If you know two angle measures in a triangle, can you find the measure of the third angle? if not, why not? if so, how?.


Answer 1




Yes, you can find the third angle's measurement as all angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, you would add the angles of the two you already know and subtract that sum from 180 to get the measurement of the third angle. Hope that helps!

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The oblique pyramid has a square base. An oblique pyramid has a square base with a base edge length of 2 centimeters. The vertical height of the pyramid is 3. 75 centimeters. What is the volume of the pyramid? 2. 5 cm3 5 cm3 6 cm3 7. 5 cm3.



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58One-third cm3



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The person uses catfishing in order to appear as a better version of themselves by using a fake identity.

Distinguish the various types of landforms formed by wind.



Wind Eroded Arid Landforms – Deflation basins, Mushroom rocks, Inselbergs, Demoiselles, Demoiselles, Zeugen , Wind bridges and windows. Depositional Arid Landforms – Ripple Marks, Sand dunes, Longitudinal dunes, Transverse dunes, Barchans, Parabolic dunes, Star dunes and Loess.


Fixed Sand Sheets. Fixed sand sheets are undulating sandy hills that are found. ...

Ventifacts. Ventifacts are stones of various sizes that have been faceted by abrasion. ...

Ripples. Ripples are small sand waves with wavelengths of about one meter. ...

Yardangs. ...

Sand Dunes.


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions. Online Content: Site 1 What essential skills must a graphic designer possess in order to be a proficient, well-rounded designer? (site 1).


Some of the essential skills which a graphic designer must possess in order to be a proficient, well-rounded designer includes:

CreativityCommunication skillsProper use of color

A graphic designer is a person who produces high quality images or drawings through a variety of skills and attributes which he must combine to make beautiful images and graphics.

With this in mind, we can see that a graphic designer must be able to properly communicate with his clients so he can get a good idea of what he would design for them and he should also be able to be creative and bring out new, exciting ways to make designs.

Read more here:



Some of the essential skills that a graphic designer must have in order to be a competent, well-rounded designer are as follows:

Creativity and communication abilities

Color usage that is appropriate

A graphic designer is someone who creates high-quality images or drawings using a variety of skills and attributes that he must combine to create visually appealing images and graphics.

With this in mind, we can see that a graphic designer must be able to properly communicate with his clients in order to get a good idea of what he would design for them, as well as be creative and come up with new, exciting ways to make designs.


How will you make a cheer dance routine in a solo performance essay.


The main parts of cheerleading include jumps ,stunting ,and tumbling. A routine dance for cheerleading practice

1) Opening

2) Standing tumbling

3) Partner stunts

4) Running tumbling

5) Jumps

6) Basket tosses

7) Pyramid


Which of the following factors affected the US economy during the 1970s? stagflation low inflation low unemployment high GDP.


The factor which affected the US economy during the 1970s is: A. stagflation

In the 1970s, an energy crisis was a major event that took place in the United States of America due to the oil embargo imposed on it by OPEC.

An oil embargo was imposed on the United States of America by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1973, based on its role in the Arab-Israeli War.

Consequently, the economy of the United States of America experienced stagflation such as:

Slow economic growth.Relatively high unemployment.

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by learning from past mistakes

According to Wilson, which of the following groups had too much power over the US economy and government? socialists big business workers Congress.


Woodrow Wilson was of the opinion that when it came to power over the b, Big Business had too much of it.

Woodrow Wilson was not a fan of the power that big business had in the U.S. and so to combat it he introduced:

The Federal Trade Commission Act Clayton Antitrust Act

These two acts were meant to reduce the monopolistic tendencies of big business in the United States and to increase competition in the market for the betterment of the American people.

In conclusion, Wilson was against big business.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/11851810.


Big business


on edge 2021

A 250 kg crate is on a rough ramp.


a 250-kg crate is on a rough ramp, inclined at 30 degrees above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the ramp is 0.22. A horizontal force of 4222 N is applied on the crate, pushing it up the ramp


a 250-kg crate is on a rough ramp, inclined at 30 degrees above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the ramp is 0.22. A horizontal force of 4222 N is applied on the crate, pushing it up the ramp


A store owner has 7. 11 lbs. Of candy. If she puts the candy into 9 jars, how much candy will each jar contain?.





9 go's into 7.11 0.79 equally

What is the value of x in the equation 2 (6 x 4) minus 6 2 x = 3 (4 x 3) 1? 1 3 4 6.




Step-by-step explanation:

2 (6 x + 4) - 6 + 2 x = 3 (4 x + 3) + 1

12x + 8 - 6 + 2x = 12x + 9 + 1

12x + 2 + 2x = 12x + 10

2x + 2 = 10

2x = 10 - 2

2x = 8

x = 4

Which of the following methods would not be used to prove that two triangles are congruent?.




The equilibrium constant for the reaction cu + 2ag.



Socratic app


it will help you

Identify the true statements about surface tension.



surface tansion increases as the temperature of the liquid rises

Which best describes the first law of thermodynamics as compared to the second law of thermodynamics? The first law describes how thermal energy is conserved but not the direction it moves. The first law describes the direction thermal energy moves but not how it is conserved. The first law describes how thermal energy can be created but not how it can be destroyed. The first law describes how thermal energy can be destroyed but not how it can be created.


The statement which best describes the difference between the first law of thermodynamics in comparison with the second law of thermodynamics is that: A. The first law describes how thermal energy is conserved but not the direction it moves.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can only be transformed (converted) from one form to another such as potential energy to kinetic energy. Thus, thermal energy is always conserved according to the First Law of Thermodynamics.

On the other hand, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorderliness) of an isolated system always increases and can never be decreased. Thus, the direction of an energy is described by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

In conclusion, the difference between the First Law of Thermodynamics in comparison with the Second Law of Thermodynamics is that the first law describes how thermal energy is conserved but not the direction in which thermal energy moves.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/3032746


A is the answer


This is for people who don't like reading long answers :)

~Hope it helps!

A deal is a deal, so here is a good one, let's see who gets it right. I had $10. 0. My mom gives me $30. 00, my dad gave me $30. 0. My aunt and uncle give $100. 0. I had another $10. 0. How much money did i have? the right answer will be deleted & you will be asked to repost the question on your page.



the answer to your question is 180

Following the end of the civil war, most freedmen and poor whites in the south earned a living through.



sharecropping and tenant farming


To what extent were the goals of reconstruction regarding african-americans achieved by 1900?.


Answer: The goals were

ensure citizenship and civil liberties , Provide economic , and Provide education opportunities for former slaves

Explanation:civil right act in 1866

Examine the steps used to solve the equation. 12. 5x − 10. 2 = 3(2. 5x + 4. 2) - 6 1. 12. 5x − 10. 2 = 7. 5x + 12. 6 − 6 2. 12. 5x − 10. 2 = 7. 5x + 6. 6 3. 12. 5x = 7. 5x + 16. 8 4. 5x = 16. 8 5. X = 3. 36 analyze the steps to determine which properties or procedures were used to complete each step step 1: step 2: step 3: step 4: step 5:.



Step 1:  

✔ distributive property

Step 2:  

✔ combining like terms

Step 3:  

✔ addition property of equality

Step 4:  

✔ subtraction property of equality

Step 5:  

✔ division property of equality


I just did the assignment

Step 1: distributive property, Step 2:   ✔ combining like terms and Step 3:   ✔ addition property of equality and Step 4:   ✔ subtraction property of equality, Step 5:  ✔ division property of equality.

What is Disributive property?

We can divide anything into portions when you distribute it. The distributive property in mathematics breaks down expressions into the sum or difference of two integers, which makes it easier to solve complex problems.

This concept states that multiplying the sum of two addends by a number will produce the same outcome as multiplying each addend separately by the number and then adding the results.

The distributive property, sometimes known as the distributive property of multiplication, tells us how to solve certain algebraic expressions that include both multiplication and addition.

Step 1: distributive property, Step 2:   ✔ combining like terms and Step 3:   ✔ addition property of equality and Step 4:   ✔ subtraction property of equality, Step 5:  ✔ division property of equality.

To learn more about distributive property, refer to the link:



"Don’t it s’prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck?" "No," I says, "it don’t. " "Why don’t it, Huck?" "Well, it don’t, because it’s in the breed. I reckon they’re all alike. " "But, Huck, dese kings o’ ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat’s jist what dey is; dey’s reglar rapscallions. " "Well that’s what I’m a–sayin; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out. " —The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain What’s funny about this passage?.



B. Huck has decided that all kings are rascals.

Next questions:

What is Twain's intent or meaning?

A. Even children recognize the abuse of power.

What could Twain’s viewpoint be, based on the humor and the author’s intent?

A. Rulers abuse their power


Probably too late but for the next people who need the answer.

Huck has decided that all kings are rascals. That is funny about this passage.

What is the passage?

A passage is technically just a piece or subsection of a literary work, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. Despite some claims to the contrary, most passages are at least one paragraph long and frequently multiple.

Illustrative example with five steps.

Select a controlling notion and write a topic sentence.

Expand upon the central concept.

Give one illustration (or several examples)...

Describe the example(s).

Finish the thought in the paragraph, or move on to the next one.

There is frequently a lot of misunderstanding, however, if you're searching for a definitive response to the query, "How many sentences are in a paragraph?" The answer is that a paragraph consists of three to eight lines. The fact that it is a golden rule is a crucial element in this response.

To know more about the passage follow the link.



Which is an example of a polyatomic ion? H2 CO3- Mg Ne -.





When individuals apply certain standards that are the standards set by others, such as by parents or the government, they are at the __________ level of moral reasoning.



conventional moral reasoning


After years of maintaining a steady population of 32,000, the population of a town begins to grow exponentially. After 1 year and an increase of 8% per year, the population is 34,560. Which equation can be used to predict, y, the number of people living in the town after x years? (Round population values to the nearest whole number. ) y = 32,000(1. 08)x y = 32,000(0. 08)x y = 34,560(1. 08)x y = 34,560(0. 08)x.



A: y=32,000(1.08x)


correct on edge <3

Choose the best Spanish word to complete the sentence. Alan y Enrique __________ amigos. Es están son está.





Just got 100%, but further explanation: Es and esta are both easy to rule out, as neither of them refers to "they" (Alan y Enrique), and estan does not work because of the weird rules. Tbh I feel like you just have to memorize them except in some cases where one just clearly makes more sense than the other.

Answer: Pick answer C: "son"

If a dog has 72 chromosomes how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have.





Since a daughter has half the parents

What is the density of helium gas at 17°c and 773 torr?.


Answer:540 g m/s.nrijnvijenvirvijrvnijrvirvirnvrijvnrijvnrivnrijvnrwjivnrij-gvnrgr-b


Which of the following can be best explained by temporary dipole moments?.


we need to see the following answers to answer ur question

A car is traveling with a constant speed when the driver suddenly applies the brakes, causing the car to slow down with a constant acceleration of magnitude 3. 50 m/s2. If the car comes to a stop in a distance of 30. 0 m, what was the car's original speed?.


Answer: 14.49 m/s

Explanation:  you would have to use  kinematic equations to solve for the original speed.

v^2 = v0^2 + 2 (a) (x)  where v = 0 since the car stopped

then you would get v0 = sqrt (2(a)(x))

plug in the known values

v0 = sqrt(2(3.50)(30.0))

v0 = 14.49 m/s

So the answer would be 14.49 m/s

What plot techniques does the writer use to keep the reader engaged? Check all that apply. The slow pace builds suspense. The quick pace advances the action. Foreshadowing hints at Boxer’s fate. The slow pace foreshadows Clover’s fate. A flashback slows action and explains conflict.


The plot is simply defined as what takes place or happens in a story. The plot techniques that the writer use to keep the reader engaged is the slow pace builds suspense and Foreshadowing hints at Boxer's fate.

A good plot is based on a specific moment. A story without a good plot can be boring and people may not like it.

It can be an interruption of a pattern, or an action that leads to raises a dramatic question, which is answered as the course of the story goes.

For every good story, there should be a good plot outline.

Learn more from


Answer: A,C


why is it important to reduce reuse and recycle plastic materials to save the environment?​



Plastic materials do not decompose easily and most end up in the ocean where they can potentially harm animals. Some plastics also release carcinogens when burnt. By reducing its usage, we look for a more sustainable alternative to plastic materials. Reuse old plastic containers, bags, etc. if they can are still in good condition. Recycling will repurpose plastics that are no longer in proper condition to be used how it was originally intended to be.

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