How did black codes affect African-Americans in Louisiana?


Answer 1


When slavery ended in the United States, freedom still eluded African Americans who were contending with the repressive set of laws known as the black codes. Widely enacted throughout the South following the Civil War—a period called Reconstruction—these laws both limited the rights of Black people and exploited them as a labor source.

In fact, life after bondage didn’t differ much from life during bondage for the African Americans subjected to the black codes. This was by design, as slavery had been a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and the former Confederate states sought a way to continue this system of subjugation.

“They may have lost the war, but they’re not going to lose power civically and socially,” says M. Keith Claybrook Jr., an assistant professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach. “So, the black codes were an attempt to restrict and limit freedom.”

Losing the Civil War meant the South had little choice but to recognize the Reconstruction-era policies that abolished slavery. By using the law to deny African Americans the opportunities and privileges that white people enjoyed, however, the one-time Confederacy could keep these newly liberated Americans in virtual bondage.


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Answer:increasing numbers of Americans took jobs in factories, mines, and mills in the growing industrial economy.

Explanation: just match my answer with yours

Rejection of unionization by skilled workers was the main reason for the slow growth of labor unions in the United States during the 19th century. Hence, option D is correct.

What is skilled workers ?

Employees who have gained substantial training, education, or experience and are able to perform more difficult physical or mental duties on the job are referred to as skilled labor. Since skilled work frequently needs specialization, it may be necessary to have extensive training and experience.

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"Skilled personnel" are those who require at least two years of training or work experience to do their non-temporary or seasonal jobs.

​Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about skilled workers, click here


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A showing there was a need for a powerful chief executive
B providing the nation with a national court system
demonstrating a need to protect the rights of individuals
D encouraging economic development by the national government





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think 2? but go with your best answer hun ;D


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1. What is Sharecropping?

2. Did sharecropping and Tenant farming affect only freemen?

3. Give 4 examples as to why farmers might lose their land:

4. How long did sharecropping and tenant control the south?

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6. Why did landowners encourage tenant to move around?

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1. Sharecropping is a legal arrangement about agricultural land in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on that land.

3. a. due largely to land degradation, such as erosion, which is when soil components move from one location to another by wind or water.

b. Agricultural land is also being lost because it is being converted for other purposes, such as highways, housing and factories.

c. land pollution including industrial waste and quarrying of stone, sand and minerals.

d. inappropriate irrigation.

4. For, 70 years — 100 years.

7. Tribal territories and the slave trade ranged over present-day borders. Some Native American tribes held war captives as slaves before and during European colonization. Some Native Americans were captured and sold by others into slavery to Europeans, while others were captured and sold by Europeans themselves.

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the zookeepers wife,, and the boy in the striped pajamas


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The longest day (1962)

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inspiration of Enlightenment ideas

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less ability for Spain to control colonies


Considering the available options for reasons that led to the revolutions in Latin America include the "desire for greater political control."

Latin America Revolution

The Latin American Revolution occurred between 1808 and 1826. During these periods, many Latin American colonies longed for greater political control of their territories.

Other reasons that led to the revolutions in Latin America include the desire for economic independence through tradesinspiration of Enlightenment ideas influenced by US and French Revolutions'loss of Spanish strength due to wars with France, Britain, and later the United StatesLess ability for Spain to control colonies as there was lesser economic and political power to control the colonies

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is All of the Above options.

Learn more about the Latin American Revolution here:

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A) organizing a march in Washington, D.C.
B) starting a hunger strike
C) lobbying Congress for gender equality
D) repeatedly picketing the White House


Answer is B……….sjsjjdejej

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B. The Act encouraged other companies to compete with it.
C. The Act helped pay for ships.
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the answer should be A, and or D? i’m not to sure.


The answer is A


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Looked at a different way, if you rounded up Bezos' fortune to the even $200 billion stated in the post, and apportioned it evenly among the world's 7.8 billion people, each one would get about $25. Bezos, as one of those 7.8 billion, would be left with just $25

Explanation: So maybe not....

No, if Jeff Bezos gave everyone in the world 1 million dollars, he would not still have over a billion dollars. To calculate this, consider the total population of the world and compare it to Jeff Bezos' wealth.

According to information, cutoff in September 2021, the global population was estimated to be around 7.9 billion people. If Jeff Bezos gave each person 1 million dollars, the total amount distributed would be 7.9 trillion dollars (7.9 billion multiplied by 1 million).

As of that same time, Jeff Bezos' net worth was estimated to be around 200 billion dollars. Therefore, if he were to distribute 7.9 trillion dollars, his wealth would decrease significantly, leaving him with a remaining amount of 200 billion minus 7.9 trillion, resulting in a negative balance of approximately -7.7 trillion dollars.

Learn more about Jeff Bezos here


African Americans in the Early Twentieth Century Project - War Stories – An American Hero Research Project




George Washington Carver

How this scientist nurtured the land—and people’s minds


To George Washington Carver, peanuts were like paintbrushes: They were tools to express his imagination. Carver was a scientist and an inventor who found hundreds of uses for peanuts. He experimented with the legumes to make lotions, flour, soups, dyes, plastics, and gasoline—though not peanut butter!

George Washington Carver, half-length portrait, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama.

George Washington Carver


Carver was born an enslaved person in the 1860s in Missouri. The exact date of his birth is unclear, but some historians believe it was around 1864, just before slavery was abolished in 1865. As a baby, George, his mother, and his sister were kidnapped from the man who enslaved them, Moses Carver. The kidnappers were slave raiders who planned to sell them. Moses Carver found George before he could be sold, but not his mother and sister. George never saw them again.

After slavery was abolished, George was raised by Moses Carver and his wife. He worked on their farm and in their garden, and became curious about plants, soils, and fertilizers. Neighbors called George “the plant doctor” because he knew how to nurse sick plants back to life. When he was about 13, he left to attend school and worked hard to get his education.

In 1894 he became the first Black person to graduate from Iowa State College, where he studied botany and fungal diseases, and later earned a master’s degree in agriculture. In 1896, Booker T. Washington offered him a teaching position at Tuskegee Institute, a college for

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Drew Gilpin Faust: Mary Lee of Winchester [Virginia] says at the end of the war, "Political reconstruction is inevitable now, but social reconstruction, we have in our hands and we can prevent." And I think that's such an extraordinary insight on her part, and so predictive of much of what happens in the months and years that follow her remark. I think what she means is that Congress is going to do certain things, but there's almost a kind of guerrilla warfare of the domestic, of the local, of people just refusing to let society change in the ways that the architects of freedom in the North might hope for, in the ways that the slaves, the freed slaves, might themselves within the South hope for.

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The Pendleton act was what led up go it

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The Anti-Federalists argued against the expansion of national power. What did the Democratic Republicans want? The Democratic-Republican Party, also referred to as the Jeffersonian Republican Party and known at the time under various other names, was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s ...




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what was the name of the movement in which individuals bought sections of land and fenced it off?


[tex]\huge\underline\mathtt\colorbox{cyan}{Enclosure Movement}[/tex]


The Enclosure Movement was a push in the 18th and 19th centuries to take land that had formerly been owned in common by all members of a village, or at least available to the public for grazing animals and growing food, and change it to privately owned land, usually with walls, fences or hedges around it.


The Enclosure Movement


Why did Gandhi call for boycotts on British goods?
A. He wanted Britain to lose money.
B. He wanted Indians to be self-sufficient.
C. He wanted to create Indian monopolies.
D. He wanted Indians to rely less on material
Check Answer



D. He wanted Indians to rely less on material


C. He wanted Indians to be self-sufficient. Gandhi wanted independence for India, therefore, he wanted to encourage people to buy Indian goods instead, in order to further facilitate Indian economy.

what is the effect of including a variety of personal accounts on the wounded knee massacre?


The effect of including a variety of personal accounts on the wounded knee massacre was that various people were killed and the plan to take the land was not useful.

What is a massacre?

When many individuals or animals are killed, particularly those who aren't participating and are defenseless, it is referred to as a massacre. It is regarded as repugnant, particularly if it is committed by only an assortment of political players on helpless.

Indian resistance to the invasion of European settlers came to an end with the massacre at Wounded Knee, where numerous men, women, and children lost their lives. 

As there was a war that was happening in relation to land the army wanted to capture the land that belonged to the Indians and that means that this part was created as the capturing land and people living there were killed to a great length.

Learn more about massacre, here:


The effect of including a variety of personal accounts on the wounded knee massacre was that various people were killed by the soldiers. The white American praised the soldiers for their actions. and it also ended the Ghost Dance.

What is a massacre?

A massacre is an unethical or morally unacceptable act. It is an act of killing a large crowd of people in one time when the people are not involved in any violent act.

The massacre mostly happened during the colonial times. When the colonizers tries to suppress the demand of independence and right and the movement of the colonial people against them.

Like every massacre brings sadness and tears in the eyes and same with the in the wounded knee massacre. The wounded knee massacre was an attack by the soldiers on the unarmed people and the white American  public was happy  and even praised the soldiers for their actions.

Learn more about massacre here:


Why did English settlers colonize new England in the mid 1600s



To practice their religion


The Spanish found allies among enemies of the Aztecs. --- The Aztecs suffered many deaths from disease.

hope it helps love <3

Coral reefs take about how long to develop?
A decade
b a century
c a millennium ​


Answer: C

Explanation:  With growth rates of 0.3 to 2 centimeters per year for massive corals, and up to 10 centimeters per year for branching corals, it can take up to 10,000 years for a coral reef to form from a group of larvae. Depending on their size, barrier reefs and atolls can take from 100,000 to 30,000,000 years to fully form.

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