[tex] \: [/tex]
what are factors of production? ​


Answer 1


"In economics, factors of production, resources, or inputs are what is used in the production process to produce output—that is, finished goods and services. The utilized amounts of the various inputs determine the quantity of output according to the relationship called the production function."

Also, "Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The first factor of production is land, but this includes any natural resource used to produce goods and services. This includes not just land, but anything that comes from the land."

Related Questions

¡¡Por favor me ayudan!!



If it's in english sure but its not so, sorry!


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The Masked Singer



the masked singer


I know my facts hope this helps!


Complete each sentence with a partitive or indefinite article.

1. Je ne mange pas ___ beurre.
2. Combien coûte ___ chocolat chaud?
3. Oui, je bois ___ eau minérale.
4. Mon père prend ___ kilo de pommes.
5. Tu préfères ___ baguette ou du pain de campagne?
6. Nous buvons ___ limonade.
7. Tu bois ___ eau à midi?
8. Ils vont manger ___ sandwich au jambon.
9. Il n'y a pas ___ lait pour le café.
10. Vous prenez ___ sucre avec le café?

Please answer all 10! Thank you!









de l'




Aren't I the brainliest? :)

Help please, this is for 100 points!!






Or feo=Claudio







Or feo=Claudio



[tex] \: [/tex]
what is "TOTAL REVENUE "? ​


Required Answer :-

: [tex] \implies[/tex] The Total revenue is the total income of a seller by selling goods and providing services to the customers. A fixed formula counts this revenue. Total revenue is the multiplication of goods price by the quantity of sold products.

An example of total revenue is mentioned here. If a brand sells 10000 products of Rs. 5 for each, the total revenue is 50000(10000*5). Therefore, the concept of total revenue refers to the amount of money received by a brand on the sale of their product.

The formula of total Revenue are :-

TR = Price × Quantity of output sold

Additional information :-

In Accounting, revenue is that charge which is taken in exchange for some financial or other services and belongings. Revenue is also known as financial turnover. Some companies and industries charge revenue from interest and other fees. Revenue is earned during a specific period as a business income.


Hope it's helps !!

Total revenue is the total receipts a seller can obtain from selling goods or services to buyers. It can be written as P × Q, which is the price of the goods multiplied by the quantity of the sold goods.

Your school recently organised a sports day for all the students. Follow the instructions below and
write a blog post about it.
• Describe the event.
• Give your personal opinion of the event.
• Suggest two improvements for next year’s sports day.
• Make a request for photos and video clips of the sports day.



It’s that time of year again where the end of the summer term draws near, and it’s time to think about saying goodbye to another great school year. Before you do however, there are all the end of term activities to get through. One of the more enjoyable tasks that primary school teachers face is organising the summer sports day.

Sports day in a primary school is markedly different to sports days in secondary school. It’s as much about joining in and having fun as it is about competitiveness and winning! The activities, races and games are likely to include simplified, fun versions of track and field events - though still, of course, involving physical exertion and skill!

Done right, a sports day is the perfect way to wrap up the school year, and send both children and parents off on a positive note - so it’s important to try and get it right.

While the thought of organising school sports day may feel like just another chore on your seemingly endless list of things to do, since it’s National School Sports week from the 19th-25th June, now is the perfect time to get planning.

So what does the perfect school sports day look like? Here are some things to consider:

Primary school sports day organisation

Staying organised and preparing everything in good time is the best thing you can do to help stay calm and in control when it comes to preparing for your school sports day.

Set a time and a date, and make sure both pupils and parents are aware

Get a date in the diary well in advance and make sure that parents are aware of it so they can make arrangements to attend.

Start to plan what games you will include and a timetable for the event

Timing is everything when it comes to ensuring the day runs smoothly - think about how long you want the day to last, which events you’ll have and how long each will take. Don’t forget to factor in breaks. Decide whether you’ll present winners with prizes at the end of each race or have a prize giving ceremony at the end of the day.

Which teachers will be involved?

Sports days require a lot of manpower, whether it’s directing parents to the car park, handing out refreshments, overseeing races, blowing whistles or awarding prizes, you’ll need to make sure teachers know who’s doing what and when!

Think about refreshments

It’s a good idea to make sure you have planned for refreshments as hopefully it will be a hot day and you’ll all be in need of some cooling down. You could ask parents to bring picnics themselves to help keep costs down, but make sure you provide bottles of water as a minimum.

Think about what equipment you’ll need

You can’t win a sack race without the sacks, nor can you have a prize giving ceremony without any prizes! Once you’ve made your plan make sure you have all the equipment and materials you need to put your ideas into practice.

Make sure everyone feels included

Sports day can be daunting for some pupils, particularly those who are not as sporty or confident as others. Make sure you include something for everyone, not just the traditional, often highly competitive races. Coming up with a programme of games and activities that challenge different skills will help all children feel included. Team games and races are another great way of encouraging children to come together and work constructively to try to win. Try to instil an attitude of sportsmanship, where participating and trying your best is recognised and rewarded. Discouraging overly competitive behaviour goes hand in hand with this ethos. You could award prizes for sporting conduct as well as winning events.

Make sure you are clear on the rules of each activity and that everyone understand how to take part. Let children ask questions before you begin so no one gets confused or feels as though the have been treated unfairly. If you’re really organised, get the rules out to teachers beforehand so they can practise the events with their class during P.E. lessons.

Remember, primary school sports day is about making children feel included, and feel a sense of pride and achievement. With that in mind, you should be able to plan and run a sports day that is enjoyable for children, parents and staff alike!

Good sports to play at a primary school sports day

Slow riding bikes - a great game that’s all about balance and not losing your nerve - great for the less sporty kids!

Egg and spoon - a classic race that can be done in teams of individually.

Sack race - the sack race is lots of fun and can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

Three legged race - the three legged race will get lots of laughs and is a great way for children to work as a team.

Standing long jump.

Discus or Javelin - both very inclusive and a lot of fun!

Relay race - a straightforward relay race is a good team event.

Obstacle course - setting up an obstacle course is lots of fun.

Hula hoop race - the hula hoop race requires

Hello. It's Tanaka. I'm living today. Today is Kinyoubi. Today I'm going to see TV. I don't study. What does Tanaka do for Kinyoubi?


He doesn’t study amd he watches tb

Can tone and mood words be the same?



tone and mood are not the same. but what you and the author are feeling can be the same feelings, or relatively similiar.

D) How does Jude feel about the
exercise her class is doing?
Jude feels sad because she has
1) forgotten what her home in Syria
looked like.
Jude feels frustrated because she
cannot find words to describe herold
Jude feels excited because she thinks
the assignment is interesting.
Jude feels happy because she has
received helpful and useful advice.



Its that Jude is frustrated because she cannot find the words to describe her old home!


guessed on I-READY and got it right


Jude feels frustrated because she cannot find words to describe herold home.


I clicked on it by accident and got it right.

can someone please proof check this (not so great) essay on grammer for french?
35pts and brainly.

Center-ville ll n'y a pas de un piscine, Ll y a un hopital sur Deland c'est bleu et blanc. J'aime le restaurant c'est "half wall". J'aime le center-ville magasin et le tres vert parc. Center-ville ll y a le stetson ecole c'est tres grand. Ll n'y a pas de un usine et ll n'y a pas de un la gare



Center-ville → Centre-ville

hopital → hôpital

tres → très

ecole → école

de un → d'une

i think that is all the mistake..


نكشف في المعجم عن كلمة البيئة في ؟؟؟



"We reveal in the lexicon the word environment in???"

What is historical linguistics?



the study of the history and development of languages.


The Greek suffix -ist means one who is involved in an activity or specializes in a subject. Use the suffix to define the word in italics. Lucy was a botanist and taught at the University of Cincinnati.



All what it really means is that Lucy was good at plants botan=plants ist=good it pretty simple

Explanation: Botanist means expert in plants


Je déteste ma vie, je ne veux tout simplement pas faire quoi que ce soit qui puisse me blesser à nouveau et laisser quelqu'un partir quand il était là pour moi, savoir qu'il est avec quelqu'un qui l'aimera



Ask the person in your pfp

ON YOUR OWN: The article explains that one fast fashion company brought in a retired judge to provide independent
oversight on its initiative to improve the ethical aspects of its manufacturing process. The judge has noted that the company
s making "excellent progress" in meeting its goals. What improvements would you want verification of to agree with
che judge? Support your points with details from the article.


To check the results of the effort to improve the ethical processes of the production processes, it is necessary to know what the ethical environment was like before the initiative of the company

When an improvement plan is implemented in a company, it is done to improve any process and improve production results. By this, the fast-fashion company established an autonomous initiative to improve the ethical aspects of its manufacturing process.

To verify the results of his autonomous initiative, he hires an independent judge and he says that the company is making excellent progress in meeting its objectives.

According to this conclusion, it seems to me that the judge must be contextualized regarding how the ethical aspects of their manufacturing process were before the establishment of the autonomous initiative to improve this aspect.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some missing information. However, I can answer it based on my general prior knowledge.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/3283328

こんにちは、元気ですか? (hello how are you doing?)



hay I'm good how about you


Hola.... I'm doin gd wbu

What does this mean 天魔 ? And what language is it?



demon, chinese


Translate ^^

Imagine that you are a celebrity who is Deaf (you can choose whether you are a movie star, singer—anything, really!), and you are being interviewed on the red carpet about your experience as a Deaf person in the public eye. The nation’s (and maybe even the world’s!) eyes are on you. Consider and explain if and what you would share about your experience being Deaf so that others might better understand what it is like, what challenges you face, and the overall impact it has had on your life.



Some people say that being deaf is a disability, but I see it as a way different way to experience life. Sure, it’s tough and challenging but it doesn’t mean that I need someone to help me my entire life. My parents from the beginning knew there was a possibility that I could be deaf and wanted to give me the best life possible. They saved up enough money so that I could leave a life where I didn’t have to have someone with me my entire life. They started teaching me oralism and manualism. They took so much out of their lives to make mine better. Then came the challenge of singing, I couldn’t hear a piano being played so I didn’t truly know what note to sing. It was my translator from a young age who found a solution. All I had to do was lean on the piano and she taught me what every signal note would feel like through the vibrations of the piano. I’m still amazed that I standing her today at Broadway performing in shows all over the world and having the opportunity that many in shoes couldn’t. So, even though it may take me longer to learn the things I have to using the feeling of the music on the floor and watching what people do or say to know when I needed to enter, exit, sing, talk, or start dancing. It didn’t stop me from doing what I love what I enjoy. So, if you are going to take anything from this, anything at all. Take the fact that you shouldn’t let on thing about you or others get in the way of what you want to do, but you let it make you want to work harder.

Hope this helps <3

Some people say that being deaf is a disability, but I see it as a way different way to experience life. Sure, it’s tough and challenging but it doesn’t mean that I need someone to help me my entire life. My parents from the beginning knew there was a possibility that I could be deaf and wanted to give me the best life possible. They saved up enough money so that I could live a life where I didn’t have to have someone with me my entire life. They started teaching me oralism and manualism. They took so much out of their lives to make mine better. I’m so amazed that I standing here today at Broadway performing in shows all over the world and having the opportunity that many others couldn’t. Nothing can stop me from doing what I love and what I enjoy. So, if you are going to take anything from this, anything at all, take the fact that you shouldn’t let on thing about you or others get in the way of what you want to do, but you let it make you want to work harder. I am so thankful for everone who belived in me and thankful for the people to thought my deafness was a disability that wouldn't get me anywhere in life and I thank them because with out them I wouldn't be where I am today, proving them all wrong!

this answer is a reworded version if the previous answer :) not taking credit

neet dakedo hello work ni ittara isekai ni tsuretekareta


bestie that’s just random letters and words, it’s not even a language…

Which of the following is an example of exposition?

A. Mark saying that he is nervous because he has messed up interviews in the past.
B. Kevin revealing that Linda is dead.
C. Mark telling Linda that he did not impress the recruiter.
D. The recruiter asking Make questions.


I think it is A : mark saying that he is nervous

FORTY POINTS!!!! Can someone help me? Who is this kpop group?









"Genç adam" isim tamlaması mıdır?


evet isim tasimasidir

turk musun bende

l em turkhis


Anyone know where to get a free therapist?


there are lots of apps online that provide free services

[tex] \: [/tex]
How many Alphabets are in English ?

Help Pe ​



26 letters.


The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

all alankaar with example​


4 images are attached. Please check.

Basic Information:-

अलंकार = Poetic devices in hindi.


RainbowSalt2222 ☔

pls help will mark as brainlist​



1. एकवचन (लोटे)

2. बहुवचन (मीनार)

3. एक वचन (माला)

4. एकवचन (दीवार)

5. एकवचन (थाली)

6. एकवचन (खटिया)।

hope this helps you.

How many more people spoke Asian and Pacific Island languages in the West than the Northeast, according to the 2000 Census?

1 million more
2.3 million more
3.2 million more
4.5 million more​


The number of more people that speak Asian and Pacific Island languages in the West than the Northeast is A. 1 million more.

What is a language?

It should be noted that a a language is important for one to communicate with others.

In this case, the number of more people that speak Asian and Pacific Island languages in the West than the Northeast is A. 1 million more.

Learn more about languages on:


I'm going to give 50 points and brainliest answer if you tell me where mr.beast are.​



Greenville, North Carolina in the United States.


you are welcome

A ∪ B 2.A ∪ C 3.A ∩ B 4.A ∩ C 5.B ∩ C. 4 - {1,3,5} 5 - null, or empty set ... a = ∅ b = B c = then A ∪ B = B d = A e = then A ∩ B = B. 1. If A ⊂ B ...



boi t f are you trying to say 0_p_0


grffeedhny8qikñolkjgu mhnjftnvchygchzacjmciclpkyibu7vjvugrgygnjnfnfnfnhurehu8y4secxanjcxfgtmluyrtghcfgbm bntyyui45674456123457123213jioutim,ñbhjersawezsevgusedrbjkhjidrtwe45ftunkljkluiopouyt4ruy3yiowwbcn cyjdj,lkcjsdo458645312014566456135464560 bbmk75m552b 78g4h4871h68/97jt4865g8jh8974m56j1l/*oiolgh56ty5u46ukhg654hg78tdhgrgk6ukh3214 879mjhgj153hkg648jh7988ou456+88465k7yjjh/*465f687htr213tj56+fb971234+900789hg513231j465dtm,goiutegityi286259gmbjh


U smell like u farted *FARTED Harded *HARDED AB HONOR ROLL ALL F’S YOU R3TARDED *vine boom OH
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