Do you think that the president should be able to pass laws/create executive actions without allowing Congress to make those decisions?


Answer 1
No because that would give the president too much power and our government was created to not have that problem.

Related Questions

answer in a paragraph using quotes.

Pick one of the laws in the reading (Division of Things or Theft) and explain how that law works. Once you have done that, explain why you think these laws are so specific about the situations they cover.​





According to Hindu tradition what determines the status of a person’s rebirth in the next life?



See below:


According to the Hindu Tradition, the persons status depends on their Karma.

This is how it works in simple words.

We can say that whenever you do something good, you earn 1 golden coin, and when you do something bad, you earn one mud coin.

When your life is over and you are ready to go to the next life, it is figured by your coins, in which mud coins remove 1 golden coin.

With your sum, it is decided what your status will be.

(This is just an example)

As per this belief, you will soon achieve Moksha, in which you become part of the creator.

But, in simple words, your answer would be Karma.


French and Indian War Video Notes



Army. Years of territorial scuffles turned into full-blown declarations of war in 1756. As fighting broke out the British and French sought allies among the local Native American populations.



George Washington

Young military leader who fought for the British in the French and Indian War


Native chief who allied with Washington and killed the French Officer to make the French turn on the British.

Why was the Native chief given the name 'Half-King' ?

Because he had limited power

Joseph de Coulon de Jumonville

French officer who was captured and killed by Half-King

What were George Washington's orders concerning the French in western Pennsylvania?

Washington warned the French to stay clear of British territory

What incident began the French and Indian War?

The Half-King killing the French Officer (Jumonville)

What prize did France and Britain desire?

The Ohio Country/the Ohio River Valley

What is wampum? What was it used for?

Wampum were woven belts and strings encoded with messages of war, peace, and friendship. They were used for transactions, negotiation, & peace treaties

What Native American group was the most powerful at that time?

Iroquois League

What areas of North America did the French control? What was their plan?

The French controlled Canada, the Great Lakes region and Louisiana country. Their plan was to connect their forts up north with Louisiana by having control of the Ohio River Valley

Why did the British fear the French plan?

If the French controlled the Ohio Country, the British could not expand westward

What was George Washington's mission?

To tell the French to leave the Ohio River Valley and to build a fort

What did the Virginians (British) name their crude fort?

Fort Necessity

What were the results of the battle around the fort?

A heavy rain fell and the British lost. Washington also signed a paper accepting blame for the French Officer's death (unknowingly)

What problems did the Iroquois face?

They were conflicted about which side to join, and they would be fighting other natives. If they stayed neutral or joined the losing side, they have a chance of losing all their land along with their identity

How did the British plan to defeat the French?

To attack in the Ohio Country and in Northern New York and Nova Scotia to ultimately push the French back to Canada

What was General Braddock's first objective?

To capture Fort Duquesne (French Fort) and go north to Niagara

What problems does General Braddock have before he begins his military campaign?

The colonies don't want to pay for his march

How were colonial militia different than British soldiers?

The Colonial Militia were untrained and not used to harsh punishments, while the British were the opposite

How did the French commander convince Native American warriors to attack the British?

The French commander painted himself in Native colors and dressed like them to show he was one of them. This helped convince the Natives to attack the British

Compare the French/Native American battle tactics with British battle tactics.

The French/Natives fought and attacked from all sides in the forest, whereas the British used linear warfare and fought in designated formations

What were the results of the battle?

The French won and only lost 21 men. The British lost the battle and lost 1,000 men

What was the goal of the Native Americans?

To drive the invaders from their land

What happened to General Braddock?

He died due to the severity of his wounds during the battle

What was General Braddock's mistake?

He refused to become allies with the Natives and looked down on them

Hope this helps, have a nice day/night! :D

Timeline sort help here are pics


excuse me where are the pics?

What was President
McKinley's plan to help



great question hard answer


Can someone please help me??




How did the Gupta rulers unite people across their empire in northern India?

Pls help me



But three centuries later, the Gupta Empire emerged in the same region. Sri Gupta founded this empire between 240 and 280 CE. His successors expanded their territory through conquest and marriage. Under Chandragupta II, who reigned from 380 to 415 CE, the Gupta Empire extended across northern India.


the Gupta Empire emerged in the same region. Sri Gupta founded this empire between 240 and 280 CE. His successors expanded their territory through conquest and marriage. Under Chandragupta II, who reigned from 380 to 415 CE, the Gupta Empire extended across northern India.

Manny see the renaissance as an exciting time in Europe why



they began to change many things in life such as their hierarchy, views points of the world, especially in philosophical areas, got opportunities to create and admire talents of one another.


somethin' like that.

help stop mariavanovaloveyou



i love u.......... ......... . . ... ..

Describe the "Red Scare" that took place during the post World War 2 years.



please give me brainlest star please


The Second Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World War II, was preoccupied with the perception that national or foreign communists were infiltrating or subverting U.S. society and the federal government. The name refers to the red flag as a common symbol of communism.

Which phrase describes the goal of this amendment?



There is no amendment


What changed after the American Revolution?




The period following the Revolutionary War was one of instability and change. The end of monarchical rule, evolving governmental structures, religious fragmentation, challenges to the family system, economic flux, and massive population shifts all led to heightened uncertainty and insecurity.

explains why domestic travel is better than international travel in our Country



It is easier to travel because you only need a driver's liscense to travel domestically, but you need a passport to travel internationally. Also, the security lines are shorter if you travel domestically.

Diego Rivera was a member of the Mexican Communist Party. He was concerned about worker rights and worker equality. Does that influence your thoughts about the value of this document? Explain.​


Diego Rivera was a member of the Mexican Communist Party, he was concerned about the rights and equality of workers, which was portrayed in his political murals painted in Mexico in 1920. The value of his work influenced many ways of thinking around the world.

Diego Rivera's murals portrayed protests against capitalism, the church and the ruling class. He married the artist Frida Kahlo and together they participated in political and pro-worker protests.

As an influence of his work, we can mention the New Deal program, created by President Roosevelt, which created new jobs for Americans and restructured the state's role as protector of citizens' rights.

Therefore, the conception of the New Deal was influenced by Rivera's murals in the USA, which represented the life of workers and politics.

Learn more here:

This country has a polar climate and rarely any thunderstorms.

Question 12 options:

A. Ireland

B. Britain

C. Iceland

D. Spain



C) Iceland

Hope you got it

During the time of exploration, why did Spain have more success gaining control over the native populations in Mexico and the Andes than in other regions of North America





Why were slaves a more stable workforce than indentured servants?

1. Slaves served for a fixed term.

2. Slaves were forced to serve for life.



They were forced to serve for life

What answers correctly describe the Lowell system?


The Lowell System was a labor production model invented by Francis Cabot Lowell in Massachusetts in the 19th century. The system was designed so that every step of the manufacturing process was done under one roof and the work was performed by young adult women instead of children or young men.

Why is the Exodus an important event in the Jewish faith? Choose four answers.



it explains how the jews struggled in Egypt they were saved by yahweh

Which is not one of the five principles found in the Declaration of Independence?
Everyone should have the right to vote
Everyone should have the right to vote

The right to change or abolish a government that does not protect people's rights
The right to change or abolish a government that does not protect people's rights

All should have the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
All should have the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Governments get their power from the consent of the governed [approval of the people]


Answer: everyone should have the right to vote

Explanation: The Declaration states every MAN should be able to vote

what did you feel when you were doing family genogram? opinion




A genogram is essentially an enhanced version of the family tree. To start, you map out your family history, going back two or three generations (or more if you feel really ambitious). However, rather than simply recording the historical facts about your family, you also note patterns of behavior, and the quality of relationships between different family members.

I was first introduced to the concept of the genogram when I was in seminary. As part of a class my first year, we were asked to compile a genogram as a way of better understanding our own family history. My professor explained that if we know where we come from, and the particular issues and temptations that have affected our relatives, we can more easily identify and overcome those same issues ourselves.

Genograms are often used by counselors and therapists with an interest in what’s called Family Systems Theory. In a nutshell, Family Systems Theory is a way of understanding individuals as part of a larger family “system.” FST argues that evaluating a person only as an individual — outside their upbringing and family life — misses key information about them. This is because the more anxiety and conflict there is in a person’s family system, the more likely it is that they have been adversely affected by the people around them.

Genograms are useful because they help to unpack family dynamics, some of which have been in play for decades. The way your parents treated you was largely influenced by the way their parents treated them, just as your grandparents were shaped by the way their parents treated them, and so on.

Understanding the history (and sometimes, dysfunction) of your family can be a powerful opportunity for personal growth. The more we understand how we have been shaped by the network of personalities and relationships that we’ve grown up with, the more we can identify what we want to hold on to, and what we want to change.

How to Make a Family Genogram

Genograms typically use different symbols as shorthand to depict both the individuals in a family system, and the nature of their relationships with one another.

For example, males are often drawn as squares, and females as circles. Children are indicated through a connected solid line, usually below the names of their parents.

Here is an illustration of an immediate family:

Family diagram.

Now let’s add aunts and uncles, as well as grandparents. We can also use different symbols to explain some of the relationships. Healthy relationships are marked with the solid line. Divorce can be shown with two slashes on the line:

Blood relations of family.

Tracking Traits

One of the things you can do with a family genogram is track how certain personality traits or talents have been passed through your family line.

For example, perhaps you are a musician, and in the process of talking with family members, you realize musical ability (indicated with “M” below) runs throughout your family tree:

Blood line of family.

Or, perhaps you are looking for whether or not alcohol or a certain prescription medication is something you want to consume. Looking at your family history may help you understand that you could be predisposed towards certain substance abuse addictions (indicated with “SA” below) or other unhealthy vices:

Blood lines of family.

Tracking Relationships

Any conflict that you want to note between family members can be marked by a squiggly line, rather than a solid one. For example, perhaps there has been ongoing conflict on your father’s side between between your father and grandfather. In the genogram, you would want to note this, and indicate your understanding of the conflict:

can you guys please stop putting links on my answers ! i seriously need help and i’m not gonna press these links . STOP IT NOW.



I know right. do not. open the links!

it'll ruin you brains

What body of water would a merchant traveling from the city of Memphis to Crete have to cross?



Memphis was a city of the Egyptian Empire located in lower Egypt. It was considered an important economic center, as factories, workshops, and markets distributed food and other goods from there to the rest of the kingdom.

Crete is a city located in the Greek Islands. It is known for having a highly developed civilization even before the Roman rule. It was once the center of the Minoan Civilization, which is considered to be the oldest civilization in Europe

What happened to the North Carolina economy as the war continued?


Answer:A shattered economy, social upheaval, and a new era of politics awaited them. ... North Carolina suffered terrible human losses from the Civil War.



New highways were built, and cities grew as new industry and new people moved to the state.

What is the most densely populated region in the U.S.? A the area around Minneapolis B the area around Las Vegas Cthe area between Washington,D.C.,and Boston D the area between Seattle and Portland ​



I'm pretty sure it is A but don't take my answer like it's the correct one just let someone else come and see what they say.



To me it is the area between Washington, D.C and Boston


Even if its early in the morning there are always crowds

This ancient monument is found in
A) Egypt

B) India

C) Turkey

D) Israel


Answer: A





took quiz

Who were the people who celebrated it?


Answer: People who celebrated what?

Explanation: What celebration did the people celebrate? What celebration?

Read the following passage from a narrative text. “Mrs. Thomas said we’d be sharing this table,” Albert said gruffly, shoving my books over and dropping his beside them. “I don’t care.” Think of the connotative meanings of the underlined words. What effect do they have on the passage? A. They emphasize the narrator’s lack of response to Albert’s gruffness. B. They emphasize Albert’s statement that he really does not care about where he is seated. C. They show that Albert doesn’t want to sit at the table, though he says he doesn’t care. D. They show that Mrs. Thomas was right in asking Albert to share a table with another student.



C. They show that Albert doesn’t want to sit at the table, though he says he doesn’t care.  


im like a week late but i just had this quiz lol




They show that Albert doesn't want to sit at the table, though he says he doesn't care l

Questions (choose to answer one): What were the benefits and drawbacks of having a railroad run through your city in the 1800s? Who were the leaders in the railroad industry during the 1800s? (example: Who got rich from the railroad industry?) What debates did people have about the placement of the Transcontinental Railroad? What does the presence of “ghost towns” tell us about the importance of railroads in the 19th century? Research Steps: Select a question from the list of questions above. View the How to Conduct Research tutorial. Complete any additional online research necessary to answer the question. Write a five-paragraph essay in which you answer the question and provide at least three examples of your research to support your answer.


Who were the leaders in the railroad industry during the 1800s?

These men, names like James Hill, Jay and George Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Edward Harriman, and Collis P. Huntington are largely responsible for building much of the country's network.

Who got rich from the railroad industry?

Cornelius Vanderbilt

pls give me Brainliest if it's help


help you guys I'm just a middle school kid​











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