a los cuantos dias se puede saber si estas embarazada


Answer 1


A partir de los 10 o 15 días

Related Questions

select sí or no to indicate which of the following words you hear in the narration.





Which sentence has correct punctuation and accent marks?

¿Como estas?

¿Cómo te llamas?


Cómo te llamas?



Which Sentence has correct punctuation and accent marks?

B. ¿ Cómo te llamas?


Answer:  B. Has the correct Punctuation AND accent marks


Part B
Discuss the physical and/or mental health benefits for the different types of exercise that you will be doing over the summer. Remember, you can practice pronunciation for vocabulary by pressing the audio link next to each word in the tutorial. Record your response with your computer's audio recording software, and upload the file when you submit the unit activity to be graded.

Your spoken response should include:

health benefits for 5-8 sports/activities
correct pronunciation
a wide variety of vocabulary that you learned from the unit




Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health and your physique, trim your waistline, improve your sex life, and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active.


First, let’s check out just a few of the physical benefits of regular exercise:

Weight loss and weight control

Increased muscle strength and muscle mass (which helps burn calories and fat)

Increased energy

Improved flexibility and movement

Lower risk of some types of cancer (Exercising at least 4 hours per week has been shown to lower risk of breast cancer by 37%!)

Reduced risk of Diabetes 2 and metabolic syndrome

Improved immune system, for overall better health

Increased “good” cholesterol to keep blood flowing smoothly

Lower risk of a heart attack and stroke

Helps smokers quit with higher success rates

Strength training & weight-bearing exercise (like walking, jogging, etc), promotes stronger bones (which is particularly helpful for women entering menopause, when bone density is lost)

In short, Exercise can increase your life expectancy by an average of 7 years! (One study in New England Journal of Medicine showed that asymptomatic women who weren’t fit had twice the risk of death than those who were fit!)


Regular aerobic exercise increases levels of seratonin and dopamine in the brain, which is linked with improved mood

Aerobic exercise increases endorphins, or the “feel good” chemicals in the body, improving mood and energy

Exercise enhances the mind’s ability to withstand daily hassles and stressors and to regulate itself

Research shows exercise can alleviate symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Depression in women

Regular exercise has been shown equal to antidepressant use in treating Major Depressive Disorder

Exercise is associated with deeper relaxation and better quality of sleep (which protects the brain and increases energy)

Strength training has been shown to decrease tension and worry in the body and mind

Studies show exercise reduces/treats and may prevent anxiety and panic attacks

Exercise increases mental clarity and efficiency

Improves cognitive functioning in middle age and beyond

Exercise is associated with better thinking, learning, and judgment

It can help you tap into intuition and creativity

Exercise increases assertiveness and enthusiasm for life

Studies show exercise leads to a higher quality sex life

Group or partner exercise increases social activity and decreases feelings of loneliness and isolation

Those who exercise regularly tend to have a better body-image

Regular exercise is associated with higher self-esteem

Overall, exercise is one of the best ways to improve happiness and life satisfaction

importante / nora / pensar / las cosas antes de tomar la decisión


Your answer would be Pensar or “to think”

mportante / lady / to think / las cosas antes de tomar la decisión
Piensa las cosas antes de tomar la decisión.

Part A: Read the text: "Por ejemplo, una persona con jeans sucios o ropa arrugada da la
impresión que esta persona es floja o que nada le importa." [lines 5–6] In the context of the
magazine article, what is a synonym for "floja"?


The synonym is lazy.

I hope I've helped

what are the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease that people can change?


Poor diet, smoking, bring physically inactive being overweight or obese

Answer true or false based on the reading El avión en la América del Sur.
Muchos países sudamericanos tienen montañas y selvas tropicales.


the answer is indeed true, i can confirm

Based on the reading El avión en la América del Sur, the statement "Muchos países sudamericanos tienen montañas y selvas tropicales" is true.

What is the topography of many Countries in South America?

The topography of the countries and regions in South America is that of mountains and highlands.

Also, tropical rainforest are found in South America.

Therefore, the statement "Muchos países sudamericanos tienen montañas y selvas tropicales" is true.

Learn more about South America topography at: https://brainly.com/question/20700414


¿Cómo podemos contribuir individual y
colectivamente para proporcionar bienestar a los


1. Respetando a los ancianos.
2. Ayudándolos en los quehaceres del hogar.
3. Llevándolos y/o acompañándolos a citas médicas.
4. Haciéndoles la compra de víveres.
5. Llevándoles alimentos.

1. Haciendo un grupo para limpiar su patio y hogar.
2. Visitándolos
3. Llevándoles artículos de aseo personal.
4. Llamándolos por teléfono y mantener una conversación de vez en cuando.
5. Asegurándose que tienen lo necesario para sus necesidades.
6. Haciéndoles compañía.

Please help, will mark brainiest


Yo- metí
Tú- metiste
Él/Ella/Ud.- metió
Nosotros/as- metemos
Vosotros/as- metisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- metieron

Singular: Yo metí mi bolígrafo al lado de mi cuaderno pero mi amigo lo tomó. (I put my pen next to my notebook but my friend took it)
Plural: ellos metieron sus tareas en la masa del profesor y el profesor los perdió. (They put their homework on the professor’s table and the Professor lost them)

Yo- escribí
Tú- escribiste
Él/Ella/Ud.- escribió
Nosotros/as- escribimos
Vosotros/as- escribisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- escribieron

Singular: ¿Tú me escribiste una carta por mi cumpleaños? (You wrote me a letter for my birthday?)
Plural: Nosotros escribimos un papel por nuestro examen en la clase de ciencia. (We wrote a paper for our exam en science class)

Yo- comí
Tú- comiste
Él/Ella/Ud.- comió
Nosotros/as- comimos
Vosotros/as- comisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- comieron

Singular- Él comió su pez que compraste como una mascota. (He ate his fish that he bought as a pet)
Plural- Ellas comieron camarones por la fiesta de boda (They ate shrimp for the wedding party)

Yo- recibí
Tú- recibiste
Él/Ella/Ud.- recibió
Nosotros/as- recibimos
Vosotros/as- recibisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- recibieron

Singular- Ella recibió mucha ropa por la navidad el año pasado. (She received a lot of clothes for Christmas last year)
Plural- Ellos recibieron un billete por el choque que causaron. (They received a bill for the crash they caused)

Yo- comprendí
Tú- comprendiste
Él/Ella/Ud.- comprendió
Nosotros/as- comprendimos
Vosotros/as- comprendisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- comprendieron

Singular- Tú comprendiste español, ¿verdad? (You understand Spanish, right?)
Plural- no nos gusta tarea pero comprendimos todo en el papel. (We don’t like homework but we understand all on the paper)

Yo- salí
Tú- saliste
Él/Ella/Ud.- salió
Nosotros/as- salimos
Vosotros/as- salisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Uds.- salieron

Singular- Yo salí escuela más temprano que usual. (I left school earlier than usual)
Plural- Ellos salieron su trabajo porque no les gusta el gerente. (They left their job because they don’t like the boss)

Cocinamos y comemos en


Question: what do we cook and eat in
Answer : cocinamos y comemos en platos y sartenes

Fill in the blank with correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses.
Nosotros (clean) el aula.
Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.
Mis amigos escuchais musica.
Mis amigos escucha musica
Mis amigos escuchamos musica.
Mis amigos esuchan musica.

Ana y yo _____ espanol

Ella ____ canciones.






The first one is the nosotros form and the second one is ella

Explain the concepts of amigo or amiga and conocido or conocida in Spanish-speaking cultures. Write at least three sentences.


Para mi, un amigo(a) es una persona que conozco bien, en quien confío y le cuento mis situaciones personales. Un conocido (a) es una persona que suelo ver en mis clases, supermercado u otro lugar; pero no tengo la confianza de hacerlo parte de mi vida. Lo saludo y puedo hablar cosas sin mucha importancia con ellos; pero nada más.

Conjugate the verb in parenthesis to fit with the subject pronoun. Leticia, Laura y Andrea alegría. (llorar) de alegría.​



Leticia, Laura y Andrea lloran de alegría.


Write a sentence using an Ir verb. Include who what where and when.​


I am going to the cinema with Phillip.

We are going to the horse races.

Are you going with us.

He is going to read.

We are going to eat.

The man is going to walk around the city.



están puestos en la carta. están perdidos. ya está abierta. están pagadas al contado. ya está resuelto.


La opción correcta para completar las oraciones, con base en la imagen adjunta, en cada caso es:

Los sellos están puestos en la carta. Mis amigos no encuentran la dirección, están perdidos. La cuenta corriente ya está abierta. Estas joyas están pagadas al contado. El problema del banco ya está resuelto.

Sintaxis de las oraciones.

En el ejercicio dado, se solicita que se utilizan las oraciones o palabras brindadas en las opciones para completar cada una de las oraciones, para lo cual se debe identificar el contexto de cada oración dada y argumentarla o anexarla con una de las opciones dadas.

Por ejemplo, se puede ver que una de las opciones es "los sellos", los cuales, aunque pueden "estar perdidos", por contexto se suelen utilizar mucho más en oraciones que hablen sobre cartas.

Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre Sintaxis, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace: https://brainly.com/question/24927406?referrer=searchResults

Melinda creates jewelry. After purchasing supplies, she had $150 left in her account. She sells five bracelets and a necklace making her new account total $235.
If the necklace sold for $22.50, which equation can be used to determine the sales price of the bracelets?





- ¿Qué acciones debe adelantar el gobierno local y
nacional para garantizar una buena calidad de vida
para todos los ancianos?


Mejor atención médica.
Alimentación segura para ellos.
Distracción para mantenerlos ocupados.
Accesibilidad a medicamentos.
Hogar seguro.

Which descriptions would you use with the verb ser? alto/a triste deprimido guapo/a



Ser inteligente (being smart)

Ser gracioso (being funny)

Ser divertido (another way for being funny)

Ser carismático (being kind)

This is confusing like which one sounds better?

Ser Deprimido sounds good.

Ser Triste doesnt make that much sense.

Ser alto Im pretty sure is not this one.

Ser guapo doesnt sounds as bad as the last 2 but still weird to sy that.

Answer: After all that summary Im 99% sure its  "Ser Deprimido"  

grande / todo el estacionamiento





Give the correct conjugation of the saber: nosotros


Answer: nosotros sabemos




1.Los estudiantes nunca piden ayuda
2. nunca quiero hacer el proyecto
3. tu tampoco quieres hacer el proyecto
4. Nunca le dimos una charla a nadie
5. El profesor nunca dio instrucciones a nadie.
6. Los estudiantes siempre llegan tarde
7. La profesora no conoce a ninguno de los estudiantes de su clase.
8. alguien va al armario cada 2 minutos
9. Mis amigos y yo siempre almorzamos en la clase
10. nunca traes tus materiales a clase


Usa la palabra Estorbar en un sentence.



Hay que organizar y limpiar la casa para que las cosas no nos estorben.


I just change the time of the verb, but hope it helps.

mirad cuan bueno y delicioso es habitar los hermanos juntos acordes





Help please This is for Spanish 2



1. salió

2. compró

3. corrió

4. Visitaron

5. miró

6. come

15. Marcos, pon la mesa.
1.no la pon
2.no la pones
3.no la pongas
4.no la pone





I think you want to put her in a negative way, well then it would be 3 because she is talking to someone else

a brother and sister who did not get along as kids most likley did which of the following when they were young
saltar a la cuerda


Assuming that you misspelled the word, the correct answer will be the second one: pelearse




this translates to quarrel

Which is the correct written form for the word cuando when it is used as a question?






I believe the answer is D




i did this before

Hey what do these phrases mean?
El gusto es mío
Me llamo
Buenos días
Yo estoy muy bien


The pleasure is mine, My name is, Hello, I'm fine.

The pleasure is mine

My name is/Im called

Good morning

I am very good/I am very well



Compare and contrast dinnertime in Los Estados Unidos and Spanish-speaking countries

Write your answer in English

help please


Answer: One difference would be that they eat at different times than in the United states, for example: In Spanish speaking countries, they have they're biggest meal for lunch, around noon, whilst in Los Estados Unidos, they have their biggest meal during dinner time (around 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.) They also eat many different kinds of food in Spanish speaking countries.

Dinner in the United States and Spanish-speaking countries is similar in schedule, but differs in the type of food that is usually eaten.


In the United States, dinner is usually eaten at seven in the evening, and this includes some type of meat, chicken or fish, as well as potatoes, rice and salad. On the other hand, in Spanish-speaking countries, they usually cook double portions of rice and potatoes or bananas to cook something called "calentado" in the meal.

The "calentado" is to reheat the lunch food, adding something small, regularly egg, for which it can be said that dinner in Spanish-speaking countries is lighter, as well as its time is usually between seven at night and nine at night, depending on the person's schedule.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/14291521




1. Tabla de surf

2. México

3. Voleibol

4. Refrescarse

5. Sombrilla/paraguas

[tex] \\ [/tex]


A. La hija de mi tío es mi prima.

B. Mi tío es hermano de mi padre.

C. El cuñado de mi padre es la mujer de su hermano.

D. El padre de mi madre es suegro de mi padre.

E. El marido de mi hermana mayor es el yerno de mis padres.

F. La madre de mi madre es mi abuela.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

I hope to help :p

Other Questions
Blaine and her sister are identical twins riding roller coasters at Kinetic Kars. They each ride theroller coaster on their own once. Next time, they ride the roller coaster together. On which ridedo you think they have the most kinetic energy? Explain your answer using information from classactivities. Which is the best explanation for why Mesopotamians built canals?O They needed a way to control low water levels.O They needed a way to control the surplus.O They needed a hoy to control the river's flow.They needed a way to control flooding. The Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) has a fleet of roughly 400 plow trucks that are used to control snow and ice on approximately 8300 lane miles of Maines state roads. They usually plan on an average of about 30 treatable events in a winter. This includes the use of rock salt, salt brine and winter sand, a mix of sand and salt. Salt brine is used on roads and bridges prior to a storm to delay ice and snow from sticking to the roadway and is also used in plowing to fight the buildup of ice and snow throughout the storm. Rock salt helps keep roads safe when winter storms hit, reducing winter road accidents, but it can also have negative effects on plant life and aquatic ecosystems. What are the environmental effects of salting that must be mitigated? Select ALL that apply.A)Salt kills roadside plants.B)Salt builds up in roadside soil , changing its pH, preventing the growth of plants.C)Salt corrodes metals like automobile brake linings, frames, and bumpers, and can cause cosmetic corrosion.D)Elk, moose and sheep eat road salt causing "salt toxicosis" where they lose their fear of vehicles and humans, causing many fatal encounters.E)Salt doesn't evaporate, or otherwise get removed once applied, so it remains a persistent risk to aquatic ecosystems due to runoff or ground According to the income balance, the + sign refers to _____ and the - sign refers to _____ Which of the following initiatives help harvest renewable energy in some TCS offices How do you solve this?? 100 points!! ASAP do all problems with steps to your answer pls help me i rlly need to get this done today. A coordinate grid is shown below:A coordinate grid from negative 2 to 0 to positive 2 is drawn. There are three grid lines between a whole unit on the grid.Part A: Which point represents the origin? (2 points)Part B: Starting from the origin, explain how to plot the following three points accurately:(1, 1)(1, 1.5)(2, fraction 1 over 4)(8 points Which of the following would not be classified as an astronomer?A) Tycho BraheB) Isaac NewtonC) Andreas VesaliusD) Johannes Kepler What parts made industrialization possible in the us? To avoid a storm, a passenger-jet pilot descended 0.57 mile in 0.6 minute. What was the plane's average change of altitude per minute? Which region of Texas is known for its mountains? A) 1B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 When faxing sensitive compartmented information. the 5 physical factors that scientists use to develop ocean and seafloorzones are12345 What is the meaning of life. Is it useful for us or no. Why? Can someone write a formal Letter of Complaint to the shearwater Company stating the reasons why You did not enjoy your holiday and that You want full refund(5 paragraph) was george washington a federalist or anti federalist is a virtue by which you need to secure information by limiting computer access to authorized personnel only. What is an electrical conductor? Name five electrical conductors What was the effect of muslim expansion into india?