaur age.


Explain enumeration is an effective organization pattern for the bill of right



I hope this helps you somehow ;)

Christmas Carol Question Page 37: Grade 7 English
In the margin, note an element in this drama that is not in the
original story.



More details please


Answer: Stage Directions.

Explanation: As you notice, in the first original story there is no stage directions but in the second one there is


What is the definition of true love? How do you know if you really love someone?



is this for homework or a quiz or something ?

The benefits of Eating family meals together



Some of the specific benefits of family dinners are:

Better academic performance.

Higher self-esteem.

Greater sense of resilience.

Lower risk of substance abuse.

Lower risk of teen pregnancy.

Lower risk of depression.

Lower likelihood of developing eating disorders.

Lower rates of obesity.Explanation:

Answer:so that way you can ask your family about there day. and potentoly build better and strong relationships with your famliy.


its just my personal opinion.

What attributes do you usually associated from a doctor? а Conversely, what types of behaviors do you NOT expect? Explain.



that varies, but generally good manners and knowledgeability, i wouldn't expect someone who can't work in teams.


PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. “Lions are the top tourist attraction to Kenya, especially in the Nairobi National
Park... Lions are also considered critically endangered in Kenya.” (Paragraph 3)
B. “One of the main causes of their demise, ‘is that people kill them in retaliation
for lions attacking their livestock,’ says Paula Kahumbu” (Paragraph 4)
C. “‘There have been a lot of efforts to try to protect the lions,’ Kahumbu says. ‘It’s a
crisis and everyone is looking for a solution.’” (Paragraph 10)
D. “One idea was land leases, another was lion-proof fences.” (Paragraph 10)





in 5 sentences, describe integrity in your own words, using the following excerpt as a guide.
If you're a new student (or can think back to when you were), you probably remember being given some information about your school's academic honesty policies during the first few days of classes. This information likely addressed, among other things, the school's requirements for submitting original work, policies regarding cheating, and expectations of student behavior. In giving you this information, your school wasn't suggesting you'd cheat; rather, they merely wanted to inform you that they expect all students to act with a certain degree of integrity.

Integrity is a term used to describe a person's level of honesty, moral commitments, and willingness to do what's right. For example, we expect our doctors to be honest with us about diagnoses, won't try to prescribe medications we don't need, and will generally work in the best interest of our health and well-being. We expect this because, in most societies, doctors are perceived to be people of great integrity with strong moral compasses.

Conversely, if your doctor didn't have any integrity, he or she might be strongly influenced by drug companies or bribes and might talk you into getting tests or procedures you don't need. When this happens, society takes a dim view of that person—and in some cases legal charges are brought—because he or she was expected to act with integrity.
Let's review. In general, integrity is a word used to describe a person's commitment to honesty and a willingness to do what's right. For example, a person who abstains from cheating, lying, or stealing would be considered to be a person who acts with great integrity. In most societies, integrity is an important aspect of culture and contributes to the strength of a community.

In academic environments, for example, students are expected to avoid plagiarism and submit work that is entirely their own. Other areas where integrity is important include the legal and justice systems and politics. Despite its importance, though, universal definitions or understandings of integrity can be difficult to locate. This is often because the concept of integrity is a social construct, which is subjective and tends to change as societies and cultures evolve.



i have 4 will that work?


How does Bilbo's discovery of the ring in The Hobbit's rising action affect his fate in the climax?.



The ring saves his life. He uses it to gain invisibility during the worst of the fighting, when others are injured or killed.

- The ring puts him in danger. Once it's power is discovered, many forces will do anything to get it.

-The ring saves everyone. Bilbo trades it to Smaug in exchange for safety, allowing the dwarves to flee the woods unharmed.

- The ring makes him wealthy. Once Smaug's treasure has been collected, Bilbo trades the ring for treasure

Pls pls pls help us



word procecingsoftware was orignally designed as a replacement for the typewriter.

Which lines bestsupport the theme that guilt cannot be escaped? Choose three options. "weakness of mine eyes" "monstrous apparition" "some god, some angel, or some devil" "my blood cold" "Art though any thing?".



Which lines best supports the theme that guilt cannot be escaped? Choose three options.

“weakness of mine eyes”

(B) “monstrous apparition”

(C) “some god, some angel, or some devil”

(D)“my blood cold”

“Art though any thing?”


Just did it!

The lines best support the theme that guilt cannot be escaped are “monstrous apparition”, “some god, some angel, or some devil”, and “my blood cold”

What is the tragedy of Julius Caesar?

The tragedy of Julius Caesar is a tragic play by Shakespeare.

This is about a leader who got dead because of his wrong decisions.

His decision led to the Civil war.

The army of Caesar and Brutus fought a war.

Thus, the correct bare B. “monstrous apparition”, C. “some god, some angel, or some devil”, and D.“my blood cold”.

Learn more about Julius Caesar

What is the central idea in a raisin in the sun


A Raisin in the Sun is essentially about dreams, as the main characters struggle to deal with the oppressive circumstances that rule their lives. The title of the play references a conjecture that Langston Hughes famously posed in a poem he wrote about dreams that were forgotten or put off.


plz plz help me plzz

I will give brainliest plz help plzzz plz


pls make me brainlist


we should do well in our life amd try to do best in your life remember your childhood and enjoy your life bring up joy in you always get ahead in your life be shoft for every one be strict on yourself and learn to grow up your self


Even as a young child, I felt like I had to grow up quickly. My parents were strict with my bring up, and my childhood was never what you would call easy, but I had terrific teachers who always told me, "do your best!". I knew from an early age that I could not be soft but, rather, if I could do well, I would succeed and get ahead in life.

plz help em with this qustinon plz and thx!!!





I dont see an image

insert an image

What is the porpuse of death?​


Death. No one knows the purpose but who would want to live forever anyway?

When preparing for a test,________

A. skip breakfast so you are not late

B. start studying the day before the test.

C. cramming is a good idea

D. try to predict what might be asked on the test​



B. Start studying the day before the test




bcoz bananas are berries and strawberries are not

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