Gametes are ______ They have ______ the number of chromosomes.

1) diploid; double the number of


2) diploid; half the number of chromosomes.

3) haploid; double half the number of chromosomes.

4) haploid; half the number of chromosomes.


Answer 1




Gametes have one haploid (n) genome, which is half of somatic cells, having one diploid (2n) genome combined through fertilization from two haploid (n) gametes.

In humans, gametes have 23 chromosomes, and somatic cells have 23 homologous pairs, which is 46 chromosomes.

Different species have different numbers, but most follow the same pattern.

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how 1 kg mass is defined in SI system?​



The kilogram is the basic unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). Kilograms are known as kilos with the symbol kilogram being kg.


Hope this help ^^

if it's wrong, just report it :)

Need help with the question in the picture



The answer is k = −11


f(−2)= 0

f(−2)= − 8  −  24  −  2 k  +  10  =  0

2 k = -22

and finally; k= −11

what evidence supports Hess's theory of seafloor spreading?



Evidence of Sea Floor Spreading Harry Hess’s hypothesis about seafloor spreading had collected several pieces of evidence to support the theory. This evidence was from the investigations of the molten material, seafloor drilling, radiometric age dating and fossil ages, and the magnetic stripes.


(winks and runs off)

Hey, I need help with these questions please:



c) Protozao always unicellular


Protozoa may form colonies but cant be count as Multicellular.


What path does pollen need to travel for the plant to reproduce?
from the pistil to the stamen
from the stamen to the pistil
from the pistil to the petal
from the stamen to the petal


B. From stamen to the pistil

provide an example of a theory that is a hypothesis supported by repeated experimentation.



A good example of scientific theory repeated many times is the “theory of relativity” proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915 which was tested and repeated in 1919 at the time of solar eclipse which was later repeated again by many scientists.Explanation:

It's a good fact. Hope this helps


The following chart below show the conductors and insulators experimented with in the circuits gizmo. The chart has been filled in incorrectly with some insulators and conductors in the wrong column.






it’s true i just finished that worksheet

The sentences below contain one advantage statement and one disadvantage statement. To form a strong basis for debate, both statements must be true and both statements must make valid points.

Which statements best debate the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources, such as hydropower, solar energy, or geothermal resources?

Choose the correct answer.

Solar energy is extremely inexpensive to harvest. Solar energy is available everywhere on the planet.

The use of geothermal energy produces enormous amounts of pollution. The technology required to collect thermal energy is relatively inexpensive.

Geothermal energy is more renewable than solar energy. Hydropower can change flowing water from a renewable energy resource to a nonrenewable resource.

The use of hydropower requires the construction of dams that change the ecology of the river. Hydropower will be available as long as the river continues to flow.



maybe solar energy


A large, dense-core vesicle found in the axon terminal is likely to contain:

A. Synthesis peptides
B. Neurotransmitter receptors
C. Enzymes that degrade transmitter molecules
D. Peptides



D. peptides  


What were Mendel's 4 ideas explaining the inheritance pattern he observed? Which one of them is considered the Law of Segregation?



1) Principles of Paired Factors

2) Principle of Dominance

3) Law of Segregation or Law of Purity of Gametes (Mendel's First Law of Inheritance)

4) Law of Independent Assortment (Mendel's Second Law of Inheritance).


Hope this helps.

What is ingestion?
A. getting rid of the parts of the food that the body
couldn't use
B. absorbing nutrients from the food that was eaten
into the blood stream
C. breaking down of the food after it has entered the
D. putting food and drinks into your body


D . Putting food and drinks into your body

as energy is passed through the food chain some of the energy is lost as heat what is the approximate amount of energy that is passed from one tropic level to the next


10 percent of energy is passed from one tropic level to the next While the other 90 percent of energy is lost to heat

When a plant fertilizes a plant of a different species, it results in what?

A sterile plant



A new species



When a plant fertilizes a plant of a different species, it results in (B) cross-pollination.

I hope this helped at all.

Need questions 2-11 done pls


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In mitosis, the daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell, while in meiosis, the daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as the parent.meiosis gives rise to four unique daughter cells, each of which has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.A haploid cell is a germ cell or reproductive cell-like egg or sperm that has a single set of chromosomes and it is represented by n. A diploid cell is a bodily cell or somatic cell that has two sets of chromosomes( one set from the paternal line and one set from the maternal line)From a diploid germ cell 2n =24 double stranded chromosomes, meiosis will produce four gamete haploid cells n =12 single stranded chromosomes.ovumspermGenetic variation is increased by meiosis Because of recombination and independent assortment in meiosis, each gamete contains a different set of DNA. filter that blocks out unwanted frequencies to a speaker or group of speakersdescribes how different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells develop. I d k the last one sorry

hope it helps

[tex] \: \: \: \: [/tex]

Deer are herbivores. What effects do you think a high deer population would have on Wesselman Woods?


Answer & Explanation:

Overly large population of any herbivore = them eating large amounts of any type of vegetation. Which means that for the woods there are less grasses/vegetation and it will end up causing other animals to starve therefor messing with the food chain.

Is that what you're lookin for? :)

A high deer population can have several negative effects on Wesselman Woods. These effects include a decrease in plant diversity, damage to trees, increased erosion, and a high risk of disease.

Decreased plant diversity: Deer are selective feeders, and they prefer to eat certain types of plants. This can lead to a decrease in plant diversity in the forest, as deer will eat the most palatable plants and leave the less palatable ones.

Damage to trees: Deer will browse on young trees, which can stunt their growth or even kill them. This can lead to a decrease in the number of mature trees in the forest, which can hurt the forest's overall health.

Increased erosion: Deer can trample on the ground, which can lead to increased erosion. This can damage the forest's soil and make it more difficult for plants to grow.

Increased risk of disease: Deer can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and other animals. A high deer population can increase the risk of these diseases spreading.

In addition to these direct effects, a high deer population can also have indirect effects on Wesselman Woods. For example, a decrease in plant diversity can lead to a decrease in the number of insects and other animals that depend on those plants. This can have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem.

It is important to manage the deer population in Wesselman Woods to prevent these negative effects. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as hunting, fencing, and altering the forest's habitat.

To know more about the ecosystem:


Which is the difference between monocots and dicots?

How leaves are grouped on the stalk.

Whether there are two genders or only one.

Whether the stem divides or grows straight up.

How the vascular tunnels are grouped.






A. The difference between monocotyledons and dicotyledons differ in their roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds

B. there are two gender which is male and female

C. stems, whether above or below ground, are characterized by the presence of nodes and internodes (Figure 1). Nodes are points of attachment for leaves, aerial roots, and flowers. The stem region between two nodes is called an internode

D. Vascular tunnel creation to improve the efficacy of decompressive craniotomy in post-traumatic cerebral edema and ischemic stroke

What would be some environmental challenges in different parts of the world (i.e.
rainforest, desert, etc.) that would impact a plant's photosynthetic processes ? anyone can help ?


Certain environmental changes such as changes in amount of available carbon dioxide as well as amount of sunlight can affect a plant's photosynthetic processes.

There are several environmental changes that affect the rate of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce their own food in the presence of sunlight by the combination of water and carbon dioxide to yield glucose.

There are two main environmental changes that could affect the rate of photosynthesis and these are;

Changes in amount of sunlightChanges in amount of available carbon dioxide

These changes are capable of increasing or decreasing the rate of photosynthesis.

Learn more:

Choose the correct order for the formation of a recombinant organism and the expresssion of the
desired product.
I’m stuck on this one any advice?


The order for rDNA is to identify a target gene, select a plasmid, use a restriction enzyme, gene insertion, use ligase, introduce the recombinant DNA and detect recombinant cells. rDNA involves genetic recombination.

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technologies are used in molecular biology laboratories to create chimeric DNA molecules containing nucleotide sequences from different species.

Recombinant DNA techniques can be used to identify and sequence genes, as well as to discover gene function.

The sequential steps of rDNA technologies are as follow:

Identify a gene of interest.Select a DNA plasmid to be used.Use restriction enzymes to cleave the plasmid DNA.Introduce the gene of interest in the plasmid.Use ligase enzymes to join both nucleotide sequences.Introduce the recombinant DNA molecule into the host cell.Detect and replicate the cells containing the desired recombinant DNA molecule.

Learn more in:

Long before the structure of DNA was solved, the physicist Erwin Schrodinger suggested that the three-dimensional arrangement in some polymer had to explain the two main properties of heredity: 1) the stability of life, such that traits were passed faithfully from generation to generation, and 2) the mutability of life, such that traits could change. How did Watson and Crick’s structure explain those two properties?


Watson and Crick's model explained mutability because bases pairs can suffer changes (mutations) during DNA replication. Moreover, this model also explained stability because DNA strands are held together by hydrogen bonds.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a double helix molecule composed of two long chains of four types of nucleotides, each containing one different nitrogenous base, i.e., Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.

In Watson and Crick's model, both DNA strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases on opposite DNA strands, thereby providing stability to the DNA molecule.

In DNA, Guanine always pairs with Cytosine by three hydrogen bonds, while Adenine always pairs with Thymine by two hydrogen bonds.

Moreover, Watson and Crick suggested that mutations could occur as a consequence of a base occurring very infrequently in one of the less likely tautomeric forms during DNA replication, thereby also explaining the mutability of life.

Learn more in:

Which of the following is the reason
that viruses aren't considered alive?
A. they can grow and develop on their own
B. they can metabolize
C. they can't reproduce on their own
D. they can't move on their own



they can't reproduce


Viruses rely on the cells of other organisms to survive and reproduce, because they can't capture or store energy themselves. In other words they cannot function outside a host organism, which is why they are often regarded as non living thing

Which type of transport is shown
this diagram?

Ion pump
Facilitated Diffusion

I need the Answer ASAP



Ion pump


1. Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport and doesn't require energy, so it cannot be the answer

2. Endocytosis and exocytosis both involve vesicles (not proteins), but these aren't seen in the image

Considering the above, it must be ion pump.

Axons insulated by a(n) _____ are able to conduct impulses faster that those not so insulated.



Much like the insulation around the wires in electrical systems, glial cells form a membraneous sheath surrounding axons called myelin, thereby insulating the axon. This myelination, as it is called, can greatly increase the speed of signals transmitted between neurons (known as action potentials).


for more pls visit

Match the event with the type of environmental damage it causes.

1) human population boom
2) industrialization
3) driving cars

A) desertification
B) river pollution
C) global warming



1) goes with A)

2) goes with B)

3) goes with C)


1- human population boom increase desertification by doing things that harm the earth and increase the degradation of land in dry areas.

2- Industrialization is the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale. This causes chemicals and trash to get into the water stream.

3- Cars emit gases that warm the atmosphere.

What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?
What makes a membrane semipermeable?
What characteristics of a molecule affect whether it can pass through the plasma membrane of a cell?
In the simulation, when protein molecules were evenly distributed on both sides of the membrane, was the solution isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic?
Which direction was water flowing?
In the simulation, when protein molecules were more highly concentrated on the inside of the cell than outside of the cell, was the solution isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic?
Which direction was water flowing?
Why is it important that the plasma membrane surrounding cells is semipermeable?
What would happen if it were not semipermeable?
1) Diffusion : Is the movement of molecules / ions from a region of higher to lower concentration. It may or may not occur across a semi permeable membrane.

In diffusion there is no challenge involved as it is along the concentration gradient, but in active transport movement of molecules occur against concentration gradient ie; from lower to higher concentration.

2) For active transport, energy is vital for movement, in this case protein molecules function as molecular pumps to enable the cell accumulate glucose/ions, against concentration gradient. Here metabolic energy ATP is required.

3)Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport in which ions/molecules cross the semi permeable membrane because permeases present in the membrane facilitate the transport.
Like simple diffusion facilitated diffusion doesn't require metabolic energy and simply occurs across the concentration gradient.

4) Osmosis : is movement of water from hypotonic solution (lower concentration) to hypertonic solution (higher concentration) through a semi permeable membrane.
The cell membrane being permeable to water allows to and from movement of water molecules along the concentration gradient.
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Your answers may vary, but these sample answers are a model to follow.

Diffusion is the process of a substance moving from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion where water moves across a semipermeable membrane still from an area of high concentration of water to an area of lower concentration of water. This corresponds to water moving from an area with a low concentration of solute to an area with a higher concentration of solute.
A semipermeable membrane allows some substances to pass through it.
The plasma membrane of a cell allows small uncharged molecules to pass through it, but not large molecules and not charged ions.
The protein molecules were evenly distributed on both sides of the membrane, so this solution was isotonic.
In an isotonic solution, water moves both in and out of the cell, which was observed in the simulation.
The protein molecules were more highly concentrated on the inside of the cell, so this solution was hypotonic.
In hypotonic solutions, water moves into the cell to help dissolve the higher amount of solute inside the cell, which was observed in the simulation.
A semipermeable cell membrane is important to allow some molecules, like proteins, to be more highly concentrated inside the cell than outside the cell. If the cell membrane were permeable, the molecules on the inside of the cell would exit the cell and be evenly distributed in the cell and in its environment.
If the cell membrane were not permeable at all, the cell would not be able to receive nutrients from its environment.


Diffusion and osmosis has one difference which is the presence of semi-permeable membrane.

What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?

Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration while on the other hand, osmosis is the movement of particles from a semipermeable membrane.

Cell membrane is selectively permeable which only allows some molecules inside the cell because of its structure. So we can conclude that diffusion and osmosis has one difference which is the presence of semi-permeable membrane.

When protein molecules were evenly distributed on both sides of the membrane, the solution will be isotonic because of the same quantity on both sided. There is no movement of water in the body.

When protein molecules were more highly concentrated on the inside of the cell than outside of the cell, the solution will be hypotonic because of the less amount of water in the body.

Learn more about diffusion here:



- 1). Diffusion is the process of a substance moving from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion where water moves across a semipermeable membrane still from an area of high concentration of water to an area of lower concentration of water. This corresponds to water moving from an area with a low concentration of solute to an area with a higher concentration of solute.

- 2).

a). A semipermeable membrane allows some substances to pass through it.

b). The plasma membrane of a cell allows small uncharged molecules to pass through it, but not large molecules and not charged ions.

- 3).

a). The protein molecules were evenly distributed on both sides of the membrane, so this solution was isotonic.

b). In an isotonic solution, water moves both in and out of the cell, which was observed in the simulation.

- 4).

a). The protein molecules were more highly concentrated on the inside of the cell, so this solution was hypotonic.

b). In hypotonic solutions, water moves into the cell to help dissolve the higher amount of solute inside the cell, which was observed in the simulation.

- 5).

a). A semipermeable cell membrane is important to allow some molecules, like proteins, to be more highly concentrated inside the cell than outside the cell. If the cell membrane were permeable, the molecules on the inside of the cell would exit the cell and be evenly distributed in the cell and in its environment.

b). If the cell membrane were not permeable at all, the cell would not be able to receive nutrients from its environment.

What happens to sister chromatids during mitosis


During cell division, each chromatid will separate and dwall inside one of the to daughter cells.

three cell organelles found in plant and animal cell



Image result for three cell organelles found in plant and animal cell

Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they are both eukaryotic cells. They both contain membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. Both also contain similar membranes, cytosol, and cytoskeletal elements.

How waste is removed from plant body ?



Living organisms sustain life, based on certain life processes. These life processes help to regulate their daily activities. Excretion is one among them. The metabolism takes place in the cells of living organisms resulting in both useful and toxic products. The accumulation of toxins may harm the organism. Thus, the living organisms remove all these metabolic wastes from their body and this process is called excretion. Different organisms follow different modes of excretion. Let’s have a glance at excretion in plants and how excretion in plants is different from that of animals.


I hope you can help buddy (:


the excretory organ removes these westes.

this process of removal of metabolic waste from the body is known as excretion

Which method of timber harvesting removes all trees from the harvest area?


Answer: Clearcut
A Technique that removes all the trees regardless of size of an area in one operation

Summarize the following paragraph that explains the fluctuations in the graph


Co2 levels decrease during warms seasons when plants are able to remove co2.

During the cold seasons when the plants die off, co2 is release into the atmosphere AND co2 isn’t removed as efficiently compared to the warm season.

Which statement accurately describes dark matter?
It is the same as dark energy.
It is well understood by scientists.
It does not emit electromagnetic radiation.
O It can be observed by shifts in red and blue light.


The third one, it can be observed by shifts in red and blue light


3rd one because it is right bule amd red

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