How did Roscuro feel when he was called a Ret? Tale of Despereaux


Answer 1


Roscuro realize that he did not like being a rat, that he did not want to be a rat. This revelation hit with such force, that it made him lose his grip on the chandelier.

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is this sentence grammatically correct? The optometrist began examining my eyes by having me read from the chart.​



It looks correct to me. and grammarly doesn't show any problems with it


An Optometrist is a doctor who specializes in Optometry. Optometry is a specialization in medicine that focuses on examination, diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye diseases of dysfunctions.

The sentence structure is complete with all the relevant parts. Only that it is a simple sentence with compound subjects. A sentence with a compound subject is one wherein there are two or more subjects.

The subjects, in this case, are the Optometrist and the narrator who is represented by the pronoun me. Another example of a sentence with a compound subject is:

Jake and Blake traveled to mars yesterday.

See the link below for more about compound subject:

what’s The definition of rant


Answer: The definition of ranting is to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

the definition of rant is to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way

Demonstrate your understanding of moral principles by describing a modern moral dilemma and giving your advice for overcoming it. ​ Type a short essay of no less than 125 words describing a present-day moral dilemma, and then give your advice on how to overcome that dilemma.


Answer:In Book I of Plato’s Republic, Cephalus defines ‘justice’ as speaking the truth and paying one’s debts. Socrates quickly refutes this account by suggesting that it would be wrong to repay certain debts—for example, to return a borrowed weapon to a friend who is not in his right mind. Socrates’ point is not that repaying debts is without moral import; rather, he wants to show that it is not always right to repay one’s debts, at least not exactly when the one to whom the debt is owed demands repayment. What we have here is a conflict between two moral norms: repaying one’s debts and protecting others from harm. And in this case, Socrates maintains that protecting others from harm is the norm that takes priority.

Nearly twenty-four centuries later, Jean-Paul Sartre described a moral conflict the resolution of which was, to many, less obvious than the resolution to the Platonic conflict. Sartre (1957) tells of a student whose brother had been killed in the German offensive of 1940. The student wanted to avenge his brother and to fight forces that he regarded as evil. But the student’s mother was living with him, and he was her one consolation in life. The student believed that he had conflicting obligations. Sartre describes him as being torn between two kinds of morality: one of limited scope but certain efficacy, personal devotion to his mother; the other of much wider scope but uncertain efficacy, attempting to contribute to the defeat of an unjust aggressor.

While the examples from Plato and Sartre are the ones most commonly cited, there are many others. Literature abounds with such cases. In Aeschylus’s Agamemnon, the protagonist ought to save his daughter and ought to lead the Greek troops to Troy; he ought to do each but he cannot do both. And Antigone, in Sophocles’s play of the same name, ought to arrange for the burial of her brother, Polyneices, and ought to obey the pronouncements of the city’s ruler, Creon; she can do each of these things, but not both. Areas of applied ethics, such as biomedical ethics, business ethics, and legal ethics, are also replete with such cases.

2. The Concept of Moral Dilemmas

What is common to the two well-known cases is conflict. In each case, an agent regards herself as having moral reasons to do each of two actions, but doing both actions is not possible. Ethicists have called situations like these moral dilemmas. The crucial features of a moral dilemma are these: the agent is required to do each of two (or more) actions; the agent can do each of the actions; but the agent cannot do both (or all) of the actions. The agent thus seems condemned to moral failure; no matter what she does, she will do something wrong (or fail to do something that she ought to do).

The Platonic case strikes many as too easy to be characterized as a genuine moral dilemma. For the agent’s solution in that case is clear; it is more important to protect people from harm than to return a borrowed weapon. And in any case, the borrowed item can be returned later, when the owner no longer poses a threat to others. Thus in this case we can say that the requirement to protect others from serious harm overrides the requirement to repay one’s debts by returning a borrowed item when its owner so demands. When one of the conflicting requirements overrides the other, we have a conflict but not a genuine moral dilemma. So in addition to the features mentioned above, in order to have a genuine moral dilemma it must also be true that neither of the conflicting requirements is overridden (Sinnott-Armstrong 1988, Chapter 1).


Does vehicle mean car , truck, motorcycle, etc


Any thing that used for transportation on land.

Def: a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or cart.

What is active listening?​



Active listening is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding.

Active listening is the practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent, and then providing appropriate feedback for the sake of showing attentiveness to the message being presented. This form of listening conveys a mutual understanding between speaker and listener.

Which statements best describe how to write titles?
Select each correct answer.
Place the titles of shorter works in quotation marks.
When typing, italicize the titles of longer works.
When writing, underline the titles of longer works.
Place the titles of shorter works in bold print.


Underline the titles of longer works

2,3, and 4

i took the test

Decide if each detail describes a way the dogs are similar or a way they are different. Four legs Fur Color Collar Height Dog



Well, they obviously both have four legs. —> Similar.

Fur color? —> Different, one is black, white, and red, and one is white red.

Collar? —> Their collars both look red to me, so —> Similar.

Height? —> The dog looking towards the camera seems to be a bit taller than the dog looking away from the camera. —> Different


Dog? —> Hm…I’m not sure if they are the same breed, but they look like they could be a similar breed…so —> Similar…?



Decide if each detail describes a way the dogs are similar or a way they are different.

Four legs

✔ Similar


✔ Similar


✔ Different


✔ Similar


✔ Different


✔ Similar


Honeybees have an important role—pollination—when it comes to growing our most beloved food crops. Many food crops rely on honeybees to spread pollen. Without this process, the plants would not produce fruits and seeds, and we would not have our food! This process is why the sudden disappearance of honeybees in the United States is causing a lot of concern among beekeepers and farmers. Scientists are trying to determine the cause, or causes, of what they are calling Colony Collapse Disorder. Many people believe that certain chemicals that are used in pesticides may be causing the bees to suffer a weakened immune system.

Do It!

People are worried about the _________.

Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selected
A appraisal
B legislation
C fundamentals
D implications



I believe the answer would be fundamentals, C.


I would choose C because the sudden decline in the honeybee population raises many concerns for the future of what we need to survive as humans, a.k.a. the fundamentals. People are concerned about the loss of the honeybee's process of spreading pollen, as the passge says "Without this process, the plants would not produce fruits and seeds, and we would not have our food!"

hope this helpsss





Answer: hello I am hear to give you the brainliest answer

Explanation: yes

Write a paragraph that objectively summarizes Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and explains his purpose.


Answer: Swift's essay is widely held to be one of the greatest examples of sustained irony in the history of the English language. Much of its shock value derives from the fact that the first portion of the essay describes the plight of starving beggars in Ireland, so that the reader is unprepared for the surprise of Swift's solution when he states: "A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout."[1]

Swift goes to great lengths to support his argument, including a list of possible preparation styles for the children, and calculations showing the financial benefits of his suggestion. He uses methods of argument throughout his essay which lampoon the then-influential William Petty and the social engineering popular among followers of Francis Bacon. These lampoons include appealing to the authority of "a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London" and "the famous Psalmanazar, a native of the island Formosa" (who had already confessed to not being from Formosa in 1706).

In the tradition of Roman satire, Swift introduces the reforms he is actually suggesting by paralipsis:

Therefore let no man talk to me of other expedients: Of taxing our absentees at five shillings a pound: Of using neither clothes, nor household furniture, except what is of our own growth and manufacture: Of utterly rejecting the materials and instruments that promote foreign luxury: Of curing the expensiveness of pride, vanity, idleness, and gaming in our women: Of introducing a vein of parsimony, prudence and temperance: Of learning to love our country, wherein we differ even from Laplanders, and the inhabitants of Topinamboo: Of quitting our animosities and factions, nor acting any longer like the Jews, who were murdering one another at the very moment their city was taken: Of being a little cautious not to sell our country and consciences for nothing: Of teaching landlords to have at least one degree of mercy towards their tenants. Lastly, of putting a spirit of honesty, industry, and skill into our shop-keepers, who, if a resolution could now be taken to buy only our native goods, would immediately unite to cheat and exact upon us in the price, the measure, and the goodness, nor could ever yet be brought to make one fair proposal of just dealing, though often and earnestly invited to it. Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients, 'till he hath at least some glympse of hope, that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice.


The essay of Swift is widely held to be one of the greatest examples of sustained irony in the history of the English language.

Much of its shock value derives from the fact that the first portion of the essay describes the plight of starving beggars in Ireland, so that the reader is unprepared for the surprise of Swift's solution when he states: "A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed. roasted, baked, or bolled; and make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.

Swift goes to great lengths to support his argument, including a list of possible preparation styles for the children, and calculations showing the financial benefits of his suggestion.

Learn more about Swift, here:


what does it mean resume????



Resume as in continue? Or résumé as in like the stuff people look atto see if you are able to apply for their job?


The first language may influence learners discuss


Answer: If you could give me the rest of the info and make your sentance make sense that would be great


Why do my brainlist answers keep disappearing? Can someone please explain this? I had 33 brainliest answer and now I have 14.



if your answers are deleted or it has become more than 30 days they will disappear in your next rank board.


easy the moderators are probably getting rid of your stuff. why though because they have no respect for any one.


Which sentence most clearly describes a medium of a story

A. The lack of quotation marks makes dialogue difficult to follow
B. The resolution is very abrupt so the conflict is not really resolved
C. The main characters in likable which is a major disappointment.
D. Takes quite a while for the conflict to be introduced to the story



La   b



B. The resolution is very abrupt so the conflict is not really resolved.


what is a good thesis statement for mothers tongue amy tan



Tan uses her mother as an example of how the English language should not affect one's self worth.


Arnel's father is a fisherman. Sometimes, he helps him catch fish in the sea. One day, while they were fishing in the vast ocean, they came across a pod of dolphins. The sea creatures were happily playing with each other in the water. One of them even swam near their boat and let Arnel touch its head. Arnel was indeed happy with his experience that day. He hopes to see his sea friends again.
1. What is the story all about?
a. Arnel and the dolphins b.
b.Arnel's father
2. Who are the characters in the story
a. Arnel, his father and the dolphinsb. The pod of dolphins
3. List down
the words that are to substitute or
replace nouns in the story. Write your answers on your answer sheets.​



Arnel and the dolphins

Arnel,his father,and the dolphins

Identify the following compounds as a(n) alkane, alkane, alkyne, alcohol, aldehyde,
ketone, carboxylic acid, or an ester.
b. These compounds have an odor and are created by combining two other organic
molecules. ____________________


So you mainly have to put one on each like keep 33 up

Read and analyze the riddles in Column A and look for the answers in Column B.

Column A

____1. A piece of charcoal, it can reach far.

____2. The king's house is surrounded by saws.

____3. A fellow creature carries a piece of meat wherever he goes.

____4. Wherever Abaggoy passes by, the grass waves.

____5. If I pull your mother's tail, your father will shout.

____6. Sky on either side, water in the middle.

____7. If you pull, it is a tube, when you push, it is a house.

____8. A long, round thing, divided into room inside.

____9. Hold my waist and I jump and jump.

____10. When it is young, it is a butterfly; when it is big, it is a sword.

Column B

A. door

B. string beans

C. coconut

D. eyes

E. pestle

F. wind

G. pineapple

H. rooster

I. Bell

J. Bamboo

K. umbrella













Please help me !!!

Select the sentence that has correctly written irregular verbs.

She bent the pizza when she bit into it. If she had blown on the cheese, she wouldn't have burned the roof of her mouth.

She bent the pizza when she bited into it. If she had blowed on the cheese, she wouldn't have burned the roof of her mouth.

She bented the pizza when she bitten into it. If she had blown on the cheese, she wouldn't have burned the roof of her mouth.

She bent the pizza when she bit into it. If she had blewed on the cheese, she wouldn't have burnt the roof of her mouth.


The first sentence is correct!

Trevor is writing a report about the scientist Marie Curie. Trevor wants to revise the draft to improve his introductory paragraph. Read his draft and
complete the task that follows.

Although she came from humble beginnings in her native country of Poland, Marie Curie (born Marie Salomea Skłodowska) was always eager to learn, and she was especially interested in science. Her family did not have much money, so she had to work several jobs in order to pay for college, eventually going on to study physics and math at the prestigious Sorbonne University in Paris, France. That is where she met and married a physics professor named Pierre Curie. The Curies enjoyed doing research together and became known for discovering two new elements. By the time of her death in 1934, Marie Curie's impressive accomplishments included: 1) the discovery of the elements radium and polonium; 2) invention of the first portable x-ray machines and portable radiology units; and 3) directorship of Curie Laboratory (named after her!) at the Radium Institute of the University of Paris.

Choose the best hook that Trevor should use to begin his introductory paragraph:

A.Marie Curie worked as a tutor and governess so that her older sister could study medicine in Paris.

B.You really should learn more about Marie Curie, and I'm going to use the following essay to tell you all the great things you need
to know about her

C.Only one woman has ever won the Nobel Prize in both chemistry and physics, and her impact on science is closely felt even today!

D.Marie Curie had to learn to speak French in order to study physics at the Sorbonne,


C.Only one woman has ever won the Nobel Prize in both chemistry and physics, and her impact on science is closely felt even today!

According to the Classical Model of aggregate
demand, any increase in real GDP must come
from which of the following occurring?
A. a leftward shift in the LRAS curve
B. a rightward shift in the LRAS curve
C. a leftward shift in the AD curve


Answer: c


Because I’m smart

According to the Classical Model of aggregate demand, any increase in real GDP must come from  a leftward shift in the AD curve. Therefore, the correct option is option C.

What is GDP?

The total financial or market worth of all of the finished products and services generated within a nation's boundaries during a certain time period is known as the gross domestic product (GDP). It serves as a thorough assessment of the state of the economy in a particular nation because it is a wide indicator of total domestic production.

Even while GDP is frequently estimated on a yearly basis, it can also be calculated quarterly. For instance, the government of the United States produces an annualised GDP estimate for both the calendar year and each fiscal quarter. Each piece of data in this report is presented in real terms, which means that it has been adjusted to fluctuations in prices and is therefore net of inflation. According to the Classical Model of aggregate demand, any increase in real GDP must come from  a leftward shift in the AD curve.

Therefore, the correct option is option C.

To know more about GDP, here:


Fill in the blanks with the missing verb in the required form.
1. They usually ___ fishing once a month.
2. They _____ to the lake early in the morning.
3. First they _______ ready.
4. Then they _______ their fishing rods into the water.
5. When one of them _____ the first fish, they wink at one another.
6. Sometimes they _______ fishing competitions.



Why did Dr. Layton drift apart from his Henry Jekyll?​


pls give us more information

(1) A first-order consumer can:
a make its own food
b digest plants
c decompose animals
(2) Why can't an environment support an unlimited number of second-order consumers?
a There is a limited amount of space and water that can sustain secondary consumers.
b There are not enough decomposers to support secondary consumers.
c There are not enough plants to support secondary consumers.
d The population of first-order consumers will disappear if there are too many secondary consumers.


1: b
2:d. There that will help

A be
Which of the following transitional words or phrases should be used to indicate a result or an effect?
a. Finally
b. Consequently
d. all of the above
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Generally,, they are interchangeable and my answer is D

some people say failure can lead to sucess do you agree or disagree and why​



I agree. Because failing you can see and recognize your mistakes, and take care in the next time to don't take them again

Giving brainlyiest What are the forces called when two or more forces act on an object but the object does not move?

A Balanced
B Neutral
C Opposite
D Unbalanced






Balanced Forces


When forces are balanced, there is no change in motion. In one of your situations in the last section, you pushed or pulled on an object from opposite directions but with the same force. You observed that the object did not move.

3 of 14
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate goal for an illustration essay?
providing a neutral presentation of information for readers to use to draw their own conclusions
to assert an overal observation and back up that assertion with evidence-based examples
to draw a picture of both sides of a particular controversial argument or topic.
to be argumentative-providing a stance or point of view on the topic




c one pls follow me

To be argumentative-providing a stance or point of view on the topic.

An illustration essay is a type of essay that aims to provide examples, evidence, and anecdotes to support a particular topic or point without taking a strong argumentative stance. The primary purpose of an illustration essay is to inform, clarify, and explain rather than to persuade or argue for a specific viewpoint. Therefore, the appropriate goals for an illustration essay are those that align with its informative and explanatory nature.

Providing a neutral presentation of information: This goal is appropriate for an illustration essay as it focuses on presenting information and examples without advocating for a particular viewpoint. It allows readers to draw their own conclusions based on the provided evidence.

To assert an overall observation and back up with evidence-based examples: This is a suitable goal for an illustration essay. The essay can focus on making an observation or statement about a topic and then use concrete examples to support that observation.

To draw a picture of both sides of a controversial argument: This goal is also appropriate for an illustration essay. It can present various perspectives on a controversial topic using examples and evidence, allowing readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

To be argumentative-providing a stance or point of view on the topic: This is not an appropriate goal for an illustration essay.

To learn more about illustration essay, here


which verb could be used instead of "acquainted " in lines 5 and 20





I think it Naman Kasi Hindi ko maintindihan

in passage 1, what does the phrase "dressed as though we had all week to get to school" mean?​


Dressed here is a verb. It’s the action of getting dressed. Here they are saying that they got dressed as though they had all week to get to school. Another way of saying that is that they “had all the time in the world.” This means they took their sweet time getting dressed, didn’t rush, and maybe even took too long. Basically it means that they got dressed very slowly, as if they weren’t in any rush to get to school.
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