1. Distinguish living beings from non-living things on the basis of the following
A. reproduction
B.energy production
C. growth


Answer 1


reproduction. plants undergo mitotic division while animals meiotic division

energy reproduction. plants produce or manufacture their own food through photosynthesis while animals depend on plants that's they convert the energy from plants (carbohydrates) into proteins vitamins etc

growth. growth in plants in localized..it involves growth of part tissues like roots stem leaves while in animals it is diffuse that's it occurs in every active cells.



Related Questions

cellular respiration
help with chart


The arrows mean that it belongs in that box and in the box where the caption is in.

Meaning that you should write the same answer in both boxes.

Which weevil is closely related to the oak weevil


Your chair 90000 nappy

Select all that apply. Hair infections are generally
caused by


Answer: A. Bacteria, B. Fungi, E. Lice.


Imagine that head shape is controlled by a maternal effect gene. The dominant h allele produces a oval-shaped head, while the recessive h allele produces a square-shaped head. Imagine that a woman has an oval-shaped head. Her father has the h h genotype. What proportion of head phenotypes do you expect to see in her children


The woman’s genotype is Hh because her father has the genotype hh. If the woman has children with a person who’s genotype is HH, you see 100% oval heads, you’d have genotype HH and Hh. If the woman has children with a person who is Hh, you expect 75% oval heads and 25% square heads with the genotypes HH, Hh, and hh. If she has children with some who is hh, you’d expect 50% oval, 50%square with genotype Hh and hh. To solve, use punnet squares!

How does myelin increase the speed of the action potential?


It insulates the axon and assembles specialized molecular structure at the nodes of Ranvier. In unmyelinated axons, the action potential travels continuously along the axons.

For example, in unmyelinated C fibers that conduct pain or temperature (0.4–1.2 μm in diameter), conduction velocity along the axon is 0.5–2.0 m/s (as fast as you walk or jog).

I hope this helps have a great day :)

19. Which type of weathering is responsible for the green patina that forms on the copper skin of the Statue of Liberty



Oxidization which is a type of CHEMICAL WEATHERING

Chemical weathering is mostly caused by water and the many chemical substances that are contained in it, copper skin of the Statue of Liberty is due to Chemical weathering, hence option 1 is correct.

What is Chemical weathering?

One of the minerals that form rocks the most frequently chemically combines with water and other water-soluble substances to make clay.

Many weak acids, including carbonic acid, are present in water. Water, oxygen, and acids are the principal weathering agents in chemical reactions.

These interact with rocks on the surface to create new minerals that are stable in or in balance with the climatic and chemical conditions at the surface of the planet.

Therefore, the copper skin of the Statue of Liberty is due to Chemical weathering.

Learn more about weathering, here:



please help me i’ll give you brainlist



B) Daughter Cells


When a cell divides, the parent cell divides to form two daughter cells.


The answer is daughter cells.

Hope that helps. x

1. What do we call the study of the earth and its structure?


Geology !

Explanation: (if needed)

The studies of Earth’s physical structure and substance, its history and the processes that act on it. People who work in this field are known as geologists. Planetary geology is the science of studying the same things about other planets. It includes the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet. An important part of geology is the study of how Earth's materials, structures, processes, and organisms have changed over time. Geology involves methods and knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.


This study is called geology


Geology is a branch of Earth science concerned with both the liquid and solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time. Geology can also include the study of the solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite such as Mars or the Moon.

Which cell type would have the highest concentration of oxygen on a bright, sunny day?


Answer: The Pulmonary vein blood vessel carries oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart. Therefore, it carries the highest concentration of oxygen.

Explanation: i think is the answer not sure hope it help this question :)

Need help with this biology pedigree question.


Check the comment under this

What happens during a penumbral lunar eclipse?


Answer: A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are imperfectly aligned.

Explanation: During this occurance the Earth comes between the Sun and moon and blocks the sunlight from falling on the moon.

Which of the following distinguishes how options differ from futures In commodities markets?

Options are used to speculate against good pricing.

Options cannot be applied beyond a set volume of a good.

Options involve prices for goods set at the current time.

Options do not involve a requirement for a good to be purchased.



I believe it is C I am not 100% though sorry if its wrong

Options and futures contracts are both derivatives, created mostly for hedging purposes. The key difference between them is that futures obligate each party to buy or sell, while options give the holder the right (not the obligation) to buy or sell.

Salt water gargle can temporarily relieve a sore throat. One recipe calls for 3/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of water. A second recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of salt in 2 cups of water. Which recipe will taste saltier?



The first solution will, since the salt to water ratio contains more salt.


The salt will cause the recipe to taste saltier, since the salt is what makes things salty.

Ian experience pain in his leg after a fall he goes to the doctor after an exam the doctor explain to Ian that he has
injured a piece of tissue that connects his leg muscle to bone. What piece of tissue is the doctor describing?





It’s not cartilage because cartilage is connective tissue in between joints, and a joint is a place between bones that allows movement. Tendons connect muscles to bones.

Lab: Energy Absorption/Reflection
Student Guide and Lab Instructions
In this laboratory exercise, you will design an experiment to test the ability of certain materials to absorb or reflect
Lesson Objectives
• Design an experiment to test your prediction.
• Explain how air temperature, air pressure, air density, and Earth's rotation interact to produce air circulations locally and globally.
• Explain how the absorption or reflection of sunlight may affect natural settings.
• Predict that different materials will absorb or reflect sunlight.
• Describe the consequences of the heat energy that is taken up by the atmosphere and what the atmosphere does with it.
• Explain how heat energy is transferred from the sun to Earth and the atmosphere.
Approximate lesson time is 60 minutes.
For the Student
• Laboratory Guidelines
Keywords and Pronunciation
specific heat: the energy, in calories, required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree
Activity 1: Energy Absorption/Reflection 1 (Online)
Activity 2: Energy Absorption/Reflection (Online)
Follow the Procedure below. As you complete the lab, take notes about the lab so you can participate in the discussion. In this laboratory exercise, you will design an experiment to test how different materials reflect or absorb light.
Part 1: Formulate a Hypothesis
1. Keep these questions in mind as you develop your hypothesis:

• Do some colors absorb more light than others?
• Do some materials absorb or reflect more light than others?
• How could you indirectly measure the amount of sunlight absorbed by an object?
2. Write a hypothesis, in if...then format.
Part 2: Design an Experiment
3. Design an experiment that tests the absorption and reflection of different materials.
4. Create a list of materials and a procedure to test your hypothesis.
5. Record your idea in your lab report for discussion. Note that you do not need to perform the experiment.
When you have finished, you will discuss with your classmates through a threaded discussion board. Print the Grading Rubric for the Threaded Discussion Board Activity and review the contents. Your teacher will use this rubric to grade your participation in this discussion.
Discussion: Energy Absorption/Reflection 1 (Online)
Read the discussion prompt and carefully write your response. Remember:
What you type here is public. A good rule of thumb is to only post things here that you would be
comfortable communicating in person.
Responses should be well written (use a spell-checker) and clearly address the issue being discussed. You
may wish to write your response in a word processing program, and then copy and paste it into the topic
response box.
Your teacher will review postings regularly. Any postings containing foul language or inappropriate topics
will be removed, and the posting student will be referred to the administration. If you are in doubt about
whether something is appropriate to post, either ask your teacher first, or just don’t post it.
Review the Grading Rubric for Discussion Board Activity. Your teacher will use this rubric to grade your
participation in this discussion. Be sure to contact your teacher if you have any questions.



        Sit inside the car and drive down the mountains. The car will be able to run down from the road by the force of the gravity.

          But if you drive up to the hill, if the car had less force you may need to put the car.

         So, when you drive the car up to the hill, the car need/use more force or energy.


Like this picture.


What are 3 inventions that came as a direct result of space exploration?



NASA has addressed a lot of issues in space exploration through their inventions such as water filters, charge-coupled devices, lifeshears, scratch-resistant eyeglass lenses, cochlear implants, anti-corrosion coating and memory foam.


How do bogs keep themselves cool


Answer: Like humans, dogs need to keep themselves cool to protect their bodies. They do sweat, but not in the same way. They only have sweat glands only on the paw pads and nose leather. Since they are covered with fur, it is more challenging to keep their bodies cool.

After your dog runs around, you will notice that he begins to pant heavily. Dogs rely on panting to keep their bodies cool. Panting causes the evaporation of water from the nasal cavity, tongue, throat and lungs, which helps lower their body temperature.

They also experience the same dilation in blood vessels as humans, which brings blood to the surface of the skin, allowing the air in the environment to cool them.

Any dog is at risk for heat-related problems, especially in warm, humid weather. Our brachycephalic friends are at a much greater risk than their long-nosed counterparts. Large breeds with thick coats, such as Bernese Mountain dogs or Pyrenees are also more prone. Dogs with pre-existing heart conditions or respiratory issues are also more likely to be overcome by the heat.

When these dogs pant to try and cool themselves, they have to work harder to do so. This only raises their body temperature even higher, making it worse instead of better.

Which characteristic do animals with an endoskeleton have that animals with
an exoskeleton lack?
A. A skeleton outside their body
B. A skeleton inside their body
C. The ability to get heat from the environment
D. The ability to produce most of the heat they need





Cause endo skeleton is on the inside

The answer is B because endoskeletons are external bones

A soil sample is 25 percent sand, 55 percent clay, and 20 percent silt. Use the following soil texture triangle to determine the type of soil present in this sample.

Silty loam
Sandy clay
Sandy clay loam






a: sample containing 30 percent sand, 35 percent clay, and 35 percent silt


The graph below shows the number of viable bald eagle nests along a
25-mile long section of the Mississippi River between Wisconsin and
PAIR, what is the probable carrying capacity of this environment? *


The carrying capacity of this environment is 225 from the graph shown.

An ecosystem is a self supporting unit in which materials and energy are exchanged. The carrying capacity of an ecosystem refers to the maximum number of species that the ecosystem can effectively sustain without breaking down.

From the graph, we can see that the population of species continues to increase until the number reaches 225. This is the carrying capacity of this environment.

Learn more about carrying capacity: https://brainly.com/question/2375972

Which types of organisms developed first due to the early
environmental conditions on Earth?
A. prokaryotic and aerobic
B. prokaryotic and anaerobic
C. eukaryotic and aerobic
D. eukaryotic and anaerobic


The answer is prokaryotic and anaerobic

All changes saved
1. Using the image below, describe in at least 2 paragraphs, what is happening with the arrows. Name and explain the processes and the changing forms
of Carbon. To conclude, predict what the numbers might represent.
Global Carbon Cycle
Sol Respiration
fond Lond Vio
Fossil Fuels
5,000 -10,000
Earth's Crust
Boriolo Sediments
Surface Ocean 725
Intermediate and
Deep Ocean 37,275 Po



Carbon is the backbone of life on Earth. We are made of carbon, we eat carbon, and our civilizations—our economies, our homes, our means of transport—are built on carbon. We need carbon, but that need is also entwined with one of the most serious problems facing us today: global climate change.

Photograph of a forest.

Photograph of a coal fire.

Carbon is both the foundation of all life on Earth, and the source of the majority of energy consumed by human civilization. [Photographs ©2007 MorBCN (top) and ©2009 sarahluv (lower).]

Forged in the heart of aging stars, carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the Universe. Most of Earth’s carbon—about 65,500 billion metric tons—is stored in rocks. The rest is in the ocean, atmosphere, plants, soil, and fossil fuels.

Carbon flows between each reservoir in an exchange called the carbon cycle, which has slow and fast components. Any change in the cycle that shifts carbon out of one reservoir puts more carbon in the other reservoirs. Changes that put carbon gases into the atmosphere result in warmer temperatures on Earth.

Draft diagram of the carbon cycle.

This diagram of the fast carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon between land, atmosphere, and oceans. Yellow numbers are natural fluxes, and red are human contributions in gigatons of carbon per year. White numbers indicate stored carbon. (Diagram adapted from U.S. DOE, Biological and Environmental Research Information System.)

Over the long term, the carbon cycle seems to maintain a balance that prevents all of Earth’s carbon from entering the atmosphere (as is the case on Venus) or from being stored entirely in rocks. This balance helps keep Earth’s temperature relatively stable, like a thermostat.

This thermostat works over a few hundred thousand years, as part of the slow carbon cycle. This means that for shorter time periods—tens to a hundred thousand years—the temperature of Earth can vary. And, in fact, Earth swings between ice ages and warmer interglacial periods on these time scales. Parts of the carbon cycle may even amplify these short-term temperature changes.

Graph of oxygen isotope ratios in the deep ocean for the past 67 million years.

The global carbon cycle model describes the evolution of carbon mass in the mantle (Cm), the combined reservoir of ocean and atmosphere (Co+a), the continental crust (Cc), the ocean crust and floor (Cf), the kerogen (Cker), and the biosphere (Cbio).

What are the steps of carbon cycle?

Carbon on the dynamic planet can move from one of these realms to another as part of the carbon cycle.

Carbon is transferred from the atmosphere to plants.Carbon is transferred from plants to animals.Carbon is transferred from plants and animals to soils.Carbon is transferred from living things to the atmosphere.When fossil fuels are burned, carbon is released into the atmosphere.Carbon is transferred from the atmosphere to the oceans.

Thus, above-mentioned are the steps involved in a carbon cycle.

For more details regarding carbon cycle, visit:



the process of diffusion occur when?



Diffusion occurs in a type of cell transport called passive transport.

This type of cell transport doesn't use any energy. It goes from a high to low concentration gradient.

help with number 12 please



i don't know lol i can't really se it becise is like i don't know




steroids: catabolic

cellular respiration: catabolic

lipid breakdown: catabolic

photosynthesis: anabolic


Catabolic you could say is when something breaks down, "consumed, used". When its anabolic its being formed, example: photosynthesis to create energy.

Hope that helps

Define the term variation as it relates to living organisms.


In biology, variation refers to any difference between cells, individuals, or groups of organisms of any species caused by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or the effect of environmental conditions on the manifestation of genetic potentials (phenotypic variation).

Describe how acid rain would react with rocks overtime.



When acidic rainwater falls on limestone or chalk, a chemical reaction happens. New, soluble, substances are formed in the reaction. These dissolve in the water, and then are washed away, weathering the rock.


its true your welcome

- Psychology PLS HELP-

Tom's directive and confrontive therapist challenges Tom's belief that he is worthless because he is not the
world's greatest Superhero. Tom's therapist is most likely:

A. an eclectic therapist

B. a psychoanalyst like Sigmund Freud

C. a cognitive therapist like Aaron Beck

D. a humanistic therapist like Carl Rogers

E. a humanistic, client-centered therapist


Tom's therapist is most likely an eclectic therapist.

What is eclectic therapy?

Eclectic therapy is a method that draws on orientation and many theoretical approaches. It is a flexible and multi-faceted treatment that allows the therapist to use the most effective methods available to address the needs of each client.

What is an example of eclectic therapy?

An example of an eclectic program is where children spend part of each day experiencing a variety of treatments, such as formal teaching using behavioral analytical techniques (ABA), sensory stimulation (brushing and flipping), down-to-earth routines, and music sessions, and free play with regular peers.

Learn more about eclectic therapy here https://brainly.com/question/27155537


Why is it important to know where the San Andreas fault is



so you dont die


Its a important part on knowing earthquakes and how they are caused.

Describe the weather after the passage of a cold front.



As the cold front passes, winds become gusty. ... Atmospheric pressure changes from falling to rising at the front. After a cold front moves through your area, you may notice that the temperature is cooler, the rain has stopped, and the cumulus clouds are replaced by stratus and stratocumulus clouds or clear skies.


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