Choose one number to fill in the blanks below
25 30 35 2 6.4
Age requirement for the House of
Age requirement for the Senate
Age requirement for the Presidency.
Length of a term for a member of the House of
Length of term for a member of the Senate
Length of term for President


Answer 1
25) Age requirement for House of Representatives
30) Age requirement for the Senate
35) Age requirement for Presidency
2 yr) length of term for House of representatives
6 yr) length of term for Senate
4 yr) length of term for President

I guess they were already in order!

Related Questions

How did the United States manage to expand its territory across the continent?


The U.S. manage to expand its territory across the continent through treaty agreement and territory purchase which is evident in Louisiana purchase.

In 1803, the U.S. was able to extend in double to its original territories through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.

Louisiana Purchase entails acquisition of the Louisiana territory from Napoleonic France in the year 1803.

The Purchase of the territory brought into U.S. about 828,000 square miles of territory, thereby, doubling the size of the country.

In conclusion, the U.S. manage to expand its territory across the continent through treaty agreement and territory purchase which is evident in Louisiana purchase.

Read more about Louisiana Purchase:

1. How is capitalism different from socialism and communism?


Capitalism is a system in which goods are made by private businesses, but socialism stresses government control over production. ... Capitalism is a system in which goods are made by private businesses, but socialism stresses government control over production.


One denys, one embraces


Socialism and Communism believe in eqaulity - at the expense of everyone. Communism and Socialism strip people of their basic freedoms, destroy their economy and free market, trade becomes limited, and different things like that. Communism and Socialism always try, and succeed (like Hitler, Stalin, etc), of suppressing conflicting viewpoints, having an expressed opinion on social, political, and/or religious matters, and they will always make the Government the regulating factor on how much you make, the food you can buy, and how much resources you and/or family could have.

Effects of Communism and Socialism: destruction of free enterprise, basic freedoms stripped away, censorship and propagranda on mass displays, gulags, and (mainly) pushing for a massive government overtake. Examples of Communsim destroying the lives of many would be China, Cuba, Russia, and Germany. That was saw mainly when all the conflict began for power, like all the mini wars and then WWI and WWII.

Capitalism is different because it allows for the marketplace of ideas to exist, it allows for the average person (or experienced person) to get a job that he/she could realistically get based upon the skills they have, plus, Capitalism allows for the private entity to have control rather than the state or Government. Example, if you want to start your own business come to a Capitalist Country instead of a Communist Country, why? Because the mass regulation, the don'ts, and how much government intervention would kill your business and have no privacy for you nor your users. The list can go on.

Capitalism is here to serve what the general market wants, doesn't wants, and will expand upon that. It is the complete opposite when referring to Communism and Socialism. Plus, Captialism allows for the intitivate of people rather than government and Capitalism allows the favoriting of the free market.

Communism/Socialism is based upon the Government's planning and will that will have limitations on private control of resources of any kind. Always remember this, when the government is involved much is restricted and poverty rises as the human has no chocie. Whereas Capitalism allows the average human to grow, expand, and flourish in what he/she wants to do in their own life and what they want to achieve. Capitalism is for benefiting people rather than killing the dreams and lively-hood of many.

So, even in this long answer, that is the answer and I hope this helps as this is a brief (but summarizing) answer that will surely help clear things up. If anyone needs more of an answer, I am here or look up Ecomonist Miltion Freedman. Mr. Freedman is one of the greatest economists ever that explain the economy, Capitalism, etc.

The Albany Plan of Union was meant to address


Answer: The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. ... More generally, imperial officials wanted a treaty between the colonies and the Iroquois that would articulate a clear colonial-Indian relations policy.


Describe the changes in Lincoln's thinking that led to the Civil War being waged as a total war.


Answer: Lincoln realized that if Maryland joined the confederacy, Washington, DC, would be surrounded, and the war would be over. As the war progressed, Lincoln initially thought it acceptable if armies in the field freed the slaves of secessionists and claimed the newly freed people as contraband in war.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

It should be noted that changes in Lincoln's thinking that led to the Civil War being waged as a total war is Slavery.

According to the question, we are to discuss the Lincoln's thinking that led to the Civil War.

As a result of this we can see that Slavery was been stated  by Lincoln as the the reason for the war.

Therefore, slavery serves as changes in Lincoln's thinking that led to the Civil War .

Learn more about Civil War at;

The safer mountain route past Council Grove went through which state? A) Kansas B) Missouri C) Colorado D) Oklahoma


A) Kansas I hope this helps !!!

what statement best explains the consequences of the decisions made please hel



The Berlin Conference of 1884–1885 indicates the European competition for territory in Africa. It was also known as the Congo Conference or West African Conference and it was organized by Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany.

During the 1870s and early 1880s Great Britain, France, Germany, and others began looking to Africa for natural resources as well as a potential market for the goods these factories produced.

The Scramble for Africa, which was the name given to the event of the occupation, division, and colonization of African territory by European powers,  led to conflict among these powers, particularly between the British and French in West Africa; Egypt; the Portuguese and British in East Africa; and the French and King Leopold II in central Africa. The competition between Great Britain and France led Bismarck to take action, and in late 1884 he called a meeting of European powers in Berlin.

In consecutive meetings, Great Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, and King Leopold II negotiated their requests to African territory, and they were then formalized and mapped. During the conference the leaders also agreed to allow free trade among the colonies and established a structure for them to negotiate future European claims in Africa.

As a result of the Berlin Conference: The Congo Free State was confirmed as the private ownership of “Congo Society”. Consequently, the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo today. Also, nearly 2 million square kilometers passed into the hands of King Leopold II and it late became a Belgian colony.

The 14 signatory powers mentioned above have free trade across the Congo River basin and Lake Malawi. And the Niger and Congo rivers were free transit of ships.  

It was also a signed by the states an international prohibition to abolish the slave trade.


What is. a snake on a energy pyramid



Secondary Consumer

How would you recommend improving the legislative branch of the American federal government? Why?


Focus on better democracy, and most importantly listen to the people’s voice because America is falling apart as people aren't listening to each other

an early Christian leader who helped set up churches



Franklin Graham is an early Christian leader who helped set up churches

roles of christian missionaries in spread of western education in Kenya​




Missionaries introduced Western education in Kenya. ... The partition of Africa in 1884 established British rule in Kenya and led to an increase of Christian missionaries. As the missionaries established themselves on the mainland, they started schools as a means of converting Africans to Christianity.

Other than a broken culture, what were the other long term effects of the scramble for Africa?


The reasons for African colonisation were mainly economic, political and religious. These countries became involved in a race to acquire more territory on the African continent, but this race was open to all European countries. Britain had had some success in halting the slave trade around the shores of Africa.

21. Which of the following was NOT invented in China?
a. Long Bow
b. Paper
C. Compass
d. Gunpowder



its ether c or b


hope this helps you!

Answer: The Long Bow was not invented in China.


I thought of what I already knew China invented. And so I knew they invented paper, compasses, and gunpowder.

What do you think it was like to be a slave in the United States?


As a African-American person I can definitely say or guess that it was horrible and not good

Which of the following is written to a group of churches that could be in one of two specific areas? A. Romans B. 1 & 2 Corinthians C. Colossians D. Philippians E. Galatians


Considering the available options, the letter written to a group of churches that could be in one of two specific areas is "1 & 2 Corinthians."

What are the letters written to a group of churches?

According to historical perspective, Apostle Paul wrote six letters to the Romans, particularly the churches. These letters include:

1 & 2 Corinthians GalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians

Out of the six letters Apostle Paul wrote, the book of 1 & 2 Corinthians was the letter written to a group of churches that could be in one of two specific areas.

The first book of Corinthians was written around 53–54 CE at Ephesus. It focuses on the problems of the new Christian community.

The second book of Corinthians was written around 55 CE in Macedonia. It focuses on Corinthians’ reaction to his first letter and apostolic supremacy.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option B. 1 & 2 Corinthians.

Learn more about Apostle Paul here:

What was the 3/5th Compromise?

a. 3/5ths of the House needed to propose a law

b. Slaves were considered 3/5ths a person

c. 3/5ths of the states would allow slavery

d. A presidential candidate needed 3/5ths of the vote to be elected



the answer is A


majority vote to propose law

in what way we’re the louisiana state constitutions of 1845 and 1852 the same



It increased the number of supreme court justices


What argument does Henry
make against giving too much power to the




An outspoken Anti-Federalist, Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government. His influence helped create the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed personal freedoms and set limits on the government's power.

What does the medicine being offered to Uncle Sam represent?

A The medicine represents the pro-expansion movement in America,

B. The medicine represents the anti-expansion movement in America

C. The medicine represents the new markets found in annexed territories.

D. The medicine represents the expansion of democracy in annexed territories


probably D



it is B. The medicine represents the anti-expansion movement in America.

I just took the test and got it wrong so this is the correct answer


have a nice day!

The chart below list three important civil rights leaders:

W.E.B. DuBois Booker T. Washington Marcus Garvey

Which one below goes to each leader in order, from WEB to Marcus.

I. he opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera-house.
II. The thinker must think for truth, not for fame.
III. Africa for the Africans... at home and abroad!

In what order should the quotes be placed in the chart from left to right?

Please give a answer i can count on. I am on a 60 question seg final that i cant redue. :)


There are a lot of great famous quote. The one that goes to each leader in order is;

The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than to spend a dollar in an opera house." is by  Booker T. Washington. This was quoted in 1901.

The thinker must think for truth, not for fame is by W.E.B. Du Bois. This was quoted in 1903.

Africa for the Africans... at home and abroad is by Marcus Garvey. This was quoted in 1940s.

The order should the quotes be placed in the chart from left to right is II, I, III.

A quote is often described as to resay or repeat another person's words, and also attributing them to their creator or content writer.

A lot of people often quote others when giving speech etc. W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey are known to be great men who also gave great quotes.

Learn more about Quotes from

Answer: B?


Which phrase relates to the Boston Massacre?

a sneak attack by Native Americans on British settlers

the killing of five colonists by British soldiers

fighting between French and British soldiers

the first battle of the American Revolution



Killing of five colonists by British soldiers.

Answer: The killing of five colonists by British soldiers


Europeans' 'classical' justification for engaging in slavery was based on the writings of:
Thomas Aquinas
a & c


Europeans' 'classical' justification for engaging in slavery was based on the writings of:B


Thomas Aquinas






a & c

Drag the correct tiles to the boxes. Not all tiles will be used.
amendment that allowed for direct election of senators
amendment that prohibited alcoholic beverages in the United States



Sixteenth = Income Tax

Seventeenth = Direct Senate Election

Eighteenth = Prohibition

Nineteenth = Women's rights

Answer:  seventeenth and eighteenth


The Seventeenth Amendment gave the right to elect senators to voters instead of state legislators. The Eighteenth Amendment started the prohibition era by banning alcoholic beverages.

Why did Pontiac lead a rebellion against the British following the French and Indian War?



Pontiac was a leader of the Odawa tribe located in the area of modern-day Ontario, Canada, and the Great Lakes region. He led a rebellion against the British colonists after they expanded their military presence in the Great Lakes area during and after the French and Indian War.


Explain in four to five sentences the types of government Rome used to govern its citizens.



Ancient Rome experienced three different types of government: monarchy, republic, and empire. Rome in its early years was under the power of a Monarchy. The citizens later gained control from the monarchy making Rome a Republic. After years of being a republic, Rome became an Empire after Julius Caesar's nephew became leader


Ancient Rome experienced three different types of government: monarchy, republic, and empire. Rome in its early years was under the power of a Monarchy. The citizens later gained control from the monarchy making Rome a Republic. After years of being a republic, Rome became an Empire after Julius Caesar's nephew became a leader

As America expanded westward, the American Indians posed a problem to government policymakers. Give a brief explanation of each of the following American Indian issues. (2 point each, 10 points total)
Battle of the Little Bighorn:

Dawes Act:

Indian schools:


Sand Creek Massacre:

D. Choose six of the following terms and give a brief definition for each. (2 point each, 12 points total)
Choose from: assimilation, Black Codes, Freedmen's Bureau, Homestead Act, Pan-Africanists, Progressives, Social Darwinism, unrestricted submarine warfare, League of Nations







E. Among other activities designed to improve the lives of Americans, Progressives worked hard to break up trusts and regulate businesses. Answer the following questions about their activities in this area. (6 points total)
Who were the muckrakers? (3 points)

Who was Upton Sinclair? What government action did his work inspire? (3 points)

F. Answer the questions below about Reconstruction. (5 points total)
Who were the Radical Republicans? How did their plan for reconstruction differ from President Andrew Johnson's plan?

G. Complete the table by describing how each factor encouraged people to quit farming and move to the city. (1 point each, 5 points total)
Cash crops


Borrowing money

Corporate farms

City jobs

H. Complete the table by briefly explaining the meaning of each item. (3 points each, 12 points total)
Robber barons






Battle of the Little Bighorn: The Battle of the Little Bighorn, fought on June 25, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River in Montana Territory, pitted federal troops led by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer (1839-76) against a band of Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors.  Dawes Act- Approved on February 8, 1887, "An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations," known as the Dawes Act, emphasized severalty, the treatment of Native Americans as individuals rather than as members of tribes.

Explanation:tysm for the points and your welcome for the answer <3.

Battle of the Little Bighorn: On June 25, 1876, in Montana Territory, along the Little Bighorn River, a group of Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors engaged federal troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.

What is Battle of the Little Bighorn?

The U.S. Army troops of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer were defeated by Native American forces headed by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull on June 25, 1876, at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, which took place close to the Little Bighorn River in southern Montana.

At the Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer lost because he committed numerous crucial mistakes. Even though Gibbon's parting words to Custer were "Custer, don't be greedy," he nonetheless acted alone. Attend to us. Custer marched his forces across the Wolf Mountains rather than circumnavigating them.

An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations, or the Dawes Act, was approved on February 8, 1887, and it placed an emphasis on severalty, the treatment of Native Americans as individuals rather than as members of tribes.

Thus, Battle of the Little Bighorn: On June 25, 1876, in Montana Territory

For more information about Battle of the Little Bighorn, click here:


I need help please. I give you brain list.

1. In the context of Cold War America, would “Bert the Turtle” frighten or reassure schoolchildren?
2. Why are the contributions of local grassroots workers so often overlooked, in studies of the civil rights movement as well as in accounts of other great events in American history?




safe speed for the larger radius track u= √2 v


The sum of the forces on either side is the same, the only difference is the radius of curvature and speed.

Also given that r_1= smaller radius

r_2= larger radius curve

r_2= 2r_1..............i

let u be the speed of larger radius curve

now, \sum F = \frac{mv^2}{r_1} =\frac{mu^2}{r_2}∑F=











form i and ii we can write

v^2= \frac{1}{2} u^2v







⇒u= √2 v

therefore, safe speed for the larger radius track u= √2 v

What document was created by the French in the Enlightenment?



The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


Written by enlightenment thinkers such as Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire during August 1789.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Theodore Roosevelt’s philosophy toward big business?
a) Big business is bad for America and represents an obstacle in the road to progress.
b) The government should pursue laissez-faire policies to encourage the growth of business.
c) Government should regulate the good trusts and break up those that abused the public.
d) Government regulation stifles the growth of big business and is a threat to American free enterprise.



b. The government should pursue


mark me brainliest pl

The term laissez-faire refers to an economic system that is characterized by

A. public ownership of the basic means of production

B. equal distribution of goods and services to all citizens

C. little governmental involvement in business and financial matters

D. government planning for production of consumer goods




The correct answer is C. The government keeps its hands  off business affairs including financial matters.

the correct answer is C! hope this helps :)

Question 13 of 20
What is one way that FDR persuaded African Americans and Black people to
vote for his political party?
A. His party offered to elect a Black person as vice president.
B. His party opposed equal rights for Black people.
C. His party supported equal rights for Black people.
D. His party argued against public funding for segregated


One of the ways that FDR persuaded African Americans and Black people

to vote for his political party His party supported equal rights for Black


Franklin Roosevelt was successful in persuading the African Americans and

Black people to change their allegiance from Lincoln's republican party to

his Democratic party through the New Deal.

The new deal involved lots of reform programs which supported equal

rights for the people which was why they voted for him.


Answer: his party supported equal rights for black people


just did the cst

Other Questions
Which intellectual and artistic movement began in Europe as a reaction against Enlightenment rationality?A. romanticismB. modernismC. naturalismD. classicalism What does it mean for the brain to process information contralaterally? What about ipsilaterally? How does the corpus callosum play a role in theseprocesses (both contralateral and ipsilateral)? What happens when someone has a split-brain procedure? YES OR NOOO PLEASEE ANSWER Given that a/b=3/5 and b/c=4/5Find a:b:c giving your answer in its simplest form R is the value of 30. Whats 10r How many moles of nitrogen dioxide, NO2, are present if the reaction conditions are 330 K, 2.46 atm, and 4.8 L Why is this part of a theory called 'continental drift'? Help me pls thank you so much seven more than three-fourths of a number is no less than 31 This is a really quick question and I need your help A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of an inclined plane (angle of inclination ). How would I find the initial speed of the stone if it hit the plane a distance L down the slope from the point of launch? HELPPPPP I ONLY HAVE AN HOUR & ITS 7:23 Which leader of Mexico modernizedthe nation by building railroads,telegraph lines, and allowing foreigninvestors? Select the common noun(s).The fireman waved to Mysterio. simple: get the Equation I need help with this badly. It's geometry and angles. I need help solving for X 1.5x - 4 > 2 How does the author of The Journey to Acceptance show a favorable bias toward Mendels research and an unfavorable bias toward the opinions of Mendels scientific peers?AThe author contrasts Mendels theories against the theories of the scientists of Mendels day.BThe author does not spend equal time explaining the theories of Mendels scientific peers.CThe author uses specific diction such as profound impact when referencing Mendels work and very small understanding when expressing the scientists beliefs.DThe author shows how the scientists blending theory is similar to Mendels research and then refers to Mendels work as the laws of Mendelian inheritance, making it sound important. calculate the mass of sodium sample that it contains 2 Na atoms of sodium please i need help with this ques. ______________________________________ was the idea that states wanted the laws of the state not to be overruled by the Federal laws.