How can public opinion influence the laws of the United States


Answer 1
Public opinion can be influenced by public relations and political media. Additionally, mass media utilizes a wide variety of advertising techniques to get their message out and change the minds of people.

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Please help, I will give Brainliest to the best answer.
What was the Columbian Exchange?

Item Negative or positive impact? Why?
Cattle, Pigs, Chickens:
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How did this Impact Native Americans?
Population Decline:
Peaceful Coexistence:



Columbian Exchange, the largest part of a more general process of biological globalization that followed the transoceanic voyaging of the 15th and 16th centuries. Ecological provinces that had been torn apart by continental drift millions of years ago were suddenly reunited by oceanic shipping, particularly in the wake of Christopher Columbus’s voyages that began in 1492. The consequences profoundly shaped world history in the ensuing centuries, most obviously in the Americas, Europe, and Africa. The phrase “the Columbian Exchange” is taken from the title of Alfred W. Crosby’s 1972 book, which divided the exchange into three categories: diseases, animals, and plants

how many chambers house are in the article of consideration


One house legislature and also i think it’s pronounced “ Confederation “

The Battle of Gettysburg...
a) was not as terrible of a battle as Ft. Sumter had been.
b) gave General Pickett his greatest military victory.
c) allowed Lincoln to announce the nation should have “a new birth of freedom.”
d) delivered to the Union control of the entire Mississippi River.



Explanation: He had pushed back The South and confronted them. I also have a source: An article by History Explaining his victorys. It explains the importance of this battle for him.

The answer will be B like in the bubble bee

Who had the biggest input on European thought



They were poets and painters, novelists and scientists, philosophers and playwrights.

What effect did the ameicans have on the war?write 3 paragraphs​



The entry of the United States was the turning point of the war, because it made the eventual defeat of Germany possible. It had been foreseen in 1916 that if the United States went to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be upheld by U.S. supplies and by enormous extensions of credit.

pa answer po pag di po matino ang answer report ko po kayo

pero kung matino po meeon po kayong 100 points and Brainliest pa




Complete the following paragraph about the Founders.

The Founders is a collective term used to refer to the people, all white men, who were important in the creation of the United States. This meant they were seeking independence from Great Britain at the same time many of the Founders held people in bondage. This reflects a BLANK . About BLANK of the Founders were enslavers.

BLANK1 OPTIONS 1. Contradiction, Collaboration, Congruence
BLANK2 OPTIONS 2. Half, 75%, 10%





According to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown hritish Crown haAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done what

The american republic chapter 7 activity 1



What two groups were responsible for governing the colonies during the War for Independence?

Continental Congresses and state assemblies

What convinced the leaders of the need for a more permanent form of government?

Many Americans questioned whether Continental Congress had authority to wage war

Who wrote much of the Articles of Confederation?

John Dickinson of Delaware

What were the two main reasons some states objected to Congress disposing of western lands?

1. states didn't want to give up the land

2. land speculators would not be able to resell the lands for profit

What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1785 provide for western lands?

surveying and selling of the NW Territory

What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provide for western lands?


What primary weakness caused most of the failures of the Confederation Congress?

Congress lacked power to enforce the laws it made

What was to be the source of income to run the government under the Articles of Confederation? What was the result of the Congress's insufficient income?

The states were to voluntarily give $. There was not enough money to run the government and pay war debts.

What uprising of 1786-87 protested a heavy tax burden in Massachusetts? How did the uprising shape some leaders' views of the government?

Shay's Rebellion; They saw the need to strengthen the government.

What two meetings prepared the way for the Philadelphia Convention?

Mt. Vernon and the Annapolis Convention

When did the Philadelphia Convention begin? Where was it held? Who was the chairman? What was its original purpose?

May 25, 1787; Independence Hall; George Washington; to revise the Articles of Confederation to strengthen the national government

What were three benefits of keeping convention discussions secret?

freedom to speak and to change minds, avoid pressures from outside groups, gave the people more confidence in the Constitution

Name six notable men who were at the convention.

George Washington, James Madison, George Mason, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, and Alexander Hamilton

What is a republic?

elected representatives govern the people

What was the difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

Virginia Plan: 2 houses, membership in both based on population

NJ Plan: 1 house, membership the same for every state

Who proposed the Great Compromise, and what was his proposition?

Roger Sherman; 2 houses, one with membership the same for every state (Senate) and one with membership based on population (the House of Representatives)

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

Population would be based on number of free persons plus 3/5 of others (slaves). Also promised slavery would not be interfered with for at least 23 years.

Why did the North and the South have different views on navigation and tariff laws?

The north had more industry than the south.

What is the only way to make changes to the Constitution? What keeps one branch of government from getting too much power?

an amendment; separation of powers, and checks and balances

What system divides the powers of government between the national government and the state governments?

federal system

Who were the Federalists? Who wrote The Federalist Papers, and what did the publication contain?

those in favor of adopting the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison; the most common objections to the Constitution and their arguments against the objections

Who were the Anti-Federalists, and why did they take their position?

those opposed to the Constitution; believed the state and local governments should be supreme

What are three reasons for the success of the Constitution?

1. It acknowledges biblical principles

2. Americans believed they needed obey laws

3. It can be changed through the amendment process

make me brainlesst answer​



I’ll make an answer

Give me some facts about Aristotle please




Aristotle was an orphaned at a young age.Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient GreeceTaught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition.He is the founder of zoologyAristotle contributed to the classification of animalsHis thoughts on PsychologyAristotle's views on ethicsHe was a tutor to royalty


HOPE IT HELPS...............


Aristotle was an orphaned at a young age. ...

He is the founder of zoology. ...

He was a tutor to royalty. ...

Aristotle's life of romance. ...

Aristotle contributed to the classification of animals. ...

His contributions to Physics. ...

His thoughts on Psychology. ...

Aristotle's views on ethics.


Why can failure become an obstacle in someone's life?



Why is it that failure may become an obstacle in someone's life?

Success is usually preceded by failure. If you take a hard look at the most successful people in history, you will see that they all failed spectacularly. Many of these individuals were regarded as enormous life failures. However, they all succeeded in reversing the situation. Failure should be defined as an opportunity for learning, not as failure.

The most popular intercollegiate sport for women in late-nineteenth-century America was
O A. basketball.
O C. soccer
O D.volleyball.


B croquet should be the answer

What task did the natural philosophers or scientists of the seventeenth century want to accomplish?​



invention of microscope and telescope

Three ways that Islamic culture influenced Western societies



use goo gle


its a lot easier than waiting for a bunch of strangers to answer your questions


Who commanded the garrison at Anahuac



Explanation: Mexican military officer Juan Davis Bradburn, formerly an American citizen, was appointed commander of a new customs and garrison post on Galveston Bay . In October 1830 Bradburn established a post atop a 30 feet (9.1 m) bluff at the entrance to the Trinity River. The post became known as Anahuac

Why is the Stele of Vultures such a valuable source of information on ancient


The stele was originally carved out of a single slab of limestone, but only seven fragments are known today. The fragments were found at Tello of the ancient Girsu in a southern Iraq in the late 19th century and are now on display in the Louvre

Individuals with a personality disorder tend to believe their behavior is completely normal.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
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It is true that individuals with a personality disorder tend to believe their behavior is completely normal.

What is personality disorder?

A personality disorder is a mental health condition marked by rigid and unhealthy patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

These patterns deviate significantly from cultural norms, causing significant issues in relationships, work, and other aspects of life.

Personality disorders are classified into several types, including borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and others.

Individuals suffering from a personality disorder frequently struggle to recognise when their behaviour is abnormal or causing problems for themselves or others. This lack of understanding is common in many personality disorders.

Thus, the given statement is true.

For more details regarding personality disorder, visit:


Presidents have expressed, delegated, and inherent sources of power. Which one of the three most accounts for the powers of the presidency?


Answer: Inherent Powers: powers inherent in the president’s power as chief of the executive branch

Constitutional and delegated powers make up the Expressed Powers because these powers are clearly outlined in the Constitution. Presidents have interpreted inherent powers differently, sometimes in ways that grant the president great power.

Explanation: Inherent Powers: powers inherent in the president’s power as chief of the executive branch

Constitutional and delegated powers make up the Expressed Powers because these powers are clearly outlined in the Constitution. Presidents have interpreted inherent powers differently, sometimes in ways that grant the president great power.

Presidents have expressed, delegated, and inherent sources of power, one of the three most accounts for the powers of the presidency is expressed powers.

The presidency derives its authority from a number of places. These consist of inherent, delegated, and expressed powers. However, one of these sources largely explains the presidential powers. The expressed powers of the presidency are the source that most fully explains those authorities.

Therefore, The correct answer is expressed powers.

Learn more about Powers of the presidency here,


Which of the following statements is an example of how new railroad lines affected American Indians in the Indian Territory?

A. Railroads brought commercial buffalo hunting to an end.

B. Railroads allowed American Indians' tribal economies to continue.

C. Railroads disrupted traditional hunting grounds.

D. Railroads discouraged settlement by non-American Indians.​


Which of the following statements is an example of how new railroad lines affected American Indians in the Indian Territory?

A. Railroads brought commercial buffalo hunting to an end.

B. Railroads allowed American Indians' tribal economies to continue.

C. Railroads disrupted traditional hunting grounds.

D. Railroads discouraged settlement by non-American Indians.​

The Answer is C

Part A From the following excerpt, which sentences best reflect Harding's desire to return to normalcy after the war? Why? "The world needs to be reminded that all human ills are not curable by legislation, and that quantity of statutory enactment and excess of government offer no substitute for quality of citizenship. America's present need is not heroics, but healing not nostrums, but norjalcy, not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment not surgery but serenity, not the dramatic, but the dispassionate: not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality. My best judgment of America's needs is to steady down, to get squarely on our feet to make sure of the right path. Let's get out of the fevered delirium of war, with the hallucination that all the money in the world is to be made in the madness of war and the wildness of its aftermath. Let us stop to consider that tranquility at home is more precious than peace abroad, and that both our good fortune and our eminence are dependent on the normal forward stride of all the American people... B Font Sizes A ini​



The last two sentences express a desire to return to normalcy. Harding is saying that by moving past the war, Americans can enjoy peace at home and good fortune in their day-to-day lives.


"Let's get out of the fevered delirium of war, with the hallucination that all the money in the world is to be made in the madness of war and the wildness of its aftermath.

Let us stop to consider that tranquility at home is more precious than peace abroad, and that both our good fortune and our eminence are dependent on the normal forward stride of all the American people".

The above two sentences best reflect Harding's desire to return to normalcy after the war.

Who was Harding?

Warren G. Harding, 29th president of the United States (1921–23). Pledging a nostalgic “return to normalcy” following World War I, Harding won the presidency by the greatest popular vote margin to that time.

Warren G. Harding had a brief administration accomplished little of lasting value, however, and soon after his death a series of scandals doomed the Harding presidency to be judged among the worst in American history.

Harding lived in rural Ohio all his life, except when political service took him elsewhere. As a young man, he bought The Marion Star and built it into a successful newspaper.

Harding was defeated for governor in 1910, but was elected to the United States Senate in 1914, the state's first direct election for that office.

What was return to normalcy?

"Return to normalcy" was a campaign slogan used by Warren G. Harding during the 1920 United States presidential election. Harding would go on to win the election with 60.4% of the popular vote.

In a speech made by Harding on May 14, 1920, Harding proclaimed that America needed "not nostrums, but normalcy". World War I and the Spanish flu had upended life, and Harding said that it altered the perspective of humanity.

Harding's conception of normalcy for the 1920s included deregulation, civic engagement, and isolationism. He rejected the idealism of Woodrow Wilson and the activism of Roosevelt, favoring the earlier isolationist policy of the United States.

To learn more about Warren G. Harding here,





you put in cause #1 one thing that happened in the event and in effect #1 whatever happened say what that did for example say someone dropped skittles the effect would be a mess was made and then do the same for the 2nd case and effect

help me pls

The first political parties were formed because of disagreements over what issue

A: should more power be with state or federal government?

B: should presidents be elected though electoral or popular vote?

C: should representation in Congress be equal or based on population?

D: should the US expand its borders ​



I think it's A but I'm not 100% sure.

In order to protect the freedom of the people, the Constitution was set up in a way that each branch of government would have powers with which they can "check the powers" of other branches. This principle is known as which of the following? A. separation of powers B. checks and balances C. limited government​



B) Checks & Balances


According to Oxford Languages, the Separation of Powers is an act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies.

According to Oxford Languages, Checks & Balances are counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.

According to Investopedia, a limited government is one whose legalized force and power is restricted through delegated and enumerated authorities.

who is the European to leave India in a order wise.​



The correct answer is The Portuguese. The sea routes of India were discovered at the end of the 15th century, after which the Europeans started coming to India. The Portuguese came to India in 1510 and were the first European rulers to visit here. The last European ruler to leave India in 1961 was the Portuguese

TCI unit 6, Investigating Primary Sources

I need help finding 4 Primary Sources for evidence. Please help!



Drag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" SpeechDrag the events of the civil rights era into chronological order from top to bottom.= Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream" Speech


During the time that Harriet Jacobs lived in an attic crawl space for seven years, and could not contact her children--what do you think she was going through? For this assignment, write a creative written response that reflects your understanding of the text excerpts that we read. (Some suggestions--a letter from Harriet to her children; a monologue; a poem. 1st person--I/we--writing is acceptable here.) Write this response below.



During the time that Harriet Jacobs lived in an attic crawl space for seven years, and could not contact her children--what do you think she was going through? For this assignment, write a creative written response that reflects your understanding of the text excerpts that we read. (Some suggestions--a letter from Harriet to her children; a monologue; a poem. 1st person--I/we--writing is acceptable here.)


can someone answers this question please ​


18- D
19- A
20- B

Hope this helps
1) mechanical (B)
2) small farms (A)
3)big cities

Which of the characteristics of current currency does an arrowhead possess ?
Check all that apply:

A . Uniformity

B . Limited supply

C . Divisibility

D. Portability

E .Durability


Answer: The characteristics of money are durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity, limited supply, and acceptability.


sry if im wrong i believe this is right tho


All of the above: A, B, C, D, & E.


These are 5 characteristics out of six:

Durability refers to the ease with which dollar notes or coins may be replaced if they get damaged. The term "portability" refers to the ease with which money may be moved between locations. Acceptability refers to the widespread acceptance of money as a medium of trade. Money retains its worth due to its Limited supply. Divisibility refers to the ability of money to be divided into smaller units of worth. Uniformity sets a baseline for the appearance of different denominations.

Why was the adoption of Islam in Africa a slow process?



The answer is from a website


Another major reason that led to the rapid spread of Islam in West Africa was the trans-Saharan trade network. From the seventh century onwards, Muslim traders from the Maghreb and the Sahara started settling first in some of the market centres in the Sahel and then in the Savanna areas.

Although European powers led to the decline of the Umarian state and the Sokoto Caliphate, colonial rule did little to stop the spread of Islam in West Africa. The British used anti-slavery rhetoric as they began their conquest of the Sokoto Caliphate in 1897

common belief is that yhe boomers were trying to take land away from the indians but reality the us government had already taken the land away from the American indians.the boomers wrre trying to take the now unassigned land from ____________?


Indians this is not the answer
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