Even people who deny racial prejudice may carry negoassociations and biases without knowing it. This is called Bias


Answer 1


This is called Bias


Related Questions

How did the Great Famine affect Europeans’ health?

It led to bubonic plague.
It led to starvation.
It led to food poisoning.
It led to pneumonic plague.


It led to starvation

(B.) It led to starvation

Have a great day and drink water!! <3

According to the article, what is the definition of “edutainment”?



A form of entertainment used for educational purposes!


Hope this helps!!

Please tell me if i am incorrect I enjoy learning from my mistakes:)

Mrs. Nelson is a 5th grade teacher at Xander Elementary School. Mrs. Nelson is very tech-savvy and uses many forms of social media to communicate with her parents and students. At the beginning of the year, she asks parents to follow her on a communication app, Remind, so that they can receive important text reminders about upcoming events. Remind is typically used for group communication, for example, Mrs. Nelson might send out a reminder to the class that they have a field trip and will need to remember their lunches. After receiving a group text, parents then have the option to respond individually to Mrs. Nelson and they can then carry on a conversation in a private environment if they need to discuss more student-specific information.
Many of her students have their own cell-phones and have also begun following Mrs. Nelson the Remind app, and while does not encourage this, she doesn’t remove them when they do. It has never been an issue in the past, and she assumes it might help them to know what is going with upcoming and important events too.
Mrs. Nelson is a very loved and respected teacher, and she is known for providing a very safe and nurturing environment in her classroom. Whenever a student is struggling with anything, they always know that Mrs. Nelson will listen and support them. Because of the precarious nature of 5th grade, students often come to Mrs. Nelson with all kinds of problems. After sending out a Remind text about the upcoming early dismissal day, a student, Maddie, responded with a private message to Mrs. Nelson telling her that she needed to talk to her about a problem. Mrs. Nelson tells her to come to her first thing in the morning, so they can talk before class begins. The next morning, Maddie shows up early to class as instructed, and tells Mrs. Nelson that she thinks something is wrong with her because she doesn’t like boys the way her friends do, and but she really doesn’t want to be gay. She is afraid of what her parents and friends would say if she never likes boys the way she thinks she is supposed to. Though she was a little taken aback by this confession, Mrs. Nelson assures her that she will be ok, and that it is ok that she doesn’t have the answers to those questions right now. Thinking about it later that evening, Mrs. Nelson, was concerned that she hadn’t been supportive enough in talking with Maddie, so she sends her a private Remind text saying, "I want you to know that you are a very smart and beautiful young lady, and if you like boys or girls, that won’t change. I won’t say anything to anyone about our conversation."
1. Identify the behaviors (if any) that you believe violate standards in the Educator Code of Ethics?
2. Which standards do you think were violated, explain your reasoning. If you feel that no standards were violated, explain your reasoning?
3. Should Mrs. Nelson have handled this situation differently so as not to violate the Code of Ethics, or (if you feel that there was no violation) to avoid her actions being called into question?



that is nelsom is a 5th grade teahcer begining of year


1. Mrs. Nelson's behaviors: having a social media platform for interacting with parents, allowing her students to use their cell phones, supporting Maddie, and her assurance to Maddie that she was free to love boys or girls, do not violate the Educator Code of Ethics.

2. As a diligent teacher, complying with the Educator Code of Ethics, Mrs. Nelson has not violated any standards by her behaviors and relationships with her students and their parents.  The conclusion is because her behaviors and examples are worthy of emulation by other teachers. Teachers should be tech-savvy and ensuring regular communication with parents and students is essential in maintaining good teacher-parents-students relationships.

3. Mrs. Nelson handled this situation well, and she did not violate the Educator Code of Ethics.  The code requires ethical and professional responsibility towards students and their parents, without conferring undue advantage to any student based on gender orientation or other considerations.

Thus, Mrs. Nelson is acting ethically and in compliance with the Educator Code of Ethics.

Learn more about the Educator Code of Ethics here: https://brainly.com/question/4247558

50)One person very instrumental in making Presidents more popular and softening their public images is the


Considering the socio-political context, the one person very instrumental in making Presidents more popular and softening their public images is the Presidential Spokesperson.

The Presidential Spokesperson can be given a unique title like Special Adviser on Media and Publicity.

The role of the Presidential Spokesperson include:Serving as a publicist of the President on Public mattersProviding Presidential publicity in reliable and competent waysServe as the mouthpiece by issuing statements of the President, etc.

The current United States President Spokesperson is Jen Psaki.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "Presidential Spokesperson."

Learn more about Presidential Spokesperson here: https://brainly.com/question/1638570

Interest rates are exactly the same for every loan or credit card. True or False​



not sure but False


According to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 18 states in the United States have reported confirmed cases of infection with the Omicron strain. American experts pessimistically predict that the severity of this round of epidemic may be similar to that of last winter. At the same time, Arizona has also been hit hard by the epidemic recently, and there has even been a run on medical resources. Arizona Health Department data show that over the past weekend, more than 5000 new confirmed cases have been added for two consecutive days, the first time a similar situation has occurred since the peak of the epidemic in January this year.



yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes



Dr. Saunders practices various forms of psychotherapy but all emphasize the importance of social and family responsibilities, harmony, and group goals. His
therapeutic practice is biased toward:

a. transference.
b. resilience.
c. individualism.
d. collectivism.


Considering the situation described above, Dr. Saunders's therapeutic practice is biased toward collectivism.

What is Collectivism?

Collectivism is a term that is often used in sociological context to describe the principle or practice in which individuals tend to place more value on group success or accomplishment over individual goals or targets.

How is Collectivism applied in this case?

Considering that Collectivism deals with the success of groups such as family responsibilities, harmony, and group goal in which Dr. Saunders promotes in his therapeutic practice, this is considered biased towards collectivism.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "Collectivism."

Learn more about Collectivism here: https://brainly.com/question/16478871

How did the actions within the story affect the resolution?

Spending time in her bedroom meant Victoria could think about Grandfather's determination to see her succeed.

The rainy day meant that Victoria's Junior Olympic Team competition would be rescheduled.

Growing up near the water meant Grandfather could coach swimming and prepare Victoria for the competition.

Victoria learned that the opening of the new indoor swimming pool meant the competition would take place as scheduled.


Growing up near the water meant Grandfather could coach swimming and prepare Victoria for the competition.

Discuss climate change and Do you think that we can still change the degradation or destruction of our environment? Explain your answer.


Yes because we can change the degradation or the destruction of the environment

Identify four instruments used by meteorologists to study weather. Be sure to describe what type of information each
one measures.


Thermometer. An outdoor thermometer gives a reading of the current temperature.

Barometer. A barometer indicates air pressure, usually in inches or millimeters.

Anemometer. Measures wind speed.

Wind Vanes. Shows the direction wind is going.


thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, and rain gauge


Thermometer: measures temperature

Hygrometer: measures humidity or amount of water vapor in the aid

Barometer: measures atmospheric pressure (aka barometric pressure)

Rain gauge: measures and gathers the amount of liquid precipitation over an area in a predefined area, over a period of time

According to Labor Value Theory, diamonds are more valuable than water because...
Group of answer choices

they are more common.

they are more difficult and require more resources to bring them to market.

a diamonds first use is more essential than the first use of water.

they last longer and can be used over and over again.


it a                             .......................................................................................

How much of the total water on the planet is fresh, nonfrozen, surface water?


Around .03 percent or .3 srry if incorrect

Only 3% of  the total water on the planet is fresh, nonfrozen, surface water.

What is Planet?

Planet is a celestial body, such as the moon and sun, that differs from the fixed stars by appearing to move on its own (particularly in relation to its purported influence on people and events).

On average, water covers 71% of the earth's surface. Oceans contain 97% of the earth's water (too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most industrial uses except cooling). 3% of the water on earth is fresh water. Saline seawater makes up the majority of the water in the atmosphere and on the surface of the Earth, with fresh water making up less than 1% of the total.

Therefore, the total water on the planet is fresh, nonfrozen, surface water is only 3%.

Learn more about Water, here;



In a proportional representation electoral system?





Mhm yes!! Brainest? :)

Why is egoism unique among ethical theories? It is the only theory to equate what is good to what is performed in the name of self-interest. It is the only theory to explain the way things ought to be in regards to what is right and wrong. It is the only theory to acknowledge conflicting interests as harmful to a system of ethics. It is the only theory to maintain that there are no universal truths regarding what is good.



I think what makes it unique is that it's alternative, altruism, is often debated to be near impossible. There are those who claim egoism is human nature and those who think that people are capable of any form of thought, thus allowing one to be truly altruistic. Many think that even when one is consciously doing something for others, they are subconsciously acting in self-interest.    


hope this helps :)

3. Explain three importance of valley.



Since the beginning of human development, valleys have been an important place for people because of their presence close to rivers. Rivers enabled easier movement and also provided resources like water, good soils, and food such as fish. ... An Overview of Valley Formation and Development.


I believe this is correct :)

In the State of the Union address, President Obama said that he was going to use executive order to make changes if the Congress didn't. Explain what he meant.



To attract new businesses to our shores, we need the fastest, most reliable ways to move people, goods, and information—from high-speed rail to high-speed Internet. Our infrastructure used to be the best, but our lead has slipped. The jobs created by the transcontinental railroad & the Interstate Highway System didn't just come from laying down track or pavement. They came from businesses that opened near a town's new train station or the new off-ramp. We've begun rebuilding for the 21st century. And tonight, I'm proposing that we redouble those efforts. We'll put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges. Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80% of Americans access to high-speed rail. Within the next five years, we'll make it possible for businesses to deploy the next generation of high-speed wireless coverage to 98% of all Americans. This isn't just about faster Internet or fewer dropped calls. It's about connecting every part of America to the digital age.


The North supported the war because it helped sell more industrial products made in America.

True or False?



Reason: The north is full of booming capitalism instead of rural farmland

which of the following statement does not describe the characteristic of a good melody and a good melody

A. tell stories
B. is easily forgotten
C. oftentimes using stepwise motion
D. give list inertia one thing to remember and think about

answer please​





is easily forgotten,this one is my answer

Hope you like!

The first hominin species to exhibit care-giving behavior in which elderly and infirm members of the social group are provisioned by others is:


Based on the archaeological perspective, the first hominin species to exhibit caregiving behavior in which others provision elderly and infirm members of the social group is: "Homó Erectus."

Facts about Homó Erectus

Homó Erectus is generally considered the archaic man from the Pleistocene, later spreading across Eurasia.

Having lived between 2 million and 108,000 years ago, Homó Erectus is believed to have been the first human ancestors that made use of fire, hunting, and gathering as a group, cared for injured or sick group members, and possibly conducted seafaring activities.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "Homó Erectus."

Learn more about the Homó Erectus here: https://brainly.com/question/598298

In 2017, American film producer Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual abuse. In the end, more than 80 women filed allegations against him, including Rose McGowan and Angie Famous actors such as Angelina Jolie. McGowan accused CAA of being Weinstein's "pimp", and the New York Times referred to CAA as Weinstein's "conspiracy machine." The Los Angeles Times also reported that “CAA agents have been accused of providing sexual services in exchange for contacting directors and Hollywood stars”. Faced with so many accusations, CAA has not made any actual changes except for the late apology.
In 2018, CAA was accused of “the highest level of fraud and corruption” in the lawsuit. Film financier Worldview Entertainment stated that he started working with CAA in 2010. CAA finally agreed to "provide opportunities and services for the plaintiff, including investment advice on films designed to provide substantial returns", but this partnership ultimately became "a disaster" Sexual error” because they did not receive the first right to buy the movie, but were rejected by CAA. CAA’s approach was “predatory”.


Answer: this is true yes


If he did it then there not wrong to press charges

Explica tres razones sobre el problema de acceso a la infraestructura vial de Lima


Los problemas de la infraestructura de la ciudad de Lima son los trancones, huecos en las carreteras y la falta de oferta de servicios públicos de transporte.

Los trancones son problemas de transporte e infraestructura vial en la mayoría de las grandes ciudades del mundo debido a la gran cantidad de personas que viven en ellas y poseen un medio de transporte como un auto o una motocicleta. Adicionalmente los servicios de transporte públicos llenan la infraestructura causando trancones.

La gran cantidad de tráfico causa que la infraestructura vial se deteriore y se generen grandes huecos o grietas en ella. Los daños en la infraestructura vial hacen que los carros no puedan andar fluidamente y deban para para esquivar los huecos y las grietas.

Por último, la falta de oferta de servicios públicos hace que los pocos buses que hay anden llenos y la gente deba adquirir carros y motocicletas que a la final contribuyen al deterioro de la infraestructura vial.

Learn more about infraestructure in: https://brainly.com/question/1235449

Were African countries ready for independence



a few countries in North and sub-Sahara Africa attained their independence earlier. And it took years longer for the colonies of Portugal.

Which of the following statements about rotating shift work is false?
A. It can result in sleeping problems.
B. It refers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a regular basis.
C. It renders the maintenance of a normal circadian cycle difficult.
D. It carries a much higher risk of leading to substance abuse.


D. it carries a much higher risk of leading to substance abuse

The correct option is D. It carries a much higher risk of leading to substance abuse which is out of the following statement about rotating shift work is false.

Rotating shifts, according to the authors' hypothesis, made it harder for employees to maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle, which adversely impacted the quality of their sleep and might have weakened their ability to resist insulin.

How do you do a rotating shift schedule?

Each crew begins the rotation by working four nights in a row, then takes three days off in a row, before working three-day shifts and finishing the rotation by working four nights. Before the cycle is completed, the fourth week offers seven full days off.

The length of sleep when working shifts, especially a night shift, is least adversely affected by slowly rotating shifts. Permanent night shifts, however, can be an alternate shift-work pattern in operational situations when numerous personnel is needed at night.

Thus, D is the right answer. The following assertion concerning rotating shift work is untrue since it carries a significantly increased risk of developing into substance misuse.

Learn more about Rotating Shift here:



Which state abolished slavery in its initial constitution?

South Carolina



I think Virginia I am not 100% on that but I'm pretty sure Virginia

"natural vegetations vary according to the places".write the reasons.​



The growth of vegetation depends on temperature and moisture. It also depends on factors like slope and thickness of soil. The type and thickness of natural vegetation varies from place to place because of the variation in these factors.



The growth of vegetation depends on temperature and moisture. It also depends on factors like slope and thickness of soil. The type and thickness of natural vegetation vary from place to place because of the variation in these factors. these factors, dense and open forests are grown. The geographic circumstances which determine the growth and expansion of natural vegetation in India are weather which could show variation such as temperature and rainfall, soil, and topography.

i) Areas of substantial rainfall have more compact vegetation as correlated to the regions with less rainfall.

ii) The fluctuation in temperature influences the variety of vegetation and its augmentation. The vegetation cover transitions from tropical to sub-tropical, alpine, and temperate regions.

The extension of power of one nation over another, often by territorial acquisition, is called __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


A, Imperialism. Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and people.

how did they impact media in 2010​


Social network platforms almost tripled their total user base in the last decade, from 970 million in 2010 to the number passing 4.48 billion users in July 2021.

In a detailed essay discuss the following topic:
How did the United States rebuild and reconstruct itself in the years after the Civil War? Consider in your answer the disagreements and how they were resolved.



As part of being readmitted to the Union, states had to ratify the new amendments to the Constitution. The Union did a lot to help the South during the Reconstruction. They rebuilt roads, got farms running again, and built schools for poor and black children.


Analyze the map of southern Africa below and answer the question that follows. A topographic map of Southern Africa with labels A, B, C, D, E, and F. A is a river through the Congo. B is a lake near Uganda and Kenya. C is a lake on the border of Tanzania. D is a river near Zambia and Zimbabwe. E is a lake near Malawi. F is an island in the Indian Ocean. Image by Tom Patterson and Eric Gaba On the map above, which landform is Lake Victoria? A. letter A B. letter B C. letter C D. letter E Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Answer:It's B


I did this  before and This was what's labeled as correct

Answer: b


Our living style is determined by climate Justify with examples



here you goo ! it was in this app


i help you

you help me

please mark me as a BRAINLIEST

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