
Answer 1


The United States is always considered one of the most developed countries across the globe and the reason is that it never forgets those who helped in building this great country. Each individual who works inside a team for the same cause can be also rewarded with equal effort as to the whole team, this means either a person belongs to a team of individual or he/she works in a more isolated way the experiences shared are the same for all of them as same for that person in a given situation.

The United States was made great by the efforts of the great founding fathers and James Madison was one of those few for the development of the greater United States that gave up on all his priorities but to make this country one of the most amazing country to live in today.

As, it was James Madison who exercised the efforts to provided the frame work its most important part by working for the basic rights of each American.

Along, with that he made it easy for the people of Philadelphia to be a part of greater United States and contributed to making many great deals inside the US history to make them more effective.


Answer 2


The United States is always considered the most developed countries across the globe and the reason is that it never forgets those who helped in building this great country.

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Can someone help me, I need a rhyme scheme from this poem
Living your life the way you want to go
is not that easy. Things don't turn out right,
never go just the way you wish they might.
Plan as you will, you never really know.

Some people seem to have that lucky streak,
enjoying what they really don't deserve.
Or is it luck? Perhaps they have more nerve,
enabling them to achieve what we still seek.

Don't you just wish sometimes you had the key
that let you do what you would like to do,
and find some luck intended just for you?
really to be where you would like to be?

Don't waste your time writing some master plan.
Spit in fate's eye, and grab life while you can.








hope this is right

100 POINTS + BRAINLY + AN EXTRA 100 POINTS. I will give you 100 points for this question and I will give you more points.

I need an essay about global warming and what it's about, how it impacted the world, and currently what's going on about it.


Answer: Today, the world is very different, transformed by the digital revolution and advances in medicine and human knowledge. But has it changed in the ways we hoped it would? Below, UNFPA reflects on some of the biggest ways our world is different, and what more must be done. 1. The world now has the largest generation of young people ever.



The answer is A


In Passage 1, to what does the word nature, as inscribed on the silver casket, refer?

human nature

natural beauty

Mother Nature

the natural world


From the passages, it can be analyzed that the word "nature" that was written on the silver casket simply means A. Human nature.

It should be noted that the theme of the three caskets was presented by Sigmund Freud as a wealth of complex thoughts. He recalled how muteness was a representation of death.

The word "nature" as written on the silver casket simply means human nature. The theme of appearances and reality was represented in the choice of the caskets.

Learn more about passages on:

The word "nature" that was engraved on the silver coffin simply signifies A. Human nature, according to the passages.

What is human nature?

It should be noted that Sigmund Freud described the three caskets' central topic as being full of intricate ideas. He recalled how death was symbolized by muteness.

Human nature is simply meant by the word "nature" as it appears on the silver coffin. The caskets chosen represented the idea of appearances and reality.

The word "nature" that was engraved on the silver coffin simply signifies A. Human nature, according to the passages.

To learn more about human nature, refer to the link:


Humans are the only animals on earth that chew gum.
What type of verb is 'are' as used in this sentence?

A) Linking Verb
B) Isn't a verb
C) Action verb
D) Helping Verb



A) Linking verb


"are" is the linking verb that connects humans and the to show the relationship between the two words.

Which sentence, if added to this passage, would provide the most imagery?
Vanessa and Alicia put down their paddles and let their canoe float
down the river. Vanessa shielded her eyes so she could look up at the
O A. She wondered about all the people who had floated down the river
O B. Alicia and Vanessa had been friends since the first grade.
O C. Far above her were chirping birds and buzzing insects.
O D. Alicia looked back at Vanessa and said, "Nice day, huh?"



The answer is C


It shows imagery by describing the birds, and the buzzing insects.


 C. Far above her were chirping birds and buzzing insects



Imagine that your local library has invited community members to submit proposals for a fundraiser. You are the student representative on the committee to choose the best proposal. Read the two proposals, paying close attention to their similarities and differences. Consider whether or not each proposal is logistically feasible, which fundraiser will most appeal to members of your community, and which fundraiser will likely raise more money.

Which proposal do you think the committee should choose? Write an essay in which you make a case for your choice. Support your argument with references to specific details in each proposal.

Proposal 1: The best way to get people invested in the library is to show them the joy of reading. For that reason, the library should hold a book sale. People could donate books that they no longer want, and the librarians could find books that the library no longer needs. Volunteers would need to sort the books into categories and arrange them in an inviting way, like at a bookstore. Books should be inexpensive so people will buy more of them – maybe fifty cents for paperbacks and two dollars for hardcover books. A book sale would appeal to people of all ages, from little kids to older people. There should also be a table where people can sign up for library cards. That way, if visitors do not find any books they want at the sale, they can come back to the library.

Proposal 2: A great way to make money for the library would be holding a car wash. The softball team at my school raised over $400 at their car wash last year! The car wash could be held in the library parking lot on a Saturday morning. You could ask local high school students to volunteer to wash the cars. That would be a great way to get students involved with the library. It takes two or three volunteers to wash a car quickly, so you would need at least ten volunteers. You could charge around ten dollars per car. Even people who are not very interested in reading like to have a clean car, so you would get a lot of people to stop by who might not otherwise come to a library fundraiser.



Proposal 2


Proposal 2 would bring in more money for the library and would also give the local high school students a chance to do more for their community.

The car wash would not only bring in people who live in the area but also people who are just driving through, "Even people who are not very interested in reading like to have a clean car".

Although 10 dollars is a fair price to wash a car, I feel like the library would get more money if they do not set a set price and they let the customers decide how good of a job the students did, therefor if the volunteers only wash 5 cars that day, they only make $50 for the whole day, but if you let the customers decide how much they pay for the services you give them, the library could make way more money.

The proposal that the committee should choose is proposal 2.

From the information given, it should be noted that Proposal 2 would generate more money for the library.

A great way to make money for the library would be holding a car wash. Since the softball team at the school raised over $400 at their car wash last year, this is an avenue to raise more money. This will be important in getting the needed funds and achieving the aim.

Learn more about excerpts on:

Which sentence uses correct subject-verb agreement?

a. the things we heard about him turned out to be true.
B. An employee who lives in the suburbs have to drive into the city.
C. The screen over my flowers are keeping them warm.
D. My jeans has gotten wet from the rainstorm.


Answer:I think (B.


This is because both (Lives) and (Suburbs) are plural which none of the answers have that make sense. (Sorry if wrong

I will feed your soul-personification or metaphor?





your soul can't be fed?




because your soul isnt something that can be fed

29) The description of life on the farm creates a tone that is
A) sad
B) sentimental
C) serious.
D) sinister
Will give brainliest





The answer is B :) Have a great day

Match the the definition to the word.

1. a word of opposite meaning
2. sentence that asks a question
3. a word that expresses action or being
4. change in pitch while speaking
5. sentence that makes a statement
6. a word with similar meaning
7. a sentence that shows strong emotion
8. a way of saying a word
9. spoken stress, or emphasis, on a word part
10. a sentence that issues a command or request



A word with opposite meaning


sentence that asks a question


a word that expresses action or being


change in pitch while speaking


sentence that makes a statement


a word with similar meaning


a sentence that shows strong emotion


a way of saying a word


spoken stress, or emphasis, on a word part


a sentence that issues a command or request



Rewrite this paragraph filling in the missing punctual
The first car was a machine that had three wheels and was powered by
steam__ It was built in France in 1769 _ it was heavy and moved very slow .
Many factories produced steam-driven cars during the 1890s and 1900s
but the disadvantage of steam was that water had to be boiled before the
car could go. Nowadays — cars work on gas
cars work on gas_ electric , and even on water,
which prove that science never stop inventing




The first car was a machine that had three wheels and was powered by

steam. It was built in France in 1769: it was heavy and moved very slow.

Many factories produced steam-driven cars during the 1890s and 1900s

but the disadvantage of steam was that water had to be boiled before the

car could go. Nowadays, cars work on gas, electric, and even on water,

which prove that science never stop inventing.


Based on the information given, the correct punctuation for the sentence will be:

The first car was a machine that had three wheels and was powered by steam. It was built in France in 1769, it was heavy and moved very slow.

Many factories produced steam-driven cars during the 1890s and 1900s but the disadvantage of steam was that water had to be boiled before the car could go. Nowadays, cars work on gas, electric, and even on water, which prove that science never stop inventing.

Punctuation simply means the signs that's ate useful as it shows a reader how a sentence is being constructed.

Learn more about punctuations on:

Clue #4
Each letter corresponds to a number, and vice versa.
Try to figure out the phrase by guessing the missing letters.
-||ח|ס| ה | ד
16 18-
18 14 12
16 12
11 18 25
s ?
12 17
1 -
14 12 20



B and T and R is the answer of this

"For all intensive purposes" should be​



Required or essential. Hope this helps~!


someone give me a narrative paragraph of a Filipino folk tale please​




sorry wish i could help

who what when where why. What are these?



words that begin with w



The Five Ws are questions whose answers are considered basic in information gathering or problem solving.

Write a paragraph about the skill set of construction!



    Whatever you do it’s up to you, your skills help you complete the project or get the job that you are working on done. No matter your skill set there will always be a job for you, fixing a pot hole or setting out traffic cones for the other workers but what ever you are capable of doing there will be a way for you to help and do your job based off what you know. You will always see a progression in construction on what you are doing immediately because things change very fast and you will always see a new out come or difference in your work. Construction also helps you develop skills such as communication skills as to talking to new people and collaborating with them to do new jobs. Construction is a team effort People who don’t have the necessary skills to work well or communicate with others are going to have a hard time in the process, team players help build up the team and foster good communication and better construction. It also helps you with team work and problem-solving skills, there is always a way to finish and get the job done and that’s what the team is for to help each other finish and create a strong progression throughout the ending. As you work your way up through the ranks, you’ll find new ways to use both your mind and your hands to get the job done. For those who are relatively new to the field, pay attention to the guys who have been in construction for decades. They know their stuff because they’ve been working hard, observing and learning all along the way.


"I hope this helps, let me know if you need any more help"!


It should come as no surprise that construction is a physically demanding job. Considerable strength and stamina are essential for carrying out many tasks on a job site. Almost 50 percent of construction jobs will require heavy lifting work and physical strength.  Workers will need to possess proper posture and form to effectively and safely conduct manual labor, both indoors and outdoors.  Along with physical strength, construction workers must have hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Construction jobs require sitting, lying, and standing for long hours. Limb coordination is needed to move both arms and legs quickly and accurately in any environment.  Construction work also requires excellent eyesight.  Technical knowledge is just as important as physical competence. About 36 percent of contractors fail due to a lack of adequate training and inexperience with particular types of work. Familiarity with the materials and tools needed to fill a wide range of construction services is invaluable to a worker’s skill set.

Read the following sentence and choose the selection the represents where the missing comma should go:
However Cassie will always choose the color green because it is her favorite!


“However[,] Cassie…”

Answer the question.


There’s no poem to go off of so here’s my guess I think the main theme of the poem is language and communication/ love
So say like
Percy's conversation with Poseidon bring them together because in the passage blah blah says “insert and quote” this affects there relation ship because it shows the main theme is language and communication/ love

Please help:) Identify the type of figurative language in each example



1. My backpack weighs a ton. ------- hyperbole

2. The daisies danced in the rain ------- personification

3. Your eyes are like stars ------- simile

4. She is a monster ------- metaphor


1. Hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

2. Personification: The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

3. Simile: A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion).

4. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. ... A metaphor states that one thing is another thing. It equates those two things not because they actually are the same, but for the sake of comparison or symbolism.

Need to write a summary about the book the meet


Answer: The Meet by Madelyn Srin is a story about doing the right thing. The protagonist of the meet is Ariel. Maria is the antagonist. The conflict is Maria lost her lucky pink cap. The rising action is Ariel sees Maria’s lucky pink cap and is deciding whether to give Maria her pink cap back or not. Climax is Ariel gives Maria her lucky pink cap that she lost. The falling action is Maria thanks Ariel for her lucky pink cap back. Resolution is in the end they both get high fives from their dads. Last the theme is the only thing that matters is what you do and not what you win.

Do you need any notes or tips?

Why did the author most likely include the image with the text?
A. to help readers understand the process of photosynthesis help readers visualize the interdependency of two processes
C. to help readers visualize how glucose is stored as food
D. to help readers understand how chemical pathways function

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

The processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interdependent—each process is necessary to fuel the other. The chemical products of photosynthesis are the chemical reactants of cellular respiration, and the products of cellular respiration are the reactants of photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria—together called producers—create their own food by capturing light energy from the Sun to make molecules of glucose. Organic molecules, including glucose, can then be stored as food to be broken down by cellular respiration when energy is needed.
All living organisms perform some kind of cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, chemical pathways containing organic molecules such as glucose are broken down to release energy in a quickly usable form. Essentially, cellular respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis.


B. Is the correct answer

Select the correct structure of the sentence.

The man near me is my father.

a.Compound-Complex Sentence
b.Complex Sentence
c.Simple Sentence
d.Compound Sentence





The correct structure of the sentence "The man near me is my father" is a complex sentence. Thus, the correct option will be B.

What is a Complex sentence?

A complex sentence is a sentence which contains an independent clause with one or more different subordinate clauses. We use the complex sentences when we want to provide more information to support for the point. For example, 'Salihah did not get a treat after dinner, because she did not do her homework on time'.

A complex sentence is composed of a sentence that can stand on its own with 1 or more dependent clauses added including the dependent clauses cannot stand on their own as a sentence. The complex sentences include more than one type of clause in the sentence.

Therefore, the correct option will be B.

Learn more about Complex sentence here:


The two social reform issues that were most influential during the time Little Women was written were _____.


The two social reform issues that were most influential during the time Little Women was written were freedom of slaves and women's rights.

Pleaseeee help meeeeee, pleaseeee



Here is exercise 4.3


2. Why don't we look at the emails first?

3. I do not understand what you mean.

4. It's alright with me.

5. The way I see things, it works very well.

6. That's a good point.

Hope this helped you.

Which of the following is true regarding writing field notes?
O A. occurs while actively observing in the field
© B. nvolves separating the researchers' impressions and feelings from what was actually observed
O C. usually takes at least 3 times as long as observation
O D. is the same thing as writing jottings


A.occurs while actively observing in the field

Writing field notes describe what occurs while actively observing in the field. Thus, option A is correct.

What are notes?

A brief description about something recorded in writing for reference purposes or to help with remembering. Notes were written gradually over the course of a subject, semester, or even an entire year. These often encompass every piece of information learned and are quite lengthy and in-depth.

Site observations that are written down what happens when constantly watching in the field. a component of an organized log of the measured values by a survey or the empirical evidences by a field investigator.

Data from views are often gathered using observations, though views and conversations may be recorded on film or sound. The researcher records events, discussions, and behaviors seen in the outside in field notes, along with comments on those observations.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about notes, here:


Hemp help help English hep



Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated

how does the theme that is important to understand our family stories develop in the speech


Based on the given text, the way the theme that is important to understand our family stories develop in the speech is C. The theme develops through the author's depiction of how Samir feels different and misunderstood before giving his speech but feels more comfortable and accepted once he realizes that everyone has a story of their own.

What is a Theme?

This refers to the central message of a given text that is used by an author to convey an idea to his readers and this helps him communicate his story.

Hence, it can be seen that the theme is that it is important to understand our family stories and this is shown in option C

Read more about themes here:


How does the theme that stories can help us understand one another develop in "The Speech"?

The theme develops through the author's depiction of how Samir feels more comfortable and confident delivering his speech after his mother offers him some tea and listens to what he has to say.

The theme develops through the author's depiction of how Samir changes from feeling different and separate from his peers to feeling not so different and comfortable with them after his mother tells him their family story.

The theme develops through the author's depiction of how Samir feels different and misunderstood before giving his speech but feels more comfortable and accepted once he realizes that everyone has a story of their own.

The theme develops through the author's depiction of how Samir learns to appreciate his classmates' different stories by listening to what their families went through.

How is a narrative poem different from a short story?
Its characters are more likely to change by the end.
Its events suggest a theme.
It is divided into stanzas instead of paragraphs.
It has longer paragraphs and shorter sentences.


It is divided into stanzas instead of paragraphs. i think

which characteristic of a wire its CSA based on



A.Diameter without insulation

b. Conductor diameter only

C. inside diameter

Which statement best identifies Mr. Whymper's
motivation for visiting the farm?
He is inspired by their rebellion and wants to learn
from them.
He sees an opportunity to make money and wants
to discuss business.
He is afraid of their power and wants to see what
they have planned.
He is disturbed by how the farm is changing and
wants to discuss the future.


1. B
4. A,C
7. B,C,D


Answer: b i took the assignment


Dudeee ur Awesome He is correct!!



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