flug von reggio di calabria provinz nach cagliari villasimius sudsardinien


Answer 1

Answer:Its not german its Corsican


Related Questions

How many more people does Germany have than Montana, even though they are about the same size?




Montana is approximately 376,979 sq km, while Germany is approximately 357,022 sq km, making Germany 94.71% the size of Montana.

82,171,000 people even though they are about the same size

I need help with this!​




The full translation in English is as follows:

2. Find internationalisms in the text and write them down in your notebook.

Mrs. Weber goes to the supermarket every day. She buys bread, butter, sausages, lemons, oranges and other groceries. Then she goes to the health food store and buys yogurt, salad, potatoes and carrots. Then she meets Mrs. Stein. They go to a cafe. They order a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. They discuss a lot. Finally, Mrs. Weber goes to the pharmacy and buys medicine. In the evening she goes to the Theatre.

Internationalisms are words with similar meaning or the same. So "Supermarkt", "Butter", "Orangen", "Jogurt", "Salat", "Karotten", "Cafe", "Kaffee" and "Theater" are all words that are similar.

15. Напишите, откуда идут эти люди.
- Woher kommt Sabine? (die Schule)
-» Sie kommt aus der Schule.
1. Woher kommt Martin? (die Universität)
2. Woher kommt
Rolf? (die Hochschule)
3. Woher kommen die Schüler? (das
4. Woher kommen die Großeltern? (der Garten)
5. Woher
kommst du? (das Kino)
6. Woher kommt ihr? (das Theater)
7. Woher kommt das Kind? (der Kindergarten)
8. Woher kommen Sie, Herr
Schulze? (Moskau)




1)Martin kommt aus dem Universität

2)Rolf kommt aus der Hochschule

3)Die Schüler kommen aus dem Museum

4) Die Großeltern kommen aus dem Garten

5)Ich komme aus dem Kino

6) Wir kommen aus dem Theater

7) Das Kind kommt aus dem Kindergarten

8)Ich komme aus der Moskau

Explica ¿de qué manera la iglesia continúa la misión de Jesús en la tierra través de lafuerza del Espíritu Santo? Busca ejemplos en internet sobre el trabajo de las comunidadesclericales o laicales alrededor del mundo y sintetiza su labor de evangelización.




Jesús fue enviado al mundo para que las personas pudieran tener vida en relación con Dios. El objetivo de su envío, según 14: 6, es que la gente pueda "venir" al Padre, lo que en el contexto inmediato significa que puedan conocer y creer en Dios.


Jesus wurde in die Welt gesandt, damit die Menschen in Beziehung zu Gott leben können. Das Ziel seiner Gesendetheit ist nach 14,6, dass Menschen zum Vater „kommen“ können, was im unmittelbaren Zusammenhang bedeutet, dass sie Gott kennen und an ihn glauben.


Jesus was sent into the world in order that people might have life in relationship with God. The goal of his being sent, according to 14:6, is that people might "come" to the Father, which in the immediate context means that they might know and believe in God.


Chúa Giê-su được sai đến thế gian để mọi người có thể sống trong mối quan hệ với Đức Chúa Trời. Mục tiêu của việc ngài được sai đi, theo 14: 6, là mọi người có thể "đến" với Cha, điều này trước mắt có nghĩa là họ có thể biết và tin vào Đức Chúa Trời.

Pick a celebrity to write about. Then, write a short conversation IN GERMAN according to the following pattern about your
Person 1 asks who the celebrity is. (Wer ist das?)
Person 2 responds with the celebrity's name.
Person 1 asks where the celebrity comes from.
Person 2 answers.
Person 1 replies, Aah (he/she is (nationality))
Person 2 says "Ja, das stimmt!"
*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but,
more importantly, it will enhance your language ability. This activity will not count towards your grade.
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you should do go ogle translate


write it in english on go ogle docs put it through go ogle translate when your done. copy and paste on the doc

hope it helps

hallo! wie alt bist du? am english so this is probably horrible...




"Ich bin 21 Jahre alt"

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