Isaac wants to know how companies can implement fitness programs within their company guidelines for their employees


Answer 1

Sticking to a regular exercise schedule isn't easy. Get tips for overcoming common barriers.

Related Questions




Ok I will help u


Hope this helps

May I get braineist pls?

what are you taking about

Vocabulary workshop Level a unit 3 answers


Here You Go <3 Please mark me Brainliest :)

A person can usually tell how popular a new movie is by the length of the _____ in front of the box office. (queue)

Even before the new president took office, he _______ the men and women who were to serve in his cabinet. (designated)

Because the show is scheduled to end after midnight, the management will _________ admission to people over sixteen years old. (restrict)

For better or for worse, as you become older and more experienced, you will lose many of the comforting ______ of youth. (illusions)

Nothing ______ my boss more than an employee who is late for work and then offers a foolish excuse for not arriving on time. (infuriates)

Our hike was not very long, but the _______ was so rocky and hilly that we were exhausted by the time we reached our goal. (terrain)

As he greatly enjoys woodworking and also makes a living from it, his hobby and his ________ are one and the same. (vocation)

I came to regard my grandmother as a(n) ________ whose wisdom helped solve many family problems. (sage)

The pollution problem, far from being limited to the United States, is truly ________ in scope. (global)

As she was sworn in, she made a(n) __________ that she would never use the powers of her office for selfish or unworthy purposes. (vow)

The police now believe that the mugger ________ the victim as she entered the elevator of her apartment house. (waylaid)

No decent or kind person will ______ over someone else's failures or misfortunes. (gloat)


The desire to be the world's top tennis player _________ the young woman to spend hours every day improving her game. (motivates)

Is it possible to be a _______ in a world where so many people are using force to take unfair advantage of others? (pacifist)

The deadly _________ of shells from our guns pinned down the enemy troops on the narrow beach where they had landed. (barrage)

The animals in the drought area traveled for many miles to reach a body of water where they could ________ their thirst. (slake)

The rich _______ of plant and animal life in a tropical rain forest never ceases to amaze me. (terrain)

How sad it is to see such beautiful flowers _______ and die! (wither)

I don't understand what he is aiming at or why he behaves as he does; in fact, his whole personality is a(n) _______ to me. (enigma)

Like a typical _______, he believes that any customs different from his own are "wrong" and "uncivilized." (bigot)

Hope this helps it took forever sorry for being late!!!

Plzz send format which is coming for creative writing in english class 10



If your doing a essay I can help with some fun ideas for font. Look up Text Fonts Generator. It will be a site with a star in a red box. Happy writing~!



Standard writing template


Introduction - Introduce characters, set scene

Body - Go in depth

Conclusion - End the story

Use Arial as a solid font :)

is an animal reaction to stimulus called ..............​





Animal's reaction to any particular stimuli is called response. A stimuli travels all along through the receptor (stimuli detecting organs) through the CNS (Central nervous system) and then to the effector (response showing organs).

This is how, animals or human beings react to a particular stimuli.

To begin your speech, you may want to try an a. Ice cube c. Audience awareness quiz b. Break dance d. Icebreaker Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D.



C. Audience Awareness


It's literally a speech.. why would you do any of the other things

An Icebreaker would be the best option, an icebreaker is a good way to start off any conversation and can help your audience's opinion of you before you even begin.

Write a sentence using ONE of the following words: competent, complex, advantage

Your answer:



I consider myself to be a highly competent language arts teacher.


Which of the following element is not one of the nine classic elements of an epic poem?
A.) a setting that spans Earth and space
B.) a limited point of view
C.) supernatural forces such as gods, goddesses, angels, and demons
D.) a focus on a superhuman or hero


The answer is B
Hope this helps :)

rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence.
out?/ do/ want/ you/ when/ what/ you/ to/ say/ go/



What do you say when you want to go out?


Hope this helped! :)

What type of bias is Blake demonstrating?

outcome bias
blind-spot bias
anchoring bias
confirmation bias





The tendency to seek out , interpret , judge and remember information so that it supports ones pre-existing views and ideas is confirmed bias.This can make people less likely to engage with information which challenges THEIR views

The type of bias Blake demonstrates is confirmation bias. The correct option is D.

What is confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias is the propensity to interpret or search for information that supports one's preexisting opinions when processing information. This biased way of thinking about decision-making is typically accidental and frequently leads to dismissing contradictory data.

Bias for confirmation, people typically look for information during presidential elections that portrays the candidate they favor in a positive light and ignore any information that does the opposite.

This persistence has a name given to it by psychologists: confirmation bias. Cognitive biases are some of the most widespread mental biases that people have.

Therefore, the correct option is D. confirmation bias.

To learn more about confirmation bias, refer to the link:


Answer my question plzzz!!

What is the theme?


What is the topic and the message of the story?


What book? What story? I’m sorry for any inconvenience but there’s no question.

Which passage is possibly opinion-based?

- “The researchers found two possible explanations for these results, and there was evidence for both” (25).
- “unless you’re eating acai berries, one of the few natural foods that take on a purplish hue.”
- “The few places that associate blue with sadness-Hong Kong for example-tend to like it less.”
- “Colors shape how we think and behave in many different areas of life, and sometimes the same color has different effects depending on what we’re doing” (25).





can yall help me with my essay? so here's my thesis, why students shouldn't use their phones in class. IT'S DUE TODAY



Students should not be permitted to use cell phones in school. Using cell phones during school allows students to cheat. Students will be more distracted by cell phones and pay less attention to the teacher and to the lesson. ... Some students do not use their digital devices for the good that they have, but for the bad.


It prevents a student from the proper learning experience.


When students use their cell phones in class to check social media and text their friends, they distract themselves and their peers. The teacher may have to repeatedly tell students to turn off their devices, which can cause disruptions in class. It also can cause students to cheat. Cell phones and other devices are used by one-third of students in high school to cheat. A study found that 41 percent of teens thought storing notes on a cell phone to access them during an exam was a major cheating offense, while 23 percent considered it not to be cheating. Researchers from the London School of Economics found that schools that banned the use of mobile phones saw substantial improvements in test scores, with the researchers concluding that phones “can have a negative impact on productivity through distraction.” They also found that phones disproportionately affected vulnerable students. Richard Murphy, Dr. Richard Murphy is an assistant professor of economics at the University of Texas, and co-author of the study reports: “Allowing phones into schools would be the most damaging to low-achieving and low-income students, exacerbating any existing learning inequality.” Students' ability to learn will be diminished when they use phones during classes. This concludes my briefing.

Hope it helped. :)

Bullet-pointed summary of ideas Nature book by Ralph Waldo Emerson?



Bullet - pointed Summary :-

In Nature, Emerson lays out and attempts to solve an abstract problem: that humans do not fully accept nature's beauty. He writes that people are distracted by the demands of the world, whereas nature gives but humans fail to reciprocate.

Emerson now tackles the difficult question of subjective truth and the impossibility of verifying the truth of external reality. It is not possible to prove absolutely that what our senses perceive is real. The average person — Emerson uses the carpenter as one example of such a person — doesn't want to know that what he thinks is real might be an illusion. However, whether or not nature exists as something distinct from ourselves remains definitively unanswerable.

After declaring that it makes no difference whether external reality exists or not, Emerson begins his discussion of idealism. His first point concerns visual changes and distortions caused by mechanical apparatuses, or by our physically changing the way we interact with our environment. These changes and distortions emphasize the separation between ourselves and nature, a separation that produces wonder and provides us with a sense of our own stability. We come to believe that although the world around us changes, in part due to our causing it to, we stay constant. As Emerson notes, "We are not built like a ship to be tossed, but like a house to stand."

Overall, Emerson asserts the power and importance of ideas. Again using a circle to symbolize the interrelated universe of people and nature, he emphasizes that the universal ideas grounding us in this world are products of a Supreme Being. A person who contemplates universal ideas gains new heights of understanding and, according to transcendental philosophy, transcends time and space to attain a metaphysical consciousness and immortality.

Hope this helps you !!!

How might you use food labels to choose between two types of canned soup?


Checking the price and the amount of salt


Imagine that you are the mayor of your town. In an upcoming election, you would like the citizens to vote yes for a gambling establishment to locate in your town. Prepare a short speech encouraging the people of the town to vote yes on your proposal. (8-10 sentences)



hi my dear voters , iam going to make this place better, by using gambling as a knowledge source, if you vote for this you will have a strong reputation on me, like I said vote and be strong, gambling is bad people said put it is a passion to know, and to learn how to have a bigger source of money, I love to say to you be valuable, have the best behaviour to be rich,and be happy of the things you do, and bye be healthy

The when the when the?


the tree fell when a swing hit it when the apple fell

click on the word that is used incorrectly in the sentence below.

The runners stood at their starting line, waiting for the whistle to send her dashing along the lanes.



I would say that the answer is "her."

Pls mark brainliest. :D

In no less than seventy-five words, explain how Penelope was able to use her wits to avoid the suitors
without going against ancient Grecian customs.



The goddess Athena, disguised as Mentes, advises Telemachus to visit Pylos and Sparta. Athena tells Telemachus that he might hear news of his father, Odysseus. If he doesn’t hear that Odysseus is still alive, Telemachus will know it is time to hold a funeral and assert his status as master of Odysseus’s house and property. The journey is potentially dangerous. By undertaking the journey, Telemachus shows that he has inherited his father’s courage, and he begins to forge a reputation in his society as a brave and adventurous man. His visits to Nestor and Menelaus require him to tactfully observe the social rules that bind travelers and guests. This introduces one of The Odyssey’s central themes: hospitality and the rules that govern it. Nestor and Menelaus tell Telemachus stories about Odysseus’s achievements in the Trojan War. Menelaus affirms that Telemachus is a worthy son of his famous father: “Good blood runs in you, dear boy.” Menelaus also tells him that his father is alive. This encouragement inspires Telemachus, and his experiences as a traveler help him to mature. When he returns to Ithaca, he is ready to help Odysseus defeat the suitors.


Which juror only switched their vote in order to be done with the case and leave? 12 Angry men

1. No. 12

2. No.2

3. No. 7

4. No. 6



c. juror 7


I am taking test now

Where do teenagers get all the money they need to make purchases? I noticed several new stores had opened up at the local mall. Most of these new stores focused on teenage and young consumers. Yesterday I went shopping. This paragraph is a. Creative c. 1 inch spaced b. Single-spaced d. None of these.


Based on the content and structure of the paragraph given, the paragraph is none of the above

The paragraph given is not:

Creative as it is not about one idea given that it talks about several issues such as teenagers getting money and new stores opening 1 inch spaced or Single-spaced as the paragraph is quite separated

The paragraph given is therefore not creative or spaced in a 1 inch or single form.

We can conclude by saying the paragraph is none of the options.

Find out more at


D. none of these


Read the passage. The Ride of His Life When Jesse Senko was 12 years old, he had an experience that literally changed his life. Senko was snorkeling while on vacation in the Cayman Islands with his family when a large sea turtle swam near him. Senko naturally did what any 12-year-old boy would do and decided to grab the turtle and go for a ride. That turtle ride, in some ways, has never ended. People find their passions in many different ways. Senko found his passion while riding on the back of a turtle when he was just 12 years old. Today, Senko is a conservation scientist at Arizona State University. He focuses his research and life’s work on marine resource sustainability. Can you guess what that includes? If you guessed sea turtles, you would be correct. In college, Senko majored in fisheries and wildlife science, and he also received a Master of Science degree in wildlife ecology. Much of the focus of his work is on saving endangered sea turtles. Sea turtles help keep the ocean healthy, and thus their well-being affects the entire ecosystem. They provide a natural regulatory system for the environment. For example, sea turtles eat seagrass, which helps it grow properly, and their unhatched eggs provide nutrients for plant life to keep beaches healthy. Sea turtles also provide a home for small animals that attach to their shells. Sea turtles are endangered because fishermen inadvertently catch them in their nets, which can cause the turtles irreparable harm. Senko came up with the idea to create solar-powered fishing nets so fishermen can readily see when they accidentally catch a sea turtle. Because the lights are solar powered, the fishermen do not have to maintain the lights or change the batteries. This technology has resulted in a 65 percent reduction in sea turtle catches thus far. Senko’s goal is a 100 percent reduction.
Question 1 Part A What is a central idea of "The Ride of His Life"?
Solar power is essential to saving sea turtles.
Sea turtles are the most endangered animals in the ocean.
Sea turtles are a critical part of the marine ecosystem.
Modern technology such as solar nets will help save the environment.
Part B

Which sentence from the text best shows the development of the central idea in Part A?

"Today, Senko is a conservation scientist at Arizona State University. He focuses his research and life’s work on marine resource sustainability."

"Sea turtles are endangered because fishermen inadvertently catch them in their nets, which can cause the turtles irreparable harm."

"…sea turtles eat seagrass, which helps it grow properly, and their unhatched eggs provide nutrients for plant life to keep beaches healthy."

"This technology has resulted in a 65 percent reduction in sea turtle catches thus far."



Part A- Sea turtles are a critical part of the marine ecosystem.

Part B- "…sea turtles eat seagrass, which helps it grow properly, and their unhatched eggs provide nutrients for plant life to keep beaches healthy."


you ordered a washing machine that was broken and flooded your house. write a formal letter of complaint to the customer complaints manager jill smith. submit your corrected version here


What is the criteria for this assignment? Do we just write a complaint or is there more to do?

What do you often have to figure out for yourself? Select all that apply.

How a friend is feeling
what should I wear
if I'll have much homework
if my pet is hungry
if today's cafeteria lunch is worth buying
what I should get someone for his or her birthday
if I should try out for a team at school

Help me please



what should I wear, if today's cafeteria lunch is worth buying, and if I should try out for a team at school





What transition words often indicate a comparative organization?
like, similar, on the other hand
consequently, since
first, second, next, last
after that, therefore



Transitional words and phrases show the relationships between the parts of a sentence, between the sentences in a paragraph, or between the paragraphs in a longer piece of writing (i.e., an essay, short story, novel, magazine article, etcetera). Although transitional words and phrases mean little by themselves, they are very important in linking your ideas together smoothly and logically so that your paragraphs have coherence. Transitional words and phrases can be divided into categories according to the kind of relationship you as a writer are trying to show. There are eight (8) basic categories you must learn:

To Show Time. after, afterward, always, as soon as, at last, at once, briefly, eventually, finally, immediately, in the meantime, in the past (or future), last, later, meanwhile, next, never, now, often, once, promptly, sometimes, soon.

To Show Place. above, among, around, at this point, behind, below, beside, beyond, down, forward, from, here, in front of, inside, nearby, next to, on, on the other side, opposite, over, through.

To Add An Idea. again, also, and, as well as, besides, for one thing, further, furthermore, in addition to, last, likewise, more, moreover, next, similarly, too.

To Illustrate or Explain an Idea. for example, for instance, in other words, in particular, namely, specifically, such as, that is, thus, to illustrate.

To Compare or Contrast Ideas. but, even so, conversely, differently, however, in contrast, in spite of, in the same way, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, still,yet.

To Show a Result. accordingly, as a result, consequently, for that reason, hence, then, therefore, thus.

To Empasize an Idea. above all, especially, indeed, in fact, most important.

To Summarize an Idea. as has been noted, finally, in brief, in other words, in short, on the whole, to sum up.

These are not all of the transitional words and phrases in the English language that we use, but they represent a good sampling of those most often employed in writing. Remember that transitions are like bridges -- they link one thing with another. They can be used to go forward (on to the next sentence or paragraph) or to go backward (to refer to something that has just been stated). The following is a brief listing of commonly used transitional words and phrases one finds in daily speech:

and before nevertheless accordingly

or otherwise unfortunately but

when however recently for

after therefore although for example

so consequently at last in conclusion

The student writer who masters the usage of transitional words and phrases is well on the way to achieving coherence (a smooth flow in the writing that is logical and easy to follow) in one's writing. Keep in mind that your paragraphs can be unified (stick to the topic sentence and the thesis statement) yet still lack coherence (sounding mechanical and stiff).

Coherence is achieved when the sentences in your paragraphs are arranged in an order that makes your ideas clear and sensible to the reader; the relationship among the sences and paragraphs is logical; and your ideas flow smoothly from one sentence and paragraph to the next. As one of the devices to achieve coherence, transitional words and phrases are a most important writing tool. With reference to using transitions effectively in writing (and also as a guide to reading with comprehension and critically), there are some authors (i.e., Langan, Donnelly, Neeld, et al) who refer to transitions as signal words. Do not let terminology fool you as the intent is the same -- no matter what you refer to these as, it is absolutely essential to master transitions if one is to become a good writer.


The like, similar, on the other hand transition words often indicate a comparative organization. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is organization?

The word “organization” refers to the structure and hierarchy of the workplace, as well as the shared objectives of its participants. The word “organization” is primarily used in the workplace and in business policy. An organization are the based on the management without management are not the proper functioning of the organization.

The transition terms in the comparative organization were the like and the similar. To different people, comparative organizational study means different things. The persons and includes a number of research activities, some of which are focused on. Specific approaches are explored, as are more substantial issues.

As a result, like, similar, on the other hand transition words typically indicate a comparative organization. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on organization, here:


Which examples of propaganda are found in this passage? Select two options.
Snowball is used as a scapegoat.
Napoleon talks to the animals through Squealer.
Squealer targets his message to emphasize plain folks.
Squealer uses glittering generalities to describe Napoleon’s tactics.
Napoleon uses name-calling to differentiate the pigs from the other animals.



Napoleon talks to the animals through Squealer and the Squealer uses glittering generalities to describe Napoleon’s tactics.



maybe b and d

Explanation: I am taking the test

What is the purpose of adding transition words to a report?
to pique the reader’s attention about the report topic
to help sentences and paragraphs flow from one to the next
to remind the reader what he or she learned about in the report
to draw attention to important points and ideas




to help sentences and paragraphs flow from one to the next


I'm pretty sure this is it, if it's not, please tell me.

Why is it important to the theme of the strength of mothers that the last scene takes place in the kitchen?



The theme of the story is to feel grateful for your parents. Alfred realizes his mother is getting old and she was nervous for him when she was drinking tea. He could see all the years of her life.


How does Barack Obama express the concept of America throughout the text? Obama shows that America is built on solid ideals. Obama shows that America has lost its greatness over time. Obama shows that America is not as impressive as some may think. Obama shows that America needs major reconstruction to be returned to glory.


Early in his address, Obama addresses the problems that currently face America: "For the American people can no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias. No single person can train all the math and science teachers we'll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation and one people. This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun."

Do you agree or disagree that the greeting of "Merry Christmas" could offend those who observe other holidays?​




usually it's best to ask someone what their beliefs are. while a lot of people dont get offended, some do. in situations where you're in public being nice to someone, and you say merry Christmas, theres usually no time to start a conversation and ask what their beliefs are but in situations where you know the person, or are trying to get to know them, or even having a conversation with them, its best to ask before you say the phrase to someone that observes another holiday. a lot of people try to push their beliefs on others and others are very passionate about what they believe and/or celebrate so its easy to see "merry christmas" the wrong way when you don't celebrate it.

I Have An English Paragraph Which I Found Hard And It's About:

Write A Persuasive Paragraph About an Invention.




This will often be posed as a question, for example, if the essay is on the merits of a vegetarian lifestyle it may be called something like: To Eat Meat or Not?


As with any genre of writing, capturing the reader’s interest from the outset is crucial. There are a number of methods of doing this, known as hooks. Students may decide to open their essay with an anecdote, a joke, a quotation, or a relevant statistic related to the topic under discussion.


In this section of the introduction, students will provide the reader with some background to the topic. This will place the issue in context and briefly weigh up some of the different opinions on the subject.

Thesis statement:

After surveying the topic in the first part of the introduction, it is now time for the student writer to express their own opinion and briefly preview the points they will make later in the essay.

2. Body Paragraphs

The number of paragraphs that will form this section of the essay will depend on the number of points the writer chooses to make to support their opinion. Normally three main points will be sufficient for beginning writers to coordinate. For more advanced students, they can simply increase the number of paragraphs based on the complexity of their arguments, but the overall structure will largely remained intact.

Be sure to check out our own complete guide to writing perfect paragraphs here.

The TEEL acronym is a useful way for students to remember how to structure their paragraphs.  Read below for deeper understanding.

Topic Sentence:

The topic sentence states the central point of the paragraph. This will be in the form of one of the reasons in support of the thesis statement made in the introduction.


These sentences will build on the topic sentence by illustrating the point further, often by making it more specific.


It is the purpose of these sentences to support the paragraph’s central point by providing supporting evidence and examples. This evidence may take the form of statistics, quotations, or anecdotal evidence.


The final part of the paragraph links back to the initial statement of the topic sentence, while also forming a bridge to the next point to be made. This part of the paragraph provides some personal analysis and interpretation of how the student arrived at their conclusions and also connects together the essay as a cohesive whole.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion weaves together the main points of the persuasive essay. It does not normally introduce any new arguments or evidence but rather reviews the arguments made already and restates them by summing them up in a unique way. It is important at this stage to tie everything back to the initial thesis statement. This is the writer’s last opportunity to drive home their point; to achieve the goal of the essay, to begin with – persuade the reader of their point of view.

Ending an essay well can be challenging, but, especially for persuasive essays, it is essential to end strongly. As with the hooks of the essay’s opening, there are a number of tried and tested methods of leaving the reader with a strong impression. Encourage students to experiment with different types of endings, for example, concluding the essay with a quotation that amplifies the thesis statement. Another method is to have the student rework their ending in simple monosyllabic words, as simple language often has the effect of being stronger in impact. The effect they are striving for in the final sentence is the closing of the circle.

There are a number of persuasive writing techniques that can be used to in the conclusion, and throughout the essay, to amp up the persuasive power of the writing. Let’s take a look at a few.

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