3) What was Lewis and Clark's main mission on this journey?


Answer 1


Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. The expedition was a major chapter in the history of American exploration.


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what boundary separated the colonies of pennsylvania and maryland?



Mason-Dixon Line, also called Mason and Dixon Line, originally the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the United States.


Please help I would really appreciate it if someone did!



Hey i know it!

Hijrah 622

September 622 Muslim community

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explain how the boxer rebellion led to the open door policy in China



Although the goal was to prevent the powers from using the Boxer Rebellion as an excuse to carve China into individual colonies, the Open Door Circular requested no formal agreement or assurances from the other powers. ... This effectively stifled opportunities for Chinese merchants and workers in the United States.

Ideas expressed by Douglass in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as supporting which of the following arguments? The war would make African Americans feel free. Answer A: The war would make African Americans feel free. A The war was the product of years of injustice against African Americans. Answer B: The war was the product of years of injustice against African Americans. B The war would take enormous sacrifice of military combat to achieve victory. Answer C: The war would take enormous sacrifice of military combat to achieve victory. C The war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states.


A passage often have a particular message it is passing. Ideas expressed by Douglass in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as supporting the war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states.

Frederick Douglas was known to fight for freedom of the people from slavery as He was born into one.

At the beginning, the Civil War between North and South was fought by the North to hinder the power of the Southern states and preserve the Union.

He had the idea that the war was no longer just about preserving the Union but it is about making sure that slaves are free.

See full question below

"Whether you are or are not, entitled to all the rights of citizenship in this country has long been a matter of dispute to your prejudice. By enlisting in the service of your country at this trial hour, and upholding the National Flag, you stop the mouths of [cynics] and win applause even from the iron lips of ingratitude. Enlist and you make this your country in common with all other men born in the country or out of it. . . .

He who fights the battles of America may claim America as his country—and have that claim respected. Thus in defending your country now against rebels and traitors you are defending your own liberty, honor, manhood and self-respect. . . .

. . . [H]istory shall record the names of heroes and martyrs who bravely answered the call of patriotism and Liberty—against traitors, thieves and assassins—let it not be said that in the long list of glory, composed of men of all nations—there appears the name of no colored man."

Frederick Douglass, excerpt from an editorial, April 1863

Ideas expressed by Douglass in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as supporting which of the following arguments?


The war would make African Americans feel free.


The war was the product of years of injustice against African Americans.


The war would take enormous sacrifice of military combat to achieve victory.


The war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states.

Learn more about Douglas Viewpoint from


"The Pros and Cons of Patents" addresses several costs of obtaining a patent. According to the section "Cost 3," what problem might arise when patents are too narrow? (Will give brainliest)



they might get flooded in



When patents are too narrow, other companies or individuals can take a patented product, tweak it slightly, and still avoid legal problems. The article uses the example of patenting the first hairbrush with bristles that lean to the side. Other companies could modify your hairbrush design without infringing on your design, at least by the legal definition of the patent.

Explanation: edmentum sample answer

(90 pts) pls i really need help pls ill mark the brainiest picture is down below need a step by step explanation full details


Answer: "Even today, the need for work is a common reason people move to urban areas."

This sentence, although not inaccurate, is not necessary in order for the rest of the paragraph to be coherent. The sentence states that nowadays, people continue to move for work. However, the passage is not a comparison between the past and the present. It simply wants to inform us of the changes that led to bigger cities. Therefore, you can remove this sentence without seriously altering the author's explanation.

What kind of poster would motivate someone to join the army


A poster describing why it would be good and use the guilt trip it’s is your country to protect ur family and but a solider pointing
A poster claiming that you will get goods and convince them into joining the war. E.G: “join the war! Do you want to be poor all day long? Then what are you doing? You will earn money in no time!”

How did Christianity unify Medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire?​



Kings, Lords, Nobles, Vassals, Serfs, and Peasants were the social classes that existed within the Feudal System. How did Christianity unify Medieval Europe? Christianity unified Medieval Europe because of the common enemy and by uniting the people in the common goal of attaining salvation and living Christian lives.


There you go

Who was the last tsar of russia before the russian revolution.



Nicholas II

Nicholas II was the last tsar of Russia under Romanov rule. His poor handling of Bloody Sunday and Russia's role in World War I led to his abdication and execution.

Who might benefit financially the most from the EPA’s claim?



Who might benefit financially the most from the epa’s claim? restaurants that use c-8-coated cookware cookware manufacturers who make pans out of steel only stores that sell c-8 nonstick cookware individuals who use steel cookware at home


which teacher does melody like the least

:out of my mind book


Mrs. Shannon

Honestly i just looked it up

Why were Japan and Italy able to carry out aggressive territorial policies in
the 1930s?


Answer: Like Italy and Japan, German aggression came from a need for resources, a desire to expand or gain back former land, and extreme nationalism.


Like Italy and Japan, German aggression came from a need for resources, a desire to expand or gain back former land, and extreme nationalism. Additionally, Germany under the rule of Hitler and the Nazis believed in an ideology of racial superiority, that the Aryan race was destined to rule and flourish.


Which technological advancement originated during the Gupta period or "Golden Age" of India?



the development of binary numbers, the basis for computer code


took on edge

The development of binary numbers, the basis for computer code, is the technological advancement originated during the Gupta period or “Golden Age” of India.

What are technological advancement?

When technologies or applied sciences become more precise, accurate, efficient, powerful, or capable, this is referred to as technological advancement.

Throughout history, scientific and technological advancements have brought about many significant changes, some better than others. Businesses can communicate and collaborate more easily and effectively than ever before thanks to technology.

Therefore, the development of binary numbers, the basis for computer code, is the technological advancement originated during the Gupta period or “Golden Age” of India.

Learn more about the technological advancement, refer to:



Thought the leader of the delegations representing the prisoners referred to Roman soldiers who escaped the battle as "good and giant soldiers," what dis his remarks imply about those-like him-who surrendered?


Considering the context, if the leader of the delegations representing the prisoners referred to Roman soldiers who escaped the battle as "good and giant soldiers," his remarks imply that those-like him-who surrendered are "cowards."

A good soldier is expected to win a battle or retreat by escaping the battle to come back to fight.

However, when soldiers surrendered against the orders in the enemy's face, this was considered a cowardly act. Therefore, such soldiers are described as cowardly.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "Coward."

Learn more Cowards in the Military here: https://brainly.com/question/6879062

What is the density of a mass of 48g and a volume of 6mL?







DENSITY =48g/6ml=6g/ml

please help me, correct answer gets brainliest


The answer is phoenix
it would be phoenix arizona

How was the U.S. Constitution changed to protect people's rights?A.The U.S. Supreme Court added the Bill of Rights.B.The U.S. Congress voted to add the Bill of Rights.C.The Bill of Rights was added by the president.D.The Bill of Rights was added as a group of amendments.



Bill of Rights of the United States of America (1791)


The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties. For example, the Founders saw the ability to speak and worship freely as a natural right protected by the First Amendment. Congress is prohibited from making laws establishing religion or abridging freedom of speech. The Fourth Amendment safeguards citizens’ right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion in their homes through the requirement of a warrant. The Bill of Rights was strongly influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason. Other precursors include English documents such as the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the English Bill of Rights, and the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. One of the many points of contention between Federalists, who advocated a strong national government, and Anti-Federalists, who wanted power to remain with state and local governments, was the Constitution’s lack of a bill of rights that would place specific limits on government power. Federalists argued that the Constitution did not need a bill of rights, because the people and the states kept any powers not given to the federal government. Anti-Federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty. Madison, then a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, altered the Constitution’s text where he thought appropriate. However, several representatives, led by Roger Sherman, objected, saying that Congress had no authority to change the wording of the Constitution. Therefore, Madison’s changes were presented as a list of amendments that would follow Article VII. The House approved 17 amendments. Of these, the Senate approved 12, which were sent to the states for approval in August 1789. Ten amendments were approved (or ratified). Virginia’s legislature was the final state legislature to ratify the amendments, approving them on December 15, 1791.

kontribusyon Ng Germany



Sorry I dont speak your language


Which of the following would be
considered the Trinity in
Christian beliefs?
A. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
B. Abraham, Jehovah, and God
C. Muhammad, Mecca, and The Holy Rock
D. Jews, Gentiles, and The Holy Ghost


Answer is A. the father son and Holy Ghost


A. The Father, Son, And Holy Ghost.


It's mentioned in the earlier books of the Bible that these are considered The Holy Trinity

If the president vetoed bill, is that the end of it?


A bill or joint resolution that has been vetoed by the President can become law if two-thirds of the Members voting in the House and the Senate each agree to pass it over the President's objection.

What did passage of the Immigration
Act of 1965 accomplish?


The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act,
abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new
immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States.

Do you think President's Hoover's response to the Great Depression would be popular among the American people?



Yes, I think President Hoover's Response would be popular among the people in a negative way. because he didn't do much, or great work to help the people in their time of need. He didn't respond well, and let the people suffer instead of trying to help and get the community back to health. The conditions of the people were poor and he decided to do very little about it. So yes, I think President Hoover's Responce to the Great Depression would be popular among the people.

Discuss the reasons why natives opposed the US government.



They opposed the U.S government because they were unauthorized to sign treaties, they were forced out of their land for gold hunters, and they were abused and treated unfairly to the point of some even being k*lled and r*ped.


Seriously, they were treated badly.

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION The youth of the Shandong province are formed because (check all that apply)

A.they resent special treatment of Chinese converts to Christianity

B.they opposed the Foreign invaders

C. they have seen their culture erased​


The Youth of the Shandong Province were formed for all the reasons listed including:

A. they resent special treatment of Chinese converts to Christianity B. they opposed the Foreign invaders C. they have seen their culture erased​

The Youth of the Shandong Province also known as Boxers, were against the way Europeans gave special treatment to Chinese Christians and so killed them during the Boxer Rebellions.

They also opposed the Europeans who they saw as invaders who were leading and encouraging the erosion of Chinese culture.

In conclusion, the Youth of Shandong Province had several grievances.

Find out more about the Boxer Rebellion at https://brainly.com/question/9843037.


Some historians argue that the concept of race was invented in the British colonies in the 1600s. What do they mean by this?


Race as a categorizing term referring to human beings was first used in the English language in the late 16th century. Until the 18th century it had a generalized meaning similar to other classifying terms such as type, sort, or kind. Occasional literature of Shakespeare’s time referred to a “race of saints” or “a race of bishops.” By the 18th century, race was widely used for sorting and ranking the peoples in the English colonies—Europeans who saw themselves as free people, Amerindians who had been conquered, and Africans who were being brought in as slave labour—and this usage continues today.

The peoples conquered and enslaved were physically different from western and northern Europeans, but such differences were not the sole cause for the construction of racial categories. The English had a long history of separating themselves from others and treating foreigners, such as the Irish, as alien “others.” By the 17th century their policies and practices in Ireland had led to an image of the Irish as “savages” who were incapable of being civilized. Proposals to conquer the Irish, take over their lands, and use them as forced labour failed largely because of Irish resistance. It was then that many Englishmen turned to the idea of colonizing the New World. Their attitudes toward the Irish set precedents for how they were to treat the New World Indians and, later, Africans.


well o think it's referring to human beings was first used in the English language in the late 16th century.

Which new weapon caused many deaths and injuries during WWI? A. Poison planes B.Poison bullets C. Poison daggers D. Poison gas​





Germans used poison gas in WWI.


D. poison gas


weapons such as chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas

Which letter on the map represents New York?



A represents Vermont, C represents Pennsylvania, and D represents New Jersey.

New York is a state located in the northeastern part of the United States. It is represented by Letter B in the image. Option B is the correct answer.

New York is known for its diverse geography. It is bordered by several bodies of water, including Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the Hudson River, and the Atlantic Ocean. The state also includes mountain ranges such as the Adirondacks and the Catskills. Option B is the correct answer.

New York has a large population and is the fourth most populous state in the U.S. The state is home to the bustling city of New York City, which is not only the largest city in the state but also one of the most populous cities in the world. Other major cities in New York include Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Albany, the state capital. New York has a diverse and robust economy. It is known for its finance and banking sector, with Wall Street in New York City being a major financial hub. The state is also a leader in various industries such as media, technology, entertainment, fashion, and tourism. Additionally, New York has a strong agricultural sector, producing a wide range of crops and dairy products.

Learn more about Geography here:



The complete question is, "Which letter on the map represents New York?

a. Letter A

b. Letter B

c. Letter C

d. Letter D

e. Letter E"

14. The Great Compromise at the
Constitutional Convention essentially
established (5)
a bicameral legislature for the federal
a Supreme Court that oversaw all other
federal courts.
an electoral college for choosing the head
executive officer.
a system that allowed for amending the


Neither the large nor the small states would yield, but the deadlock was resolved by the Connecticut, or Great, Compromise, which resulted in the establishment of a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the lower house and equal representation of the states in the upper house.

Applying Main Ideas

Before it was transferred to Napoleon in 1802, the Louisiana Territory belonged to
the United States.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The correct answer is D. France

Question 6 of 10 What do megaliths imply about the Northern European civilizations that built them? A. They were monotheistic. B. They traded with Egypt. O C. They were warlike societies. O D. They had stratification. SUBMIT​



D. They had economic specialization.


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