
Answer 1

Answer: Pretend you’re one of the characters writing an autobiography. Maybe do some reasarch about the beginning of their life and then explain how the characters personality and traits developed. The whole point of the assignment is to be creative without straying too far from the actual characters life so make something interesting. If you really care about the grade I would make a PowerPoint because it’s the best low effort high reward presentation, but a short autobiography thing would work as well. Good luck!

Related Questions

Source 1 Pitts' Flash Mob Robberies article
Topic sentence 1 What does this article show about mob mentality?


According to the article, the Mob mentality is created by detachment from the social alliance.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The article shows how Mob Robberies has become a common practice and has been carried out by groups of people who have no financial and social justification for it.This is because the mob has revealed a pattern of behavior among individuals, which completely breaks the social alliance that exists within the population.This social alliance affirms that there are rules that must be followed for the whole society to benefit from it.One of these rules is that theft must not be practiced.

However, with the events we are living through, with political leaders being controversial, racist events in society, and an intense reversal of values, this social alliance has been completely destroyed, people have questioned the need for rules and have broken them as a form of rebellion.

These feelings have passed from one person to another, which has resulted in the creation of Mob Robberies.

More information about Mob Robberies at the link:

Make sentence from:- One turn of pitch-and-toss​



risk it on one turn of pitch and toss

Read the excerpt from The Code Book.

Alternatively, imagine that a bank receives an e-mail from a client, which instructs that all the client's funds should be transferred to a private numbered bank account in the Cayman Islands. Once again, without a handwritten signature, how does the bank know that the e-mail is really from the client? The e-mail could have been written by a criminal attempting to divert the money to his own Cayman Islands bank account. In order to develop trust on the Internet, it is essential that there is some form of reliable digital signature.

How does the author support the claim that "it is essential that there is some form of reliable digital signature”?

by relating a personal story about how his digital signature was stolen
by offering facts about the signatures banks use to prevent stolen accounts
by sharing statistics about stolen money that was sent to the Cayman Islands
by describing an example of how money could be stolen and sent abroad



D by describing an example of how money could be stolen and sent abroad on edge


The author supports the claim "It is essential that there is some form of reliable digital signature” by describing an example of how money could be stolen and sent abroad. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a cryptographic technique that is used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a digital document, message, or transaction.

It is a unique digital code that is created by the sender of a message or document and that is attached to the document to prove that it has not been tampered with. It was sent by the person who claims to have sent it. It is commonly used in e-commerce.

Digital signatures use public-key cryptography to create a mathematical algorithm. It can verify the authenticity of the message or document. The sender uses their private key to encrypt the message, and the recipient uses the sender's public key to decrypt the message and validate the digital signature. Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about a digital signature, here:


8. Which of the following statements about early American and Colonial literature is true? (1 point)
The literature primarily centers on religious themes.
The voices of women and minorities are absent from this period.
Early American and Colonial literature did not exist before the printing press.
Different authors share similar purposes and genres.


Different authors share similar purposes and genres

The following statements about early American and Colonial literature are true Different authors share similar purposes and genres. Thus the correct option is D.

What was Colonial literature?

Literature that was composed during or after a time when one nation played an active role in the colonialization or imperialism domination of another geographical region is referred to as colonial literature.

Railroads expanded significantly, incorporating even rural sections of the country into a market economy. Industrial advancement changed American society.

British settlers who settled the territories that would later become the United States primarily produced useful facts that were considered to be American literature.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Early America, here:


Read the passage, then use the drop-down menus to
answer the questions.
What is the author's purpose in this passage?
How does the author achieve his purpose?



To convey the importance of lqbal's life


The correct answer is B and A.:)


Hope this helps! :)

Question 2 What disability provokes wise men into not meeting death gently? Answer in a short paragraph response, citing text evidence.​


In "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas, the disability (incapacity) that provokes wise men into not meeting death gently is:

- Their incapacity to leave a mark in the world, to make a difference.

In the second stanza of the poem "Do not go gentle into that good night," the speaker says that wise men know very well that death is natural and will happen to all of us.

Yet, there is something that does not allow them to just meet death gently:

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

When the speaker says, "their words had forked no lightning," what he means is that these wise men do not wish to die because they still haven't left their mark in the world.

They want to fight death, stay alive, so that they can make a difference.

Therefore, we can say that their incapacity to leave a mark in the world is what provokes them into not meeting death gently.

Learn more about "Do not go gentle into that good night" here:

What is the central idea of this article?



Transportation Changes


It's the title

Does anyone speak Turkish? I have a very important math question.​


Yeah I can speak a little bit!

and you can ask your question!

Read the passage and then explain how the explicit and implicit details help the reader make the following inference: Charity will blame Larry for missing her bobsled tryout. Use specific examples from the text and explain why you chose those examples.



sorry i dont really now


I think my backpack is
than yours.
O heavier
O heavy
O the heaviest
O the heavier


I think my backpack is heavier than yours.




Have a great day!

1. Which of the following sentences from the article shows that the author had conflicting feelings about her mistress?
A. My mistress was so kind to me that I was always glad to do her bidding, and proud to labor for her as much as my young years would
B. After a brief period of suspense, the will of my mistress was read, and we learned that she had bequeathed me to her sister's daughter, a
child of five years old.
C. My mistress had taught me the precepts of God's Word: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "Whatsoever ye would that men should
do unto you, do ye even so unto them."
D. As a child, I loved my mistress, and, looking back on the happy days I spent with her, I try to think with less bitterness of this act of


Answer: D


In answers A through C , None of the dialoged has a conflicting theme.

'' I loved my mistress, and, looking back on the happy days I spent with her,  I try to think with less bitterness of this act of injustice'' is a giveaway of feeling conflicted .

Match the thinkers with their ideas. Predicted that population growth would far exceed the food supply stressed the idea that a free market needs to function without government interference proposed a society where workers are treated fairly and children are taught to read and write stated that the "invisible hand" of the market would benefit both producers and consumers focused on providing education to children instead of letting them work in factories suggested that if poor families had fewer children, the food supply would meet the needs of the population.


Answer:  in 1798 Thomas Robert Malthus famously predicted that short-term gains in living standards would inevitably be undermined as human population growth outstripped food production, and thereby drive living standards back toward subsistence



See photo :)!!

Have a good day and good luck on edmuntum/Plato ^^;


Anyone know to know they are hiring?? (Job) how to application to restaurant, pizza, kfc, starbuck, food 4 less ( fast food, Grocery....)



You can apply through a letter.

Here are three tips for writing a solid fast food cover letter:

Start with a strong introduction. You're a customer service expert, so you know how important a good first impression is. ...

Include relevant fast food service skills. Fill your cover letter with relevant skills. ...

Showcase your achievements (with hard numbers).

And oh you can find job through Linke.din app


Have a great day!

Answer: look up the name of the place you want to apply for online apply and the try to contact them and let them know you apply online or you can go to the place physically and ask




The answer is choice C

Based on the way the word is used in the poem “I, Too,” what are people most likely to do for company? A. put on a clever disguise B. provide a place to live C. pay a generous salary D. make a fancy meal





2. How to vote on election day in 12 easy steps
Step 1: Go to your assigned polling precinct from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 9
The Commission on Election (Comelec) advises voters to come early and not wait until the last
minute. Look for your name in the voters list posted near the precinct. The Parish Pastoral
Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) voter’s assistance desk in the polling place can also help
you look for your precinct, sequence, and room number.
Step 2: Fall in line in the holding area
Step 3: Give your name, valid I.D., and precinct number to the Board of Election Inspectors
Step 4: Get your ballot, ballot secrecy folder, marker, and go to the voting area
Make sure your ballot is clean of any marks.
Step 5: Vote wisely
Under voting and abstaining is allowed; overvoting is not. If you overvote, the vote will not be
counted. Shade the entire oval corresponding to your candidate of choice. Cover your ballot
using the ballot secrecy folder; even the poll watchers and BEI cannot look at your ballot. Do
not make any other marks on the ballot.



im confused


do you need an answer or something?

im taking american gov so... yea

The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought there was a special danger from evil spirits on birthdays;(1) ___________, friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. There are some (2) ______traditions in different countries around the world.In Vietnam, on a child’s first birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child for him or her to choose. (3) ______ to tradition, the first thing the child picks up will tell us his or her future job. In some countries, (4) ______ 21st birthday cake is sometimes in a shape of a key. The key (5) _______ that the young person is now old enough to leave and build up to their own family at any


The passage has been correctly filled as follows:

The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought there was a special danger from evil spirits on birthdays; (1) so , friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. There are some (2) different traditions in different countries around the world. In Vietnam, on a child’s first birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child for him or her to choose. (3) According to Chinese tradition, the first thing the child picks up will tell us his or her future job. In some countries, (4) a 21st birthday cake is sometimes in a shape of a key. The key (5) means that the young person is now old enough to leave and build up to their own family at any time they want to.

The passage has been filled correctly with the right determiners, conjunctions, and modifiers. Words such as these help us to identify the relationships between words.

They also aid the interpretation of the meaning of a passage.

Learn more about modifiers here:

Plz help!!! i rlly need help :(

STORY: The Winter Hibiscus

questions are below! best responses will be marked as BRAINLIEST!!! :D

1. What does the Winter Hibiscus symbolize? Use examples from the text to support your response. *

2. When discussing literature, the term "dynamic character" means simply a character who undergoes some important change in the course of the story. Who is a dynamic character in "The Winter Hibiscus"? Why should this character be considered 'dynamic'? Provide evidence/examples from the beginning and the end of the story to support your response. *

3. What is the theme of the short story "The Winter Hibiscus"? What example(s) and/or event(s) from the text prove this? *

4. Based on her experiences in the story, what is the most difficult conflict that Saeng must face? (You can choose any of her internal conflicts or either of her external conflicts: Saeng vs. her mother, Saeng vs. her new environment in the United States) Use examples/evidence from the text to support your ideas. *

5. Using the list of generational conflicts on the whiteboard in the front of the classroom, what is the most dominate generational conflict in "The Winter Hibiscus?" Explain your ideas using examples from the text. *


The story, Winter Hibiscus is a very attention grabbing and perhaps a very beautiful one too. Thes story's main point or summary is a little mysterious in some ways. The plot Mountain goes like this

5.Rising Action: Saeng Failed the test and she is very mad at herself for failing

5.Rising Action: David (I can infer that Saeng likes him) looks like he already has someone to hang out with

4.Rising Actions are usually parts/events of the story that make the "problem worse". It is conflict that Characters face before everything is resolved the end.

There are many Conflicts that are mentioned, and some are

4. . what I Infer about. In the part when she had taken the Car License test, you see that she is stressing out a lot. I could infer that she in having little conflicts with herself about If she's going to fail or not. Little did she know, these little conflicts turned out to be "BIG PROBLEMS" that she must face. She ends up not stopping at the Stop sign because she was worried and had little fights within her body. In which, we could turn to the Climax as she fails the License Test. During this part, the theme has not showed yet or to be made "Clearer"

1.Towards the falling action the story and the theme start to enroll in a way. When Saeng bought the winter Hibiscus it felt like a symbol of Hope. The texts from the book say that she planted the Winter Hibiscus, which comforts her in a way. It just comforts her.

2  Saeng is in fact a dynamic character I would say. In the rising action part, she was very mad at herself for failing. She does not do really anything about it. Instead, she is like "Eh, who cares", "It's just some weird test". Though, towards the end, the story made me feel like she has a little hope with her new life in America

3. As I was saying before, the winter hibiscus symbolizes hope. Just some hope in America. in the first few pages, she gives up so easily. Which is not really good. Later when she planted the Winter hipsicus she had a little hope taht she will get used to America

I hope this helped

I know it's due soon

Read it at morning at give me some suggestions!

(: Sorry, this took too long....... I hope you don't mind.

Do you think that it is possible to map out your life? Is it desirable? Why or why not? I’m Journey



i think it is possible to map out the major events of your life. But to map out your whole life, i don't think that would be possible, or desirable.


which would make the best topic for a piece of creative nonfiction?



how car moves


cause it is nonfiction

An event in someone’s life, as it would be nonfiction but would most likely require creative elements (description of scenery and people, recreation of dialogue, internal thoughts, etc.).

how many questions can you miss on the permit test


If you miss more than 7 you don’t pass


Those under 18 will receive a test with 46 questions and must answer 38 of them correctly to pass. If you are over 18, your test will only have 36 questions, and you must answer 30 of them correctly. If you fail the written test, you are required to wait seven days before attempting it again.

How many correct answers to pass: 38

How many questions: 46

Passing score: 83%


Remembering Chris/Alex's letter to Ron Franz, how do you think Chris felt about his parents' lifestyle?


He felt that his parents' lifestyle was unhappy and disheartening as they traded an adventurous life for a quiet and stable life.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Chris was encouraging Franz to live a life of adventure and surprise.He says that this kind of life is a satisfying life and that it can provide people with real happiness, excitement, and action.However, many people, like his parents, do not dare to go in search of this life and abandon the adventures for a life of stability and tranquility.However, these people feel unhappy and live limited and discouraging lives.

With this, we can see that Chris does not approve of his parents' lifestyle.

This question is about the book "Into the Wild."

More information about Chris McCandless at the link:

There are different reasons why people do certain things. What Chris felt about his parents' lifestyle was that He believed his parents had traded love and adventure and in turn had security and unhappiness.

Chris McCandless was known to have had a very pleasant relationship with his sister. He is very angry at his parent and he feels contempt towards them. He believe his parent are too materialistic and this disgust him.

He is of the notion that money is the main thing his father is using money rule over him. He strive to make a new name for himself and also he cut all ties linking him to his parents. Even with all of Chris's attitude, his family still love and care for him.

Learn more about The Letter from

1. How does Hayden's use of capitalization develop a
theme in "[American Journal]"?

A: Hayden’s lack of capitalization suggest that all things are equal

B: Hayden slack of capitalization emphasizes his disdain for Americans

C: Hayden‘s use of capitalization emphasizes the control The Counselor’s have on their society

D: Haydn‘s use of capitalization emphasizes Americans in ability to understand the unknowable essence


Hayden's use of capitalization develops a  theme in "American Journal" because: C: Hayden‘s use of capitalization emphasizes the control The Counselor’s have on their society.

In this poem by Robert Hayden, the poet described several characteristics of  American society in detail. After his observations, he makes a report to The Counselor whom he seems to respect.

In this poem, the poet did not use capitalization on basic nouns like America. Only The Counselor and the Unknowable Essence were capitalized.

A possible reason for this is to demonstrate the superiority of these personalities over the other people and places in the poem.

Learn more about Robert Hayden here:

Interest groups organized to promote policies that maximize profits and wages for their members are known as:

Group of answer choices

A Economic interest groups

B Public interest groups



A) economic interest groups.


Groups that have a vested financial interest. Businesses, labor unions, and professions make up the majority of economic interest groups.

symbolic significance of Indian national flag write a essay on it up to 120 words .... help meee​



The Indian national flag contains three colours and thus also called as the Tiranga.  Our national flag teaches us the lesson of unity, peace and humanity. It helps us to believe in the truth and unity. It is hoisted every year by the Indian prime Minister of India on 15th of August and by the President of India on 26th of January. However, it is hoisted by both of them at Red Fort followed by address to people of India. Our national flag is made up of khadi clothe, a hand-made clothe initiated by the Mahatma Gandhi. It is strictly prohibited in our country to fly a national flag made up of clothe other than Khadi. The national flag teaches us the lesson of unity, peace and humanity. It helps us to believe in the truth and unity. It is hoisted every year by the Indian prime Minister of India on 15th of August and by the President of India on 26th of January. However, it is hoisted by both of them at Red Fort followed by address to people of India. Our national flag is made up of khadi clothe, a hand-made clothe initiated by the Mahatma Gandhi. It is strictly prohibited in our country to fly a national flag made up of clothe other than Khadi.


write a letter inviting a friend to watch a sports match



Come one come all


To ------- Sports hangout

You're invited to hang out with me and watch footballl!

The adress is ----- ----- ------  if you have any questions call (---) ---- ---- -----

pls help meeeeeeee what makes printed hands good for kids​



A: Kids like the colors and designs


"Plus, Jen Owen says, kids love the bright plastic designs" is evidence for answer choice A. The answer choice already includes that kids love the designs, and it can be easily inferred they also like the bright colors.

How do you find a theme to a nonfiction text?


How to find a theme for a nonfiction text:

~theme is the overall point that the author is trying to make

->to identify the theme, you've first gotta identify the story's plot, the way the story uses characterization, and the primary conflict in the story

~ Literary nonfiction writers develop their story's theme by researching and using supporting references and factual details to illustrate the point, using language to make the story more compelling

~the theme is the main idea of the story

~in a nonfiction informational texts, the central ideas are the most essential ideas

Hope this helped you-have a good day bro cya)


The theme is the main idea of the story. It is an important idea that the fiction writer wants to convey to the readers.Theme is a thread that runs throughout a whole book. When done well, the theme relates to every subject and story and piece of advice. It ties everything together.

How do you find a theme to a nonfiction text?

The theme is the overall point that the author is trying to make. Literary nonfiction writers develop their story's theme by researching and using supporting references and factual details to illustrate the point, using language to make the story more compelling.

I need help and I will give extra points ​



Chinese culture was deeply influenced by Confucius the teachings of Confucius was a philosopher during the tang dynasty


Confucius was a philosopher during the Tang Dynasty; Chinese culture was deeply influenced by the teachings of Confucius.


1. She ‘s beautiful with a ............................. smile. ( Love )


1. She’s beautiful with a lovely smile.
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