A rubric explains how your teacher will determine how many points each test is worth over the course of a semester. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F.


Answer 1

Answer: False

Explanation: A rubric is for determining how many points a student will recieve on any given assignment. It's not just for tests. Actually rubrics aren't used for tests at all, only other normal assignment. Hope this helps, God bless!

Answer 2




just took the test

Related Questions

Chapter 4 ends with the image of someone laughing inside of the Radley house. What effect does this create for the reader? Explain, citing evidence from the text.



He denies believing in "hot steams," which Scout accuses him of in Chapter 4. Jem intends to retaliate against his sister by slamming her against the tire as hard as possible. Scout slams against the porch of the Radley mansion as she sprints toward it. According to Scout, "Through all the head-shaking, quelling of nausea, and Jem-yelling, I had heard another sound, so low I could not have heard it from the sidewalk. Someone inside the house was laughing, "Scout has chosen to stop playing in the Radley game, as indicated at the end of Chapter 4.

The message Scout the narrative is trying to convey is that moral education, the presence of good and bad, and socioeconomic status are all important considerations.


"To Kill a Mockingbird"

Answer:This creates a cliff-hanger effect.

Explanation: This is at the end of the chapter so that's how it's a cliff-hanger. Hopes this helps!



Answer: Pretend you’re one of the characters writing an autobiography. Maybe do some reasarch about the beginning of their life and then explain how the characters personality and traits developed. The whole point of the assignment is to be creative without straying too far from the actual characters life so make something interesting. If you really care about the grade I would make a PowerPoint because it’s the best low effort high reward presentation, but a short autobiography thing would work as well. Good luck!

please say this answer
please ​



this answer.

np buddy.

I know I'm super smart

The Great Debaters Scene 5: Debate Training

Discuss the questions below with a partner. Then Compose an intro paragraph and conclusion paragraph for this topic. (6-8 sentences)

1. Why does Tolson think it important to tell Henry Lowe about Willie Lynch?

2. Discuss Lynch's method of "Keeping the body and taking the mind"



He states that Henry Lowe lost his righteous mind because I think he was being unethical and questioning Mr. Tolson teaching method.When Henry challenges Professor Tolson to tell the debaters about himself, the Professor tells the shocking story of Willie Lynch.

willie lynch method of keeping the body and taking the mind means.He taught them a method of keeping the body and taking the mind. He told the slave owners that they were to cause the young men, old men, and females


Montaigne argues that
benefiting at the expense of
others is actually according to
the laws of nature
(Sec. 3). This appeals to


Montaigne's argument that benefiting at the expense of others is actually according to the laws of nature appeals to the law of the jungle.

How to explain the information

This law states that in nature, there is a constant struggle for survival and that the strong will always prey on the weak. Montaigne argues that this same law applies to human society, and that those who are able to benefit at the expense of others are simply following the natural order of things.

Montaigne's argument is controversial, and there are many who would argue that it is morally wrong to benefit at the expense of others. However, Montaigne's argument is also thought-provoking, and it forces us to consider the nature of human society and the role of competition in our lives.

In addition to the law of the jungle, Montaigne's argument may also appeal to the survival of the fittest.

Leans more about Montaigne on



Read the excerpt from chapter 10 of Animal Farm. For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS This commandment is an example of which type of satire? reversal, because the commandment has changed in meaning reversal, because Benjamin finally agrees to break his rule parody, because most of the animals still cannot read parody, because the commandment is making fun of the pigs.


After reading the excerpt from "Animal Farm" in which the commandment is changed, we can say we have an example of the following type of satire:

A. Reversal, because the commandment has changed in meaning.

What is reversal?The type of satire known as reversal happens when the author changes a situation, inverting the way things would normally be, usually with the purpose of making it absurd.

How is this excerpt an example of reversal?Originally, the commandment created by the animals living in Animal Farm was that all animals are equal. That was their aim - to create a society where animals were equal, treated fairly, and able to live freely and happily.However, with the new commandment, the situation has changed drastically. The pigs, who are the rulers of the farm, are now behaving like humans. They see themselves as superior to the other animals, and the commandment makes that clear.The situation has been so completely reversed that the animals are back to square one, as if they were still subjugated to humans, rather than ruling themselves.

With the information above in mind, we can choose letter A as the best option.

Learn more about "Animal Farm" here:




reversal, because the commandment has changed in meaning


What is difference between listening to a poem and reading a poem?




Reading engages the eyes and mind. Listening requires mind and ears and often sight, as we watch the speaker. When we pick up the poem to read it aloud, our eyes see the words, and our voices and bodies also become active, and the poem begins to take on further and further dimensions beyond its state on the page.

What is the meaning of “ pieces that are left after someone has been destroyed “



Their memories, or any items that may have belonged to that person. This is proved in the phrase "Pieces that are left". Any family/friends may keep their stuff as sentimental things to remember their loved one by.

Hope that helps. x

Mexico and Canada is part of North America as a subjective verb?


México and Canadá is part of North América is subj3ctive is México and Canadá

Imagine that you are a psychologist working in a youth detention center. All of your clients are adolescents that have broken the law in some form or another, but most are for non-violent offenses. Also imagine that all of your clients are of a different gender, ethnicity, and sociocultural background than yourself. Based on the recommendations of Sue and Sue (2016) and the other points raised in this chapter regarding the therapeutic alliance, explain how your personal experiences and worldview can impact the relationships you attempt to build with your clients.


Therapeutic relationships simply mean the relationship that is built between the client and the health care professionals.

Through therapeutic relationships, the client and the therapist engage with one another and it helps in bringing up beneficial changes in the client.

Therapeutic alliances as described by Sue are positive relationships, effective strategies, no negative stereotypes centered therapy. It should be noted that the therapist should be neutral to the differences in ethnicity or race.

Learn more about relationships on:


I (be) here for three hours.



I have been here for three hours


have a good day ^^

thank me later ^^

carryonlearing ^^


I have been here for three hours


Have a great day!

Select the correct answer. Why is pacing important in a text? A. It helps develop ideas and mood at the appropriate speed. B. It is necessary in creating believable character archetypes. C. It helps to identify examples of inductive reasoning. D. It is necessary in creating correct parallel structure.


Answer: it's A



A. it helps develop ideas and mood at the appropriate speed.

Hyperbole is used in which of the following statements? A.) David knocked on the door of every house, shed, and chicken coop until he had worn his knuckles to the bone. B.) the clock called out to her every second speaking her name, “Beth. Beth. Beth.” C.) regret is a cruel master, showing up to control your emotions when you least expect it to. D.) the brochure describes the coliseum as a “well preserved ruin” of an ancient landmark.



(A.) David Knocked on the door of every house, shed, and chicken coop until he had worn his knuckles to the bone.


A hyperbole is an exaggerated statement,  or clainm that is not meant to be taken literally.

(David wouldnt have actually knocked on every door enough to painfully shed his skin and muscle to the bone lol)


Im so hungry i could eat a horse

Im so sleepy I could sleep a year

She cries so much she could cry a River

Read the excerpt from "Autumn" by Jean Starr Untermeyer. Great jars laden with the raw green of pickles, Standing in a solemn row across the back of the porch, Exhaling the pungent dill; In the excerpt, the word "pungent" refers to the pickles’ aroma. Color. Shape. Flavor.


In the excerpt and according to the word context, the word "pungent" refers to:

The pickles

According to the given question, we are asked to use the details from the excerpt and according to the word context, state the meaning of the word "pungent".

As a result of this, we can see that from the given excerpt, there  is the narration about great jars and raw green pickles and that there was the exhalation of the pungent dill which  refers to the pickle

Read more about autumn here:





__________is the main point an author is attempting to prove in an essay.






Claim/ thesis trust me

On the occasion of national science and technology day



National Science day is celebrated on 28 Feb.

National Technology day is celebrated on 11 May.

In India

How does a question and answer format affect the audience. Like whats the impact


Answer: Response bias (also called survey bias) is the tendency of a person to answer questions on a survey untruthfully or misleadingly. For example, they may feel pressure to give answers that are socially acceptable.Jun 24, 2015


Read the following sentences and tell their kind.

There is no shortcut to success. 
A. Exclamatory
B. Declarative
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative​



The answer is B. Declarative.


Exclamatory ends in an "!" Interrogative ends in an "?" Imperative is a command. Declarative is a statement.

I, change into passive voice1. NAM MADE SOME CAKES



The cakes were made by Nam.


My opponent Janet Jones is a candidate for president of Chess Club. But what qualifies her for this role? Janet has admitted that she called other students insulting names on the playground in fifth grade. Those were verbal assaults. Then she did not answer when the playground monitor tried to find out who was yelling. That's lying, plain and simple. Do you want to elect someone who commits assault and lies? That would be an insult to members of the Chess Club.


This logic is somewhat flawed. This is an event that happened in the past, in 5th grade. Everyone sucks in the 5th grade. People can change, and using a singular event to deter someone from voting for a potentially solid candidate based on an outdated action.

4. Synthesize Review the third and fourth stanzas. How
do Booker T. and W.E.B.'s views of the fight for civil rights
differ? Use evidence from the poem in your answer.


The views of Booker T. and W.E.B. on civil rights differ from how blacks should pursue these rights.

We can arrive at this answer because:

W.E.B believed that civil rights alone would be achieved through the direct claim of these rights.He argued that for this to happen, blacks should strive to receive a formal education, which would allow them to understand their political and social roles, become intellectual, ready to debate white society and claim their political and civil rights.Booker T. rebuked such thinking and did not believe it would do black people any good, but it would promote more racism.Booker T. stated that blacks should maintain their inferior roles in relation to whites, not face them and not seek to claim rights.For him, blacks should strive to have economic independence and take care of each other.He claimed that economic independence and material growth would allow civil rights to come naturally and keep blacks safe.

You have not shown the text this question refers to, but I hope this information can help you.

More information on civil rights at the link:


A siren wailing makes me feel( irritated- nervous- scared - relaxed)

and please if u know the answer tell me why u picked it because I can see all of them same meaning pls help ​


Answer: Scared


- I think no one gets relaxed from a siren wailing

- If it was nervous, it would've only made sense if the sentence was: A siren wailing makes me nervous (feel taken out)

- Irritated is not really a feeling, I don't have an amazing explanation for it, however


I think... A siren wailing makes me feel nervous...


Irritated isn't such a peculiar feeling to do with sounds, it's kind of rare.

Relaxed makes not a bit of sense when interpreted(unless the person was an officer or framed someone else)

Scared has quite a similar definition to nervous but scared is a bit too amateur.

These are just my thoughts,

I could of course be wrong or right.

Passage A—An excerpt from Katherine Johnson's autobiography

I remember it like it was yesterday. Everyone was so nervous. John Glenn and his crew would be the first American Astronauts to orbit the Earth, and it was up to me to make sure they were safe. The computer was supposed to calculate the numbers. I was supposed to be watching the launch in my living room with the rest of the country, but not everything goes as planned. The computers were new, and not everybody, especially Mr. Glenn trusted them.

I got the call to check the numbers right before the launch. I was honored but terrified that Mr. Glenn asked for me personally. The country, although they didn't know it, was counting on me. I took a deep breath and did the work I did every day. I computed the numbers. Luckily, the numbers matched and with my assurance John Glenn and his crew launched up into space. The rest was history.

Passage B—Katherine Johnson's story took too many years to be told. Very few people realize that her genius can be thanked for modern space exploration. In fact, John Glenn refused to launch his historic 1962 orbital mission without her telling him it was safe. The computer was just invented, and it was the first time it was used to calculate something so important. Before the computer, the math was done by NASA employees, many of them women. John Glenn trusted Katherine before any computer. Even when everyone else assured him that the math was correct and he would be safe, he refused to put himself and his men in danger without Katherine checking the work. Because of her, and many of the hidden figures like her, the United States began to lead the space race.

Which statement best describes how the reader knows if Passage A is a firsthand account or a secondhand account?

A. The reader learns facts that Katherine might not know.
B. The reader learns what Katherine was feeling.
C. The reader knows that John Glenn trusted Katherine.
D. The reader knows that Katherine was a genius.



the Answer is all except A

B, C, D is all correct

anyone interested in starting some sort of a book club?​



Heck yesssss!!!


Identify the structure of each sentence. (using simple

One of the most well-known and beloved children's book authors, Theodore Seuss Geisel, wrote under the pen name Dr. Seuss.

Though he is best known for his children's stories, Dr. Seuss worked as a writer and cartoonist for magazines such as Life, Vanity Fair, and The Saturday Evening Post during the 1920s and 1930s.

When World War II began, Dr. Seuss began drawing political cartoons, and he used his satirical cartoons to voice his strong support of the United States' involvement in the war.

After the war, Dr. Seuss began to write children's books again; he wrote one of his most famous books for children, The Cat in the Hat, in an effort to encourage child literacy.


give me some hint please

I remember when the world broke in,
To rip apart my soul,
For years after that one event,
I thought myself not whole,
My hours were spent with trying,
To fix it up with tape and glue,
Until one day I discovered,
Everyone else was broken too,
Here we were with pieces,
Of ourselves in both our hands,
So fragile and so open,
That I began to understand,
Maybe I'd been greedy,
To want my soul all to myself,
When it could be a lot more helpful,
In the palms of someone else,
Now every time I go somewhere,
I leave part of me behind,
And collect all of the pieces,
Of others' souls that I can find,
So when I'm meeting someone new, It's not just me they get,
But also tiny fragments,
Of all the others that I've met,
And my life's become much bigger,
Now that it's home to things so small, And if this is what "broken" means,

I do not mind at all.​



do you compose poems or what?

but nice one and a sad one also....

The poem in the question is Titled: Finding Hope in the Broken.
It was written by Erin Hanson.

Who is Erin Hanson?

Erin Hanson started a blog when she was 11 through which she expressed her beautiful poetry. She was born in 1995 in Australia and has written at least 54 poems.

Some of them are:

My Little OneShadowed DaughterLast ChanceBending Circles etc.

Erin Hanson is making her mark in the world of poetry.

See the link below for more about Poetry:


Read the passage. The Ornithopter Many people know Leonardo da Vinci today as an artist, and it is true that he was indeed a great painter and sculptor, but he was also an inventor and one of the first individuals in recorded history to draft detailed plans for a flying machine. In order to make a living, Leonardo often depended upon wealthy individuals who would commission work from him. That means they would hire him and pay him to create specific work they wanted. In 1482, when he was 30 years old, Leonardo heard of an opportunity to work for Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. The duke, however, did not want a painter; he wanted a military engineer to help him defend the city against its enemies. This was an excellent opportunity that would pay Leonardo well, but Leonardo was a peaceful man. He considered war to be "a beastly madness. " He preferred to make things of beauty. Leonardo made the decision that he could tolerate making weapons if the resources the duke could provide would also allow him to create things he loved. He sent a letter to the duke detailing his skills in designing and building weapons. "I will assemble catapults, mangonels, trebuchets and other instruments of wonderful efficiency…I will make an infinite number of items for attack and defense," he wrote. Leonardo’s letter convinced the duke of his talents, and he got the job. He set about designing the weapons that the duke desired. But Leonardo was infinitely creative, always thinking of new things, new ideasâ€"he could not be limited to weapons alone. One idea that he had not mentioned in his application was the ornithopter. It was not a weapon of war, and it was not something that the duke had asked for, but Leonardo went ahead and designed it anyway. Leonardo was fascinated by the idea of flight. The word "ornithopter" comes from two words meaning "bird" and "wings. " And on first inspection, his plans resembled a bird’s wings attached to a human being’s arms. He concluded that a human being’s arms were neither strong enough nor li.


The individual versus self is option D

What is different between family and friends ?​


Family is inherent, friends are not, you must gain trust between people in order for them to become friends. Friendships are easier to break than family, but both can be broken.


both r useless and cheaters in my experience

Help me to answer this. ​



1. Aren't you?

2. were they?

3. can you?

4. ok?

5. right?

6. wouldn't she?

7. isn't it?

8. have they?

9. am I not?

10. would he?



1. aren't you?

2. were they?

3. can you

4. shall we?

5. doesn't she?

6. won't she?

7. isn't it?

8. have they?

9. aren't I?

10. would he?

According to Friedan, what was "the silent question"?
O Do you have pain?
Do you want to get a job?
Is this all?
Is there any opportunity for women?



The answer is "Is this all?


The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts, and Brownies, and lay beside her husband at night-she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question-"Is this all?"

Other Questions
Read the passage from "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World." Which choice identifies the narrative point of view and explains how you know?The old man got angry. Yes, the land is useless. True, the family tree is uprooted and it dries in the sunAll. You have given me all, father." And here, too, the son felt hampered, patronized and his pent-up fury rolled through himOA third-person limited; the narrator only knows what one character is feelingO.third-person omniscient; the narrator knows what all characters are feelingC. first person, the narrator is a firsthand witness to eventsOD. first person; the narrator is a character in the story PT. 4 OF MY HW! STILL UNIT RATE How did the caddos impacted in Texas? Solve the inequality. -7x - 4 > 17 1. Which of the following statements about the properties of elements related to anatomic emission spectrum are true? Select all that apply. (3 are correct) What is an included angle and an included side?A: Included Angle: A 90 deg angleIncluded Side: The longest sideB: Included Angle: An angle between two anglesIncluded Side: A side between two sidesC: Included Angle: An angle between two sides.Included Side: A side between two angles PLEASE HELP!! This is worth 20 points please help me! At the end of the book, Brian's attitude about the hatchet has not changed from the time his mom gave it to him.TrueFalse Find the low and high target heart rate zones for a 46-year-old teacher from El Cerrito Middle School with a resting heart rate of 78bpm. Solve the equations below. Give exact solutions only. Show your work.a) 5x^2 - 7 = 72b) x(x + 2) = 5c) 3x^2 + 2x - 4 = 0Please help! Concentracion de las siguientes soluciones Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some please help me Ill give you brainlist answer What are some ways people in Everglades are getting rid of Burmese Pythons? 2)Based on the information in both texts, what is a difference between the butterfly and frog life cycles? A)Frogs lose their tails and also grow gills and legs while in a pupa stage. B)Butterflies go through a pupa stage, and only frogs go through an egg stage. C)Butterflies transform in a pupa stage, and frogs transform while living in water. D)Butterflies lay eggs in large masses, while frogs lay their eggs in small clusters. click on the measure of the triangle. what is the next term in the number pattern? 77, 64, 53, 44, 37 i need help with this problem, but i don't want someone to just give me the answer. i need it to be taught step-by-step to me because for some reason i can't understand how everyone tells me to do it. i need to learn this as I've been on this one test for the past 2 weeks. I've been trying to find a tutor or something that will actually help me the way i need to be helped. so please, just give me a simple answer that will help me with the 3 other questions after it. the lesson name is called solving real world systems of equations via elimination. here is the question: jared bought 7 cans of paint. a can of red paint costs 3.75. a can of black paint costs 2.75. jared spent 22.25 in all. how many cans of black (b) and how many cans of red (r) did he buy? r+b=7 3.75 + 2.75 = 22.25 this is a lesson in 8th grade math. Answer the following questions about new letters.1.Name a letter that doesn't exist in English but does in Spanish. _______2.What English letter does the combination ll sound like? _______Answer the following questions about adjectives and adverbs.1. What part of speech does an adjective describe?2. What parts of speech are described by adverbs? _______Translate the following sentences into Spanish.3. I like to dance a lot.4. I am very tired5. I run very quickly6.I always dance at parties7. Spanish class is very far away J'(esprer)_____ quil viendra.2. Nous (manger) bien dans ce restaurant.3. (S'en aller) ________ ! Je ne veux pluste parler.4. Ga fait deux semaines que nous (tre)_________ a Paris.5. (Vouloir) ________ accepter lexpression de mes sentimentsles plusdistingus.6. Le joueur (courir) _____vite.7. (Ecouter) il toujours la radio?8. Depuis combien de temps (travailler) _________.vous cet exercice?9. (Envoyer) -moi unelettre.