If your Spanish what are 3 items you will bring from your culture? How would you describe them in vivid detail?


Answer 1


i will bring back everything.


i love everything from my cultrue

Related Questions

Circle the correct verb form
1. Ayer yo hablaron /hablé / hablo con mi abuelo por teléfono.
2. Los chicos viajaron / viajamos / viajaste en avión.
3. La semana pasada mi familia y yo visitamos / visitaron / visitó a mis primos.
4. Mi hermana desayuno / desayunaste / desayunasteis a las siete.
5. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué comisteis / comiste / comió?
6. Los alumnos escribió / escribieron / escribí una carta.
7. ¿Vosotros salieron / salió / salisteis anoche?
8. Yo tomaste / tomé / tomamos el sol en la playa.
9. Mi madre preparé/ preparaste / preparó la cena y después yo lavaron / lavé / lavó
los platos.













Ana, ¿Eres estudiante?
Si, Juan, yo
una estudiante de Argentina.


are you looking for a word after yo? if so, it’s probably soy

Descripción de los ambientes del camino de sherlock



Como toda buena narrativa policial, este libro es mucho más que la presentación de una sucesión de crímenes resueltos gracias a la deducción e inteligencia de un investigador (aunque también es eso).


follow me please and like this to

costumbre o ceremonia que se repite siempre de la misma forma



:v creo no se

*will mark brainlist*

In Spanish write down as many ideas as you can help fight climate change and make the planet healthier using these vocabulary words


1. Reciclar cartón, plástico
2. Reutilizar envases u otros artefactos
3. Evita la contaminación al arrojar basura fuera de contenedores
4. Dedicar tiempo para orientar a otros sobre el tema
5. Crear conciencia de la importancia de proteger el ambiente
6. Utilizar la bicicleta como medio de transporte cuando sea posible
6. Limpiar los alrededores de nuestra casa y/o vecindario
6. Cuidar los recursos naturales
7. Promover el reciclaje en nuestra comunidad y área de trabajo

En el libro la mecánica del corazón alguien sabe por qué sufre jack?


Bro búscalo en el rincón del vago xd

Bro search it in EL RINCÓN DEL VAGO

que representa felipa para macario. Macario de juan rulfo



Aquí debería haber un texto, ¿dónde está?, no lo has puesto.

1What does the Ser mean? …………………..

Use the conjugation of the verb ser on the table to complete question 2 to 10

Yo _____alto.

Ella ______baja.

Nosotros _______estudiantes.


La maestra ______baja.

Ashley y yo _______amigas.

Nosotros ______americanos.

El libro _____rojo.(red)

Ella ____mi amiga.



Ser means "to be". It is used to talk about WHAT something is. It describes the physical characteristics of a person, your job occupation, talking about possesion, or talking about time. However, estar also means "to be" and people often get them mixed. Estar is to talk about HOW something is. Such as: Locations, actions,emotions, and conditions.

Yo soy alto. (Soy is the yo"conjugate of the verb) Ella es baja. (Es in the el/ella/usted conjugate of the verb)Nosotros somos estudiantes (Somos is the nosotros"conjugate of the verb)Ellos son altos. (Son is the ellos/ellas/ustedes conjugate of the verb)La maestra es baja. (Es the el/ella/usted conjugate of the verb)Ashley y yo somos amigas (Somos is the nosotros conjugate of the verb)Nosotros somos americanos. (Same as above)El es rojo. (Es is the el/ella/usted conjugate of the verb)Ella es mi amiga. (Same as above)


this is for your other question u asked


Yo, estoy , I am , tu , estas, you are , El/Ella/Ud. , esta , she/he/it is , vosotros , estais , they are , ellos/ellas/uds , están, they are

What Was the Largest Contiguous Empire in History?



The Mongol empire



The Mongol Empire


The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and it is recognized as being the largest contiguous land empire in history.

cuales son los temas que presenta el cuento Don Procopio el despedidor de duelos


What are the themes presented in the story Don Procopio the dismissal of duels

escuela para adultos para aprender inglés cerca de mi



adult school to learn English near me


el calentamiento global no se va a parar hagamos algo.


Global warming is not gonna stop let’s do something



Lo que podemos hacer es:

todas las cosas que tenemos, en lugar de desecharlas las debemos: reciclar, reusar, reducir, recuperar, reparar.

Which phrase best completes this sentence?

Para ______________ necesito una bolsa de basura.
lavar los platos
limpiar el polvo
sacar la basura
lavar la ropa
dar de comer al perro



Para sacar la basura necesito una bolsa de basura

Answer: C. sacar la basura

The holiday originated about 3,00 years ago from indigenous people from what country?



Mexico. North America


originated in Mexico

Which verd is used to describe what a noun is (essential characteristics)





Ser is used to describe a noun

Change the verb in bold type (voy) from the present tense to the preterite. Yo voy.
O vine
O fui
O vi
o fue


Answer: I pretty sure the answer to this question is O vi

I think the correct Answer Is: fui

You are spending a semester studying in Buenos Aires Argentina. While looking through the entertainment section of the newspaper you come across the following description of a play currently being performed.

This description mentions all of the following about the performance EXCEPT ________.



pls give brainliest pls

Can you help me with this spanish


Answer: see attached image


Hope this helps:)

Question 6 of 10
I am =
O A. ser
O B. es
C. soy
O D. eres


The answer of this question is A

PLEASE I NEED THIS ASAP!! Use the words and expressions in the box to fill in the blanks in the following conversation between Toni and Andrés. Each word or expression only needs to be used once. Record the dialogue after you finish writing. If you're feeling really creative, you might try using different voices!



-se celebra

-El Día de Acción de Gracias




-el cuatro de Julio


debemos llenar este formulario cuando solicitemos el préstamo.



do you want the English?


if yes , the answer is , We must fill out this form when we apply for the loan.

please fill in blanks
In México, one of the main distance-education programs provided by the government is known as _______.
In the rainforests of Perú, students attend _______ schools, which are similar to the ones used in the early twentieth century in Los Estados Unidos.
Free public education at the high school level became mandatory in _______ in 2012.
Although all three countries require students to wear uniforms to school, only _______ requires students to wear street clothes under their uniforms.
Because México, Argentina, and Costa Rica all want their school children to learn a second language, these students will be _______ when they leave school.



1. In México, one of the main distance-education programs provided by the government is known as telesecundaria .

2. In the rainforests of Perú, students attend one-room schools, which are similar to the ones used in the early twentieth century in Los Estados Unidos.

3. Free public education at the high school level became mandatory in Mexico in 2012.

4. Although all three countries require students to wear uniforms to school, only Argentine requires students to wear street clothes under their uniforms.

5. Because México, Argentina, and Costa Rica all want their school children to learn a second language, these students will be bilingual when they leave school.

1. Conjugate abrazar on your own,



conjugate abrazar:







limpiar / un poco / antes de hacer las diligencias


Yo limpio un poco antes de hacer las diligencias.

//es una declaración//

Negation: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate negative word.
1. —¿Conoces a alguien de Puerto Rico? — No, no conozco a ____de Puerto Rico.
2. —¿Sabes algo de ese tema? — No, no sé_____. .
3. —¿Ves algún programa interesante? — No, no veo _____ programa interesante.
4. —¡No me gustan las espinacas! — A mí ____ me gustan.
5. —¿Vas a ver películas? — No, no voy a ver _____. .



1) No, no conozco a NADIE de puerto rico

2) No, no se DEL TEMA

3) No, no veo ALGÚN programa interesante

4) A mi NO me gustan

5) No, no voy a ver PELICULAS


solo por la palabra adecuada pero eb negativo

1. Nadie
2. Nada
3. Ningún
4. Tampoco
5. Ninguna

plz help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with this spanish assingment



Yo-estoy-i am

Tu-estas-you are

El/Ella/Usted-esta-he/she/you (formal) are

Nosotros-estamsos-we are

I don't know vosotros sorry

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes-estan-they are

Hope this helps!

claudia y yo / ir / a la universidad / el próximo año.


Claudia y iremos a la universidad el próximo año (if it doesn’t work try replacing de “iremos” with “vamos a ir”)
Claudia and I go to university next year

first degree recklessly endangering safety wisconsin



Primer grado de peligro a la seguridad Wisconsin

nuestra belleza latina ganadoras de todos los anos


1. Alejandra Espinoza
2. Melissa Marty
3. Greidys Gil
4. Ana Patricia
5. Nastassja Bolívar
6. Vanessa De Roide
7. Marisela De Montecristo
8. Aleyda Ortiz
9. Francisca Lachapel
10. Clarisa Molina
11. Migbelis Castellanos
12. Sirey Morán ( actual reina 2021 )

Esas fueron las ganadoras de todos los años hasta ahorita




i only know the answers to b, sorry to disapoint

yo me lavo el pelo

los niños se bañan

el muchacho se prepara un sandwich

nosotros no ponemos el abrigo

porque te quitaste tu sombrero

las niñas se compran ropa nueva

y tu como te llamas

el perro se mira en el agua

mi hermana y yo nos levantamos temprano

yo me admiro en el espejo

porque te preocupas tu

las alumnas siempre se peinan en clase

mi familia come desayuno a las siete

nosotros nos vamos ahora

yo me copilo con cuidado

a que hora te levantas tu

mi padre se afeita todos los dias

Other Questions
Select the correct answer.Consider these functions:Rx) = 5x + 2g(x) = x-1What is the value of g(1-1))?A. 2OB. 8OC.22D.48 -2x + 2y = 10Y = x + 5A. The graphs of the equation are lines that intersect at one point because the equations have the same slope and same y-intercept. Therefore, the system has exactly one solution.B. The graphs of the equations are the same line because the equations have the same slope and same y-intercept. Therefore, the system has infinitely many solutions.C. The graphs of the equations are lines that intersect at one point because the equations have the same slope but different y-intercepts. Therefore, the system has exactly one solution.D. The graphs of the equations are parallel lines because they have the same slope but different y-intercepts. Therefore, the system has no solution. Evaluate: 5x + 1 when x = 2. What is a Halo effect Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy to manage stress? Accept minor setbacks in your goals. Break down goals into smaller steps. Give yourself credit for accomplishments. Treat yourself to junk food. Although V-E Day was a tremendous successfor the Allied Forces, what major issue stillneeded to be resolved?A. finding Adolf HitlerB. defeating the JapaneseC. locating the Nazi Party I really need help pls!! Zoom in so you can see itI will give you 50 point and brain list As the troponin changes shape (due to binding calcium), it moves the ______ molecule to which it is attached, thus exposing the active sites on the G-actin molecules. Diversity refers to the range of identities that exist in a group of people. Common identity categories referenced when discussing diversity include race, class, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. Diversity in education represents a broad range of ideas and initiatives to create learning environments that are safe, inclusive and equitable for as many identities as possible. Recognizing, fostering and developing sensitivity to the needs of people in various identity categories are primary aims of educational diversity. Today's diversity initiatives in education encompass an even wider range of categories and practices. Initially, affirmative action and equal opportunity policies recognized race, religion, gender, color, ethnicity and national origin. Critically analyse diversity in the classroom by drawing connections amongst the theory of multiple intelligences and curriculum for the Grade 10 learners focusing on your specialisation (one subject). Practical examples are highly recommended to support your arguments. [25] Read the two stories.Anansi and the Sheep: a FolktaleAnansi the spider wanted a sheep. He took an ear of corn to the villagers. He told them that the corn was special and worth lots of money. That night, Anansi secretly threw the corn away and then accused the villagers of stealing it. To make up for the loss, the villagers gave Anansi a chicken. Anansi went to a new village. He told the villagers that his chicken was special and worth lots of money. That night, Anansi set the chicken free. In the morning, he accused the villagers of stealing the chicken. They replaced it with a sheep. Anansi laughed at the silly villagers and was happy.Perseus and Medusa: a MythPerseus went on a journey to kill a monster named Medusa. Medusa could turn a person into stone with just one look. The king had sent Perseus on this mission to get rid of him. But the gods wanted Perseus to succeed. The messenger god, Hermes, loaned him a pair of winged sandals. The goddess Athena loaned him a mirrored shield. With these special gifts, Perseus was able to defeat the fearsome Medusa. Afterward, Perseus returned back home to rule the land fairly as the new king.Which words tell that the story is a myth rather than a folktale? A. a monster named Medusa B. The messenger god, Hermes, C. The king had sent Perseus on this mission D. Afterward, Perseus returned back home to rule how much of the earths surface does the ocean cover? Flying against the wind, a jet travels 2190 miles in 3 hours. Flying with the wind, the same jet travels 9520 miles in 8 hours. What is the rate of the jet in still air and what is the rate of the wind? Do all American citizens share the same right today? Explain? A gas occupies 22. 4 l at stp and 23. 0 l at 100c and 1. 25 atm pressure. How many moles of gas did the system gain or lose?. Miranda purchased 425 shares of Dagofi Radar stock at $14. 15 apiece. She earns $374. 00 in dividends every year. What is the yield on Mirandas Dagofi Radar stock? a. 0. 0622 b. 6. 22 c. 26. 4 d. 0. 264. WILL MARK BRAINLIESTRead the story Lost in the Woods:I never thought departing the trail just a little would be a big deal. My parents had cautioned me so many times about wandering off and how easy it is to get disoriented. But, I wasn't planning to go very far. In fact, I kept looking back to make sure I could retrace my steps. Looking back didn't work. All of the trees began to look the same, and nothing looked familiar. It wasn't until I finally decided to make my way back that I realized I was lost! I had gone much farther, and for much longer, than I had planned.The warmth that the sun had brought to the forest in the daytime was now quickly disappearing. My parents' warnings came racing through my head. What did they tell me to do if ever I got lost? Over and over they drilled into me, "The most important thing to remember is S.T.O.P.!" It's an acronym for sit, think, observe, and plan. I stopped, sat down on the forest floor, and pulled my knees in close. It was cooling off, and a light drizzle was dampening the forest. I was lonely and scared. I knew that to survive, I had to stay warm, and I needed to drink water. Before I got any wetter, I made a very crude lean-to from the nearby branches and foliage. I managed to collect a bunch of dry leaves for a mattress. It was dark now. I took off my T-shirt and wrapped it around my legs, pulled on my hoodie, and curled up on the bed of leaves. I couldn't sleep. It was a cold, dark, and spooky night, and I was hungry.It felt like forever before the dawn filtered through the trees the next day. I knew I had to remain calm and make my whereabouts known. My family would be searching for me. I pulled out the only tool I had brought with me, my voice! I began to yell as loudly as I could,"Help! I'm over here!"Soon, very faintly at first, I could hear voices. I knew it was the search party, so I kept yelling and then listening. They kept calling out my name, and I kept replying until we were together. My dad was holding me close when he reprimanded me,"Don't you know you were late for supper? I'm disappointed that you wandered off. I'm glad you told us where you were going, and I'm proud of you for remembering the survival techniques. But, I bet you won't do that again, eh?""Nah, I think I learned my lesson," I answered sheepishly.Read the story The Rescue:Captain Henry was said to be one of the best divers in Bayfield, Wisconsin, and now he is said to be the best ship captain. However, this evening on Lake Superior was different from any other evening that Captain Henry had seen. It was a wavy and stormy night on the lake. Captain Henry was directing all of his strength to hold the steering wheel and control the ship. The waves were the size of mammoths, and the boat continued to fill with angry water. Captain Henry yelled at his fellow sailors to scoop out the water that was weighing down the ship, but the sailors could not work any faster. "We are sinking! We are sinking!" shouted the sailors.Captain Henry knew that they were in trouble. With little time to spare before the ship began to sink into Lake Superior, Captain Henry made an urgent call to his older brother. His older brother had helped him with everything from cuts to broken bones all of his life. He was a father figure to Captain Henry. Coincidently, his older brother was also the strongest, bravest, and most dedicated coastguard in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Luckily, with Lake Superior just north of Bayfield, Captain Henry's brother would hopefully be able to rescue them soon. Captain Henry began to desperately flash the emergency lights on the boat so that his brother could find him. In the distance, the sailors pointed to a boat coming their way and tooting its horn. As Captain Henry's brother arrived, he threw a rope to the sailors and pulled them to safety. Standing on the boat, wrapped in blankets, the sailors, Captain Henry, and his brother watched the ship sink. "All good things must come to an end," stated Captain Henry, sadly. "But, hey! Now, you can practice your diving again and go see your ship at the bottom of the lake," joked Captain Henry's brother.In both texts, the characters find a solution to survive a perilous situation. Lost in the Woods tells of a child who uses the skills they had been taught while waiting to be found in the woods. How is the solution Captain Henry uses to get out of his perilous situation different in the text, The Rescue? Captain Henry must call for immediate help and abandon his sinking ship. Captain Henry must use the blankets on his brother's ship to stay warm. Captain Henry leaves his boat in the water to go diving. Captain Henry scoops the water out of the boat and sails away. Determine the measure of angle ABD.a) 48b) 12c) 90d) 24 A recent tornado damaged Jack's house and left it a little distorted. A question on the insurance form asked, "What shape is the house in?" Jack replied, "An irregular convex pentagon. The sum of the measures of the Interior angles of the 5-sided house is 540 find the Value x When choosing a topic for your research assignment, think of something that might be of interest to you and youraudience. First, write down your chosen topic. Then, to ensure that your topic isn't too broad, list three to fourinformal questions about your topic. These questions should help narrow down the focus of your topic. Finally, writedown your revised topic after you have narrowed it down.