How did Great Britain help representative governments in the thirteen colonies grow?


Answer 1


Trade was restricted so the colonies had to rely on Britain for imported goods and supplies. There were no banks and very little money, so colonists used barter and credit to get the things they needed. Following the French and Indian War, Britain wanted to control expansion into the western territories.

In royal colonies, the governor and the council were appointed by the British government. ... In proprietary colonies, these officials were appointed by proprietors, and they were elected in charter colonies. In every colony, the assembly was elected by property owners.

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. What right did southerners attempt to deny to African Americans?


Slavery is the correct awnser

Answer: When reconstruction ended, southerners developed poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses as a way to allow whites to vote while denying blacks the right to vote. Poll taxes require people to pay a tax before voting.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

Complete the following sentence: The most important constitutional right that Americans have is . . .



freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition. Explanation:

These are your rights as an American per the Bill of Rights, also prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment and compelled self-incrimination.

True or false- European migration differed from Greek migration in that the Greeks retained affection for their homeland


Answer: True

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what type of pandemic hit during the war in (1918- 1919).

d,none of these



b. FLU


it was a tragic pandemic, but yes it did happen in 1918-1919. the plague happened in 1346-1352. Aids were in 1981. so there for making influenza the correct one.

B flu more specificity the Spanish flu even though it wasn’t in Spain it killed 100M people and it’s the 2nd deadliest disease in history killing more then ww1 and ww2 combined also it ended in 1920

The Boston Massacre had a major impact on relations between Britain and the American colonists.

a. True
b. False


a. true is the answer, have a good day

How did West Africa prosper?



They had a huge trading system, also had an abundance of gold and salt.


One way in which Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau are similar is that they were

(1) Philosophers during the age of enlightenment

(2) Chief ministers during the French revoultion

(3) Leaders of the Italian unification movement

(4) Supports of the Counter Reformation



I think its 4


Which country started the tradition of christmas trees?



I believe that to be Germany as I know that Britain brought along the tradition of the Christmas Tree from Germany, it was brought by Prince Albert during Queen Victoria's reign


Hopefully this was helpful!




Christmas trees is a tradition in Germany which started in the 1790's.

In which islands of the Greater Antilles were BOTH Kalinagos and Tainos found at the end of the fifteenth century?
A) Cuba
B) Jamaica
C) Hispaniola
D)Puerto Rico​


In the end of the fifteenth century, an island that had both the Kalinagos and the Tainos was d. Puerto Rico

The island of Puerto Rico:

Was home to the Kalinagos Was home to the Tainos in the east

These two tribes traded with each other and were in relative peace till the Spanish arrived and attempted enslaving them. Both tribes suffered a massive loss in population after that.

In conclusion, the island that had both tribes was Puerto Rico.

Find out more about the Kalinagos at

What is the main source of conflict in the Middle East?
a-Government conflicts
b-Ethnic conflicts
c-Religious conflicts
d-Economic conflicts



your correct answer is (c) RELIGIOUS CONFLICTS


The correct chronological order of dynastic eras in China are Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Ming. True False



Ture but there are omissions.

In at least 100 words, describe the language that Stowe uses as George describes “his country” in Chapter 11. How is the motif of “country” developed, and how does it reveal George’s emotional state?


From the excerpt, it should be noted that the language that Stowe uses as George describes his country is extremely confrontational.

From the story, George got into a conversation with Mr. Wilson and the topic was about his country. This then brought about the metaphor, "What country have I, but the grave?

George stated his belief that the slave is without a country and that his only true home is his final resting place. This revealed the emotion of empathy.

Learn more about excerpts on:


The language that Stowe uses as George describes his country in Chapter 11 is extremely confrontational. George gets into a long conversation with Mr. Wilson and the topic they are speaking on is his "country". This leads into the metaphor, "What country have I, but the grave?George tells his belief that the slave is without a country.

Amos rsvent7

How many states did the klan seize political control of



The Ku Klux Klan was controversial in the 1920s not only because of its intolerance and promotion of vigilante violence, but also because of its entry into American politics. During the first half of the 1920s, the Klan, which had previously been associated with the South, came to thoroughly dominate electoral politics in Indiana, supposedly helped elect eleven Governors (including Oregon’s Walter Pierce), and briefly controlled State Legislatures in the Western States of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and Oregon.

At the national level, the Klan is alleged to have elected dozens of Senators and Congressmen in the 1920s. Though at the local level Klan politicians were both Republicans and Democrats, nationally it was the Democratic Party that was most associated with the Klan because of intense infighting at its 1924 Presidential nominating convention. Klan allies fought tooth-and-nail to oppose the nomination of New York Governor Al Smith because he was Catholic, and conflict between delegates went from rhetoric to fistfights. The negative publicity from this infighting supposedly helped Republican Calvin Coolidge win the Presidency that year by a landslide.

In this context, the inroads made into electoral politics by Washington State’s Ku Klux Klan seem relatively mild. Voting patterns on the Klan’s anti-Catholic school bill in 1924 suggest that while the Klan had many members in big cities, its main voting power (which was not very large) resided in small farming towns. Yet on the other hand, at the Democratic Party Convention earlier that year, delegates from Washington state, along with those from Oregon and Idaho, were unanimous in opposing a plank to the Party platform which would have repudiated violence associated with the KKK.

Notable Klan members elected to public office in Washington State include the Mayor of Kent, David Leppert, and Bellingham City Attorney Charles B. Sampley. Politicians who were likely members of the Klan include the Mayor of Blaine, Alan Keyes, and Wapato’s Director of Schools, Frank Sutton. Given that the Klan was a secret society, it is hard to differentiate Klan allies from Klan members, and it is likely that many other local elected officials in Washington state were Klan members.

Congressman Albert Johnson

Certainly the biggest question with regard to the Washington state’s Klan’s influence on local and national electoral politics comes through its relationship to Congressman Albert Johnson, Representative to the United States House from Washington’s Third Congressional District.

Congressman Johnson was a eugenics supporter and a national leader in demanding that the U.S. restrict most of its immigration to “Nordic” peoples. As Chair of the House’s Immigration Committee, he introduced and led a successful drive to pass what in 1924 became the most strict immigration law in American history. His intolerant views and political career grew independently of the Ku Klux Klan. He claimed to have been part of a mob that forced hundreds of South Asians out of Bellingham, Washington and into Canada in 1907, was elected in 1914 on an anti-immigrant platform, and played a leading role among Western Congressmen in calling for comprehensive anti-Japanese and anti-South Asian immigration restriction as soon as he arrived in the Capitol. Johnson was a member of the Freemasons, a group the Klan often sought to recruit from.

The Klan was public and effusive in its support of Albert Johnson. Time Magazine noted in 1924 that Johnson’s immigration restriction law was “generally supported by the West and South, admittedly with the backing of the Ku Klux Klan.” It reported in 1926 that one of the national KKK’s top four political priorities was the “Renomination and re-election of Representative Albert Johnson of Washington, so he can continue to be Chairman of the House Committee on Immigration and fight for restricted immigration laws.” The Klan wasn’t the only organization pushing immigration restriction, even though its spectacular growth in the early 1920s nationwide helped make its passage politically possible. We may never know whether Johnson was an ally of the Klan, a mentor, or even a member. But he certainly had the Klan’s admiration its support.


can you me as brainliest if its right? i need 10000 points and 35 brainliest's to rank up to genius

Which word refers to group of lawmakers

A. Economy
B. Assembly
C. Indentured Servants



I think it is assembly





What did the passage of the Platt Amendment demonstrate about U.S. relations with


Considering the available options, the passage of the Platt Amendment demonstrate U.S. relations with

Cuba to be that "the United States acknowledged Cuba's independence, but recognized that there was still important American interest in Cuba."

What is Platt Amendment?

Platt Amendment was an agreement signed between the United States and Cuba which stipulated eight provisions that Cuba must fulfill following the Spanish American War before the United States would end its war activities in Cuba.

The Platt Amendment was signed in 1901 and was named after Senator Orville Platt of Connecticut.

The Key Idea of Platt Amendment

One of the major summaries of the Platt Amendment is that the United States acknowledged Cuba's independence, but recognized that there was still crucial American interest in Cuba.

This situation protects Cuba from external influence from Europe and internal tyranny from Cuban citizens against the Cubans.

Generally, it is believed that the United States made the Platt Amendment protect its commercial interests in Cuba.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option B.

Learn more about the Platt Amendment here:

The defining characteristics of a public policy are that it must affect many people, be accepted as legitimate, and have which of the
following characteristics?

It must be created through a political process.

It must follow the rules of due process

It must be enacted into law.

It must enforce itself



it must be enacted into law.

sorry if anything wrong

Which politician served as secretary of war, was a representative and senator from South Carolina, and was a member of the Great Triumvirate
during the Era of Good Feelings?
Select the best answer from the choices provided.
OA. John C. Calhoun
OB. John Marshall
OC. James Monroe
OD. Daniel Webster


A) John C. Calhoun



Why die Spanish explorers travel to the Americans


The motivations for colonial expansion were trade and the spread of the Christian faith through indigenous conversions. The Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon was an early invader of the Americas, traveling to the New World on Columbus' second voyage. He became the first governor of Puerto Rico in 1509.

in your own words summarize the forth amendment thank you



The 4th amendment makes it so the police can't search your house or papers unreasonably. And it makes it so they need a warrant to enter and search your house.


Can someone plz help me? :(


Answer: c

Explanation: c i think

How much did the U.S. pay for the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico?

A. Nothing

B. $100,000

C. $1 Million

D. $5 Million

E. $20 Million


The correct answer is E. $20 Million. The United States paid $20 million for the acquisition of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Under the Treaty of Paris in 1898, which marked the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico from Spain. In exchange for the transfer of these territories, the U.S. agreed to pay Spain a sum of $20 million. This financial transaction solidified American control over these newly acquired territories, establishing them as colonial possessions. The payment reflected the shifting dynamics of imperial power and the United States' emerging role as a global player. The acquisition of these territories had a lasting impact on American foreign policy and set the stage for further U.S. involvement in the Pacific and Caribbean regions.

In conclusion, the United States paid $20 million to Spain for the acquisition of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico, marking a significant moment in American expansion and the establishment of its colonial presence in the early 20th century.

For more questions on acquisition of the Philippines:


37. Rococo style developed at what time? (1 point)
fifteenth century
sixteenth century
O seventeenth century
O eighteenth century
38. The Easter Island heads are also known by which name? (2



the answer Is c I promise

Write paragraph explaining immigration in the United States and the process to citizenship. Using these words green card, visa ,deportation, undocumented, asylum,immigration services


Answer:U.S. immigration law is based on the following principles: the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity. This fact sheet provides basic information about how the U.S. legal immigration system is designed and functions.

The body of law governing U.S. immigration policy is called the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The INA allows the United States to grant up to 675,000 permanent immigrant visas each year across various visa categories. On top of those 675,000 visas, the INA sets no limit on the annual admission of U.S. citizens’ spouses, parents, and children under the age of 21. In addition, each year the president is required to consult with Congress and set an annual number of refugees to be admitted to the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

Once a person obtains an immigrant visa and comes to the United States, they become a lawful permanent resident (LPR). In some circumstances, noncitizens already inside the United States can obtain LPR status through a process known as “adjustment of status.”

LPRs are eligible to apply for nearly all jobs (i.e., jobs not legitimately restricted to U.S. citizens) and can remain in the country permanently, even if they are unemployed. After residing in the United States for five years (or three years in some circumstances), LPRs are eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship. It is impossible to apply for citizenship through the normal process without first becoming an LPR.

Each year the United States also admits a variety of noncitizens on a temporary basis. Such “non-immigrant” visas are granted to everyone from tourists to foreign students to temporary workers permitted to remain in the country for years. While certain employment-based visas are subject to annual caps, other non-immigrant visas (including tourist and student visas) have no numerical limits.


Which amendment allows the federal government to collect income taxes?

A. Seventeenth

B. Thirteenth

C. Fourteenth

D. Sixteenth





The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population. It was passed by Congress in 1909 in response to the 1895 Supreme Court case of Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 3, 1913, and effectively overruled the Supreme Court's ruling in Pollock

what factors contributed to european imperialism in the 1800s


european superiority and industrialization

with the idea of “social darwinism”, europeans believed that they were superior and that it was necessary to spread/show their superiority to african/asian continents and islands. for industrialization, with the production of more and better guns, introduction of steam transportation, and other things made it easier to navigate these continents and fight against the natives. also the want for money evidently influenced european nations.

what percentage of americans vote in the presidential elections


62%. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Can someone plz help me? :(





who said "I don't care whether slavery is voted up or down"





lincoln- douglas is the correct answer

what 1928 event celebrated the newly commissioned route 66?


Answer: The first international transcontinental foot race.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

who was criticized for blending Greek values with Islam


Answer: Ibn Rushd Muslim philosopher that was criticized for blending Greek philosophy with Islam Maimonides-Jewish philosopher that faced opposition for his ideas, but came to be recognized as the greatest Jewish philosopher in history- blended philosophy, religion, and science in the guide for the perplexed.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

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