If you throw a ball straight up into the air, when is the kinetic energy the greatest?


Answer 1
As you can see, when a ball is thrown at an angle, it never reaches a point where its kinetic energy is 0. However, some of its kinetic energy does become potential energy, and potential energy is at a maximum when the ball reaches its highest point. I hope that helps, have a amazing day and God bless! :)

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Why do you think the older scientist disregarded the younger scientist's prediction?



pls explain, can you show what the younger scientist did.


What is the function of peristalsis?

Multiple choice question.

to move food through the digestive system

to remove excess liquid from the body

to chemically digest food to release nutrients

to absorb nutrients into the blood


Answer:  A


The digestive tract carries out the function of peristalsis by moving food through the system.  Peristalsis also removes excess liquid from the body.  Chemical digestion breaks down food into small nutrients, but this process does not involve peristalsis.  Finally, absorption of nutrients into the blood does not fall under the purview of peristalsis.

It is the wave like contractions and relaxation of the gullet to pull down food into the stomach

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You have no context to the problem

Does a wave transport energy, matter, or both? Explain your answer in 1-2 sentences (Will give brainliest)


Answer in Explanation form

A wave carries its energy without transporting matter. Waves are seen to move into an ocean or lake, yet the water always returns to its resting position.

A wave transports energy, but not matter. Waves are created by the transfer of energy from one point to another, and they are able to transmit this energy over long distances without physically moving any matter.

What is a wave?

A wave is a disturbance that travels through space and matter, transferring energy from one place to another. Waves can take many forms, including mechanical waves (such as sound waves and seismic waves) and electromagnetic waves (such as light waves and radio waves).

Waves are created by the transfer of energy from one point to another, and they are able to transmit this energy over long distances without physically moving any matter. For example, sound waves can transmit energy through the air without moving any air molecules, and light waves can transmit energy through empty space without moving any particles. However, waves can still have an impact on matter by interacting with it, such as when a wave causes an object to vibrate or when a wave of light is absorbed by a substance.

Learn more about wave, here:



Provide 3 examples of substances that are mixtures and list the substances in them.


Salt and water
Sugar and salt
Salt and pepper
Bleach Sulfrate Meth and pure vinegar Salt Sodium Cloride

If my skater begins at a height of ______ meters, then the skater will have enough total energy to successfully complete the skate park ramp from start to finish. (Fill in the blank with a height between 0 and 10 meters.)


Answer: 5


If my skater begins at a height of 5 meters, then the skater will have enough total energy to successfully complete the skate park ramp from start to finish

Brainliest me

If my skater begins at a height of 5 meters, then the skater will have enough total potential energy to successfully complete the skate park ramp from start to finish.

If my skater starts at a height of 5 metres, he or she will have enough total potential energy to complete the skate park ramp from beginning to end. Potential energy is a physics notion that is affected by an object's height and mass. Because of its position in a gravitational field, an object at a specific height above the earth has potential energy.

The skater has a particular amount of potential energy connected with their starting height of 5 metres. As they go down the ramp, this potential energy is turned into kinetic energy, or motion energy. As the skater moves down the ramp, their speed rises, as does their kinetic energy.

To know more about potential energy, here:



Are all mutations harmful? Explain.



Most mutations are not harmful


but some can be. A harmful mutation can result in a genetic disorder or even cancer. Another kind of mutation is a chromosomal mutation. Chromosomes, located in the cell nucleus, are tiny threadlike structures that carry genes.  

by the way this is copyed

No, some mutations occur an actually help the specimen to adapt to its environment or prevent future issues.

How could you break down the compound calcium carbonate into the elements that make it up ? A. by melting B. by crushing C. with filter D. with chemical changes



A: By melting


When calcium carbonate is heated it decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

A. By melting

You can break it down by thermal decomposition

How would you classify this atom of oxygen?



Oxygen is a chemical element – a substance that contains only one type of atom. Its official chemical symbol is O, and its atomic number is 8, which means that an oxygen atom has eight protons in its nucleus. Oxygen is a gas at room temperature and has no colour, smell or taste. Oxygen is found naturally as a molecule.

Ion Anion an ion is a negatively or positively charged atom or radical
It’s atomic number is 8 which means it’s electronic configuration is 2,6 but it has 8 electrons in the l shell which means it is a negatively charged ion since the number of electrons is more than the number of protons. Anion is a negatively charged ion,cation is a positively charged ion

Provide 3 examples of substances that are mixtures and list the substances in them



Water and salt = salt water

Oxygen and water = sea foam

Smoke and fog = smog


Hope this helped, nya~ :3

An Expert, please answer this question!

A student made the table shown to list some contact and non-contact forces.

Which statement best explains why the table is incorrect?

A)Spring force is a force acting at a distance.

B) Air resistance is a force acting at a distance.

C) The student and desk have to be in contact to apply the force.

D) The electromagnet and wire have to be in contact to apply the force.

Incorrect answers = 2 stars (Nothing personally just to let others know so they don't get a bad score)

Correct answer = 5 stars and a thanks! (And maybe Brainliest!)

Incomplete/Absurd/link answers = 1 star and I will report (if it's incomplete I will ask you to finish it but if you don't iI will report and give 1 star)



C) The student and desk have to be in contact to apply the force.


I am pretty sure :)




What is energy, what is power, and how are they related?



Energy is a force conducted by machinery like PSi ( pressured air )  or naturally aspirated such as electricity or water mills


Power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time.

Explain 3 examples of kinetic and Potential energy



1. Planets; movement of planets around the sun and other stars in the galaxy is kinetic energy

2. Rubber Bands; can be classified as both potential and kinetic energy, depending on the state of the band (when stretch=potential energy; when released=kinetic energy)

3. Rivers; strictly kinetic energy. the water is constantly moving creating kinetic energy.


There is a large marble with a large amount of mass, including kinetic energy. Not too far from it, there's a small marble with a small amount of mass that stands still. The large marble moves towards it and collides with the small marble.

When the large marble collides with the small marble, is the large marble transferring kinetic energy to the small marble?



Yes it is I think


What are the strengths and limitations of your model?



Missing Details. Most models can't incorporate all the details of complex natural phenomenaExplanation:

PLZ help and fast

Compare your responses when you were warned and when you were not warned.

Decide if any of your reactions were reflex responses, and explain your answer.

Infer why organisms have reflex responses to some stimuli.




It can possibly be because of genetics in me. For instance: I love dark chocolate, and every time I eat some, it can activate the same photic sneeze reflex as the sun.

Write a paragraph comparing protons, neutrons, and electrons. Be sure to include mass, location, and electric charge.




Dalton's Atomic Theory explained a lot about matter, chemicals, and chemical reactions. Nevertheless, it was not entirely accurate, because contrary to what Dalton believed, atoms can, in fact, be broken apart into smaller subunits or subatomic particles. We have been talking about the electron in great detail, but there are two other particles of interest to us: protons and neutrons. We already learned that J. J. Thomson discovered a negatively charged particle, called the electron. Rutherford proposed that these electrons orbit a positive nucleus. In subsequent experiments, he found that there is a smaller positively charged particle in the nucleus, called a proton. There is also a third subatomic particle, known as a neutron.

Protons, neutrons, and electrons are fundamental particles that constitute the building blocks of atoms.

Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus, the central core of the atom, whereas electrons are located in electron shells surrounding the nucleus. Protons carry a positive electric charge and have a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit (amu).

Neutrons, on the other hand, are electrically neutral, meaning they have no electric charge, but they also have a mass of about 1 amu. Electrons, which are much smaller than protons and neutrons, have a negligible mass of approximately 1/1836 amu and bear a negative electric charge that exactly balances the positive charge of protons, resulting in an overall neutral charge for the atom. The combination of these three particles determines an element's chemical properties and behavior in chemical reactions.

To know more about neutrons here



What is the Uncontrolled variables/limitations for this science expirement? Does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it grows? Need help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAPNeed help ASAP


For my Independent variable, I put "I would be changing what I put on the ice: sand, sugar, and salt. I don't know what to put for the dependent. I read the definition. For my controls, I put "the amount of sand, sugar, and salt being put on the ice cubes.
I hope this helps!
i dont think that’s how it works

how do you word an informative essay in science class about newton's laws of motion seventh grade


Try looking at informative essays to help with the base then brain storm what your topic is about! this is the method that helps me the most! i will elaborate if needed! :)

Using the letters from Betelgeuse and Aldebaran, see how many different words of four letters or more you can make in ten minutes. Each word you make counts as 5 points. Record your words in the Report document.





Anything under 157, remember it’s how many you do, also sorry for being a bit late

Draw Bohr diagrams for the following


example calculation for a.)

N = 39 - P

N = 39 - 19

N = 20

P = 19

Idek what a bohr diagram is but I think the first person answered this for you

What is true about radioactive isotopes of an atom?

They do not break down.

They break down quicker than stable isotopes.

They undergo radioactive decay to form larger isotopes.

They break down to form heavier isotopes.



They break down quicker than stable isotopes.


I hope this helps

Have a blessed day

The statement which is true for a radioactive isotope is " they break down quicker than stable isotopes because they are unstable and undergo decay.

What is radioactive isotope?

A radioactive isotope is an isotope of an element which is under exposure to a radiation undergoes decay and breaks into lighter isotopes.

Radioactive isotopes are generally heavier and are unstable with short life time. They undergo radioactive decay by alpha/beta or gamma radiation to form stable lighter or smaller isotopes.

Therefore, option C that is, they  break down quicker than stable isotopes is correct.

To know more about radioactive decay, refer the link below:



When does the first step of digestion usually occur?

Multiple choice question.

when the organism discovers the food

when the food is chewed

when the food is swallowed

when the nutrients are absorbed





Firstly, when the food is chewed then the saliva is secreted and mixed with food. Then the food is swallowed and nutrients are absorbed.

Friction is similar to drag. Like drag it acts on an object in the opposite direction from the object’s motion.

How does the friction slow motion?



•  Friction is a force that occurs when two surfaces slide past

one another.

• The force of friction opposes the motion of an object,

causing moving objects to lose energy and slow down.

• When objects move through a fluid, such as air or water, the

fluid exerts a frictional force on the moving object. The

frictional force from a fluid is called a drag force.

• Friction examples: tires skidding to a stop on a road,

sandpaper rubbing against wood, air pushing against the

nose of an airplane

• Friction drag force causes objects to slow down as they move through a

fluid, such as air or water.

• Drag force depends primarily on the following variables:

– Cross‐sectional area of an object moving through the fluid

– Speed of moving object

– Density of the fluid

– Drag coefficient (determined by experiments; related to the shape of

the object)

• Drag force is especially dependent on the speed of an object. As an

object’s speed increases, the drag force from the fluid increases


• For example, when you drive at high speeds, the frictional force of air on

the car increases and fuel economy decreases

Hope this helps, have a nice day/night! :D

Renaldo says that concrete is useful because it is a low-maintenance material. Cynthia says that using concrete can be bad because it creates heat islands. Who is right?

-Only Cynthia is right.
-Neither is right.
-Both are right.
-Only Renaldo is right.


both are right because they both state true facts about concrete

Can someone help me??? Its for Science Fair

I need to write a Rationale
My project is on candles and wax.
If it'll help, here is my hypothesis: If the waxes being tested are beeswax, palm wax, paraffin wax, and soy wax, then the palm wax should burn the slowest and last the longest.



OK, you can say:

Waxes are a diverse class of organic compounds that are lipophilic, malleable solids near ambient temperatures. They include higher alkanes and lipids, typically with melting points above about 40 °C (104 °F), melting to give low viscosity liquids. Waxes are insoluble in water but soluble in organic, nonpolar solvents. Natural waxes of different types are produced by plants and animals and occur in petroleum.

And for more explanation you can visit


1. Tom and Tina decided they wanted to start a family. Tom knew his grandfather had sickle-cell disease. Sickle-cell disease is a recessive disorder that causes blood cells to stiffen and take on a crescent shape. These blood cells have a difficult time moving through the blood vessels and can cause health problems. Tina didn’t know of any family members that had it. Still, before they got pregnant they both went to the doctor for genetic tests. The doctor found that even though Tom and Tina were healthy, they both carried the gene for sickle-cell disease. Make a Punnett Square to determine the probability of Tom and Tina’s child having sickle-cell disease.

Use the space below to tell the probability of Tom and Tina having a child with sickle-cell and explain how you determine that.


it depends if their parents carry the gene, but from what we know, it is a 50% chance that the baby will have the disease.

scientist created diagram X to represent the molecules of a kind of gas in a closed container. Diagram Y represents the molecules in the container after the size of the container was reduced. The temperature in the container was not changed. What most likely happened to the system when the scientist changed the size of the container? A. Matter was added. B. Matter was removed. C. The pressure increased. D. The pressure decreased.


Why is your account my name and yours

The most likely outcome when the scientist changed the size of the container is that the pressure increased.

Option (C) is correct.

When the size of the container is reduced while keeping the temperature constant, the gas molecules experience a decrease in volume. According to Boyle's law (P₁V₁ = P₂V₂), if the volume decreases, the pressure of the gas will increase.

Diagram X represents the initial state with larger volume, and diagram Y shows the final state with reduced volume. Since the temperature remains constant, the pressure must change to counterbalance the change in volume.

As the volume decreases, the gas molecules have less space to move around, and they collide more frequently with the container walls. This increased collision rate results in a higher pressure exerted by the gas on the container walls.

Hence, the most likely outcome when the scientist changed the size of the container is that the pressure increased, which corresponds to option C.

To learn more about Boyle's law here



Why does transporting materials during production release carbon dioxide?
-Materials release carbon dioxide as they move around in vehicles.
-Materials exposed to air get warm easily. The warm materials release more carbon dioxide.
-Materials break down as they move and cause pollution. Pollution releases carbon dioxide.
-Vehicles used to move materials consume fuel and release carbon dioxide.




Why does an object with less mass move faster after a collision with an object with more mass?



if two objects of different mass have the same momentum, then the object with the least mass has a greater velocity

The greater the force that is applied to an object of a given mass, the more the object will accelerate


For example, doubling the mass of an object results in only half as much acceleration for the same amount of force

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