Imagine you had a time machine that would take you to the past or the future. Where would you choose to go? Think of what you would do there, what it would be like, and who you would meet. Write a story of your adventure. (In your story, you must include dialogue, details, descriptions, a consistent point of view, and all the elements from the chart below.)


Answer 1

It would be nice to go back in time to see what life would be like if I had made different decisions. I believe that in the past, you can observe or interact with anyone you want, but you won't be able to affect the modern world. The day you spend there will disappear as soon as you return to the year you were in. The original day you spent there will appear again as soon as you return. Your presence at the alternate time will have no effect.

Also, why would we want to go to the future? You'll get there eventually. It's impossible to go back to the past, so why not take the chance?


Answer 2


Past, mainly because i wanna see my grandma again and spend more time with my dog. Also there are some choices i regret in my past and i wanna change them. I would also travel to paris and no i would not change me moving schools i think it was a good choice i miss my old friends but i met new ones and i love them a lot there the best thing that has happend to me.

Also i wanted to add that why would we wanna go to the future we will know what happens eventully plus its a surprise what the future holds so lets leave it a secret.


                                      - <3

Related Questions

I'm currently reading the book "the pearl" my teacher asked some questions on it and these few ones I'm not quite sure how to answer. I do not have a book with me and this assignment is tomorrow.

In chapter 4 kino is attacked for the second time describe this attack.

What phrase does Kino repeat to convince Juana that he’s making the right decision in chapter 4?



"He would not come," the people in the door said, and the thought got into Kino. “The doctor would not come,” Kino said to Juana. She looked up at him, her eyes as cold as the eyes of a lioness.



re read chapter 4


can someone write me an adventurous story that contains Disgusting Ecstatic Subtle Subdue Suburb Nonchalant Nonfiction Nonsense Chronic Synchronize, please?



Time is a valuable thing. One minute you have it, the next its gone. Sometimes you have the ability to control time. It goes fast as you have fun, yet continues to slow whenever you start to experience the lack of excitement. Habits usually fill our time, examples could be art, writing, and sightseeing. But my all time favorite would be mountain climbing. Free climbing is the most dangerous, of course, for it involves no bungee, but I see it as more than a risk. Particularly, the freedom of time.

   Saturday morning I pack my chalk, climbing shoes, knee and elbow pads, and an extra cord unless I want to feel more secure. I live in the lower part of Indiana, where my family grew up in a suburban farm. Its not all that, like a city house with an in-ground pool, but its quiet, and thats all I want. I was born Feb. 17th, 1987 and only been to 4 major states in my last 30 years. its now 2021, with special equipment like Smart Phones and wireless headphones. I remember playing in the backyard with my best friends and not caring about taxes, money, and the ability to get by. It was better, and its everything I wish I could do again.

    Now, this story might be wasting your time, drawing you from ecstatic adventure and making the clock tick slower and slower, but I promise its just getting good. On the same Saturday as i was loaded my things into the back of my ford, I spaced out. No, not just spaced, I passed out. It was like I was drifting in a rift of space. Little did I know, that was exactly what i was doing.

   I get up, dazed and dry-mouthed as I attempt to stand. I look down at my hands. They're tiny. My feet look small, too. I take a look around and im in my old room. My 10-year-old self room. I go into the kitchen and see the calendar. July 6th, 1997. This isnt right. If anything I'm probably just dreaming. Mild concussion symptoms and coma illusions can do this to you. But if I really am here, this is the moment I walk outside to see the cops. At 10 years old, July 6th, 1997 my father died from a shooting. I can already hear the sirens and practically see that lights. I feel tears roll one by one down my cheek as i look out the window. There he was, Jonathan Wilson, my father, on my driveway, dead.


Disgusting: Father Death

Ecstatic: Time Rift

Subtle: Calm Appearance

Suburb: Farm Life

Nonchalant: Personality

Nonfiction: Related Science

Nonsense: Time Rift

Chronic Synchronize: Years in Order

Hoped this helped! :]

I like that one ^ smart really smart

How are the two passages different?
The first passage says that homework helps parents and their children bond; the second passage says it weakens their bond.
The first passage says that homework makes students more responsible; the second passage says it makes them less responsible.
The first passage says that homework makes students more creative; the second passage says it makes them less creative.
The first passage says that homework help parents see their kids’ work; the second passage says it helps parents ignore their kids’ work.
The first passage says that homework helps the teacher-student relationship; the second passage says it weakens their relationship.
Reset Next





Because the first passage talks about parents helping their kids with homework and the second one says that parents and kids waste the time that they could be hanging out in doing homework

Rudolph attends the Olympic Games in Rome. She wins three gold medals in track and field events, solidifying her reputation as one of the fastest women in the world. Rudolph is named Woman Athlete of the Year.

Based on its use in the passage, it can be understood that the word solidifying belongs to which of the following word groups?

silencing, restraining, suppressing

strengthening, reinforcing, emphasizing

delaying, hindering, obstructing

succeeding, flourishing, thriving


B emphasizing could replace the word solidifying


B - strengthening, reinforcing, emphasizing


It is answer B because when she won 3 gold medals it made her reputation more Reinforced, Strong, and emphasized. A would not work because when she won it wasn't silencing, restraining, suppressing her skills. C is not correct because when she won she wasn't delaying, hindering, or obstructing her success. D - while she was succeeding, flourishing, thriving the context used is more like she was already seen as very fast and this just reinforced this.

can you guy help me with these two questions



This is the first question.  C :  A Potbellied pig saved her owner's life


Next one, I think is A: Lulu didn't realize her owner was in danger.

The thing about this is that the text says "It says Lula acted quickly by escaping from her yard and going to the road." I'm not sure about this but I hope this helped


The text i wrote is going againts the answer i wrote. Just to point this out but it is just inferring so im most likely right.


la respuesta es un la otra respuesta es también un


Está bien, así que básicamente haces esto que buscas pistas de contexto y la respuesta será un

I'm currently reading the book "the pearl" my teacher asked some questions on it and these few ones I'm not quite sure how to answer. I do not have a book with me and this assignment is tomorrow.

In chapter 4 kino is attacked for the second time describe this attack.

What phrase does Kino repeat to convince Juana that he’s making the right decision in chapter 4?

plz don't give me a link to something I have to download its really frustrating



You read the book right?

Step 1. Reread chapter 4

Step 2. Think about it


n which sentence do the subject and verb agree?

Glossy green leaves and brilliant sunlight has created a beautiful scene.

Vitamins and minerals isn't equally present in all foods.

A half of a grapefruit is waiting for me on the breakfast table.

The night air, soft and cool, were blowing in through the car window.



the night air, soft and cool, were blowing in through the car window


Answer:Option: C " A half of a grapefruit is waiting for me on the breakfast table.

Explanation: Hoped I Helped!

Learn more about your question here <>

What does "false belief" mean i looked it up and it was confusing



False is something that isn't true, and a belief is something you believe. So a false belief means you believe something that isn't true.

False is saying something isn’t true, belief is where someone believes in something. So it could be that someone thinks that a belief is wrong, or not true.

Which word is a synonym of adverse? HELPPP MEEE PLZZZ AND NO LINKS!!!





After reading Chapter 19 and the Epilogue and completing the Chapter 19 and Epilogue Notes chart, answer one of the three discussion questions below. Take your time to compose your answer. You may use any notes you have from any part of the book. You can also use your notes on the Chapter 19 and Epilogue Notes chart.

Remember the following when answering the question:

Use CER and answer in a complete paragraph.
Your paragraph should be 7 or more sentences.
Check your writing carefully for errors in sentence structure and other grammatical errors before submitting.

You will only choose one of the questions to answer. Read all three questions and choose the one that you are most interested in and feel most comfortable answering based on your knowledge of the book.

Choose 1

A. What qualities/skills (both mental and physical) are most important to survival, alone and without resources? How does Brian convey these qualities/skills?

B. How has Brian evolved from Chapter 1 to Epilogue?

C. Brian experienced both bad luck and good luck. Discuss how Brian’s experiences in the wilderness might change the way he deals with bad luck in the future.



a :)


A. What qualities/skills (both mental and physical) are most important to survival, alone and without resources? How does Brian convey these qualities/skills?

the answer is A What qualities/skills (both mental and physical) are most important to survival, alone and without resources? How does Brian convey these qualities/skills?

Write an informational compare and contrast essay in third person.

Choose any informational texts and create a compare and contrast essay.
Article 1- Minutes that matter
Article 2- Defeating Dragons
Article 3- Food that fuels

2.06 Introduce Your ideas
Module 2 unlikely helpers



The minutes count and they fly like water you can’t hold them you need them but its to hard to success. The minutes have 60 seconds in each minute the time ticks and its not even noticeable until you realize that the night came because the minutes past and no one may tell you that they tick.

The minutes go slow if you take your time and you wait for that last minute to go quick it feels like eternity but it also helps you go stuff and do them quick.


Go to kibin automatic thesis generator and type the differences and similarities such as one raises money for phone cards the other collect food oil for fuel and they both aim to help families


Based on the passage "Earthships," what does the term gray water mean?

Question 10 options:

filtered drinking water

gutters that collect rainwater

reusable wastewater

pure spring water


Reusable water : To drop your water usage , happens commonly within low rainfall areas

reusable wastewater should be the correct one

Which word is a synonym of tedious? HELPPP MEEE PLZZZ AND NO LINKS!!!!


Boring or dull as tedious means too long or slow


Slow, boring, monotonous, dull


I wrote this but idrk if its any good

When will you see me for who I am?
When will you look past all the imperfections?
Will you ever stop doubting me?

Dont judge me by what you see.
Dont judge me for being me.
Look past what is on the outside.
Know me for what is on the inside

Please stop doubting me.
It hurts more than you could imagine.
Just give me a chance.



i think it is better than i could do do i don't get it tho what do u want us to do

How might “Roller Coaster Physics” have been different if the author’s purpose had been to warn readers of the dangers of roller coasters?



The answer is b :)


(of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
"a dynamic economy"
(of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
"a dynamic young advertising executive"
full of get-up-and-go
full of vim and vigour
full of beans
relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording.
(of a memory device) needing to be refreshed by the periodic application of a voltage.
noun: dynamic; plural noun: dynamics
a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.
"evaluation is part of the basic dynamic of the project"
another term for dynamics (sense 3).

Which pronoun best completes the sentence?

and Martha both dance very well.her


She and Martha both dance very well.
She and Martha both dance very well. C.)

She is implied in a proper formation.

Below are a poem and story passage written by the same person.


Five dead leaves falling

upward onto the branches

of a bare oak tree


As I approached, I startled a group of sparrows that had been feeding in the grass, and they flew up to the safety of an old oak tree. It was still early enough in the year that the branches of the tree were bare. But the bird songs and the warm sun made me feel certain that winter was ending. As I watched, the sparrows dropped from their high perches and settled again in the grass to hunt for food. Like winter, I was just an interruption.

What is similar about the poem and the story?


the topic


the genre


the theme


the structure





Lets use process of ellimination:

a. yes. the topic is about winter and transition into winter.

b. there is no genre. its not fantasy or something. it's just a poem and short passage.

c. I dont think any of these passages have theme tbh. no its not c.

d. obviously not lol

It is not the same structure at all. one is a paragraph and one is a haiku.

The answer is A. The Topic

The Fall Line, which runs from Columbus to Augusta, is marked by a reduction in elevation from the higher Piedmont region to the much lower elevation of the Coastal Plain and sea level.Which of the following defines the word runs as used in the sentence?

to depart quickly

to enter into a race

to move with haste

to travel through an area



To travel through an area


Just think, this line is not a person, so therefore we can immediately get rid of "to depart quickly" "to enter into a race" "to move with haste". When this question says "run" it means the area the line is traveling through.

To travel through an area

Which of the following is an important step in evaluating sources?

1) Analyze the format.

2) Meet the author.

3) Check for accuracy.

4) Read online reviews.


Answer: Check for accuracy


4. read online reviews

Which sentence uses a verb in active voice?
A) The application was accepted despite its late arrival
B) At the hospital, Liam's injury was treated and bandaged
C) Even at puppy training classes, the dog behaved poorly
D) Both vehicles were severely damaged in the accident



D) Both vehicles were severly damaged in the accident.


D is the only answer choice that puts the doer of the action before the actual action. The rest of the answer choices are all passive voice because they put the reciever of the action before the action.

D I did it on a test and got it right at the beginning I thought it was b but it is d

What is the purpose of a counterclaim in essay writing?

1) to ignore other claims about the same topic

2) to show the existence of a similar claim

3) to explain how the claim was developed

4) to present an opposing view of a claim



To present an opposing view of a claim

respond to the short response question with a minimum of SEVEN COMPLETE DETAILED SENTENCES.
In Ch 9, the Greasers are planning a rumble as revenge on the Socs, which Sir Francis Bacon feels is not worth carrying out. What are motivations and consequences of getting revenge (in general)? What consequences resulted from the rumble? Do you feel like the rumble was worth it? Do you feel like the Greasers got their revenge? Do you think Sir Francis Bacon correct or wrong about his feelings on revenge?


In the book in chapter 9 Sir Francis Bacon wants revenge on the socs. When you want revenge, it is usually driven by a feeling of defeat or betrayal. But it’s not the best way to solve your problems, since it most of the time becomes a revenge cycle, it becomes a habit, or it could come back to you. In the rumble there is a lot of pain and sadness. The rumble was definitely not worth it, since mostly everyone ended up injured and nothing was gained in the process. No they did not get their revenge, they became devastated even when done, it made things worse for all that matters. He was definitely wrong because he lost everything and gained nothing.

Good authors choose their words very carefully. Take a few minutes to write a short paragraph describing an experience you have recently had. Pick a location you went to or an event you attended. Once you have finished, read over what you have written. Now, write a second paragraph. In it, you will repeat the information from the first paragraph, but you will choose your words more carefully. Ask yourself questions like What words capture this image exactly? What is the best word to convey how something looked, or how I felt? Take more time with the second paragraph.
Your response should be at least 150 words in total.


I was very bored I decided that I would play with the fire

Give a detailed answer of why Ponyboy should stay with his brothers. (The outsiders book)


Because his brothers both have a job and don’t easily get in trouble, they also can afford the Curtis house
Ponyboy should stay with his brothers rather than run off with Johnny, because he is risking too much and isn’t safe to leave. The other gang is still after those boys and if they were to run into them alone both the boys could be hurt or even killed. If Ponyboy stayed with his brothers then he still has the chance to be protected and have a safer environment.

Read the sentence.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which he wrote about in letters to friends.

Which sentence corrects the vague or ambiguous pronoun he?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which was written by them to friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which he wrote about to their friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which was written about in letters to their friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends.



Its the last one!! (Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends.) hope this helps:)


They never said who specifically wrote it but it reveals that in the last one.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is pronoun?

The term pronoun refers to the linguistic grammar. A pronoun is a small kind of words such as I, we, he, she, they, you, this, they, me, us, them, him, my, are, and mine etc. The pronoun is replaced to noun. There are types of pronoun such as possessive, relative, intensive, demonstrative, reflexive, personal, indefinite, and interrogative.

According to the given the sentence is the correct way to the pronoun is "Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends." The sentence was the correctly pronoun as the correctly commas and the full stop to the mention in the sentence.

As a result, the Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on pronoun, here;


what are 3 reason why growing your own food is good! Make sure that they are not related in any way



Growing your own food has many health benefits: It helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. ... It lets you control when to harvest your food. Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables that must be picked early.

Quote: "Youth is the seed time of good habits, as well in nations as in individuals"

How does Thomas Paine compare a nation’s youth with an individual’s youth?


For Thomas Paine, both a young nation and a young individual are elements that are building and preparing their own future.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Paine compares youth to a seedbed.This is because the seedbed has elements that will develop in the future and show satisfactory results.For him, both a young person and a young nation are similar and represent a seedbed of the same course.

That's because Paine believes that a young person is preparing his own future, creating strategies that will develop and have satisfactory results. A young nation, on the other hand, is made up of a group of people, of all ages, who care about the nation's future and therefore work to make that future as promising as possible.

More information about Thomas Paine at the link:


it is saying that bothe the nation and individuals go though a time known a there "youth" and that during this time they both make good habits


How did the Scottsboro boys trial progress?


D. It was quick because the jury was convinced of the boys’ guilt
Their trials began 12 days after the alleged crime and, despite ample evidence that they were innocent, eight of the nine were found guilty by all-white juries and sentenced to death in the electric chair. ... The Scottsboro defendants were ultimately saved from execution, but they languished in prison for years.

Thesis Statement:
Our local waterways are severely polluted, and actions must be taken to reduce the runoff that contributes to this pollution.

Which of the following is the best example of a topic sentence for an essay with this thesis?

1) Rain gardens are particularly useful near solid surfaces such as parking lots.

2) Rain gardens are located in 30 percent of the residential parkways in Allentown, Ill.

3) Rain gardens include plants and materials that help absorb water into the ground before it is washed into sewers.

4) Rain gardens are a natural way to reduce storm water runoff that pollutes local waterways


I would say #4 Rain gardens are a natural way to reduce storm water runoff that pollutes local waterways is correct because in the thesis statement it talks about how the water ways are polluted and number 4 is the only one that talks about pollution. (Sorry if I’m wrong) ♡♡


I would say the answer is number 4: Rain gardens are a natural way to reduce storm water runoff that pollutes local waterways


A topic sentence is meant to express the main idea of a paragraph, so I already scratch off number 1 and 2, since they do not have to do with polluted waterways and actions to stop it. This would mean it is between number 3 and 4. Although number 3 gives information about rain gardens, it does not mention that they are a way to stop or reduce pollution in local waterways. Therefore, the answer is number 4. I hope this helped!

What is a theme of Shirley Jackson's "Charles"? Explain how details and events in the text led you to determine this theme, citing specific pieces of textual evidence as necessary.



The main theme of "Charles" is identity.


Specifically the conflict between the identity Laurie has, the one he wants, and the one his parents think he has. Jackson begins the focus on identity by leaving out important information: the names of the other characters.

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