can anyone help me with my essay for ''of mice and men''


Answer 1
In Of Mice and Men, George demonstrates that you can be friends with who ever you want which can make unique friendship and being open minded, because he has a friend that has trouble controlling himself, but George still continued to help him and stay beside him. The story takes back in the day during the American great depression and people struggles to live in America. The two main characters in the story are George who is the sharp eyed hard worker and Lennie who is handicapped and has bad control of himself. George and Lennie are searching for work and Lennie who happens to cause trouble for George which gets in George’s way a lot and because of Lennie they had to leave the town, because they were interviewing job with the manager
The story takes back in the day during the American great depression and people struggles to live in America. The two main characters in the story are George who is the sharp eyed hard worker and Lennie who is handicapped and has bad control of himself. Lennie doesn’t go along with many people except his partner George. Crooks who works at the same place and his black, which makes thing cheesy for him. Crooks likes reading books alone and he likes to keep his distance from others, which is his way of keeping things calm and not messy. “‘I didn’t mean to scare you. He’ll come back. I was talking about myself”’(Steinback 72) Even though everyone doesn’t care about Crooks, because of his skin color and in this quote he told Lennie that he doesn’t even care about himself. Crooks tells Lennie to believe in himself and that George will be beside him at all cost. He sacrifices his happiness for others like couraging others and not himself, even he puts himself down.
Crooks is old, has lost his other arms, his back is crooked and he has no fate, but he courages Lennie for his future.
Answer 2


In Of Mice and Men, George demonstrates that you can be friends with who ever you want which can make unique friendship and being open minded, because he has a friend that has trouble controlling himself, but George still continued to help him and stay beside him. The story takes back in the day during the American great depression and people struggles to live in America. The two main characters in the story are George who is the sharp eyed hard worker and Lennie who is handicapped and has bad control of himself. George and Lennie are searching for work and Lennie who happens to cause trouble for George which gets in George’s way a lot and because of Lennie they had to leave the town, because they were interviewing job with the manager

The story takes back in the day during the American great depression and people struggles to live in America. The two main characters in the story are George who is the sharp eyed hard worker and Lennie who is handicapped and has bad control of himself. Lennie doesn’t go along with many people except his partner George. Crooks who works at the same place and his black, which makes thing cheesy for him. Crooks likes reading books alone and he likes to keep his distance from others, which is his way of keeping things calm and not messy. “‘I didn’t mean to scare you. He’ll come back. I was talking about myself”’(Steinback 72) Even though everyone doesn’t care about Crooks, because of his skin color and in this quote he told Lennie that he doesn’t even care about himself. Crooks tells Lennie to believe in himself and that George will be beside him at all cost. He sacrifices his happiness for others like couraging others and not himself, even he puts himself down.

Crooks is old, has lost his other arms, his back is crooked and he has no fate, but he courages Lennie for his future.


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Can someone help me!!?

Thanks in advance if someone will answer!!​



is it all of them or how many to be exact

250 word essay about your online learning experience​ ​


Answer: Here you go


My experiences and opinions are varied. In online school there are pros and cons such as: Staying home, Wearing comfortable clothes, and other reasons. But then again there are cons such as: Getting distracted easily (Just me?), Harder to learn (Still just me-) and many others. One of my main issues is its harder to learn. Especially math. Math is probably my hardest subject and I feel as if its impossible to learn the things they are teaching because I do not understand it. There is also very little face-to-face interaction. Sure I met up with one of my online school friends at a skate park but what about everyone else? This doesn't help with social skills at all. But there are some of pros. Its a very comfortable and flexible schedule. Most of the time. But online school has helped me with time management and and self-discipline. Online school in my opinion is boring and I dislike it a lot.

Im sorry this isn't 250 words but here you go :D

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to spread word's of different songs and share them but never the flu


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Will give brainliest!



Lady Macbeth want power and presented as a power hungry,greedy and manuipltive person throught out the play


Based on your understanding of figurative language, tone, and the characters in the excerpt, what can you infer about the society in which
Montag and Clarisse live? What can you infer about the two characters and what makes them interested in each other? Finally, what predictions
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Clarisse and Montag befriend each other quickly, and Clarisse's impact on Montag is enormous. Clarisse comes into Montag's life, and immediately begins to question his relationship with his wife, his career, and his happiness. Also, Clarisse shows Montag how to appreciate the simple things in life.


I hope this helped.

Have a great day!

The following texts both describe being at the top of a mountain. This text is from a travel book: The best view in the area is from Birch Mountain. Whether you hike or drive, be sure to get to the top. The scenery will take your breath away. The peaks of the mountain range are all around you, and to the north is bright blue Salem Bay. This text is from the point of view of Eli, a man who climbed the mountain: When I looked out from the top of Birch Mountain, I became so dizzy that I barely noticed the beautiful view. As my knees began quivering, my friend put his hand on my shoulder and led me away from the edge. I didn't realize I would dread being up so high. How is Eli's point of view different from the book author's?.



He is different from other authors because:


Eli always talks in the first person and tells the story of his life from his own point of view, even when it is about other people. Because Eli's viewpoint is restricted to his own experience, the tone of his book is deeply personal, subjective, and intimate in nature.

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by continuing to narrate the story


Brainly stole all of my pints i had 2095 now i have like 432 left what is wrong with them '-'



pretty sorry for you then.




I'm so sorry that happened to you it's because your asking questions and your getting answers so there taking your points that's why you have to keep gaining.

Question 7 of 10
Kennedy appeals to logos by:
A. providing statistics about the benefits of space travel.
B. citing expert opinions about going to the moon.
C. discussing how inspirational putting a man on the moon would be
to young people.
D. telling stories about past failures to get a man on the moon.



c or d


it seems like it would be right


A. providing statistics about the benefits of space travel.


buy tickets for the concert
in voice





A. tOp B. jOb C. bOss D. spOrt





Which character from The Crucible experiences a character arc over the
course of the play?
O A. Abigail Williams
O B. Reverend Parris
O C. Reverend Hale
O D. Judge Danforth



C. Reverend Hale


Hello. Please help me with my homework. Write a story about a lonely girlie who adored helping others.
Target Writing Level: Advanced
Thanks in advance. No spam allowed.



Jessica Superhalk had always loved pretty Manchester with its ripe, rabblesnatching rivers. It was a place where she felt puzzled.

She was a funny, brave, whiskey drinker with skinny thighs and beautiful toenails. Her friends saw her as a better, brawny brute. Once, she had even rescued an unsightly injured bird from a burning building. That's the sort of woman he was.

Jessica walked over to the window and reflected on her old-fashioned surroundings. The hail pounded like smiling toads.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Stanley Blacksmith. Stanley was a courageous academic with spiky thighs and moist toenails.

Jessica gulped. She was not prepared for Stanley.

As Jessica stepped outside and Stanley came closer, she could see the wet smile on her face.

Stanley gazed with the affection of 5775 smart sweet snakes. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want justice."

Jessica looked back, even more jumpy and still fingering the stripy map. "Stanley, I want us to be friends," she replied.

They looked at each other with happy feelings, like two petite, puny pigeons singing at a very spiteful carol service, which had classical music playing in the background and two witty uncles sleeping to the beat.

Jessica regarded Stanley's spiky thighs and moist toenails. "I feel the same way!" revealed Jessica with a delighted grin.

Stanley looked calm, her emotions blushing like a testy, tall torch.

Then Stanley came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.



This question concerns your writing skills. I cannot provide a full story here, but I can give you topics to develop into one and tips on how to write it. The topics are the following:

Begin by describing the main character, Alison. She loves doing volunteer work and giving back to her community. As a teen, however, she feels lonely outside of this environment.Alison does not have many friends at school. You can give her a shy personality and looks that do not fit the beauty standards. For that reason, she is not popular.However, she is popular at the organizations where she volunteers. That is what draws the attention of Josh, a boy from a different school who begins to volunteer as well.You can describe how Josh begins to approach Alison and how confused she feels about receiving so much attention from a boy. Here, you can choose if they will become good friends or a romantic couple.The conclusion of the story may be that, if one stays true to oneself, good things will come. Alison stayed true to her personality and essence, and she ended up making a good friend/finding the boy of her dreams.

Tips to write a short story:Begin by writing down all the ideas the come to your mind. Think of what the story will be about, who will the characters be, what the setting (time and place) will, whether there is a bigger message behind the story, etc.Draft the characters. Include what their personalities and appearances are like. It helps to think of a back story too - if they have any traumas, for example.Draft the story. Remember to give it a sequence: present the characters, present the conflict, intensify the conflict, and then solve it.

Learn more about writing stories here:

Find five poems that were written since 1975, each representing some aspect of Realism, such as these elements:
a focus on everyday aspects of life
subject matter that seems unusual for a poem
surprising word combinations
a form that fits the content
creative use of punctuation


The poems that were written since 1975 that represented some aspect of realism include:

The Water Land by T.S Elliot.Song of Myself by Walt Whitman.The Nymph's reply to the shepherd by Walter Raleigh.They by Siegfried Sassoon.I sing the body electric by Walt Whitman.

Realism simply means the detailed, accurate, depiction of nature. A poem that's realistic portrays everyday life exactly as it is.

The poems above illustrated realism. They focused on everyday aspects of life, surprising word combinations, and used a form that fits the content.

Read related link on:

As Luke tries to push the door open, it swings open easily. It is being pulled by their Mom and Dad on the other side.

Dad: Luke! Mischa! Are you okay? Your Mom and I were so worried. We tried to find you, but the storm kept us from getting to you until now.

Mom: (overjoyed) You found them? Oh Mischa, Luke! You must have been so scared. (Hugging them) I was so worried.

Mischa: (Holding the sack of apples.) We're so happy to see you! (Handing the apples to her mother) We picked you some apples.

Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.

The whole family laughs as they hug each other.

The author added humorous dialogue to tie the events in the scenes together, to show that everything was okay, and bring the play to a close.

Select evidence from this play that supports the author's points.

As Luke tries to push the door open, it swings open easily.
Dad: Luke! Mischa! Are you okay? Your Mom and I were so worried.
Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.
Mom: (overjoyed) You found them? Oh Mischa, Luke! You must have been so scared



This evidence adds somewhat humorous dialogue to the play, to ensure that everything is okay; Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.

I hope this helped at all.




Evaluate this topic idea: ""Teachers gave 18. 5% more homework in 2007 than in 2005. "" a. The topic is satisfactory c. The topic is too narrow b. The topic is too broad d. This is a thesis statement.



(C) The topic is too narrow


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Omg I have word cards this is my word of the day it is defenestration.

I might give brainliest pls anwer ASAP!!
Which sentence contains a collective noun?

a. During World War I, messages were tied to pigeon legs.
b. Flags or lights were often used to send messages between ships at sea during World War I.
c. During World War I, people used drums, signals, and lanterns to send messages.
d. Messages can be sent and received in a variety of ways during wartime.


Answer: d


the collective noun is "a variety of ways" because a variety is singular, but it does refer to something that is plural, (ways)

need help please and thank you



The main idea is A


A sums up the paragraph and is the main idea. The rest is supporting details

Imagination and curiosity are what land Alice in Wonderland. Do you think this passage is advocating for these traits, especially in children?





Because it shows that it can be an adventure

How many literary devices are in scribbler's dream




He uses metaphors, repetition, and sight imagery to influence the poem’s theme. The first literary device is metaphor. In the first stanza Hughes writes, Life is a broken-winged bird. This line means that if people did not dream, life would have no potential.

Help plzzz is my last chance. Identify the error in the following sentence and the best way to fix it. After eating three cheeseburgers and taking a long nap, woke up with a ton of energy
A. It is a run-on sentence and needs a period or semicolon.
B. It has a comma splice and needs a conjunction.
C. It is a fragment and needs a subject. D. It is a fragment and needs a verb.​





This is a fragment. The sentence does not tell us who took a nap or ate a cheesburger.


c. its a fragment and needs a subject


Write a fake story about thanksgiving, I wrote paragraph 1 by explaining what is thanksgiving but I didn’t start a story a story



thanksgiving starts every body is reaches execpt the daughter . two family member start to pick a fight the chef/mom got distracted by it the turkey got burnt ,a fire started into the kitchen everybody panicks the fire went out but the kitchen is a mess everyone makes up and the daughter arrives and brings roast chicken the problem between the two got solved it was just a misunderstanding and everyone eats in the living room a new memory created everyone is happy and at peace


not a story but to give you a few ideas you know any ways bye


Is the term used for any game where the aim is to attack an opponents territory and and score a goal or point.

what are the elements and principles of art you used in cupcake?​

I hope you can answer this question :)​


[tex] \large \text{Answer} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

[tex] \huge \underline { \bf {Answer :-}}[/tex]

Shape, color, space, form, line

it is the ability to understand the verbal message that is send



reading and listening

hope this helps


Reading and Listening

On a fishing trip, Josie caught a fish that was 9 inches long. Her brother Rob caught a fish that was 36 inches long.
How many times as long as Josie's fish was Rob's fish?



Four times as long.



Which sentence uses the
parentheses vocabulary word
A. My diary tells stories “appertaining” to my personal experiences.

B. The dare-devil acted with “prudence” in his immature, dangerous stunts.

C. His ugly smirk gave a strong “imputation” of his guilt.



B. The dare-devil acted with “prudence” in his immature, dangerous stunts.


Prudence basically means cautious, which is obviously the opposite of what a daredevil is. Therefore the answer is B.

Hope this helps luvv :)

Hello there!

The answer is Option B.

The dare-devil acted with "prudence" in his immature, dangerous stunts.

Hope this helps!

~Just a determined gal



Which of the following was located in East Africa along the Red Sea in modern-day Ethiopia? A. Mali B. Axum C. Hausa D. Yoruba​



B. Axum


Axum was a city in northern Ethiopia.

simple pastttttttttt



3.)Wood sink

Woods don't sink.n't sink.They float.

4.)You took a taxi to school today.

You didn't take a taxi to school today.You took the bus to school today.

5.) You're sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa.

You're not sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa.You're sitting on a hard uncomfortable sofa.

He has been selling motorcycles.................

A. ten years ago

B. for ten years

C. for ten years ago

D. since ten year



Hey there! It's B - for ten years.


I'm not sure how to phrase this, but B is the most grammatically correct. Out of "He has been selling motorcycles ten years ago," "He has been selling motorcycles for ten years," "He has been selling motorcycles for ten years ago," and "He has been selling motorcycles since ten year," B is the best option, grammatically speaking.

Hope that helped!

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