If the narrator is outside of the story and uses pronouns such as "they, he, she, them", you have a _______________ narrator.


Answer 1


3rd person narrator


Related Questions

Some novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that the author apparently wishes to influence or modify and how it contributes to an interpretation of the work as whole. Avoid plot summary



Why the Gods are not to be blamed

Based on the information in the text,
what can you infer about Jane's
relationship with the chimpanzees she
Jane was fascinated by the
chimpanzees she studied but
acknowledged that they were
inferior because they were
Jane was horrified by what she
saw when she watched her
chimpanzees hunt and did not
know they were capable of such
gruesome attacks.
Jane gained a particularly strong
connection with one of the
chimpanzees she studied.
Jane gained a strong sense of
respect for the intelligence of the
chimpanzees she studied.





Jane was fascinated by the

chimpanzees she studied but

acknowledged that they were

inferior because they were


Help please please I’ll mark blainlist



1: Fun is fun, and that's all your kids want to do when they're with their friends. So toss this list their way if they keep asking to have a party.

1:Never Have I Ever.

2:Knees and Elbows.

3:Honey, If You Love Me.

4:Pass the Peanut.


6:Would You Rather?

7:Singing Bingo.

8:Yard Twister.

2:Risky behaviors are those that expose us to harm or danger in pursuit of what is perceived as a positive outcome. People pursue risk taking behaviors because of the benefit they think will come from the behavior. They are willing to take a chance, risking potential harm, because of the appeal of the reward.People want to explore new things in life, they like to take risk and wants to be different from others. Nowadays, dangerous sports or dangerous activities have become popular all over the world. Especially young people offer the thrill of facing difficult challenges and overcoming obstacles.

First of all, some people play dangerous sports for passion and fame. They don't want to discontinue their passion and love towards dangerous sports. Nowadays, people record whatever sports they play and post it online for others to watch and enjoy. And also they will become famous among their friends circle, and people start recognizing them.

3:No young people shouldn't be encouraged to try sports and activities that might be risky because This leads to increased obesity rates and the potential for developing chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, by adolescence. Those that do participate in a single sport from an early age see an increased risk of overuse injuries from the repetitive stress put on their bodies.

4:When its important to be tough is when getting harassment and bully so you can defend yourself.

II. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.
6. A. exciting B. boring C. interesting D. convenient
7. A. big B. tall C. wide D. expensive
8. A. suburb B. park C. memorial D. market
9. A. sunny B. beaches C. weather D. supermarket
10. A. cross B. turn C. straight D. buy



6. Convenient.

7. Expensive

8. Memorial

9. Supermarket

10. Buy

What is your favorite genre of music?


I live Lori music because it helps to study


rock music and peace music

Write a 3 paragraph response to the following prompt. Use evidence
What were the causes of imperialism?



To understand the impact of different empires that existed during the Long Nineteenth Century, we must seek to understand three topics. The first is the how and why of "imperialism." We know that industrialized countries like Britain, France, and the United States built and ruled empires in this period. But why then? What motivated the governments and their people? What made it possible for them, at that particular point in history, to expand their authority so far around the globe?Of course, you can probably answer a lot of those questions right now, thanks to previous units. You'll remember how nationalism drove some countries to compete with each other, and one way to compete was by seizing overseas territory. Ironically, reformers–who in theory are the ones trying to make things better–sometimes actually drove imperialism. They argued that taking territories was OK, or even desirable, if the goal was to (in their words) "civilize and improve" their populations. Unfortunately, their idea of improvement was often less "how can we help?" and more "how can we change you to fit our needs?" Imperialist claims of racial superiority were also becoming powerful in this era, so colonial subjects were often treated as racially inferior.

Possibly the most important factor in the construction of new and larger empires in this period was industrialization. In the first place, industrialized countries were now able to conquer and rule other societies, especially those that were not industrialized. Machine guns and artillery obviously played a role, but it wasn't just about weapons. When only one side has steamships, railroads, telegraphs, and new medicines, they have a great advantage occupying and ruling whoever doesn't have those tools.

Industrialization also provided one of the motives for empire-building. Industry needed raw material to turn into goods, and it needed markets in which to sell them. Colonies promised to provide both. The minerals of a colony's land could be mined, its forests cut, its fish caught–all to feed the factories of the empire. Then, those factories could produce goods that could be sold to people in the colonies, who would have little choice except to buy them.

All of these motives came together in what we call imperialism. Imperialism was the set of ideas and actions that people in some societies supported in the conquest and rule of people in other societies, who were treated unevenly. It was a set of ideas and actions that were especially relevant in a few industrialized societies that built empires, but that also came to be shared quite widely during this era.


1. Which excerpt from "Tears of Autumn" by Yoshiko Uchida represents the main character's internal conflict?
O" ... she would make a good wife for Taro Takeda ..."
"She thought now of seeking the warm shelter of her bunk..."
"She was thin and small, her dark eyes shadowed in her pale face
"Why did I ever leave Japan?" she wondered bitterly.


I assume it would be "Why did I ever leave Japan?". I haven't read the book, but it shows conflict in that she's bitter over a decision she's made-- to leave.

which phrase mean to organize evidence logically in a persuasive text?


The phrase that means to organize evidence logically in a persuasive text is:

to provide at least three pieces of evidence to support the argument.

Let's understand what a persuasive text is all about.

What is a persuasive text?

A persuasive text is any form of text (non-fiction) that presents points of view in order to persuade the reader.

A persuasive text can be:

an argumentan expositiona discussion

Thus, when at least three evidences are presented in an argument, it makes it logical and persuasive.

Learn more about Persuasive Text on https://brainly.com/question/926333

Answer: The proof is in the picture


reread the three purposes that most arguments address. a) in the left hand column of the chart, record those purposes in the order in which you think Douglass was effective in addressing them, from most successful to least successful b) Use the right hand column to explain your choices?


Douglass' most efficient purpose is to show that there is no freedom in America, followed by the purpose of showing that there is a great inequality between him and his listeners, followed by the purpose of showing that the celebration of American freedom is hypocritical.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Douglass' main argument in the speech was to show that he and other blacks in the country have no reason to celebrate freedom in America.He reinforces this argument showing that it is great hypocrisy to call him to speak in this type of celebration, as this only shows how there is a gigantic inequality between whites and blacks, which is ignored by whites.He also wants to show how the idea of ​​freedom in America is a big lie, as blacks don't have freedom and are enslaved in a country said to be the freest of all.

To reinforce all the arguments Douglass shows evidence talking about the life of slaves, the oppression to which they are subjected, and the white population's refusal to give freedom to all.

This question is about the speech "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"

More information:


est and suffer, rather than to fly and
from the word of dishonor, but on
ast, and in an instant, at the height
vay from the scene, not of their fear,
You have read two speeches commemorating soldiers who lost
their lives in battle fighting for their countries. Write a multi-
paragraph informational essay explaining the significance each
speaker attaches to the soldiers,
Manage your time carefully so that you can
• plan your essay and do some prewriting
• write your essay
Be sure to
n; they were worthy of Athens, and
ve a more heroic spirit, although
sue. The value of such a spirit is
Anyone can discourse to you
of a brave defense, which you
istening to him, I would have you
the greatness of Athens, until you
her; and when you are impressed
reflect that this empire has been
heir duty and had the courage to do
had the fear of dishonor always
ever they failed in an enterprise,
to be lost to their country, but freely
Fairest offering which they could
• use evidence from both speeches
• avoid over-relying on one speech
Your written response should be in the form of a multi-
paragraph informational essay,
Write your response in the space provided.
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War. A
Wong Copyright 1907 W D C Heath & Co.
27 10000 Word Limit
The soldiers
cally or mentally


The above question wants to analyze your writing ability. For that reason, I can't write this essay for you, but I'll show you how you can write it.

First of all, you should know that an informative essay is the type of essay that does not present arguments or opinions, but rather a piece of information and that is intended to teach or explain something to someone.

With that in mind, you should write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Present the subject of the essay, showing basic information so that the reader knows the subject that will be covered.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In these paragraphs, you will show all the relevant information that you found when researching this subject.

Conclusion State the relevance of the subject and why it must be discussed.

More information:


Dill is known to tell many lies,


His father had a long pointed beard.
His grandfather was a famous Confederate General.
He had been to Nova Scotia.
He had seen an elephant.



Umm a?


Spain is hotter than England
……..England is colder than Spain



yep ur right


“Most food that goes uneaten — 61 percent — is thrown out by home cooks and diners.”

Write a paragraph showing me your ideas for SOLVING this problem.
What is your SOLUTION…?
Support your solution with a QUOTE from a DIFFERENT article.



My solution to this problem would be to give the food to homeless shelters or to the less fortunate like a food drive. It makes me sick to know that so much food that could be put to good use is being thrown out never to be eaten by anyone. What a waste!

Sorry I don't have a quote from a different article

What is chronological thinking?



when you can view events in the order they happened for example like what you did today you would think about what you did in chronological order if someone asked what you did first and last you would say you woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, etc.


Name as many uses for ice cubes as you can?
10 sentences or more sentences


cold drinks
medicinal uses
iced coffee
Remove things like gum from clothes
icing your face
clean vases and bottles
water plants over a long day
cool down pets during the summer
remove dents from carpets make insta smoothies
used in restaurants

Can Someone help me write a poem on crime and violence?


yess lmk what is it?

A place where people study space



At home at school or at a libarary

in "the metamorphosis," how does gregor first react when he discovers that he has become an insect?


Gregor reacts by going back to sleep. thinking it will go away and that what is happening is just a bad dream.

Why do you think words were so important to the movement?​



Old battles are now new again. Progress is always elusive.


Write a diary entry of at least 120 words about this situation.
: - How you feel about not being able to go home.


Answer: "Dear Diary, I just found out that I won't be able to sleep in my (very comfortable) bed tonight- what am I gonna do? It's silly writing this in a book. I'm aware. But who else will I talk to about it? I'm so confused- the last thing I remember is coming home from school on the bus, and the front door not opening when I used the key. I can only imagine it's some sort of foul prank, but who would do such a thing? Oh my goodness- my parents- they won't be home for days on end! My life is over. Wait- am I homeless now? Oh my goodness. This isn't good. Am I meant to call authorities? No, I can't- how will they get inside the house? Think think think. This isn't going to end well. I'm scared. What's going to happen?"

Explanation: So sorry if this isn't what you were looking for. I tried to make the person appear to be anxious about not being able to go back inside their home again. Hope you do well! <3

Which sentence uses the
underlined academic
vocabulary word incorrectly?
A. She wanted to lose weight, so she
deduced sugar and fat from her diet.
B. I deduced the fastest way to deliver
food to Rick's house.
C. All of the new furniture in the room
was in proportion to the old furniture
Answer asap and no link plz!!


Answer: C. All of the new furniture in the room was in proportion to the old furniture.  

The correct word is "with".

Heres The Book ( Questions are linked )
Read the following paragraph from “Katherine Johnson Biography.”

The 1957 launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik changed history—and Katherine Johnson’s life. In 1957, Katherine provided some of the math for the 1958 document Notes on Space Technology, a compendium of a series of 1958 lectures given by engineers in the Flight Research Division and the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division (PARD). Engineers from those groups formed the core of the Space Task Group, the NACA’s first official foray into space travel, and Katherine, who had worked with many of them since coming to Langley, “came along with the program” as the NACA became NASA later that year. She did trajectory analysis for Alan Shepard’s May 1961 Freedom 7, America’s first human spaceflight. In 1960, she and engineer Ted Skopinski coauthored Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position, a report laying out the equations describing an orbital spaceflight in which the landing position of the spacecraft is specified. It was the first time a woman in the Flight Research Division had received credit as an author of a research report.





A word can have a positive, neutral,_________or





If there’s a good there’s bad.

What does "for example" tell readers about the sentence it introduces?



demonstrate the point they are trying to make


so, you have been to paris. When.........there
A. did you go.
B.have you been. ​





When have you been there

13. Where’s Jane? I haven’t seen her for weeks. ~ I’m not sure. She__________ (travel) in Europe.


She traveled in Europe.

pls help I will give brainlist to anyone who is correct​


Answer: cheerfulness

Write a different title for the story, "The Duel." In a short essay, explain why your title is more appropriate.


The above question wants to analyze your writing and reading ability. For that reason, I cannot answer this question for you, but I will show you how to answer it.

To change the title of the text, you must read the entire text, understand the story and create a title that represents that story and can catch the reader's attention. For this reason, it is important that, in addition to reading the text, you search for articles that analyze this text and show you a more comprehensive view of it.

This reading will also provide the basis for you to write the essay explaining the title change. You will write the essay as follows:

Introduction: Briefly present the story and show the main reason why you decided to change its title.

Body: Write at least two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you will show the reasons why you believe that the original title is not appropriate and needs to be modified. In the second paragraph, show the text elements that made you create a new title, in addition to showing the item that makes your title more appropriate for the story.

Conclusion: Summarize your arguments, justifying the title change.

More information:


Read the sentence from John F. Kennedy's "Inaugural Address."

Let both sides unite to heed, in all corners of the earth, the command of Isaiah- to "undo the heavy burdens, and (to] let the oppressed go free."
What rhetorical feature is used in this sentence?

A) allusion

B) simile

C) anaphora

D) hyperbole​



C) anaphora


Process of elimination.  

how to write a persuasive text abt refugees and accepting them into Australia



Australia's Refugee and Humanitarian Program has played a crucial role in international efforts to provide protection to persons whose life, liberty, safety, health and other fundamental rights are at risk.

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Why, think and wonder. Why are these worlds so valuable? What would this world be like without them? say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii What is the difference between a summary and a paraphrase?A) Both include a quotation, but a summary is longer.B) A summary condenses information while a paraphrase simply restates it.C) Nothingthey are the same thing.D) Both cover a large body of work, but a paraphrase includes a direct quote. what is rotational dynamics How to add moisture to the air without a humidifier? Write an equation in slope-intercept form of the line shown. what is the equation of a line when m=-7 and b=-8 Why do cells need to use active transport? Give one example of how cells use active transport. need help with identiifying slope thing i sent Solve for q.7q5q=16q= what topics of algebra are on the shsat When was the Declaration of Independence published Why are historians able to rely on well-known museums for accurate information about the past?A. because museums are one of the largest sources of information about past events, which makes research easyB. because historians can ask museum curators about the information they are looking for and save timeC. because a museum is the place in which historical information is archived by archivists, which makes research easyD. because the information presented in well-known museums has been caref X+y=6 x-y=-2 solve by elimination Which asset type would be most useful as part of an income investment strategy? A. Real estate B. Certificate of deposit C. Money market account D. Savings account The contestants receiving the fewest viewersvotes are ______from the competition. In our own age, filmmakers have taken different approaches tosome of the same issues and goals that Shakespeare did in thatwomen and men could rediscover a connection to each other asequals, how humanity is threatening and fundamentallychanging peaceful life on planet earth, and what some possiblesolutions to gangs might be.As you watch WALL-E, ask yourself what approach the filmmakeris taking to the question of humanity's connection to/loss ofconnection to each other and to planet earth, as well as itsimpact our future. What does each film foreground (causes,effects, dangers, values, meaning, hope/despair, etc.)? What doyou think is more or less effective and why? And finally, do youpersonally have person (locally or far away) that anchors orconnects you to the another culture? Who is it and how does thisperson do this? Why is this person important to you? Question Southeast Asia and the Pacific are known for volcanoes and having several areaswithin the "Ring of Fire."True or false When a fish is selected at random from a tank, the probability that it has a green tail is0.48, the probability that it has red fins is 0.28, and the probability that it has both agreen tail and red fins is 0.22. What is the probability that the selected fish will not havea red fin or a green tail?O 98%O 2%O 54%O 46% A 6-pack of ice cream sandwiches costs $3.86. What is the unit price, rounded to the nearest cent?