A security architect at a large, multinational organization is concerned about the complexities and overhead of managing multiple encryption keys securely in a multicloud provider environment. The security architect is looking for a solution with reduced latency to allow the incorporation of the organization's existing keys and to maintain consistent, centralized control and management regardless of the data location. Which of the following would best meet the architects objectives

a. trusted platform module
b. IaaS
c. HSMaaS
d. PaaS


Answer 1


a. trusted platform module

i thinks it will help you


Related Questions

the document area is where you save your file true or false



A few popular places to save files are under “desktop” or “documents" and then in a specific folder. If you saved the file to your desktop, you do not need to go through finder to access it. You can simply minimize all your windows, and click on it there. Double click on the file and you're ready to open it.

Explanation: TRUE. A.

Create a raptor program that asks to user to enter 10 numbers into an array. Then display all the numbers, the smallest and the largest. Be sure to add prompts and labels to your input and display.


This is the raptor program written in Python 3.8:


ten_numbers = [ ]

# get the ten numbers

print("Enter 10 numbers")

for i in range(1, 11):

   num = int(input("[{ }] (Enter number and press enter to accept): ".format(i)))


# get the smallest and the largest

smallest = min(ten_numbers)

largest = max(ten_numbers)

# display the results

print("The list of numbers is: { }".format(ten_numbers))

print("The smallest number in the list is { }, and the largest is

           { }.".format(smallest, largest))


The raptor program

Uses a for loop to get the 10 numbers into a list. Then, it uses the in-built Python min and max functions to get the smallest and largest numbers in the list.

Learn more about Python lists here: https://brainly.com/question/24941798

Write two statements to assign numApples with 10 and numOranges with 3. Sample output for given program: Apples: 10 Oranges: 3


numApples = 10

numOranges = 3

print(f"Apples: {numApples}")

print(f"Oranges: {numOranges}")

The statements should assign numApples with 10 and numOranges with 3.

The code is written in python.

The variable numApples is used to assign the number of apples and numOranges is used to assign the number of oranges.

The number of apples and oranges were outputted with the print statement in python.  

I used the f strings in python to concatenate strings and integers.

The bolded values in the code are python key words.

read more: https://brainly.com/question/13785329?referrer=searchResults

1. A is printed at the bottom of each page.​



b is also printed at both page


I need to do because c can also pri Ted at all side

hope its help you

please mark as brainliest

What are software applications?



the first option is obviously the correct answer

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of password generator software. Would you recommend the use of such software for your own system



he various advantages that can be associated with a password generator software are as follows: Any arbitrary long password can be generated using the complete set of symbols and not just a subset (usually the subset which is easier to type on a key


Cloud computing brings the ability to scale both technologically and business-wise using a pay-as-you-go paradigm, allowing the users to concentrate more resources and time on their ideas (Edlund & Livenson, 2011). Please write a technical report about the opportunities and challenges on adoption of cloud computing in a real or fictional business case.


The opportunities that can be gotten from the adoption of cloud computing include:

More resources will be available for data protection.More data security.More employment opportunities.

The challenges that can be gotten from the adoption of cloud computing include:

Separation failure.Data transfer bottlenecks.Public management interface issues.

It should be noted that cloud computing means the delivery of different services through the internet. Such resources include applications and tools such as data storage, databases, servers, etc.

Cloud computing is vital as it helps in enhancing data security and job opportunities. The challenges include data transfer bottlenecks, separation failure, etc.

Read related link on:


What are the chances of a baby zombie to spawn in full golden armor in MC? ​



Baby Zombies can spawn naturally in the Overworld, but they only have a 5% chance to spawn. The player can also spawn one with a Zombie Spawn Egg. Baby Zombies can also be found riding a Chicken, creating a Chicken Jockey.


It is very unlikely for a baby zombie to appear wearing shiny golden armor.

Why is this so?

It is not common for a zombie to appear with armor, and it is even rarer for a baby zombie to wear a full set of golden armor.

The chance of this event happening is different for each version and if any changes have been made to the game. However, in the regular MC with no changes, the chances are usually low.

Learn more about MC



2. Build a MATLAB program to evaluate ln(x) between [1, 2] that guar- antees up to 10 correct decimal digits using Chebyshev interpolation. Evaluate your function on 100 points on the interval [1, 2] and calculate the absolute error fore each point using MATLAB’s log command as the exact solution. Plot your error profile. Does this agree with the expected level of accuracy?


who was the father computer

What is data?........​



[tex]\huge\bold\green{Data\ :- }[/tex]

In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form. ... Raw data is a term used to describe data in its most basic digital format.

Problem: A company wants a program that will calculate the weekly paycheck for an employee based on how many hours they worked. For this company, an employee earns $20 an hour for the first 40 hours that they work. The employee earns overtime, $30 an hour, for each hour they work above 40 hours. Example: If an employee works 60 hours in a week, they would earn $20/hr for the first 40 hours. Then they would earn $30/hr for the 20 hours they worked overtime. Therefore, they earned: ($20/hr * 40hrs) + ($30/hr * 20 hrs) = $800 + $600 = $1400 total. For this assignment, you must create pseudocode and a flowchart to design a program that will calculate an employee’s weekly paycheck.



something like that


static bunch of krap main (args) {

    double hours;

    double salary;

    double overSalary;

   print("Enter hours worked: ");


    if (hours <= 40) {

       salary = 20 * hours;


    if (hours > 40) {

       overSalary = 30 * (hours - 40);

       salary = 20 * 40 + overSalary;





In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of python to write a salary function, as follows:

the code is in the attached image.

In a more easy way we have that the code will be:

static bunch of krap main (args) {

   double hours;

   double salary;

   double overSalary;

  print("Enter hours worked: ");


   if (hours <= 40) {

      salary = 20 * hours;


   if (hours > 40) {

      overSalary = 30 * (hours - 40);

      salary = 20 * 40 + overSalary;




See more about python at brainly.com/question/26104476

Which operating system might cause the desktop background to change unexpectedly?

A.) boot failure

B.) startup loop

C.) malware

D.) incompatibility



C.) Malware

A boot failure would not load the desktop, same with a startup loop and incompatibility.

Need help with these plss correct answers
Explain the difference between linear and non-linear motion. What are examples of each kind of motion?

Imagine that an animated film is going to show a character who, although frightened, climbs a narrow mountain trail. What is one of the 12 principles of animation that you learned about in this unit that the animator might want to use in this scene?

Describe how you would use the principle of “staging” in a scene in an animated film that shows a triumphant moment in a soccer game played in a large stadium.

Describe a situation where an animator might choose to intentionally violate the principle of “slow in and slow out.”

Imagine that you had been given the task of animating a crab walking along the seashore. How would you use the animation principle of secondary action to make the scene appear more realistic?


Answer: The only thing i could find was this I hope this helps you out

Timing and Spacing: The number of frames between two poses, and how those individual frames are placed.

Squash and Stretch: The flexibility of objects to exaggerate or add appeal to a movement.

Anticipation: The setup for an action to happen.

Ease In and Ease Out: The time for acceleration and deceleration of movement.

Follow Through and Overlapping Action: The idea that separate parts of the body will continue moving after a character or object comes to a full stop, and the idea that parts of the body will move at different times.

Arcs: The principle that smooths animation and moves action in a realistic way.

Exaggeration: The pushing of movement further to add more appeal to an action.

Solid Drawing: The accuracy of volume, weight, balance, and anatomy.

Appeal: The relatability (or charisma) of a character.

Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose: The spontaneous and linear approach to creating an action using many in-between poses along with the main poses, and the more methodical approach to creating an action using only a few poses.

Secondary Action: The actions that emphasize or support the main action of the animation.

Staging: The setting up of the scene, from placement of characters to the background and foreground elements, to how the camera angle is set up, the lighting and shadows, and more.



1. Linear motion is motion in a straight line. Non-linear motion is motion that is not in a straight line. For example when you move your pen in a line it is linear.

2. They might use something to show the mountain and show how big it is. Using effects like this can bring out certain parts and bring out what really is trying to be shown in a movie.

3. The camera angle of the soccer game and the follow with the ball being shown can give a staging looking for what is coming or what is important in that time.

4. You can use it to show how fast a car is going or to show where a person is at on a map in a 3rd person view

5. I would use Arcs because it smooths out the image or video to make whatever your trying to make look more realistic.

4. When working at the CLI in Linux, you specify the exact location of a file, which is the ____________________ to it, by beginning with a forward slash (/) to indicate the root directory.


Command line interface is used in form of a messenger conversation with your computer. You specify the exact location of a file, which is the pwd to it.

The Command Line Interface (CLI), is said to be a non-graphical, text-based interface attached to the computer system.

It is where the user input in a command and the computer then successfully executes it.

The Terminal is known to gives the command line interface (CLI) environment to the user.

The pwd command is simply known to be used in determining an exact folder location or path in Terminal.

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Have you ever written a program, saved a version, then later saved a different version and wish you could tell what changed





No I haven’t tbhhhhh

Create a program using python pseudo code

You are a manager of a Wally's Training Gym and you encourage your trainers to enroll new members. Input is the trainer's last name and the number of new enrollees. Output is the number of trainers who have enrolled members in each of three categories: 0-5 new members, 6-10 new members, and 11 to 15 new members. Write an application that allows the user to enter 15 names and the number of new members they have enrolled into an array. Output is to display the number of trainers who are in each category. Use good programming techniques that you have learned throughout the course. Use appropriate variable names, use an array to store the names and number of new enrollees, and use prompts for the input and labels with the display.


The program uses a loop and conditional statements.

Loops are used for iterations, while conditional statements are used to implement conditions

The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This creates a list for the trainer's last names

lastName = []

#This creates a list for the members enrolled by each trainer

membersEnrolled = []

#The next three lines initialize counter variables to 0

count0to5 = 0

count6to10 = 0

count11to15 = 0

#The following loop is repeated 15 times

for i in range(15):

   #This prompts the user for the trainer's last name

   name = input("Trainer's last name: ")

   #This prompts the user for the members' enrolled

   member = int(input("Members Enrolled: "))

   #This appends the last name to the list


   #This appends the members enrolled to the list


   #This counts the number of members enrolled in each group

   if member >=0 and member<=5:


   elif member >=6 and member<=10:


   elif member >=11 and member<=15:


#The next three lines print the counter variables

print(count0to5,"enrolled 0 to 5 members")

print(count6to10,"enrolled 6 to 10 members")

print(count11to15,"enrolled 11 to 15 members")

Read more about similar programs at:


what does project manager do?


project managers (PMs) are responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the completion of specific projects for an organization while ensuring these projects are on time, on budget, and within scope.

Why is it important to know the measurement of the component of the computer?


Computer has become very important nowadays because it is very much accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily. Otherwise to complete those tasks manually much more time is required. It can do very big calculations in just a fraction of a second. Moreover it can store huge amount of data in it. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

It is the most important part of the computer as it performs the main function of information processing. It makes all the required calculations and processes data.

A user tries to open a movie in Windows Media Player but no image is displayed and only audio plays Which software must be installed on the computer?​


There are software that are often installed in systems for audio player. The software must be installed on the computer is Codec.

Codec is simply refered to as a short form for the word coder-decoder. It is known as an algorithm that is often used when encoding data. Example an audio or video clip.

The encoded data is often decoded as it is played back.

It act by limiting the size of media file and it also increases the processing power that is needed to play the file back correctly.

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1. Give one reason why data is represented in binary in a computer [1]
2. How many bits in a byte? [1]
3. How many bytes are there in a MB? Include your working.



1) Computers use voltages and since voltages changes often, no specific voltage is set for each number in the decimal system. For this reason, binary is measured as a two-state system i.e. on or off. Also, to keep calculations simple and convert into binary online, computers use the binary number system

2) 8 bits

3) 1000000 bytes

What is software and what types of softwares?



the programs and other operating information used by a computer


system software and application software


Software is a group/collection of commands that tell a computer how to work/run. Software is the contrast for hardware which is a discussed topic in the software field.

Examples of software are, an Internet browser, Operating system, Movie player, Graphics program, etc.

the input nums is supposed to be an array of unique integers ranging from 1 ro nums.length (inclusive). However, there is a mistake: one of the numbers in the array is replicated, which means another number is missing. find and return he sum of the duplicate number and the missing number


The program which returns the sum of the duplicate and missing number is written in python 3 thus ;

def dup(nums):

#initialize a function which takes In a list of values as argument.


#sort the values in ascending order

for i in range(1, len(nums)):

#iterate through the list

if nums[i] == nums[i-1]:

#Check for repeated values

return nums[i] + nums[i]-1

#return the sum of the repeated values - 1

nums = [4,3,3,1]


A sample run of the program is attached.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/25574075

Which famous British physicist wrote A Brief History of Time?​



Stephen Hawking

Performing a vulnerability assessment on PCI DSS production systems, servers, and applications requires what types of applications and tools



Q10. Performing a vulnerability assessment on PCI DSS production systems, servers, and applications requires what applications and tools? Answer:----------- Assessment tools, firewall applications Q11. Refer to the PCI DSS Self-Assessment


. A binary search has a right subtree but no left subtree. What noes contains that least element in the tree


The root node will contain the smallest element

what is the meaning of keyboard?​


A panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.


keyboard is an input device that feeds the computer will data

Match each word to its correct meaning.
central processing unit
graphical user interface



Central Processing Unit (CPU)


The chip that runs the basic operations of the computer, abbreviated CPU



a collection of data, such as a program or document

Graphical User Interface (GUI)


images displayed on the screen that enables the user to interact with the computer



Physical parts of the computer, such as the motherboard or hard disk



Breaks in the action of a program using the operating system



Core program of a computer operating system



Format for storage of digital data

Hope this helps :)

vA student found a book on the library bookshelf last week, and recorded the source information.

Book title: My Traitor’s Heart Author: Rian Malan

Publication date: 1990 Publisher: Bodley Head Publication city: London

Use the drop-down menus to indicate how the student should format this source on a works-cited list.

My Traitor’s Heart.





got it right on edge

have a nice day



1. Malan, Rian

2. London:

3. Bodley Head, 1990

4. Print


did it

Kayla is on-location shooting a wedding while her other employees will be holding down the office and taking care of any walk-ins. Kayla left them written reminders and instructions for some things that they need to take care of in her absence. How did Kayla MOST LIKELY leave these instructions?

in shot lists being created for upcoming events

in purchase orders for equipment that needs to be ordered

in memos she wrote prior to leaving

by telling the models who would be photographed that day


Answer: A


In short lists being created for upcoming events did Kayla MOST LIKELY leave these instructions. Hence, option A is correct.

What is short lists?

Every camera shot that needs to be recorded in a scene for a video production is listed in detail on a shot list.

A shot list, created by the director and cinematographer during pre-production, is a thorough list of each shot that must be taken on a particular shoot day. Its main objective is to deconstruct a scene into detailed phases that can be used as a guide for your day of shooting.

A shot list is a breakdown of each shot of each scene and the order in which you plan to shoot them, whereas a storyboard shows your cinematographer and production designer your vision for each specific scene.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about short lists, click here:



what is the internet revolution?


The answer is B.
Hope this helps.



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Evaluate the formula 2=(n1)s22 when =3.32, n=38, and s=3.36. There are no risks when taking medication to treat anxiety.Please select the best answer from the choices provided.TF Which square (A, B, C, or D) represents the repeating subunit of the polymer shown? Three dots then C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then a single line connecting to a C connected by single lines to H above and C H subscript 3 below. Then a single line to a C connected by single lines to one H each above and below. Then three dots. A box labeled A surrounds the first C and things connected above and below. A box labeled B surrounds the fourth C and things connected above and below. A box labeled C surrounds the seventh and eighth C's and things connected above and below. A box labeled D surrounds the last 2 C's only. When comparing an electron's ground state with that of its excited state; which is thehigher entropy and which is the lower entropy? Provide a brief explanation as to why? HINT: Remember the relationship of the electron to its nucleus! how can teenagers help combat the opioid and heroin epidemic? Under California law, any person seeking relief for a breach of contract must do so within the time limits of the: True or false: Some states allow corporations to issue no-par value common stock. True false question. True False Which event happened after British troops marched on Lexington , Massachusetts, and shots were fired between British troops and American Colonists Peter was thinking of a number. Peter adds 8 to the number, then doubles the result to get an answer of 57.4. Form an equation with x from the information. How to write in simplified slope intercept form A line passes through the points (-4,5) and (1,-5). Write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form.A. y = - 2x - 3B.y = - 2x +3C. y=2x-3D. y = 2x + 3 Read the text below:Well now, one winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fishmoved south and even the snow turned blue. Late at night, it got so frigid that allspoken words froze solid afore they could be heard. People had to wait until sunupto find out what folks were talking about the night before.The underlined phrase is an example of:hyperbolehomopymhalf-rhyme convert into precent...convert 0.(6) as a precent the parenthesis mean something How did land labor and capital increase during the gilded age FIND THE MISTAKE IN THIS SENTENCE: (..) I really wish I (would have) a car of my own so that I (could go) for a drive in the country and I (would be able) to go when I want to and not (have to) wait for a bus or a train. 5. What percent of 36 is 24?A. 50%B. 66.7%C. 75%D. 80% Can someone help me out The sum of two numbers is 15 and the difference is 4. Let the two numbers be x and y.Write down a pair of simultaneous equations involving x and y. Solve the equations. On Shirley Abbotts Womenfolks: Growing Up Down South (1998) With which of the following pairs does the speaker illustrate what she means by schizoid in line 21?Select one:a. plate-glass store fronts (line 22) and splendid white stucco bathhouses (line 23)b. stones in an old-fashioned necklace (lines 25) and fronted in mirrors and glittering chrome (lines 30)c. the multistoried Arlington (line 28) and The Southern Club (line 32)d. once was a gambling casino (line 31) and now a wax museum (line 31-32)e. Chicago (line 41) and Churchill Downs (line 47) How would you write 262 3 in addition form?600 + 18 + 6600 + 180 + 6618 + 6600 + 180 + 6 3