Due to animal rescue efforts, sea turtles have made a comeback and are no longer on the endangered list.

What does comeback mean? (1 point)

A cause for complaint
A doubt about the truth
A question of placement
A return to a former state


Answer 1
A return to a former state.

This is because turtles were once endangered but are no longer.

Related Questions

Define Revenue .




[tex] \: [/tex]

Revenue refers to the amount received by a firm from the sale of a given quantity of a commodity in the market.

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What subject, i can try to help!!

Qual è la differenza tra la parola "tolleranza" e la parola "sopportazione"?


Answer: Come nomi la differenza tra resistenza e tolleranza

è che la resistenza è la misura della resistenza o della persistenza di una persona mentre la tolleranza è (non numerabile|obsoleto) la capacità di sopportare il dolore o le difficoltà; resistenza.


Answer: They are synonyms of sufferance (if you mean that)



(P.s: I am Italian, if you have questions, pls ask me)

Why is unemployment rate so high in South Africa


[tex]\huge\color{pink}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Answer ☘}}[/tex]

Sustained economic disruption from Cóvid-19, austerity measures, persistent inequality, and poor government policies have all been cited as contributors to the weak numbers.

Hence, these factors lead to high rates of unemployment in South Africa.


[tex]\color{red}\boxed{\colorbox{skyblue}{Additional Information ♡}}[/tex]

Black African women are the most effected, with an unemployment rate of 41%, the agency reports. Young people aged 15-24, and 25-34, recorded the highest unemployment rates of 64.4% and 42.9% respectively, according to the data from StatsSA.

hope helpful~


The reason why there  is unemployment rate so high in S. Africa are;

There is an high unemployment rate for so many reasons such as;Lack of good government policies which has made their economy not to improve.destruction of sustained economic disruption as a result of the pandemic that occurred in 2019

What is unemployment?

Unemployment can be regarded as the one in which people were not been able to secure a job even though they qualify.

Learn more about unemployment at;


Which signs need an AGENT marker?



The agent marker is added to a number of verbs to signify a person who performs the action of a verb (for example, teacher, artist, musician). Coincidentally, it is also the sign for person. This sign is often referred to as the -er sign, although it can also mean -ent, -or, -ist, or -an.



Zadanie 1. (0 - 3 pkt.)
Przeczytaj „Bajkę o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyła” St. Lema i napisz
w kilku, przed czym autor ostrzega czytelnika. Jakie jest przesłanie tego utworu?
Plz i litterly don’t understand this
I’ll mark you as brainly I i will give you 60 points


creo que es la letra b

ow has Elon Musk and his company, SpaceX, changed the way spaceships fly?


Spacex have made many accomplishments such as

First privately funded fully liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit. First privately developed liquid-fueled rocket to put a commercial satellite in orbit. First private company to successfully launch, orbit, and recover a spacecraft. First private company to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS).

Hope this helps!
Brainliest and a like is much appreciated!

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания. (8 баллов)
Человек и ландшафт - два живых организма. Под воздействием тех или иных ландшафтов меняется физическое состояние человека.
Рассмотрим несколько видов ландшафтов.
Лесные ландшафты. Леса, прежде всего, несут энергию силы, мудрости, охраны и стойкости. Те личности, которым изначально свойственны эти качества, обычно любят лес и чувствуют себя в нем как дома. Лес - защита, преграда на пути невзгод и негативных энергий. Причем темный лес - это глухая стена, закрытие от мира, уход во внутреннее пространство. Светлый лес как бы задерживает негативные энергии и пропускает позитивные.
Равнинные ландшафты. Равнины связаны с тишиной, ясностью сознания, открытостью внешнему миру. Замкнутые, суетливые люди, как правило, избегают открытых пространств, которые рождают у них чувство незащищенности.
Степь. Энергетика степи, в большей степени, чем, пожалуй, у других ландшафтов, зависит от времени года. Наиболее ярко она раскрывается весной и летом. Степь с цветами несет радость, полноту бытия, состояние полной открытости миру, счастья и безмятежности.
Ландшафт влияет не только на политические и экономические аспекты: он также формирует характер и личностные качества людей, живущих в данной местности.

Выполните следующие задания:
1. Озаглавьте текст. (1 б.)
2. Разделите текст на смысловые части, составьте план. (2 б.)
3. Выпишите из текста предложение, отражающее его основную мысль. (2 б.)
Ответьте на вопрос:
В какой части текста (вступление, основная часть, заключение) находится это предложение? Почему? Ответ аргументируйте. (3 б.)



Assignment 1. Read the text, complete the assignments. (8 points)

Man and landscape are two living organisms. Under the influence of certain landscapes, the physical state of a person changes.

Let's consider several types of landscapes.

Forest landscapes. Forests, above all, carry the energy of strength, wisdom, protection and resilience. Those individuals who initially have these qualities usually love the forest and feel at home in it. The forest is a protection, an obstacle on the way of adversity and negative energies. Moreover, a dark forest is a blank wall, a closure from the world, a withdrawal into the inner space. The light forest, as it were, traps negative energies and lets positive ones pass.

Plain landscapes. Plains are associated with silence, clarity of consciousness, openness to the outside world. Introverted, fussy people tend to avoid open spaces, which make them feel insecure.

Steppe. The energy of the steppe, to a greater extent than, perhaps, in other landscapes, depends on the season. It reveals itself most vividly in spring and summer. A steppe with flowers brings joy, fullness of being, a state of complete openness to the world, happiness and serenity.

The landscape influences not only the political and economic aspects: it also shapes the character and personality of the people living in a given area.

Complete the following tasks:

1. Title the text. (1 b.)

2. Divide the text into semantic parts, make a plan. (2 b.)

3. Write out a sentence from the text that reflects its main idea. (2 b.)

Answer the question:

In what part of the text (introduction, main part, conclusion) is this sentence? Why? Argument your answer. (3 p.)


how to write a cover letter for an internship



if that help u Give me Brainlist answer plz

1. State the exact role you’re applying for

Starting your cover letter with the position you’re applying for shows you’ve thoughtfully considered what makes you the best candidate for this specific position. It also implies that you’ve created a cover letter for their opening instead of using one general cover letter for all applications. It also reminds the audience about the position and provides context for the rest of your letter.

2. Use the right keywords

Employers often scan resumes and cover letters for keywords related to the role. Carefully review the job description and company website for clues on which you should include. For example, if the job description lists “time management” as a desired quality, try listing relevant examples in your cover letter.

3. Include relevant coursework

If you have little to no job experience, your relevant coursework can be helpful for employers. Include your completed courses relevant to the job description or industry. For example, if applying for a design internship, be sure to list your design courses and any significant related accomplishments.

4. Call out relevant skills

The body of your cover letter is where you can highlight relevant knowledge, expertise and education that will benefit the employer. Even if you don’t have professional industry experience, you can include skills you’ve gained in previous jobs, volunteer positions, classes or projects you’ve completed, or achievements in extracurricular activities.

For example, if you’re applying for a position as a reporting intern at a local publication, you could discuss your role as editor for the student paper or how your previous job as an office receptionist taught you the importance of time management.

5. Explain why you’re a good fit for the role

You should include a one or two sentences relating your qualifications to the internship. Carefully review the posted job description to understand which skills and experiences the employer is looking for. Align those with your own and decide which to prioritize in your cover letter based on the posting.

6. Describe what you feel you would gain from the internship

In most cases, employers have built an internship program to help students and young professionals better understand the industry and develop skills, experiences and relationships that will serve them throughout their career. In addition to explaining what you’ll bring to the table, highlight what you hope to achieve and learn through the internship.

7. Review your cover letter before sending

When your cover letter is complete, set aside time to review and edit. When proofreading, check carefully for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. If possible, ask trusted friends or family members to review your final draft for a third-party perspective.

Measuring the depth of the sea???
समुद्र की गहराई मापने वाला यन्त्र???
don't use gugle and Alexa​



[tex] \bold \blue{Fathometre}[/tex]

Measuring the depth of the sea?


Masalah yang disampaikan seseorang dengan kata katanya sendiri, namun sebelumnya telah menyiapkan pokok pokok yang ditulis seseorang dalam menyampaikan pidato adalah metode pidato menggunakan?



metode berpidato dengan cara menghapalkan naskah teks pidato terlebih dahulu.




Pidato merupakan kegiatan berbicara didepan umum untuk menyampaikan sebuah gagasan.

Ciri-ciri dari pidato yaitu:

Memiliki tujuan.Isinya fakta atau tidak mengada-adaCara penyampaiannya disesuaikan dengan para pendengar.Dibuat secara semenarik mungkin.

Di dalam berpidato, terdapat empat metode yang dapat kita gunakan, yaitu:

Improptu. Improptu adalah sebuah metode berpidato yang dilakukan secara spontan tanpa melakukan persiapan sebelumnya. Metode improptu biasa digunakan oleh orang yang pandai berimprovisasi dengan baik di depan banyak orang.Memoriter. Momoriter adalah metode dalam berpidato yang dilakukan dengan cara menghafal teks sebelum berpidato.Naskah. Naskah adalah metode berpidato yang dilakukan dengan cara membawa catatan dan membacanya. Berpidato dengan metode naskah cocok digunakan oleh orang yang tidak pandai berimprovisasi kata-kata di depan banyak orang.Ekstemporan. Estemporan adalah metode dalam berpidato yang dilakukan dengan cara menyampaikan poin-poin pidato saja. Jadi, orang yang berpidato menyiapkan sebuah teks, kemudian memilih poin-poinnya saja dari teks tersebut untuk disampaikan.


What is the main role of the director?
to design and build the sets
to manage the day-to-day operations
to interpret a script and create a vision
to manage the money and finances


i think it is to manage the day-to-day operations


manage the day-to-day operations


A film director manages the creative aspects of the production. They direct the making of a film by visualizing the script while guiding the actors and technical crew to capture the vision for the screen. They control the film's dramatic and artistic aspects.







Merry Christmas to u as well have a blessed and happy day


Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year .

एप्पल के संस्थापक कौन है??
Who is the founder of Apple??
don't use gugle and Alexa​



Steve Jobs is founder of APPLE


Steve Jobs.....,................

in french how do you translate bordeaux a la shore



bordeaux at the shore


correct me if wrong


bordeaux at the shore



What count as knowledge


Answer: knowledge is knowing about basic life things


Knowledge is knowing about life things

Склади і залиши твір-роздум дискусійного характеру в публіцистичному стилі на
тему «Чи потрібно в сучасному світі ходити до школи?»,


Answer: Я думаю, що ми повинні ходити до школи в сучасному світі, тому що половина з нас старі, а інша половина не настільки старі, тому ходити до школи в сучасному світі для наступного покоління цього світу, щоб наступне покоління могло робити краще, ніж ми, як піклуватися світу або робити добрі речі, які іноді ми навіть не робимо

YA dumayu, shcho my povynni khodyty do shkoly v suchasnomu sviti, tomu shcho polovyna z nas stari, a insha polovyna ne nastilʹky stari, tomu khodyty do shkoly v suchasnomu sviti dlya nastupnoho pokolinnya tsʹoho svitu, shchob nastupne pokolinnya mohlo robyty krashche, nizh my, yak pikluvatysya svitu abo robyty dobri rechi, yaki inodi my navitʹ ne robymo


parts of a typhoon

use the words in the box below to label the parts of a typhoon​


there are only one word "hurricanes" where are the other words in the box please?

arts stream murdabad

i am hate arts stream and yours ​



why bro u hated it .............

What are you talking about?? lol

Why do we group countries by regions?



Regional integration helps countries overcome divisions that impede the flow of goods, services, capital, people and ideas. These divisions are a constraint to economic growth, especially in developing countries.


Hope this helps!

Emotional signs of stress include aches and nausea


yup. emotional stress can take a toll on us physically, which is why we should always take care of our mental/emotional being as much as our physical

False. These would be physical signs of stress :>

My sister shaved her head and I slapped it and she started crying, she said her brain bounced up and hit her skull I'm literally DEADD



i like ya cut g


What is the purpose of a poem that depends completely on images?
to show readers what would happen if we just thought in images
to make sure that readers don't think of anything else
to prevent readers from thinking about ideas
to help readers see something in a new and different way



to help readers see something in a new and different way

Answer:To help readers see something in a new and different way


Hope this helps!

I'm going to learn ASL anybody have any advice?



anyway, i like ASL to, honestly it's really cool. If you can, you should learn it. Maybe someone day you will meet deafs people, nobody can talk to them, but you can, and you use ASL, a lot of people will be like..... OMG he/she can talk to she/he........ :))))


emmmmm don’t learn it

major problems of educational planning in Somalia​


Classrooms are often overcrowded, water and sanitation facilities are inadequate, and trained teachers and school book access.

They were _________ to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.



they were about to pay the rent and were evicted from their home


sorry if it wrong


they were about to pay the rent and were evicted from their home


4. When a poet uses a metaphor in a poem, what is he or she saying?
That something is a little bit like something else.
That something is so different from anything else that it's unique.
That two things are really different and have little in common.
That one thing is so much like another that it IS that other thing.



When a poet uses a metaphor in a poem, what is he or she saying?That something is a little bit like something else.That something is so different from anything else that it's unique.That two things are really different and have little in common.That one thing is so much like another that it IS that other thing.


➡(2). That something is so different from anything else that its unique.


➡A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. So 2) is just the only one that makes sense.

Answer: That one thing is so much like another that it IS that other thing


i put it in and it was right

write two idioms in French, and what they really mean in English.




1. “Hit the hay.”

“Sorry, guys, I have to hit the hay now!”

At first, it seems like the person saying this really wants to punch some hay. But it really just means that they’re really tired and want to go to sleep.

2. “Up in the air”

“Hey, did you ever figure out those plans?”

“No, they’re still up in the air for now. We’ll figure everything out later.”

Can plans actually be floating high in the sky?

3. “Stabbed in the back”

“I don’t want to be Hayley’s friend anymore, she stabbed me in the back!”

Literally stabbing someone in the back could bring someone to jail! That’s definitely not what this idiom means.

Being stabbed in the back means that you’ve been betrayed by someone who you thought you could trust.

4. “Takes two to tango”

“David isn’t the only guilty one here! After all, it takes two to tango.”

It literally does take two to tango--you can’t dance the tango unless you have a partner. But this idiom means that if there’s a suspicious situation, then there’s more than one culprit. They couldn’t have done it by themselves.

5. “Kill two birds with one stone.”

“Why not go to the post office on your way to the mall and kill two birds with one stone?”

Don’t worry, we’re not actually killing any birds here! When you kill two birds with one stone, a single action knocks out two tasks or responsibilities--accomplish two different things at the same time. (In this case, posting a letter and doing some shopping in one trip.)

6. “Piece of cake”

“Ha, that assignment was really a piece of cake!”

No, the professor didn’t give them a slice of cake to eat! When something is a piece of cake, it’s so simple that it’s as easy as eating one.

7. “Costs an arm and a leg”

“Matt, I really want that car, but it costs an arm and a leg. I don’t think I should get it for now.”

When something costs an arm and a leg, you won’t literally have to cut off your arm and leg to buy it. It just means that it costs a lot of money, so it would be as painful (for your wallet) as cutting off an arm and a leg to pay for it!

8. “Break a leg”

“Hey, don’t you have a recital today? Break a leg!”

You might be scared when you hear this idiom--did they really just tell someone to break their leg?

When someone uses this idiom, they’re actually wishing the person good luck. See how confusing idioms can be? This means the total opposite of what it seems to mean!

9. “Rule of thumb”

“As a rule of thumb, you should usually pay for your date’s dinner, too.”

A rule of thumb is a “rule” that’s not totally precise. It’s based off common experience and common sense.

They aren’t based on science or research!

10. “Blow off steam”

“Hey, I’m feeling pretty angry right now. I’m going to go blow off some steam.”

To blow off some steam isn’t to stand above a tea kettle and huff and puff

When you’re feeling angry or upset, and want to do something to relieve those emotions, then you’re blowing off steam--doing something or taking a break to help get rid of the stress.

what does bm mean
What does bm mean
What does bm stand for.


Bum mean Bowel movement abbreviation



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