help? please? i have a screenshot

Help? Please? I Have A Screenshot


Answer 1


this could be worth but it might be c

Related Questions

What do you mean by abiotic components? List out the different types of abiotic components.​



Abiotic components or abiotic factors are nonliving factors that impact an ecosystem. These factors are part of the ecosystem and influence the associated living things but they are not living. The term abiotic is a mix of two words, these are a- which means without and bio which means life.



7. The person telling the story could tell that the person coming into the lobby was a man because why?
A. He had a strong masculine stride.
B. He was wearing pants.
C. He had short hair.
D. He carried a briefcase.



I'd say A. He had a strong masculine stride.


The reason is, because anyone of any gender can be wearing pants, have short hair, and be carrying a briefcase. These aren't actions limited to only men. However, a man will be most likely to walk with a "strong masculine stride",over anyone else.

Hope this helps :)

a paragraph of about "A visit to the museum"​



Hey mate....


This is ur answer.....

A museum is a place where we keep in safe custody the valuable and historic things of the past. These things tell us how our forefathers lived and worked. A museum is a very interesting place where we can see a collection of rare things and things of historical interest. It is a house of all valuable and wonderful things. We study the old things there and we come to know much of our history and culture of bygone ages. We see all the things of past and present at one place. A visit to the museum is very inductive. Everybody wants to visit the museum because it is an education itself. Many people come from abroad to study past history of the past.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! ;)

Answer:  Solution


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A visit to a museum in interesting as well as educative. We can understand a lot about the history and culture of a country, its industry, arts, fashions etc. by visiting a museum. Last Sunday, I along with some of my intimate friends, went to a museum at Delhi. We bought tickets and entered the museum. The bug building was divided into a number of sections. On entering the building, we saw separate sections containing many idols of Hindu gods. They looked life-like and impressive. Then we found ourselves in a hall decorated with rare pictures and paintings. We then moved to the history section. We saw certain objects belonging to the various periods of history. We then went to a big room full of ancient weapons and armours, like heavy swords, lances and shields. We saw bows, arrows, guns, spears, statues, idols, manuscripts etc. In another section we saw Kashmiri shawls, Amritsari shawls, Amritsari carpets, Peshawari embroidered turbans and rugs and many other specimens from different parts of India. The art gallery impressed us the most. It had beautiful paintings of fruits, flowers and natural landscapes. We also saw beautiful ivory work, coins and jewellery kept in showcases in another section. Then we came to a section which displayed rare manuscripts. My eyes rested on a manuscript said to belong to the Gupta period of the Indian History. A gold coin coined during Vikramaditya’s reign drew out attention. In this way a visit to a museum provided us with a rich feast of ideas. It left a deep imprint on my mind.

What does the author enumerate and describe in "Respecting the Flag"?
A things to do and not do to the U.S flag
B occupations of people who work in public institutions
C the uniforms worn by officers of the U,S military's
D the wars in which American veterans have fought


D the wars in which American better and have fought

If someone asks you if you know how to love, what do you answer. ​



Lemme demostrate...


The Clock
How does this symbol relate to the American Dream?


The clock represents time and as time moves, Gatsby tries to put it back where it was before. This suggests that Gatsby needed haste to get Daisy back to that special relationship they had in the past.

an essay on i wish i had listened to my mother​



I dislike lying. In fact, I have never lied. But two weeks ago, I had lied to my mother for my own selfishness.

“ tomorrow I will give you money to pay for your tuition fees,” said mother.

Mother had told me to pay for my tuition fees and warned me not to use the money to buy something else.

“Alright mother!” I grumbled to myself while watching television.

The next day, I prepared to go for my tuition class. After getting ready, I reminded my mother about the tuition fees I needed to pay. She went to her room to get the money. She then reminded me to not forget to pass it to my tuition teacher.

I went out earlier than usual as I wanted to meet my old friend, Maddy. We promised to meet at Macdonald’s nearby my tuition centre. After waiting for fifteen minutes, Maddy arrived. We wondered around the shopping mall hoping to find any latest outfits that fits the trend now. While we were glancing at the shops, I came across a particular pair of shoes that got my eyes glued on it instantly. It had just arrived in Singapore and had unique designs on it. Without hesitation, I jolted into the shop to ask the salesman the price of the shoes.

“One hundred and fifty dollars after a fifty percent discount. Special offer that will end tomorrow,”  

I wanted the shoes so badly but I did not have enough savings and time was running out. There was no way I could earn that much money in just one day.

The only money I had was the tuition fees that were given by my mother earlier.

Not feeling guilty for my actions, I immediately bought the shoes. If mother were to ask, I would tell her that I had given the tuition fees and I would pay it back when I have enough savings. That way, my mother would not know about my plan


hope it helps

Kenny (doesn't, don't work on weekends. ​



Kenny doesn't work on weekends.


Rewrite the following paragraph using your own words feel free to add and/or change words in order to complete the task:
(must be 3-5 solid sentences at least)

I chose the word distributed I read "For the Equal Rights Amendment," because women and young ladies are often confined to satisfying jobs as spouses, caretakers and/or mothers. Society often turns its back on women as caretakers and creates gender inequality in different roles in the house holds. Most women didn't get an education to the restriction of being "home bound", to clean the house and take care of the kids, as men were to go out to get jobs and an education to bring home the financial support. If women got jobs or an education, they were looks down upon. Social norms can affect nearly any aspect of our lives. They contribute to our clothing choices, how we speak, our music preferences, and our beliefs about certain social issues. ​


Answer: Because women and young girls are typically constrained to careers such as spouses, caretakers, or mothers, I used the term distributed. Women as caregivers are frequently overlooked by society, resulting in gender inequity in household duties. Men were expected to go out and find work and an education to bring home financial support, while women were expected to stay at home to clean the house and care for the children. Women were looked down upon if they had careers or an education. Social norms affect every aspect of our lives, including how we dress, how we talk, what music we listen to, and even our attitudes toward social issues.

PleaseHelp! Quick!

Read the play.

The Beggar and the King

by Winthrop Parkhurst

[A chamber in the palace overlooks a courtyard. The season is midsummer. The windows of the palace are open, and from a distance there comes the sound of a man's voice crying for bread.]

[THE KING sits in a golden chair. A golden crown is on his head, and he holds in his hand a sceptre which is also of gold. A SERVANT stands by his side, fanning him with an enormous fan of peacock feathers.]

THE BEGGAR: (outside) Bread. Bread. Bread. Give me some bread.

THE KING: (languidly) Who is that crying in the street for bread?

THE SERVANT: (fanning) O king, it is a beggar.

THE KING: Why does he cry for bread?

THE SERVANT: O king, he cries for bread in order that he may fill his belly.

THE KING: I do not like the sound of his voice. It annoys me very much. Send him away.

THE SERVANT: (bowing) O king, he has been sent away.

THE KING: If that is so, then why do I hear his voice?

THE SERVANT: O king, he has been sent away many times, yet each time that he is sent away he returns again, crying louder than he did before.

THE KING: He is very unwise to annoy me on such a warm day. He must be punished for his impudence. Use the lash on him.

THE SERVANT: O king, it has been done.

THE KING: Then bring out the spears.

THE SERVANT: O king, the guards have already bloodied their swords many times driving him away from the palace gates. But it is of no avail.

THE KING: Then bind him and gag him if necessary. If need be cut out his tongue. I do not like the sound of the fellow's voice. It annoys me very much.

THE SERVANT: O king, thy orders were obeyed even yesterday.

THE KING: (frowning) No. That cannot be. A beggar cannot cry for bread who has no tongue.

THE SERVANT: Behold he can—if he has grown another.

THE KING: What! Why, men are not given more than one tongue in a lifetime. To have more than one tongue is treason.

THE SERVANT: If it is treason to have more than one tongue, O king, then is this beggar surely guilty of treason?

THE KING: (pompously) The punishment for treason is death. See to it that the fellow is slain. And do not fan me so languidly. I am very warm.

THE SERVANT: (fanning more rapidly) Behold, O great and illustrious king, all thy commands were obeyed even yesterday.

THE KING: How! Do not jest with thy king.

THE SERVANT: If I jest, then there is truth in a jest. Even yesterday, O king, as I have told thee, the beggar which thou now hearest crying aloud in the street was slain by thy soldiers with a sword.

THE KING: Do ghosts eat bread? Forsooth, men who have been slain with a sword do not go about in the streets crying for a piece of bread.

THE SERVANT: Forsooth, they do if they are fashioned as this beggar.

THE KING: Why, he is but a man. Surely he cannot have more than one life in a lifetime.

THE SERVANT: Listen to a tale, O king, which happened yesterday.

THE KING: I am listening.

THE SERVANT: Thy soldiers smote this beggar for crying aloud in the streets for bread, but his wounds are already healed. They cut out his tongue, but he immediately grew another. They slew him, yet he is now alive.

THE KING: Ah! That is a tale which I cannot understand at all.
In The Beggar and the King, what does the king's reaction to the beggar reveal about the king?

The king has no respect for human life.

The king welcomes advice from his servants.

The king is troubled by poverty and suffering.

The king is unsure how to use his authority.



The king is troubled by poverty and suffering


There ya go


Circle the word (A, B, C, or D) that is stressed differently from the others.
1. A. impose B. value C. behave D. accept
2. A. romantic B. cultural C. potential D. decisive


Stress syllable refers to the pronunciation of one syllable with enthusiasm in a word with more than one syllable.

1. A. impose B. value C. behave D. accept


2. A. romantic B. cultural C. potential D. decisive


Stress might be out on any syllable in a word, it can either be the first, second, third or fourth syllable.

Therefore, Stress is the laying of more emphasis on a syllable in a particular word.

Read more:


Read the excerpt from “The Scarlet Ibis.”

The lightning was near now, and from fear he walked so close behind me he kept stepping on my heels. The faster I walked, the faster he walked, so I began to run. The rain was coming, roaring through the pines, and then, like a bursting Roman candle, a gum tree ahead of us was shattered by a bolt of lightning. When the deafening peal of thunder had died, and in the moment before the rain arrived, I heard Doodle, who had fallen behind, cry out, “Brother, Brother, don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!”

The imagery in this excerpt most reflects

the sense of sight to emphasize the fear that Doodle was feeling.
the sense of sight to emphasize how difficult it was for the boys to see.
the sense of sound to emphasize the frustration of the narrator.
the sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.



could I get a pic of it then I could have a better idea

What does the moon in William Yeats's poem "The Cat and the Moon" symbolize?

A. life's dance

B. cold light

C. the changing world

D. the cat's animal blood





Most women on death row are there for what crime?
drug abuse
child abuse/domestic violence


the answer is murder

Why did albert see no point in learning the facts and dates



Albert thought that there was no point in learning dates and facts because firstly, these could be, ascertained from the books any time by just looking them up. Secondly, for him, learning facts was not education.


Does international human rights law apply to lgbtq people? restated as a statement please ​


Answer: In its 1994 decision in Toonen v. Australia, the UN Human Rights Committee—which is responsible for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)—declared that laws criminalizing consensual same-sex relations between adults are in violation of international human rights law.


brainliest me

i kneed help pls solve this



ur on ur own fo' dat 1

Sorry not sorry


Pink gose and the middle blue goes up top an the bottom



whats the attitude of immigrants towards their child that would take them to be successful in America? PLEASE HELP ME PLS PLS EXPLAIN I NEEED HELP


The successful integration of immigrants and their children contributes to economic vitality and to a vibrant and ever-changing culture. Americans have offered opportunities to immigrants and their children to better themselves and to be fully incorporated into U.S. society, and in exchange immigrants have become Americans—embracing an American identity and citizenship, protecting the United States through service in its military, fostering technological innovation, harvesting its crops, and enriching everything from the nation’s cuisine to its universities, music, and art.

What do you think of these characters? OPINION: LIKE DISLIKE DESCRIPTION​



What character's??????

what's an example of a noun phrase appositives with the idiom "an empty vessel makes much noise"?​



An empty vessel


Because the word 'empty' describes the noun vessel.

The appositives of noun phrases (NPAs) are nouns or noun phrases that are used to characterize another noun.

Hi , can i help me please ?​


answer: i can’t see the problems

Why is Romeo's killing of Tybalt a problem? O A. He has angered the gods. O O O B. He has created a feud between the two families. C. He has killed one of Juliet's relatives. D. He has ruined his chances of marrying Juliet.​



C because Tybalt is Juliet's cousin and it is a problem that Romeo killed him. A isn't correct because it doesn't really talk about religion at all in Romeo and Juliet. B isn't correct because there was already a feud between the two families before Tybalt was killed. D isn't correct because Romeo still marries Juliet. Hope this helps!!

how is the first paragraph of ""thank you m’am"" important to the plot?



c.It initiates the conflict.

Explanation:took the test

In Japanese, kintsugi means "golden joinery. " This art form embodies several Japanese ideas related to art and life. These include wabi-sabi, an appreciation for imperfect things; mottainai, a feeling of remorse when something is wasted; and mushin, a willingness to welcome change. Sophia is writing an essay and using text features as support. Which text feature would best support this portion of the essay? a time line with dates showing when these Japanese words were first used an illustration showing one of the Japanese words written in Japanese characters a graph showing how often each Japanese word has appeared in literature a chart giving examples of what each Japanese word means.


She should use a chart giving examples of what each Japanese word means, as shown in the last answer option.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Sophia is writing a text that uses foreign words, which may not be understood by readers.In that case, Sophia must let her readers know the meaning of those words, so that the reading is effective.

Therefore, she must provide a chart giving examples of what each Japanese word means.

More information:


d. a chart giving examples of what each Japanese word means


how does music impact you? and why does it



music builds motivation, & helps with concentration, depending on what you're doing/listening to, it can also help with expression/emotion. upbeat music helps us produce dopamine and serotonin.

Can anyone give examples of Buck's adaptation in The Call of the Wild? I have to do an essay and I'm stuck.


By watching the other dogs and understand what the laws of the wild mean.

He learns there is a hierarchy among dogs. he learns that he has so hold his position to survive.

somebody please help me on this!!


“We must therefore act together as a united people…”

Hmm... isn't it true?!..

What are chordates and non-chordates?



The most important distinction between chordates and non-chordates is that chordates have a spinal cord or backbone in their body structure, whereas non-chordates do not have a backbone or notochord.



where are uh srushti uh to come back soon (〒﹏〒)


The graph below represents the amount of change Jaxon would receive, y, if he bought a item with a cost of x. Jaxon’s Change A graph with cost of item on the x-axis and change on the y-axis. The line goes through points (1, 9), (2, 8), and (3, 7).

bored ~~

How is there divine justice in the world? Explain in 5 sentences.​



What is your def. of diving justice


Select the TWO sentences that are punctuated correctly

A: Hearing the barking dog Jeffery ran Outside.

B: He found three reasons for barking a squirrel,a bird,and a visitor

C:Though the visitor was unexpected;he was very, very welcome indeed.

D:the visitor turned out to be Jeffrey's favorite uncle,who is named Sebastian.

E:Sebastian has traveled all over the world in fact he just came back home from Belize.

F: Sebastien told Jeffery in Belize the whale sharls as long as buses!and twices as wide.​


A frase A
E a frase b
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