c. 2500 B.C.
300 B.C.
Wrestling as
AD. 1351
a highly
games in
Tennis as
Greece AD. 500
and Chess in
game in
Rome Persia England
First Public
Invention of
Dice and
recorded combats of
Fencing in Olympic gladiators in
cards by
games in Ur
Games Rome
C. 3000 B.C.
c. 1500 B.C. 776 B.C. 264 B.C.
A.D. 1120
Bemard Grun Timetables of History and Guinness Book of Records, 1990
How many years does the timeline cover?
1. What period of time does the time line cover? Are most of the listed events
B.C. or A.D.?


Answer 1


b.c) 9 times

a.d) 5 times

so it is bc

Related Questions

Help with this one too please



did not because the Federalists didn't help them with nothing so no


hope this helps

How did the United States become a world power as a result of World War 1



the us became a world of power because of its It is braver to project power globally because it has no major threats on its borders.


Why was Solon known as one of the “seven wise men of Greece.”



did you say seven year war ??? I cant see well

How does the excerpt help you to understand
David as a ruler of the Israelites


?? i’d love to answer this, i just don’t know wat your saying.

Q: What did God give to Abraham and his descendants?



God promised to make Abraham the father of a great people and said that Abraham and his descendants must obey God. In return God would guide them and protect them and give them the land of Israel.


The promise that God gave to Abraham and his descendants is that they would fill the earth.

Who was Abraham?

He was a character in the old testament part of the bible. He is kniwn to  be a patriarch to the Jews.

The bible refers to him as a man that is after Gods heart. God gave him the promise of having many children through him.

Raed more on Abraham here: https://brainly.com/question/16894766


I don’t wanna fail if you know the answer pls help me me :(



rum, gold, ivory, salt, cloth, pepper, spices were some goods

They also came to west Africa to trade goods for slaves


slave trade, the capturing, selling, and buying of enslaved persons. Slavery has existed throughout the world since ancient times, and trading in slaves has been equally universal. Enslaved persons were taken from the Slavs and Iranians from antiquity to the 19th century, from the sub-Saharan Africans from the 1st century CE to the mid-20th century, and from the Germanic, Celtic, and Romance peoples during the Viking era. Elaborate trade networks developed: for example, in the 9th and 10th centuries, Vikings might sell East Slavic slaves to Arab and Jewish traders, who would take them to Verdun and Leon, whence they might be sold throughout Moorish Spain and North Africa. The transatlantic slave trade is perhaps the best known. In Africa, women and children but not men were wanted as slaves for labour and for lineage incorporation; from circa 1500, captive men were taken to the coast and sold to Europeans. They were then transported to the Caribbean or Brazil, where they were sold at auction and taken throughout the New World. In the 17th and 18th centuries, enslaved African persons were traded in the Caribbean for molasses, which was made into rum in the American colonies and traded back to Africa for more slaves. The practice of slavery continued in many countries (illegally) into the 21st century. Indeed, the not-for-profit abolitionist organization American Anti-Slavery Group claims that more than 40 million people are enslaved around the world. Sex slavery, in which women and children are forced into prostitution—sometimes by their own family members—is a growing practice throughout the world.

What effects of the Great Depression are evident



5 causes


Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Many people assume, incorrectly, that the stock market crash that happened on October 29, 1929 is synonymous with the Great Depression. Indeed, it was one of the primary causes of the Great Depression. Within two months after the October catastrophe, investors had lost more than $40 billion. Even while the stock market started to recover some of its losses by the end of 1930, it was insufficient, and America entered what is now known as the Great Depression.

2. Bank Failures - Over 9,000 banks collapsed during the 1930s. Because bank deposits were uninsured, when banks collapsed, individuals simply lost their money. Uncertain of the economic situation and fearful for their own existence, surviving banks reduced their willingness to provide new loans. This aggravated the issue, resulting in decreasing spending.

3. Axed Purchasing Across the Board - As a result of the stock market fall and worries of more economic troubles, folks from all socioeconomic groups ceased purchasing. This resulted in a decrease in the amount of things produced and, therefore, a decrease in the workforce. As individuals lost employment, they were unable to pay for products purchased on installment plans and their property was seized. Inventory started to increase at a rapid rate. The unemployment rate increased to 25%, implying even less expenditure to help relieve the economic crisis.

4. American Economic Policy with Europe - In 1930, when firms started to collapse, the government enacted the Smoot-Hawley Tariff to aid in the protection of American enterprises. This imposed a hefty import tariff, resulting in decreased commerce between America and other nations, as well as some economic retribution.

5. Drought Conditions - While not a direct cause of the Great Depression, the drought in the Mississippi Valley in 1930 was severe enough that many farmers were unable to pay their taxes or other bills and were forced to sell their farms at a loss. The region was dubbed "The Dust Bowl." The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck dealt with this subject.

Valley Forge became famous because it was



Im so glad we learned this in 8th grade-


Valley forge was a great success for the army back then because of the American army's victory against the British army.

Something with the revolutionary war and it being cold i think

Students at a local high school were concerned about the number of car 1 point accidents on the street in front of their school. So a group of students created a document and gathered signatures asking their city government. to install a traffic light in front of their school. Which protection, . guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, were students using when doing all of this?

A. The right to privacy
B. The right to petition their government
C. The right to bear arms


The right to petition their government

B. the right to person their government

the students are asking for something so yeah.

Which painting is the most accurate representation of what really happened during the Boston massacre?



Do you have the painting because we don't see it


The deployment of Oklahoma’s _____ Infantry Brigade into Afghanistan and Iraq is the largest of its kind since the 1950s.


Answer: world war ll



45th Infantry


The deployment of Oklahoma’s 45th Infantry Brigade into Afghanistan and Iraq is the largest of its kind since the 1950s.

Which government agency is responsible for collecting tariffs?
A. The Homeland Security Office
B. The Internal Revenue Service
C. The Customs and Border Patrol
D. The Printing and Eggraving Office



B. The Internal Revenue Service


Use context clues to define the word in italics below
Ancient civilizations are similar to our own because they depended on each other, just as we do now
What does the word civilizations mean?
A types of communication
B family characteristics
C important buildings
D highly developed society



I think it would be D.


I know this because I got the same question on a test and D was correct



it is d for sure trust me i got it on my test

Mohammed and the new religion were immediately successful. Do you think this is this true or false and why? Please explain





They faced many cruel hardships for success

What was one result of the independence movements in Latin America during
the 19th century?
A. The new Latin American countries agreed to form an army that
could protect the entire region.
B. The new Latin American countries suffered from political
instability and foreign interference,
C. The new Latin American countries quickly became more
economically powerful than the United States.
D. The new Latin American countries abolished slavery but were
forced to restore it to keep their economies profitable.


Answer: The one result of the independence movements in Latin America during the 19th century was the new Latin American countries removed peninsulares from positions of power and replaced them with creoles. The penisulares are the Spanish and Portuguese or group of people who came directly from the Iberian Peninsula to rule or colonize Latin America.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

How many senators are there in the US Senate?





There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Nelson family invests $6,000 into an account that earns 4.85% annual interest. They deposit an additional $175 each month. At the end of 5 years, will the value in the account be enough to pay for at least the first year of college?


The amount after five years is calculated by compound interest to be $19733 and it can pay for the first year of college.

For the first year;

Initial money invested = $6,000

Money deposited monthly throughout the year = 12 ×  $175 = $2100

Total principal = $6,000 + $2100 = $8,100

Interest = $8,100 × 4.85 × 1/100 = $392.85

Second year;

Principal = $8,100 + $392.85 + $2100 =$ 10592.85

Interest = $ 10592.85 × 4.85 × 1/100 = $ 513.75

Third year;

Principal = $ 10592.85 +  $ 513.75 +  $2100 = $13206.6

Interest =  $13206.6  × 4.85 × 1/100 = $640.5

Fourth year;

Principal = $13206.6 + $640.5 + $2100 = $15947.1

Interest = $15947.1 × 4.85 × 1/100 = $773.4

Fifth year;

Principal = $15947.1 + $773.4 + $2100 = $18820.5

Interest =  $18820.5  × 4.85 × 1/100 = $912.8

Money at the end of five years; $18820.5 + $912.8 = $19733

Learn more about compound interest: https://brainly.com/question/25857212

Is the media ever biased? Need it fast!


Yes, one thousand percent, as all sources have their own independent agendas and ideologies.


Well Take news as and example OF COURSE THEY ARE BIASED


Should migration be free throughout the world



Yeah i think that it should be





the ones who deserve it should only go

it will cause economic problems

some will have overpopulation while others will have less

hope this will help

Who made the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan?



Harry S Truman


Was The Person That Made The Decision To Use Atomic bomb

The constitutional conventions dispute over state representation was settled by the ?




The Great Compromise was forged in a heated dispute during the 1787 Constitutional Convention: States with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation.

why was the election of 1800 a victory for the constitution?



The only constitutional change that resulted from the election of 1800 was the twelfth amendment requiring separate electoral votes for president and vice president.


who noow the answer i need this tomorow​



write the name off chapter


then i will share correct answer

Describe how Ancient Mesopotamian society developed from small farming villages to large cities with their own rulers. pls help!!!!


Early settlers in Mesopotamia started to gather in small villages and towns. As they learned how to irrigate land and grow crops on large farms, the towns grew bigger. Eventually these towns became large cities. New inventions such as government and writing were formed to help keep order in the cities.

This table can be used to compare the number of
✔ casualties
in these countries.

✔ Germany
suffered the most casualties during World War I.

The country with the largest number of wounded soldiers was
✔ France



This table can be used to compare the number of

✔ casualties

in these countries.

✔ Germany

suffered the most casualties during World War I.

The country with the largest number of wounded soldiers was

✔ France

. Describe three methods that Stalin used to take control of his country and his people.


Stalin used propaganda to manipulate his country (fear and terror, praise and glorification), mass murdered to show his power, and silenced opposing parties.

Yo help 50 points two paragraphs only

Your commander, Lieutenant Major Reginald Brighton, wants a full report on what is happening in the United States. Specifically, he needs information on the Articles of Confederation, and he wants to know why a stronger government is necessary for the country to survive. In your confidential letter of at least two paragraphs, be sure to include the following elements:

A formal tone used for writing, as you are addressing your commander
A heading or title including a date and greeting to the commander (for example, “Confidential Letter, December 1786.”)

First paragraph:

An explanation of the powers that Congress has under the Articles of Confederation
A list of the strengths of the new government under the Articles of Confederation
A list of the weaknesses of the new government under the Articles of Confederation
Examples of how people have reacted to the new government

Second paragraph:

An explanation of why a new, stronger government is necessary



Dear Commander Lieutenant Major Reginald Brighton:

As you know the confederation has its constitution and this constitution has many articles. The present missive is to inform you what is happening in the United States with respect of this constitution.

The main article of this constitution states that the president is elected by popular vote and gives the congress many attributions. The congress has to approve the nation's budget and they just have spend the money that the country has. I think the best thing  of this people is that they have power balance and leaders that make many good things for their nation.

The strengths of this nation are many. For example it  has a good Army because the congress has bought many good weapons and also it has passed good bills in favor of the people, for example: this country has good hospitals and medicine for everybody. The weaknesses of this new government are many  but I think the worst thing can be that there is not so much Freedom of Speech. The ones that talk about the congress are immediately put under investigation.

People have reacted in different ways to the government, but I think people are started to get tired of the situation of not having the liberty of saying what they really want.

I will inform you more about this nation in my following missives.

Expressing my feelings of the highest esteem, I respectfully say good bye,


Sir William Shakespeare


What impact did the Great Depression have on minorities in the United States



The Great Depression caused economic and social consequences.


Banks failed, business closed, unemployment rose, foreclosures, evictions, homelessness and hunger across America.  Minorities were largely affected as many were farm workers and the farmers lost crops and livestock and then lost land.  This caused minorities to have no work, food or home many trie to move west... westward expansion

in this section you will show your knowledge of the content by constructing a three paragraph essay Remember to use examples from this unit be specific, and followpraper paragrapt and essay writing conventions. Discuss the similarities between the feudal systems of Japan and Europe. Be sure to explain the role of the nobility and the military classes in both societies.​





When looking up stuff for essays make sure to use your notes and to go on websites that end in .gov, or, org.

Directions- Read the quotes and explain the importance of the Constitution in each situation. According to each quote, who would this person be a Federalist or Anti-Federalist and Why?

1. “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” -George Washington

2. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams

3.“Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” -Abraham Lincoln


George Washington would been a federalist because he favored an strong central government. Also, he believed that an weak government wouldn’t last against threats or anyone trying to ruin the government.
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