i need help ony ela homework


Answer 1


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Related Questions

A painting titled Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot by Frida Kahlo, showing Frida posing with a dark-furred monkey and a green parrot. The multi-colored leaves of plants are in the background. Examine the painting Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot. What do the animals and the background suggest about the artist? her interest in nature her appreciation for beauty her interest in pleasing others her feelings about her condition.



Her interest in nature


The creatures aren't drawn to look particularly beautiful, and neither is Frida Kahlo (not to say she isn't; it just clearly was not drawn with beauty as the subject). Her interest in nature was and is well known.


The book speak question The title of this section is burrow. What does this word mean and why is it an appropriate title for the section?





13. He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn't have the inclination to adjust to the
on him.
A. being forced B. forcing
C. to be forcedD. forces





Which sentence best explains the central idea of this section of the story? (1 point)

1) Ivan had many followers and this made him a big threat.

2) Ivan was a leader among a feared enemy of the people.

3) Ivan was cruel and brutal, but a powerful fighter.

4) Ivan was to be greatly feared, but could be tricked.

from negore the coward



Negore knew he needed to kill Ivan and the Russians and thus avenge his brother's death. Negore wanted desperately to tell Ivan the Terrible that his brother had been mauled by a bear, but he didn't dare speak up. Negore's love for and loyalty to his brother outweighed his fear that people would think him a coward. Negore allowed Ivan the Terrible to beat him so his people could win the war against the Russians.

I need someone's help ​



choose a character that most resembles you

Help pls! When Kim Mi-kyung says "It just doesn't pay to have many children," what
does she mean? Is she using the phrase "it doesn't pay" literally or figuratively?
How do you know?*



figuratively Because you need to pay for medical bills

Kim Mi-kyung uses the phrase "it doesn't pay" figuratively.

Who is Kim Mi-kyung?

"Kim Mi-kyung is a South Korean actress."

Kim Mi-kyung holds the views that having too many children only burdens the parents. Having children is not a job that pays. Thus, the phrase cannot be literal. What she meant is many kids does not add up anything in the income. Thus, the phrase she used is figurative.

To learn more about literal and figurative language here



Deduce :How does the perception of qualities that make people different change from high school to adulthood?( someone please answer)



Hope this helps luvv :)


If you think about it, the things that make us stand out in high school aren't anywhere near the same as what might make us stand out as adults. In high school, those who are super athletic stand out, and are noticed. If they don't pursue sports after high school, however, then that talent holds no value in the eyes of others. In the same way, one may be viewed as obnoxious in high school, but viewed as a bold political leader as an adult. The worth of qualities such as these in all in the eyes of the beholder.

I rlly hope I answered that well for you...

What can you tell about the author’s point of view from this sentence?
I love to spend the winters in the mountains.



it is so cold in mountain.. and very peace and beautiful.. so author is telling like this...


Mark me as brillent..
It is plausible that the author meant that he enjoys cold weather, snow, hiking and possibly the mountains from his point of view.

Which features should be considered when analyzing the structure of a speech? Select three options.



its C D E just took the test it was pain



c d e


edge 2022

For I have known them all already, known them all: Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; I know the voices dying with a dying fall Beneath the music from a farther room. So how should I presume? â€""The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," T. S. Eliot Which modernist ideas are in this famous passage? Check the four best choices. Despair and disillusionment: feeling that life is meaningless introspection: thinking about why one does things stream of consciousness: a rambling voice mirroring the confusion in the world the mistrust of institutions: fearing the government loneliness: feeling separated from others.





A/despair and disillusionment: feeling that life is meaningless

B/introspection: thinking about why one does things

C/stream of consciousness: a rambling voice mirroring the confusion in the world

E/loneliness: feeling separated from others




EDGE 2022

"What makes the leaves change color?" is an example of a/an

• leading question

• closed-ended question

• open-ended question



I would say that this is more of an open-ended question.


The reason I think this is because it is asking for something more than "Do the leaves change color?" That would be a closed ended question because it is asking for a simple answer.

I don't think it is a leading question because the question isn't worded in a way that would lead you to answer in a certain way.

Answers to open ended questions require more thought and effort than closed-ended questions, but they generally are pretty clear in what they are asking.

brainly heeeeeellllllpppp mmmmeeeee Part 5





not sure but glad to help

Summarize in not more than 120 words, describing how Sam became an alcoholic and later kicked the habit.

" I want some more beer ..." Sam turned around and saw a dirty, unshaven drunkard mumbling in coherently as he wobbled aimlessly along the road. Shaking his head, Sam continued his way back home.
Sam did not bother to switch on the lights at home. Everyone must be asleep at this late hour, he thought. He tiptoed into Marie's bedroom and found her sleeping soundly, snugly tucked under her pink comforter. Sam bent over and kissed his beloved five-year-old daughter's forehead. "Thanks, dear. If it was not for you, I would never have turned over a new leaf," Sam whispered in gratitude, recalling the drunken man he saw a while ago.

A year ago, after being retrenched from his computer company, Sam felt dejected and worried about how he was going to provide for his family. The situation worsened when he failed to secure a job after months of intensive searching. Soon, Sam began to indulge in alcoholic drinks to drown his sorrows. His savings which was used to sustain the family expenses during his retrenchment was tremendously depleted by his drinking habits. Soon his wife, Catherine, became the family's sole bread winner.
Catherine's efforts to stop Sam from drinking were futile. Alcohol had transformed the once-gentle family man into a violent beast. Sam began to hit his wife when she refused to give hi money for his drinks. Once Catherine tried hiding his drinking bottles, hoping to stop Sam from drinking. Sam was so agitated when he could not find his bottles that he locked Marie into her bedroom and threatened her into revealing the hiding place. The incident instilled terror in Marie and thereafter, she tried her best to avoid Sam
These traumatic incidents continued until the launch of the "stop Drinking" campaign by the government. Striking and persuasive posters were put up in the public to persuade alcoholics to kick their habit. None of them succeeded in bringing Sam to his senses except one. The poster illustrated an alcoholic man abusing his wife while their terrified daughter cried helplessly. The slogan accompanying the poster was: 'Will Your Children Be Able To Draw A Happy Family Again?'. Sam suddenly recalled a poster entitled 'Happy Family' drawn by Marie for school before he began drinking. As if released from a spell, he realized how irresponsible and abusive he had been. Overcome with guilt, he quit drinking totally.
"Sam, why aren't you going to sleep?" asked a concerned Catherine.
"I'm coming, Catherine," Sam replied with a smile as he headed for his room



que no te inporta uy ya porque es muy cansado aser tarea y ademas no le entiendo al ingles xd

November 10 2021
Take a minute...slow down...let your thoughts wander...and write
FOUR complete sentences on what is going through your mind. Please help it can be about anything


Some things that are going through my mind if I let it wander is food. I am also think about the homework that I need to do. I am also thinking about what I am going to do on the weekend. I am also thinking about how I am tired and that I want to go to bed.

I am currently thinking of all of the things I have to get done




oh, I did not see that you had a chart there.

well, then you only need to read the chart. it is all there.

there is nothing to explain then. or what is not clear for you ?

most you can answer just by observing your existing in real life. there is nothing tricky about it.

1. c. 6:30pm

2. b. August

3. a. earlier

4. c. 2 1/2

5 b. decreases

6 c.

7 c. October

8. the chart picture is too fuzzy to really read it, but it looks like 35 minutes, 45 minutes and 45 minutes leading to answer c. 39 minutes.


plz plz help me plzz

I will give brainliest plz help plzzz plz



what are we giving? Is this just like fill-in the blank


where is the instructions


Can people fully recover from the tragedy experienced in childhood? Why or why not?



Yes, it is possible to recover from unresolved childhood trauma.


Seek counseling with a professional who has had psychoanalytic or psychodynamic training. A therapist who is familiar with the influence of childhood events on adult life, especially traumatic ones, is sought for. Have multiple consultations to see whether you are being empathically understood by the other person.


Yes you if they are given the right motivation.

8. Well, I don't think I'll be home before 6.
a) interjection b) preposition c) pronoun


B) preposition I think

“I am going out tonight.” Manisha said.
A. Manisha said that she was going out tonight.
B. Manisha said that she was going out that night.
C. Manisha said she was going out that night.
D. Manisha said that she will be going out that night.


d because she is that means she will be

The correct reported speech for the given statement would be: Manisha said that she was going out that night and the correct option is option B.

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech or indirect reporting, is a way of conveying what someone said or thought without using their exact words. When reporting speech, we transform the original statement into our own words while maintaining the meaning and intent of the speaker.

Reported speech typically involves a change in tense, pronouns, and adverbs to reflect the shift from the original speaker's perspective to the perspective of the person reporting the speech. For example, direct speech such as "I am going out tonight," would be reported as "She said that she was going out that night" in indirect speech.

Reported speech is commonly used in writing, storytelling, journalism, and everyday conversations when we want to communicate what someone else said or thought. It helps to maintain clarity, avoid misquoting, and convey information accurately.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about Reported Speech, here:



When all the points in a paragraph are in such good order that the relationships between details are clear and easy to understand, the paragraph is



i'm pretty sure it's 'concise'


concise means to the point and easy to understand.

hope this helps :)

The nuclear equation shows the transmutation of a form of radon into polonium and an alpha particle. In one to two sentences, explain whether or not the reaction is balanced.(2 points)


The equation of transmutation as shown is balanced because the total mass on the left hand side is equal to the total mass on the right hand side.

Transmutation refers to the bombardment of of one isotope to another. It is a process that is commonly used to create new elements.

The equation of transmutation of radon into polonium and an alpha particle is shown. A balanced nuclear equation has equal mass and charge on both sides of the equation. The equation of transmutation as shown is balanced because the total mass on the left hand side is 219 and the total charge is 86. This is exactly the case on the right hand side of the equation. Recall that  the alpha particle has a mass of four units and a charge of 2 units.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/2192784

What is polarization? I’m communication



Polarization is the process that causes neutral parties to take sides in a conflict. It also causes individuals on either side of the conflict to take increasingly extreme positions that are more and more opposed to each other.

What makes this stanza an example of stream of consciousness?


Stream of Consciousness refers to a style of writing that is organized around the interior flow of thoughts of the narrator. Examples of Stream of Consciousness: Look at that polar bear on the television.

In literature, stream of consciousness is a method of narration that describes happenings in the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters. The term was initially coined by psychologist William James in his research, The Principles of Psychology. He writes: "... it is nothing joined; it flows.


rambling, disjointed thoughts


right on Edge 2022

Read the poem “Thanks” by Yusef Komunyakaa, then choose one of the following questions to respond to:

Based on the poem, what do you think was most responsible for the speaker’s survival: luck, skills, a higher power, or something else?

Choose one image from the poem that you found particularly powerful. Explain what makes this image compelling to you.

What can you infer about how the speaker feels about his time as a soldier?

Write a paragraph explaining your answer. Support your response with details from the text.


Yusef Komunyakaa

Poet Yusef Komunyakaa served as a soldier in the US Army during the Vietnam War. In this poem, the speaker expresses gratitude for the forces—both physical and spiritual—that he thinks kept him alive during war.

Thanks for the tree

between me & a sniper’s bullet.

I don’t know what made the grass

sway seconds before the Viet Cong

raised his soundless rifle.

Some voice always followed,

telling me which foot

to put down first.

Thanks for deflecting the ricochet

against that anarchy of dusk.

I was back in San Francisco

wrapped up in a woman’s wild colors,

causing some dark bird’s love call

to be shattered by daylight

when my hands reached up

& pulled a branch away

from my face. Thanks

for the vague white flower

that pointed to the gleaming metal

reflecting how it is to be broken

like mist over the grass,

as we played some deadly

game for blind gods.

What made me spot the monarch

writhing on a single thread

tied to a farmer’s gate,

holding the day together

like an unfingered guitar string,

is beyond me. Maybe the hills

grew weary & leaned a little in the heat.

Again, thanks for the dud

hand grenade tossed at my feet

outside Chu Lai. I’m still

falling through its silence.

I don’t know why the intrepid

sun touched the bayonet,

but I know that something

stood among those lost trees

& moved only when I moved.



Read the poem “Thanks” by Yusef Komunyakaa, then choose one of the following questions to respond to:

Based on the poem, what do you think was most responsible for the speaker’s survival: luck, skills, a higher power, or something else?

Choose one image from the poem that you found particularly powerful. Explain what makes this image compelling to you.

What can you infer about how the speaker feels about his time as a soldier?

Write a paragraph explaining your answer. Support your response with details from the text.


Yusef Komunyakaa

Poet Yusef Komunyakaa served as a soldier in the US Army during the Vietnam War. In this poem, the speaker expresses gratitude for the forces—both physical and spiritual—that he thinks kept him alive during war.

Thanks for the tree

between me & a sniper’s bullet.

I don’t know what made the grass

sway seconds before the Viet Cong

raised his soundless rifle.

Some voice always followed,

telling me which foot

to put down first.

Thanks for deflecting the ricochet

against that anarchy of dusk.

I was back in San Francisco

wrapped up in a woman’s wild colors,

causing some dark bird’s love call

to be shattered by daylight

when my hands reached up

& pulled a branch away

from my face. Thanks

for the vague white flower

that pointed to the gleaming metal

reflecting how it is to be broken

like mist over the grass,

as we played some deadly

game for blind gods.

What made me spot the monarch

writhing on a single thread

tied to a farmer’s gate,

holding the day together

like an unfingered guitar string,

is beyond me. Maybe the hills

grew weary & leaned a little in the heat.

Again, thanks for the dud

hand grenade tossed at my feet

outside Chu Lai. I’m still

falling through its silence.

I don’t know why the intrepid

sun touched the bayonet,

but I know that something

stood among those lost trees

& moved only when I moved.

Read the sentences. Circle
the simple present verbs. Underline the adverbs and
expressions of frequency.




















Sana makatulong pa

Brainlest poe

Your Headteacher is considering using the internet to make a link with a school in another country

Here are some comments from your friends about this
suggestion: Write an article for your school magazine giving your views. Your
article should be between 150 and 200 words long. The comments above may
give you some ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own. You will
receive up to 8 marks for the content of your article, and up to 8 marks for the
style and accuracy of your language.
“We could make new friends and learn about life in another country.”
“I already have enough friends. I don’t need any more.”
“We could find out if other teenagers have the same interests and ambitions as we
“We already have too much school work to do. We haven’t got time to write to other



Code = 2574030731

Pass = HELLO



Read the sentence. The brash seagull swooped over the divers before they plunged into the water. Where is the best place to insert the participial phrase "synchronizing their watches" in the sentence? before "over" after "divers" after "before" after "water".


after “divers”

The brash seagull swooped over the divers synchronizing their watches before they plunged into the water.

B. after “divers”

edge 2021

Someone whose job is to help people decide what type of exercise is best for them and show them how to do it. 1 receptionist at a gym 2 gym manager 3 teacher trainer 4 personal trainer ​



I changed my mind. Go with 4.


1 The job of the receptionist is to answer phones and take down data as well as give hours operation. They are not qualified to answer questions on exercise.

2. The office manager does what the name implies. Not 2

3. 3 and 4 are both correct. I would pick 3 but 4  is equally likely. 3 gives general instruction

4 gives specific instruction.

Which sentence best explains why ""Golden Gate Bridge"" is capitalized in the sentence?It is an important idea.It is an abbreviation.It is an acronym.It is a proper noun.



It's a place and a place is a noun so the last one would he your best bet


its D


i got it Correct

In Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage", Henry struggles to find the courage to fight along with his men in battle. This is an example of what?

A. Climax
B. Internal conflict
C. Dénouement
D. External conflict


I belive it would be C because Internal conflict is a problem on the physical side and as it says "Henry struggles to...fight along with his men..." which is something you don't do with your mind it is with your body.

I hoped this helped!

Have a great day/night! :)

In Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage", Henry struggles to find the courage to fight along with his men in battle. This is an example of option B. Internal conflict.

Why does Henry struggle to find courage?The Red Badge of Courage is an impressionistic novel by Stephen Crane about the meaning of courage, as it is narrated by Henry Fleming, a recruit in the American Civil War. It is one of the most influential American war stories ever written even though the author was born after the war and had never seen battle himself.Henry’s goal as a protagonist is to fight with his regiment and win some battles; however, as a novice, he experiences fear of death and defeat.

Hence, the fear of death and defeat is an internal conflict, the correct answer is option B. Internal conflict.

To learn more about "The Red Badge of Courage", refer to: https://brainly.com/question/3745667


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