Guys what does the proverb "if you turn into a dog be sure to choose a rich family" mean?if you turn into a dog be sure to choose a rich family


Answer 1


if you had the opportunity to choose from your current family and a rich family

Answer 2

If people could pick between the current family and a wealthy family.

What is meant by family?

A group of people who are related through marriage, adoption, or blood. A group of often related individuals who share a home and are particularly accountable to one another.

Make sure to specify the role each member of your family plays in your household when discussing them. Describe the character you are portraying in detail. Be expressive and analytical.

They act as the foundation of powerful civilizations. In our families, we can feel love and acquire the ability to love others. Life is difficult, thus we need people we can depend on. Home is a safe haven where we can discover love, wisdom, and support.

Thus, If people could pick between the current family.

For more information about family, click here:


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A. proodent
B. prudent


D. No change is needed.



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Drama club


The other two words don't make sense in this context.

B: Drama Club
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The end and the beginning



ummm what about it


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Yes and no? But mostly yes, it is like staying in a place for a long time which makes the area or place your own.


no its a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.

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Religion functions to bind society's members by prompting them to affirm their common values and beliefs on a regular basis.


I'll give brainlist...... help me asap


Answer: (1)=talent, (2)=compose, (3)=recitation, (4)=innovator, (5)=expression, (6)=transform, (7)=acheive, (8)=career.


Each of these words makes sense in the context of the paragraph.

1) expression

2) compose

3) recitation

4) career

5) talent

6) achieve

7) transform

8) innovator

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The Second-person point of view addresses the reader directly and involves the words "you", "yourself", or "your." So I believe you should select the first and 7th statements.


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


What are you from?

Me im from Phillipines, Mabuhay!!

Choose the option that shows the correct punctuation usage.
a. Sam went skiing, Terry, however, went snowboarding.
b. Sam went skiing Terry; however, went snowboarding.;
O c. Sam went skiing; Terry, however, went snowboarding.
d. Sam went skiing; Terry however went snowboarding.



Sam went skiing; Terry however went snowboarding.

Answer: C


who has fortnut im b.ored playing with the same people
i want someone to do challenges with and when i in.vite them they will join
doesnt have to have a m.ic preferably under 15 or 15



I have fratnat


My epic name is Im_Conley_COOL

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1 : to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by analysis. 2 : to subject to scientific or grammatical analysis chemically analyze a specimen analyze a sentence.


Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle, though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development.

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I did not expect the boat to rock so much.


Answer:if the synonym is for 'rock' you can use the word "sway".

Explanation: you could use it as i did not expect the boat to sway so much..

it makes better sense

1. Is the following passage an example of 1st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person
point of view? "Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and
then suddenly wishing I had some company." (RL 7.6) *



First Person


A first-person narrative is a mode of storytelling in which a storyteller recounts events from their point of view using the first person such as "I", "us", "our"

, and "ourselves".




The author uses the first-person pronoun "I" and reflects upon their own thoughts.

describes a child who shows the characteristics of the selected muitple disabilities ​



some characteristics are

- Limited speech or communication;

- Difficulty in basic physical mobility;

- Tendency to forget skills through disuse;

- Trouble generalizing skills from one situation to another; and/or.

- A need for support in major life activities (e.g., domestic, leisure, community use, vocational).

“Fort night-Addition or fun?”



its a FORT night so it has to be fun


III.Directions: Write AGREE if the statement is correct and DISAGREE if not. Write your answer on the blak provided before the number.
11. Put your leftover food together with other trash.
12. Burn the old tires and broken plastic toys at the backyard.
13. Segregate glass wastes from plastic, papers, and rubbers.
14. Bury dry leaves and rotten fruits and vegetables under the soil.
15. Use the empty mayonnaise jar as candy jars or food storage jars.

Answer please ​



1. Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Agree

4. Agree

5. Agree

Hope this helps!

Please help with this, don’t put link please



weren'tisn'thaven'taren'twas + notdoes + nothas + notdid + not




1. Weren't

2. isn't

3. haven't

4. aren't


5. was + not = wasn't

6. does + not = doesn't

7. has + not = hasn't

8. did + not = didn't




I don't know what I ought to do

[tex]\huge\boxed{Hi\: there! }[/tex]


Rearrange the jumbled words:



This is the correct way to rearrange these words:

I don't quite know what I ought to do.

[tex]\huge\boxed{This\: is\:the\:correct\: answer.}[/tex]



"our city streets are kept clean"
passive or active?​





WIll MARK BrAiNliEsT if YOu HelP Me!


i already did the introduction paragraph, just need the 3 body paragraphs and conclusion. the second attachment just has some things that might be needed for the body or conclusion paragraphs. Please Hurry and help me!!! Please don't attach or send links, but actually answer the question. No nonsense PLEASE!!




Read through the article and see what you can figure out.When your reading the article look for key points and maybe when your reading it more throughly maybe use a cornell notes template. I don't understand exactly what the question is but basically see what you can find on the internet about sacrifice and see what sacrifice really is which is risking yourself for someone like falling off a cliff and dying for your friend because they saved you and you want to save them in the sense that their about to fall and you jump instead.  If you need any kind of help you can ask me!!

Which sentence is a parrell structure?


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The powerful winds that hit around 4: 00 p. m. blew the fire up the drainage at the hottest time of day. and turpines, having baked for hours, could conceivably have lit the whole hillside practically at once.
fire behavior is determined by an incredibly complicated interaction of fuel, terrain, and wind, and there are mathematical models describing the interaction.
s]ometimes a combination of wind, fuel, and terrain conspires to produce a blowup in which the fire explodes out of control.
gusts of 35 mph ⦠produce sixty-four-foot flames racing up the mountain at up to fifteen feet per second. in the superdry gambel oak, the rate of spread would have been almost twice that.

Writing an Argumentative Editorial about Initiating Change
Recognizing the Parts of an Argument
Match each description with the part of the argument it represents.
details, facts, and other information
logical ideas disproving an opinion
a statement expressing a viewpoint
an opposing viewpoint
logical ideas that support an opinion



If the answers to the two questions in step 6 were yes, then step 7 asks, "How does the program maintain the change?" Sustainability is particularly important if the change was financially supported for the short term by a grant, a research study, or the presence of one or two people.

How would the change fare if this person left? What will happen after the grant money runs out? Sustainability will be more challenging with short-term funding than with long-term funding such as a long-term grant or a commitment to use an ongoing portion or organizational revenue as funding.

Leadership is about looking to the future, almost with the uncanny ability to look around corners and see what is there. Effective leaders are mapping out the future and most of the mapping has to do with making organizational changes, strategic decisions about the business that will ensure an exciting future. Leaders inside organizations have a challenge, however, and that is convincing the employees that change is good for them and the company.

Let’s face it. Most human beings become comfortable in their environment and the natural inclination is to resist changing that comfort level. That is where leadership comes in to play. It is about marshalling the emotional courage to convince all that change is good for the organization and that change will be good for them as well. Undoubtedly, the latter is the harder part, as all of us react differently to change. Among the reasons many resist change are:

Fear of the future: This provokes many emotions, mostly commonly anxiety. It is okay to be anxious, but as I always say, “This too shall pass.”

Fear that we might fail: Not an uncommon feeling when we are stepping off into uncharted waters.

Dissension and disagreement: Employees often have different viewpoints.

Loss: All change creates loss, and all loss needs to be mourned. In this sense, some employees may be losing power and influence and therefore resist any movement for change.

Trust: If the employees don’t trust the leader, then there will be tremendous resistance to the change.

What steps can we take as leaders to initiate change that will cut down the anxiety and effectively begin change in a way that the organization will be able to absorb? Every leader needs to look out over the landscape and assess how he or she can best achieve the change. Of course, when push comes to shove, driving it down the organization’s throat may work, but I would argue only in unusual circumstances.

Think about it. Change can be minor or major in scope. It can involve the entire organization or just a part of the organization. It may be relatively easy (in terms of time) or it might be a multi-year project. Each of these assessments will require different strategies for initiating the change.

Change is such an illusive word in that it means so many things to so many different people. It does cover strategy, structure, people, systems, culture, et al. Planning for change is as important as deciding and initiating the change. At the end of the day, all organizations want to move to a better state of affairs, as opposed to a worse state of affairs.

Often we see failure in merger and acquisition transactions since it is easy to do the deal, but the heavy lifting begins when companies decide to effect the merger. Whether you continue to operate the acquired entity as a wholly-owned entity or integrate it into the parent operations, it is always a challenge to absorb a new entity. Leaders, take note:

Assess the degree of difficulty.

Plan carefully for implementing change. Assess the speed at which the organization can absorb change. Going too fast can be more painful than the change itself.

Determine whether this is top down change or bottom up change. From experience, most change comes from the top but turning it around and getting the bottom part of the organization to take a leadership role in effecting change goes a long way to having the change initiative be successful.


I’m going to do essay writing about : More and more people these days are taking up cycling as a hobby. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a hobby? Please help me




Nerve and artery compressionTimeUpper back pain/lower back painBone loss

Nerve and Artery Compression

Again, this is mainly a caveat for the hardcore riders who are doing tours and spend lots of time cycling over the span of many years.After a long period of time, some riders experience numbness and other negative effects from this. However, it is both reversible and avoidable.


It takes time. Just getting ready can take time. By the time you’ve put your cycling clothes on and prepared your bottled drink, you’ve probably killed half an hour. And that’s not counting making sure your bike is ok. Then you take off. You can do a 20 minute or a two-hour ride. It all depends on how fit you are. Regardless, this takes time.

Upper Back and Lower Back Pain

With most bikes you must hunch over to ride. There is a constant motion to stay in that position. This can cause stress on the upper and lower back. As a result, there may be a tightness or pain.

Bone Loss

As mentioned previously, cycling is a low impact exercise, this can be a double edge sword. Cycling is bad for the bones. According to the New York Times, thirty-two male competitive bike riders were compared with the same age group who didn’t ride bikes.


Reduced cardiovascular diseaseWeight controlReduced stressImproved strengthImproved lung functionLow impactIt’s cheapIt’s sociableGood for the environment

Reduced Cardiovascular Disease

Cycling is the ultimate in cardio exercise. It is a low impact way to improve your heart rate.

With running, you’re pounding your feet and legs on the ground. Cycling doesn’t do that. You’re suspended.

So, whether you ride on the road or in the gym, you’re stimulating your heart without pounding your bones.

Weight Control

Cycling is a great way to lose weight. It burns calories without building a great deal of muscle. You’ll probably lose inches off your glutes, thighs, and waist.

It does, however, depend on what your starting weight is and how much exertion you put into it as to exactly how many calories you’ll burn.

Reduced Stress

Riding down the road is enjoyable. You’re not only exercising, but you’re breathing fresh air and seeing the sights. You can’t get this in a gym. Some mental problems cycling diminishes are:


Improved Strength

When it comes to increasing strength and stamina, cycling delivers an intense workout. Start with a twenty-minute ride. You’ll find you’ll continuously build up strength and power to double that in no time.

The beauty of biking is, that if you get weary, you just slow down. There’s no fixed or determined speed. Over time, you’ll find your strength increasing.

Improved Lung Function

Your heart and lungs will get stronger. You’ll be able to move air through your lungs easier. This increases your lung capacity. Lung volume will increase over 10% or more while cycling.

You’re taking in more air, so something has to blow it out. It actually helps your diaphragm push air through your lungs. In other words, cycling makes your breathing muscles work extra hard. This ultimately makes your respiratory muscles stronger.

Low Impact

Bicycling is a low impact. It takes all the weight off the body. Unlike running, with cycling, no pressure is put on joints. This is true for on-road biking or in gym biking.

It’s Cheap

There’s no gym membership to riding around the neighborhood. Once you have a bike and helmet, it doesn’t cost you anything to ride. If you just want to ride around town, you don’t need an expensive bike. You could actually buy one at a garage sale. If you want to go mountain biking, you might want to invest in a better, sturdier bike. It all depends on your needs.

It’s Sociable

You can bike with people. Meet up and bike to a coffee shop. Get your neighbors involved. It’s fun to bike with one person or a group. If you have kids, have them go with you. It can be a family outing. Because anyone can bike, everyone can enjoy it. Remember, once you’ve learned, you don’t forget.

Good for the Environment

You can exercise and do a good thing for the environment; that’s a killer combination.

Cycling is pollution-free. It doesn’t use carbon fuels or even electricity. It’s powered by you.

So, you’re not contributing to any problems with the environment. You could even put a basket on your bike and go to the store for small things. Exercise and errands at once – it’s done all the time.

In Conclusion

Whether you are out in the fresh air on a bike bath or cycling your way to work in the city, you’re going to reap benefits from spending time on your bicycle.

If you can’t take bike to work and don’t have time for a leisurely ride on weekends, you can find those same health boosts by joining a spinning class.

In the end, while no activity is absolutely perfect and without risks, bicycling comes pretty close.

write a letter to your uncle right ​




what's the topic to write about?

Greetings, Uncle I received my birthday present yesterday, and I'd want to express my gratitude for the alarm clock you gave me for my birthday. It is a very beneficial gift for me, and I was considering purchasing an alarm clock a few days ago. The gift you gave me taught me the value of punctuality.

1. I'll call you when I————
(arrive) at my hotel.
2. He————
(text) you as soon as he's on the bus.
3. Let's eat dinner when John
(get) here.
4. Julie
(be) late tomorrow evening, so I've booked a table at a
restaurant for 10pm.
5. As soon as I
(be) able to. I'm going to get a new job.
6. Please wait bere until the nurse
(call) you.
(get) up early tomorrow morning and finish the report then.
8. Before you
(leave), please make sure you've locked the door.
9. She
(let) us know later, when she's ready to leave.



Do we have to fix the words if yes comment on this and I will help.

5. Which is the BEST description of the narrator in the story "Lone Wolf"?
a first-person narrator who has the supernatural senses of a werewolf
a narrator with a limited point of view who believes that he is really a wolf
an omniscient narrator who knows the thoughts and feelings of his teacher
a second-person narrator who puts the reader into the mind of a wolf


Answer: first


A first-person narrator who has the supernatural sense of a werewolf is the BEST description of the narrator in the story "Lone Wolf". Thus, option A is correct.

What is a story?

Anyone can write a story, including authors, everyday people, and professional writers. Stories contain a storyline, the main character, and a variety of other elements.

Picoult frequently publishes works of literature on family sagas. These stories frequently center on moral questions or courtroom scenarios that pitted families between themselves.

They want time to carry a supernatural sense that how they have some kind of power and were behaving in the environment that is being provided to them. Also, because of that nature, they are being termed as a lone wolves.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about the story, here:


plz hely i needd this now or i fail



Part A: B (disbelief)

Part B: C ("no, it can't be")

Hope this helps :)

For part a is disbelief
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