i need help please would the correct answer choice be C?

I Need Help Please Would The Correct Answer Choice Be C?


Answer 1


It would be A.


Antonyms are opposites.

Coward and Valiant are antonyms.

Answer 2


i think it C sorry if is wrong


Related Questions

write me a lyric poem about (the fear of heights) (at least 4 - 7 verses)
(does not have to rhyme)
(correct grammar and no plagiarism) Thank you!


Im afraid

although I like to mask my fear

I prefer to stand clear

tall buildings mountain tops

or simply just a roof

I imagine the worst

I tremble and even sometimes curse

it's very common to fear

but I prefer to not let my friends hear

as I feel they may make fun

I'd rather suffer instead of run

it may not come when you're young

climbing trees and riding rides

until you feel the fear

and then riding those rides may be hard

lots of courage to ride once more


the fear of Heights

Heights are scary, they are not fun.

What if i fall, or get caught by a big bird. I could even die, in the sun shine.

please hlep me i am scared of cancer i also eat doodie  good bye fornow!



Read this paragraph from I Never Had It Made.

Branch Rickey lost that fight, but when he became the boss of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943, he felt the time for equality in baseball had come. He knew that achieving it would be terribly difficult. There would be deep resentment, determined opposition, and perhaps even racial violence. He was convinced he was morally right, and he shrewdly sensed that making the game a truly national one would have healthy financial results. He took his case before the startled directors of the club, and using persuasive eloquence, he won the first battle in what would be a long and bitter campaign. He was voted permission to make the Brooklyn club the pioneer in bringing blacks into baseball.

What is the author’s purpose for including this paragraph?

to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s professional career
to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s determination


The author’s purpose for including this paragraph is to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s determination
to inform his readers of hi determination

A Day on Mars
In the year 4791, two brave space explorers met on holodeck 2 of the starship “ Voyager”.

When Conner came to Holodeck 2 to look for Violet, he found a tropical rainforest. Hummingbirds were flying around heliconia stalks, Parrots were flying overhead, and macaw birds were singing in the treetops. It sounded like there was a waterfall nearby. It smelled like it had just rained, and there in the center of the room there was a large stone by a steady stream that Violet was meditating on. Violet suddenly saw Conner and said “ Computer, end program.” “Hey Violet,” said Conner “ we’ve got to go.” “”Where Conner?’ said Violet “ To mars silly,” said Conner “Conner,” Violet said, “ are you sure it’s safe on mars?” “ I’m positive Violet” said Conner “let us go tell the captain we are ready.” “Alright,” said Violet “Computer, teleport us to the Captain.”

Violet and Conner were instantly transported to the captains quarters. The captain looked surprised to see them at first but smiled when she saw it was Violet and Conner. “Hello Violet, Hello Conner,” said Captain Jane Picard “ I see you two must have made up your minds, what is your final answer?” “ We are going!” said Violet and Conner in unison. “Good” said Captain Picard “ Computer, Transport Violet and Conner to mars.” Suddenly there was a loud explosion, then Violet and Conner were on Mars.

Standing ever so elegantly in front of Violet and Conner was a palace made of blue and purple Martian crystals, with flags made of golden silk and embroidered with diamond thread that shined like the stars. Violet and Conner went inside the palace, and there were two thrones, one of pink Martian crystals with a white diamond heart engraved on it and one of blue Martian crystals with a red ruby sword engraved on it. “ what do those symbols mean Violet?” said Conner “They mean love and war.” said Violet “ weird” said Conner “why would thrones have the symbols of love and war.” “Who dares enter my palace?” a voice yelled, “who’s that?” said Conner “ who’s there?” said Violet. Then richly dressed male and female aliens came down the stairs. “I am king Gorg.” said the male alien “and I am Queen Kreeblim” said the female alien “ this is our son Prince Broxholm” said King Gorg “ he is looking for a young lady to marry. “hello” said Prince Broxholm, he looked at Violet “Who are you?” said Prince Broxholm “my name is Violet” said Violet “ it is a pleasure to meet you your majesties” said both Violet and Conner.

Then Prince Broxholm said to Violet “ You are the most beautiful lady I have seen; would you be my princess?” “ Yes!” said Violet “ I would love to!” “ then we must be married at once” said Prince Broxholm “What about me?” said Conner “ You shall be the wedding sacrifice.” said Prince Broxholm. “HooLan, take my bride to her chambers, and Fleef put the sacrifice in the dungeon. “No!, you can’t do this to me!” said Conner. “Conner!” yelled Violet

“ Violet, don’t worry” said Hoolan “there is a secret passageway in your chambers, I will show you, but you must use it with caution, we Martians are light sleepers.” “all right Hoolan” said Violet “ I will”. In the dungeon, Fleef was putting Conner in a cell when Fleef said “Conner there is a secret passage in this cell, though you must use it with caution, because we Martians are light sleepers and if the king and queen hear you they will kill both you and Violet.” “Oh no” said Conner “ I will keep that in mind.”

That night both Violet and Conner used the secret passageways and escaped the Martian castle. They managed to get back to the “voyager” without a problem. “ Conner.” Violet said. “Yes Violet?” Conner said, “ I have to tell you something” Violet said. “What is it Violet” Conner said. “ I don’t feel complete without you” said Violet “ I want to be with you forever, I love you.” “ I love you too Violet” said Conner.

The End


this was really good omg, you’re really good !

Pls help, i dont know what to do, read the thing attached


So it looks like you have to pick 2 stories/poems you've read and write 2 paragraphs and after that compare and contrast the 2 stories/poems.


so what youll want to do is like it says pick 2 of the to compare and contrast. after that youll want to compare how they differentiate from each other. Example: is it in a first person, 3rd person view ect...

another way youll need to compare them is through the literary technige. Example: do one of the poems use a flashback (going back in time to a past event) or foreshadowing (an implication for the future) ect...


i hope this helped u

1. What are 2 meanings for might? 2. What are two meanings for entrance? Help me please.



maybe and tryjdndndbdbhdjdjdjdjdjdjd

this is part one
see im no good :(

The Killer Clowns
One dark and stormy night, a loud bang came from the garage. A 10 year old girl named Rosa went to see what it was. When Rosa opened the door the lights went out. She knew there was a flashlight near the door, but she couldn’t find it, and the breaker-box was on the other side of the house in the basement. Suddenly the lights started to flicker on and off. She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Rosa ran and hid is a closet across the hall, she whispered to herself “Please don’t come this way”. “Clump, Clump, Clump” She heard the footsteps getting closer, all of a sudden they stopped in front of the door and went back down the hall. Rosa let out a sigh of relief. Then she heard a clown car and thought “That’s odd, clown car’s don’t pass through this late” but realized there were killer clowns on the loose and the police couldn’t stop them, the clowns already killed the entire police force. She knew what she had to do. The kitchen was down the hall and it sounded like the intruder was upstairs in the attic. Rosa had found a bag and started towards the kitchen, she knew exactly where the kitchen knives were and grabbed some food and a large carving knife. She also grabbed her mother’s pistol and some ammo from the gun safe. She heard the front door rattling and knew to get to her room, because it was her and her puppy, Rose-Bud who was a pit bull, that night and it had no windows to get in through.
Rosa locked the room door and pushed the dresser and nightstand against the door to barricade the door. Rosa heard the honking of a rubber chicken, and she knew the clowns were here. Still instead of screaming she stayed silent, got the gun loaded and ready to fire then hid in her closet. She would be safe in there for the time being, suddenly she knew Chuckie had teamed up with the killer clowns. Who else would have the clowns teamed up with besides a haunted doll? Rosa heard a knife scraping against the wall, it was deafening. Rosa was still in her closet with Rose-Bud. “Bang, Bang, Bang” went the door, a clown had gotten in! The clown opened the closet door very slowly and got shot straight in the heart. The gunfire made Chuckie and all the clowns run, but they are still out there.



Please!! What you mean "you're no good"?! You had me at the edge of my seat.


If you want your work to be better, all you got to do is practice a little more.

Now what happens next? :D


this writer has potential 10/10 would follow


Write a first-hand account of a school event. Include both present and past tense regular verbs.


Ummmmmm ……………………. wth

Both Swin Cash and Naomi Sepiso evaluate their lives, reflecting on how they have made their homes in spaces that were not always welcoming. Compare and contrast how each author resolves questions of belonging, even in the absence of an obvious answer. Consider supporting details each author includes to develop her central idea(s).


Is there a book to this?


Hi, help please? no links!

How did Willow change when she found out her parents died? Put atleast 5 answers
Book: Counting by 7s



what? I'm confused on what exactly you're asking

Which sentence correctly uses a colon?
A. After Evelyn's mother left for work, Evelyn read the list of her chores for the day: vacuum, walk the dog, and take out the trash.
B. After: Evelyn's mother left for work, Evelyn read the list of her chores for the day, vacuum, walk the dog, and take out the trash.
C. After Evelyn's mother left for work, Evelyn read the list of her chores for the day, vacuum, walk the dog: and take out the trash.
D. After Evelyn's mother left for work: Evelyn read the list of her chores for the day, vacuum, walk the dog, and take out the trash.


The answer is option A. After Evelyn's mother left for work, Evelyn read the list of her chores for the day: vacuum, walk the dog, and take out the trash.

its A bc it’s showing what she had read

How is Brian’s attitude about the
hatchet changing?


Brian changes dramatically over the course of Hatchet. These changes are mostly tied to his emotional growth. ... He learns that hopelessness and panic are useless, even dangerous, emotions. Brian learns to carefully observe his environment and identify dangers.


good luck

Which of the following best identifies the main idea of section 4 (paragraphs 7-18)

1.Always charge your cellphone.

2.There are 8 things to remember when you face a crisis.

3.Preparing for a crisis isn't necessary when in the outdoors.

4.You should never go on an adventure alone.


you didn't attach any picture


1. Need the text

2. If i had to guess without it, i say go with 2.There are 8 things to remember when you face a crisis. But i.dk

How do the words used to describe the speaker's examination and reaction to the shark contribute to the tone of the passage?

Poem: Twice I walked With Dinosaurs
One summer we found
a dead baby shark
washed up on the beach,
cut it open with a dinner knife
from the house,
and performed an
outdoor autopsy
As we marveled at its
miniature anatomy,
reveled in the smallness
of each little organ,
seagulls circled overhead.
The ocean was quiet,
barely making waves.
It kept vigil for its tiny causality.

The spring prior,
an alligator wandered
onto the beach during my
uncle’s second wedding.
It was far enough away
to merit an absence of fear, but
nobody took photos or said
a word— we just stared
as it settled itself in the surf,
hoping to be cleansed.





The writer puts an emphisis on how marvelously small everyrthing is inside the baby shark, which correlate with the second passage by telliung us about the time an alligator walked to his uncles second wedding (which correlates to the story as is the second time he saw a "dinosaur") on the same beach. This shows us that this world truly is small or what not.

Answer: Once someone found a dead baby shark on the beach. After he brought it in the house he began to examinate his organs.Than some seaguls came at the house to try to eat the shark.After that,the ocean was so calm that it barely did any waves.

TRICK QUESTION TIME!!!! whoever gets em all correct gets brainliest

What can be broken but never held?

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

The more there is, the less you see. What am I?



- a promise or heart

- lunch and dinner

- darkness

1. PROMISE it the right answer for what two things can you never eat for breakfast

Write a short summary that includes the major claims and reasons of Dr. King's argument.
Evaluate the strength of those reasons and evidence.
Was any irrelevant evidence used by Dr. King? If so, what was the impact on you as the listener?



Speaking during the march on Washington, D.C. in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. claims that African Americans have come to the nation's capital to cash "a promissory note," a note that must be honored or there will be no tranquility in America.

Martin Luther King, Jr., is a civil rights legend. In the mid-1950s, Dr. King led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest. His speeches—some of the most iconic of the 20th century—had a profound effect on the national consciousness.


Hop this helps and if i does, please give me Brainliest and thank me.

I am more than positive this is right, because I had to do it too :)

Question 8 of 10
Submit Submit

Choose the correct answer. A story that a writer invents is called a ___ story.


B) historical

C) fictional

D) nonfictional


C) fictional

we know this because nonfictional means that it was not created based on imagination and historical means it’s an event that has most definitely happened.


D) nonfictional.?

in response of two paragraphs, compare and contrast how the structures used in "The Lottery" and "Rules of the Game" contribute to their meaning. Be sure to use evidence from the text as support in your answer.



It is structured along the narrative form of a short story. The most distinctive things are the exposition and the surprise ending. The exposition, from "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny.

The comparison of the structures in the two texts is that there was the use of a narrative form to tell the story.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular scenario where the series of events are told.

Hence, we can see that from the complete texts, we can see that the authors of the two books made use of a narrative form and their exposition helped build suspense.

Read more about narration here:



create a brainstorm of 20 words based on the topic rain. Then, use the words from the brainstorm to write a 8 sentence expository Paragraph.


Topic Sentence: What is rain?
Statement: Rain is water that is cold, wet, and clear liquids that comes from clouds.
Detail/Explain: Did you know rain is created by the water cycle?



if you want to date me just say that


Read the story Hayden and Henry Go to Fenwick Island:

When Hayden and Henry Holbrook were just 10 months old, their parents enrolled them in swimming lessons at the local pool. By the time they were 10 years old, both boys were excellent swimmers. Hayden was best at the backstroke, Henry at the forward crawl. They were identical twins but they were complete opposites in almost every way. While Hayden liked swimming at the pool where the water was warm and familiar, Henry preferred to swim outdoors. He loved to swim in the pond in their backyard or at the lake where they went to camp each summer. Henry liked to try new things and had recently enrolled in a sea swim race in Delaware, about 3 hours from the boys' home in Elizabethtown, PA.

Hayden and Henry had never been to the ocean before. They had travelled a lot in the Midwest, where their grandparents lived, and to upstate New York in the summertime, but they had never been to the coast. Hayden had learned a lot about the New England coast during his shipwreck phase, when he watched loads of documentaries and read every book in the library on the topic.

"The race is in May, right? According to my research, the temperature of the ocean at the time of year is a chilly 50 degrees," Hayden informed his brother. Henry couldn't be deterred. "Water's water. It's all the same," Henry replied to Hayden's doubts.

Henry trained hard. He swam every morning before school at the community pool since the pond was still frozen over. He knew the ocean would be different, but he was determined to take part in the race. Henry thought he even had a good chance of winning in his age category.

Soon, spring sprung in New England, and the Holbrooks set out for the sea race weekend on Fenwick Island. That evening, the whole family sat on the beach and watched the sunset as the waves rolled in. Hayden regaled everyone with stories of pirate buccaneers and long-lost shipwrecks, but Henry was unusually quiet. When they had walked along the boardwalk earlier, he had seen a sign warning swimmers about the possibility of jellyfish in the water. Henry never had to worry about jellyfish in the pool, pond, or lake. Perhaps water wasn't just water. One of the boys' favorite movies had a scene where the bad guy tried to flee the scene of a crime on a speedboat, only to fall off and get stung repeatedly by jellyfish. Every time they watched it, the brothers laughed and laughed. Henry wasn't laughing now. He couldn't stop thinking about how much it would hurt if he got stung by a jellyfish during the race. He wasn't sure if he wanted to compete anymore.

Hayden soon noticed the look of worry on his brother's face. As they strolled back toward their hotel in the pink twilight, Hayden asked his brother what was on his mind.

"Jellyfish," Henry responded.

Hayden laughed, "Yeah, I was thinking of that scene, too, when we walked past the boat rental place earlier. It cracks me up every time."

"I won't be laughing if I get stung during the race tomorrow," Henry said sharply. Then, looking at his brother, he said more softly, "I'm scared of them. I think I'm going to pull out of the race."

Hayden was surprised to hear his twin say this. Henry had always been the confident one, always up for taking risks. Giving up just wasn't his style. It upset Hayden to see his brother looking so down and upset, and he knew he had to do something to comfort his brother as Henry had done for him so many times before. Like bolts of lightning, facts that Hayden had read about jellyfish began to zigzag through his mind. 'Of course!' he thought.

"Henry, remember how I said that the average water temperature in the Atlantic would be around 50 degrees just now?"

"That's not helpful, Hayden," Henry sighed. "I'm prepared for the cold, just not the possibility of pain."

"No, no, that's not my point," Hayden continued excitedly, "Jellyfish prefer warm waters! It's far too cold for them to be out and about in the ocean right now. The probability that you'll see a jellyfish tomorrow, let alone be stung, is very low," he finished triumphantly.

A smile spread across Henry's face. "That's brilliant news, Hayden! Thanks so much. I can always count on you and your random knowledge to save the day!" he laughed, throwing his arm around his brother's shoulder.

Henry slept like a log that night. The next day, he dove head first into the ocean and swam with all his heart. Just as he had hoped, Henry won his race. When he took the podium to collect his medal, no one was cheering louder than Hayden. He was so happy for his brother and that his words had been so helpful.

What is the theme of the story?

A Be loyal to your friends.
B Don't put off till tomorrow, what you should have done today.
C Honesty is the best policy.
D With great success, there are obstacles to overcome.

I get these a lot but just to let you know pls DO NOT put files in the answer place if you are going to answer pls answer here on brainly.
Tysm have a Nice day.



D. With great success, there are obstacles to overcome.






What can you connect from chapter 6 of the book A Long Walk To Water
PLS help it is due in half an hour



nyas family is living in a constant fear, nyas mother is terrified that dinka tribesmen will harm her son and her husband. luckily, no one has been harmed yet.


Answer: im not sure if this is the answer


A book about George Washington meeting a made-up character named Susie is considered.
A) fantasy fiction, because Susie is a made-up character

B) historical fiction, because George Washington was a real person

C) nonfiction, because George Washington was a real person

D) nonfiction, because George Washington really met Susie


I’m probably late but the answer is B because George Washington is a real person in our history but Susie is a made up character who he didn’t actually meet which makes this historical fiction

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Some frog species only have one leg.



What are the definitions?


Choose the correct sentence.

On the department stores's third floor, you can find childrens' toys, girls dresses's, and boys athletic shoes's.

On the department store's third floor, you can find children's toy's, girl's dress's, and boy's athletic shoe's.

On the department store's third floor, you can find children's toys, girls' dresses, and boys' athletic shoes.

On the department store's third floor, you can find childrens toy's, girls dress's, and boy's athletic shoe's.




because the children, girls, boys are the subject and they own the property so an appostrophe is required to indicate the ownership


the answer would be c


because all of them have an apostrophe in the incorrect spot for example "dresses" is correct but "dress's" is incorrect therefore the answer would be c because C is the only answer that has the apostrophes in the correct spot.

hope this helps :)


Other people argue that players willingly trade their health for the money and fame that football might bring. They say football players view this as a risk worth taking. However, there would not be any money or fame if people did not watch football. If no one showed up to the stadiums or bought the merchandise, there would be no reason for these young men to play. There would be no reason for them to sacrifice their physical and mental health—and sometimes, their lives—for the sake of a sport.

Paragraph 3 argues that

Most football players think that it is worth it to put their health at risk; after all, football players make a lot of money and many become famous.

Football players do not get paid nearly enough to suffer such debilitating injuries; if they got paid more, it would offset the danger.

Since players get paid so much money to play, they are the ones who decide that it is worth it to risk injuring themselves.

Because fans provide the money and fame that lure players into this dangerous sport, fans are responsible for the injuries players suffer.


Out of the choices here, I am thinking it could be either B or D as the answers.

the answer should be d

The killer clowns Chapter 3
One week after Rosa’s death, the clowns had the world completely under their control.

Estella had just heard the news of Rosa’s death and was devastated. “Oh Rosa,” Estella cried, looking forlorn “Why did you have to mess with Pennywise?” Then she went to a dusty trunk in the corner “I vowed never to open this chest ever again… but I have to save Rosa.” Estella pulled out a dusty spell book and set it on the table. She flipped to the page about bringing people back to life. “The blood of the killer poured into the mouth of the killed shall raise the dead man from his earthy bed.” Estella read. She went to Pennywise’s lair and collected a little bit of his blood.

Later, at the graveyard, Estella was pouring the blood of Pennywise into Rosa’s mouth. Rosa immediately opened her eyes, while her arms grew back, “Estella, where am I? what happened?” Rosa said, looking around. “Rosa, you must kill Pennywise, before EVERYONE dies!” “Ok,” said Rosa “ I will try.” Rosa then went home and gathered her weapons, put her brass knuckles on, and went to Pennywise’s lair.

When she got there, Rosa started to have second thoughts, but she kept on moving. There was blood splattered across the walls, dismembered body parts all over the place, and torture devices on a stage in the far corner. But she kept moving till she got to Pennywise’s throne. “HEY, PENNYWISE” Rosa yelled “ YOU ARE SO UGLY THAT WHEN YOU WERE BORN, THE DOCTOR SLAPPED YOUR MOTHER.” “Rosa” Pennywise snarled “didn’t I kill you already?” Rosa then conjured a whirlwind around her and flew to Pennywise, “yeah and you will have to do it again” she said and then stabbed Pennywise in the heart, took out all of the clowns, and saved anymore innocent people from a cruel death for the clowns entertainment.

the end or is it?


bro? why you posting a clown story

did you write this cause if so good job like i love the story so much

Which of the following details best supports the main idea of section 3 (paragraphs 4-6) of "What Would Peter Do?"

1."...he had been running away from his truck not towards it!"

2."You can only imagine what I felt like!"

3."So what can we learn from this adventure?"

4."He sat for thirty minutes drinking periodically from his water bottle. Thirty minutes later his head had cleared and he began to reconstruct what had happened."


The answer is 3:”So what can we learn from this adventure”
3.”so what can we learn from this adventure?”

A book about magic spells that can change a pencil into gold is considered __________.

A) fictional, because pencils cannot change into gold

B) fictional, because there are no such things as pencils

C) nonfictional, because it is not make-believe

D) historical fictional, because it has real people and events





It is fiction, because pencils can't change to gold.

It cannot be B, C, or D, because pencils are real, the story is make believe, and it does not have real people or events.

A) is the correct answer.
Anything that is fictional is not true or real. Pencils are real but they can’t turn into gold which makes this partial of the statement false. In conclusion, A is the only choice that is correct

Question 1 of 10
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
O A. The coffee break the two scholars took although very brief, ended
up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was
then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research,
B. The coffee break the two scholars took, although very brief, ended
up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was
then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research.
O C. The coffee break the two scholars took, although very brief ended
up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was
then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research.
D. The coffee break, the two scholars took, although very brief ended
up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was
then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research.


Answer: B

Explanation: in A the ending is not correct

                      in C the comma is missing in between brief and ended

                      in D, its same same as C

The coffee break the two scholars took, although very brief, ended up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research. Hence option B is correct.

What is punctuation?

The set of symbols we use to distinguish and express the meaning of written phrases and sentence fragments is known as punctuation. Punctuation adds silent intonation to our work.

A's conclusion is incorrect, C's comma between brief and finished is missing, and D's error is the same as C's only option C is correctly punctuated sentence.

Thus, the coffee break the two scholars took, although very brief, ended up being the most important 15 minutes of their day, for it was then that they had the biggest breakthrough of their research. Hence option B is correct.

To learn more about punctuation, refer to the link below:



in a well-developed response of at least two paragraphs, compare and contrast them.
Your response must address the following in each poem:
• at least one element, such as conflict, characterization, or setting
• literary point of view
• at least one literary technique, such as flashback, foreshadowing, dialogue, or word choice
• Poetic structure
the poems are the mending wall by robert frost and we real cool by Gwendolyn brooks



"Mending Wall" by Robert Frost and "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks are two poems that explore different themes and employ distinct literary techniques and structures.

In "Mending Wall," Frost delves into the theme of human connection and the boundaries that exist between individuals. The poem depicts a conversation between two neighbors who meet every spring to repair a stone wall that separates their properties. The conflict arises from the contrasting views of the two characters regarding the necessity of the wall. One character firmly believes in the tradition of maintaining the wall, while the other questions its purpose. This conflict highlights the broader theme of division and the tendency of humans to create barriers even when unnecessary.

In terms of characterization, Frost utilizes the first-person point of view, with the speaker representing the questioning neighbor. This point of view allows readers to empathize with the narrator's skepticism and curiosity. The literary technique of dialogue is also employed, as the conversation between the two neighbors serves as the primary vehicle for expressing their differing perspectives. Through their dialogue, the poet reveals their distinct personalities and beliefs.

In contrast, "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks explores the theme of youth rebellion and the consequences of reckless behavior. The poem presents a group of young individuals who engage in defiant activities, such as skipping school and engaging in vices. The setting of the poem is a pool hall, symbolizing a space where these rebellious actions take place. The poem's title itself is an example of word choice, as it presents a defiant and self-assured attitude.

Brooks employs a unique poetic structure in "We Real Cool." The poem consists of a series of seven two-line stanzas, each beginning with the phrase "We real cool." This repetition creates a rhythmic pattern and emphasizes the rebellious and confident nature of the characters. The use of enjambment, where lines run into each other without punctuation, further enhances the flow and urgency of the poem.

In summary, "Mending Wall" and "We Real Cool" differ in their themes, characterizations, literary techniques, and poetic structures. While Frost's poem focuses on the concept of division and human connection through a dialogue-driven narrative, Brooks' poem explores youth rebellion and its consequences through concise and rhythmic stanzas. Both poems showcase the versatility and power of poetry in conveying complex ideas and emotions.


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The gran pacer test is a multi aerobic test that involves laps that progressively get harder as time goes on
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the fundamental attribution error is most likely to lead observers to conclude that unemployed people Write a variable expression for the length of the bottom black bar with a being the length of the orange bar: Can someone double-check this to see if it's right? Which is the BEST example of physics in the body?A. a single beat of the heartB. how the circulatory system works. balance when the body is standing stillD. the movement of an arm throwing a ball The area of a triangle is 30sq. the perimeter of the triangle is 10in. write an inequality that represents the missing side of the triangle.Is it supposed to be 30 divided by 10?HELP 2.3/2.4 representing slope in proportional relationships After substituting, what is the first operation performed when evaluating 5 + (9 x minus 3) divide 2 for x = 5? An advertisement for a box of crackers says that the new box has 20% more crackers than the original box. If the weight of the original box was 12 ounces, what is the weight of the new box of crackers? palabras del clase adjetivo relacionadas con la ciudad Decide which of the following numbers does not belong in the group.108502603360And why does it not belong? Answer this middle school math equation for 30 points lol Anthony would like to have his brokerage firm handle more of his financial needs because he has been pleased with the service provided when he bought and sold stocks and bonds. If he explores the services offered by such firms in more depth, he will find that. On your way to home from school you saw two of your classmates fighting . Give an account of what you saw . Please help I am confused between option (b) and (c) What in a database table is an item of information with some characteristics? Marcello crossed the bridge Ethan sold 2/3 gallon of lemonade. Kayla sold some lemonade too. Together, they sold 1 1/4 gallons. how much did Kayla make share your experience of a time when you were impatient. what were the consequences? g/(g ^ 2 + 4g) - g/((g + 4) ^ 2) =?Simplify. An unknown substance dissolves in water but separates and floats in oil.