1 to 10 how good does my dog look healthy​

1 To 10 How Good Does My Dog Look Healthy


Answer 1




A 10!!!

Answer 2


for me its a 10 :)

nice dog btw!

Related Questions

Persuasive Essay

Why should you be allowed to watch a christmas movie before the break?


You should be able to watch a Christmas movie before break because you are about to have a break and it’s important to get free time and relax. It also is much easier for teachers to get their work done for the students rather than having to do it during break. Therefore, christmas movies before break are beneficial to kids and teachers.

What are THREE ways the author develops George’s and Ashley’s opposing points of view?


through stage directions


through Ashley’s words


through the setting


through characters' thoughts


through George’s words





through characters' thoughts

Six feet head to his heels was all he needed?



The quote "six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed" means that, in the end, the man only "needed" six feet of land,...


Hope it's help

The quote "six feet from his head to his heels
was all he needed" means that, in the
end, the man only "needed" six feet of land

To go university, first you _________ pass the leaving exam at secondary school.
29 You _________ touch the animals at the zoo. You never know how they will react.
30 Whenever you _________, try to help the other people.
31 _________ we go out now or later?
32 _________ you help me with my project,


✍ Answer:To go to university, first you must pass the leaving exam at secondary school.

You musn't touch the animals at the zoo. You never know how they will react

Whenever you can, try to help the other people

Can we go out now or later?

Can you help me with my project, please?


7pt. - Write an argumentative essay to justify whether or not technology in the classroom gets in the way of learning.
Support your claim using evidence from the texts, " Plugged in, but Tuned Out: The Influence of Ear Buds."
Be sure to include:
Effectively introduces claim(s)
• Uses an organizational strategy to present reasons and relevant evidence
• Supports claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence using specific,
well-chosen facts, details, or other information from credible sources and
demonstrates a good understanding of the topic or texts
• Acknowledges and counters opposing claim(s), as appropriate
• Uses words, phrases, and/or clauses that effectively connect and show
direct, strong relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence
• Establishes and maintains a formal style that is appropriate for the task,
purpose, and audience
• Provides a strong concluding statement or section that logically follows
from the argument presented
• Effectively varies sentence patterns for meaning, reader/listener interest,
and style
• Shows command of language and conventions when writing
• Any errors in usage and conventions do not interfere with meaning


The above question wants to analyze your writing ability through an essay you have written. For this reason, it is not right for me to write the essay for you, but I will show you how to write it.

First, you should research the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the classroom. This research should be done in articles, interviews, and even an essay that presents opinions and data from professionals in the field of education and technology.

After conducting this research, you should reflect on your opinion on the matter. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Do you agree or disagree with the use of technologies in the classroom? These are questions you should be able to answer.

In addition, it is important to remember that this is an argumentative essay, that is, you must present your arguments, which are your opinions based on data from your research.

You will write the essay as follows:

Introduction: Present basic information about the subject of the essay and then show your thesis statement. The thesis statement is your opinion on the matter.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In the first, show arguments and evidence (taken from your research) that show your thesis statement is correct. In the second paragraph, show an opinion contrary to yours and show evidence that proves that this opinion is incorrect.

Conclusion: Summarize the information you have presented and reinforce the veracity of your thesis statement.

More information on writing an essay at the link:


write a paragraph (120-150 words ) about your favourite music band


The question above requires a personal answer. For that reason, I can't answer it for you, but I'll show you how to answer it.

First, you must think and decide which is your favorite musical band. Also, you should identify the reasons that make you like so much of this musical band.

Then write your paragraph as follows:

Introduce your favorite musical band.Show the type of music this band plays.Show what makes you like this musical band so much.

More information on how to write a paragraph on the link:


The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and grey. He rolls on the beach all day. With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws Hour upon hour he gnaws The rumbling, tumbling stones, And 'Bones, bones, bones, bones! ' The giant sea-dog moans, Licking his greasy paws.

And when the night wind roars And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud, He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs, Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs, And howls and hollows long and loud.

But on quiet days in May or June, When even the grasses on the dune Play no more their reedy tune, With his head between his paws He lies on the sandy shores, So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores. By: James Reeves

1. To what does the poet compare the sea to?

2. By referring to stanza 1, what image of the sea is being described?

3. To what sense(s) does stanza 2 appeal?

4. Refer to stanza 3 of the poem, in what mood is the sea at this time?

5. What comparison is made between the sea and a dog in stanza 3?

6. Identify and explain the device used in these lines. "When even the grasses on the dune” “Play no more their reedy tune,” ​



Read below


1. A dog

2. grey and giant

3. Stanza 2 appeals dark, or mysterious

4.quiet and peaceful

5. snores

6. A reed instrument

hope this helped

Read the sentence from paragraph 9 of the passage.
A distinguished visitor was at the school that morning, and Amy's beautifully drawn maps received praise and caused Miss
March to assume the airs of a studious young peacock.
What is the effect of the metaphor in this statement?
o It suggests that Amy's accomplishment has made her arrogant.
o It emphasizes the beautiful colors Amy used in her map drawings.
It describes how the visitor's arrival changes Amy's opinion of trading limes.
o It highlights how concerned Amy is with performing well on her school work



It should be B.


It basically emphasizes on the fact that Miss March knows there is a good student, now we use elimantion with answer choices.

o It suggests that Amy's accomplishment has made her arrogant. ---> This is off-topic, this was never suggesting in any way of text

o It emphasizes the beautiful colors Amy used in her map drawings. --> Maybe, we'll come back, for it does describe that she seems to be a "prodigy"

o It describes how the visitor's arrival changes Amy's opinion of trading limes. ---> Amy's opinion never changed for she never showed up again in text

o It highlights how concerned Amy is with performing well on her school work --> It was never spoken of Amy being anxious.

Despite none of the answer choices being good, it should be B.

What does the quotation mean to you?

"When the wind of change blows, some build walls while others build windmills"




That's an interesting quotation.

It's all in your point of view.

The person who builds walls is trying to keep the wind out. His attitude is primarily negative.

The person who builds windmills is trying to make use of what is, and his attitude is very positive.

Part A Describe what you do with your notes after class has ended.​


Once your class ends, you save your notes somewhere safe to go back to them sometime later and review and study them so you can remember what you've learned and try to keep it within your memory, for more often than not, it helps you in the long run.

I apologize if this is unhelpful.


I read through them the rewrite them so there more clean an not so all over the place the use them to study and do homework


Hope this helped

It is important to know the
difference between a piece of
evidence and an explanation.
Which passage is the
explanation of the following
evidence (data)?
Nicholas finds a frog in his
breakfast; however, the
narrator further explains this
by saying, "The dramatic part
of the incident was that there
really was a frog in Nicholas's
basin of bread-and-milk; he
had put it there himself, so he
felt entitled to know
something about it" (Saki 1).
A. Passage #1
B. Passage #2
C. Passage #3
D. Passage #4



it c


Answer: C


Can someone plz help me?



A. (And)


It's A because Conjunction means a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if ).

Identify the adverb in the sentence below.
In Richmond, we always have marathons and cycling races.


The answer should be cycling

Which word is the best ANTONYM of "to speak confidently"?






The correct answer is quail.

He was more depressed than ever as he drove on by himself. The late afternoon had grown hot and sultry and the country had flattened out. Deep in the sky a storm was preparing very slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of air from the earth before it broke. There were times when Mr. Shiftlet preferred not to be alone. He felt too that a man with a car had a responsibility to others and he kept his eye out for a hitch-hiker. Occasionally he saw a sign that warned: ""Drive carefully. The life you save may be your own."" Which statement most accurately represents the excerpt’s larger idea? Beauty and truth appear in unexpected places. Social isolation may lead people to act immorally. Getting what you want may not make you happy. You may not get everything that you have bargained for.



C or D


what happened to the infinity stones after endgame


They were destroyed

1. When the Civil War begins, young Hubert Clemens is excited to hear about battles
waged and soldiers defending the Union. But the realities of war soon become
What kinds of historical facts might the author include in this work of
historical fiction?
Of the civil war



When the Civil War begins, young Hubert Clemens is excited to hear about battles

waged and soldiers defending the Union. But the realities of war soon become



How are you doing today? what did you do today? are you ok? are you happy for the hoilday season? do you drink egg nog?



1. I am really sad, in despair and drowsy . But i am excited with that as well cuz my exams are gonna end today U-U

2. I gave exams on physics for 1 hour and 30 minutes. In 1 hour I am gonna give global studies exam for 45 minutes... and then partyyyyyy

3. I am br OK en

4. Yes, even though i can't celebrate christmas.

5. Never have i ever.

what a good hook sentence for an MLK essay?


The beginning of “I Have a Dream” it shows how different life was back then vs now, and how his dream became reality

write a short paragraph about a traditional home in the countryside of Viet Nam in the past. In your writing, you can include all or some of the ideas below.


The above question wants to analyze your writing ability, for the reason I can't write this paragraph for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

Firstly, you should know that you will write a descriptive paragraph, where you will show the characteristics of a house in Vietnam.

To do this, you will need to research how Vietnamese homes were in the past. This research must show all the appearance and details that characterize these houses.

After that, you will write your paragraph as follows:

Present the features of the house both from the outside and from the inside.Explain how the division of rooms was like.Explain the functions of each room.Introduce extra details that increase understanding of the house.

Don't forget that descriptive text should be rich in detail and feature a wide use of adjectives.

More information about descriptive texts at the link:


which statement best describes how the structure of these excerpts helps to develop the themes?


The theme of a passage often portray a particular meaning.  The statement that best describes how the structure is The parallelism in "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" emphasizes the idea that the speaker identifies himself as an Irishman, while the refrains in "Do not go gentle into that good night" emphasize the speaker’s vehement opposition to death.

The passage is simply emphasizes on the fact that death is predictable by an Irish Airman. That is they can see their death hours before it happens as they have special signs that tell them what will happen.

Many people are not often prepared to die and when any situation arises that may warrant it, they try their best possible to avoid dying.

See full question below

Which statement best describes how the structure of these excerpts helps to develop the themes? The refrains of "An Irish Airman Foresees His Own Death" stress that life and death are balanced, while the parallel structure of "Do not go gentle into that good night" stresses that men of all ages should fight against their oncoming demise. The repetitions and refrains in both excerpts develop the theme that death cannot be avoided, no matter how hard one struggles against it. Both the parallel structure in the excerpt of "An Irish Airman Foresees His Own Death" and the repetition in the excerpt from "Do not go gentle into that good night" emphasize the inevitability of death. The parallelism in "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" emphasizes the idea that the speaker identifies himself as an Irishman, while the refrains in "Do not go gentle into that good night" emphasize the speaker’s vehement opposition to death.

Learn more about this passage from


where is camp green lake located in the book holes


It’s located in Texas

How does our point of view shape our view of the world?



Perspective is the way individuals see the world. It comes from their personal point of view and is shaped by life experiences, values, their current state of mind, the assumptions they bring into a situation, and a whole lot of other things. Reality can be different things



have a good day

thank me later


Rewrite in an active voice
Recently, talks have been conducted by the administration to determine the amount of aid to send to foreign countries. Previously, the countries were sent nearly $1 million in aid each year, but it was decided by the administration that countries would receive at least half that amount this year.


After reading the passage, we can rewrite it in the active voice in the following manner:

Recently, the administration has conducted talks to determine the amount of aid to sent to foreign countries. Previously, they sent countries nearly $1 million in aid each year, but the administration decided that countries would receive at least half that amount this year.

What is active voice?Active voice is the structure in which the subject is the performer of the action. In that sense, it opposes passive voice, which emphasizes the receiver of the action.Compare:

Active: I cut the tree. --> subject performs the action of cutting.

Passive: The tree was cut by me. --> subject receives the action of cutting.

How to change passive into active voice?Locate the subject. In the active voice, it becomes the object of the verb.Locate the agent (it comes after "by"). In the active voice, it becomes the subject.Maintain the verb tense, but remove the auxiliary "be" that was added in the passive voice.Example:

Passive: Talks have been conducted by the administration.

Active: The administration has conducted talks.

Learn more about active voice here:


Later in the novel, Elizabeth changes to being more
and Darcy changes to being more
Elizabeth acknowledges
her changing attitude by stating,
quotation-incorporated properly]. This shows
[explain quotation ] Clearly, she has
and Darcy acknowledges his changing
attitude by stating."
" [insert
quotation-incorporated properly]. This shows
quotation] Clearly, he has
The changes that occur to Elizabeth and Darcy throughout the novel
prove Jane Austen's theme that
Change is not easy for anyone, and neither is being wrong. Elizabeth makes the
statement that"
"" [insert}



Elizabeth acknowledges her changing attitude by stating, "I had not known you a month before, and I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."

The circumstances or atmosphere and mood change their characteristics at this point.

The changes that occur to Elizabeth and Darcy throughout the novel prove Jane Austen's theme that how pride can damage even love.

"Change is not easy for anyone, and neither is being wrong."


Although the question is a little perplexing to me, I hope this is what you're searching for.

Taylor left to walk the dog at 4:25 she got back at 5 o’clock how long was the dogs walk



35 Minutes


hope this helped.

if someone gives me a visa gift card can they see when i spend it? im supposed to spend it after christmas but i dont want to wait cause i have to get gifts. This isn't an English question but I had to pick one in order to ask it.​


I don’t think they can

no, unless they contact the number on the back and input the card number (I think) but if it isn't that then it's fine

What does class mean in the outsides



Within society, social class is an organization for the financial status of people.


what is equivalent to 1 1/3 and 3/4 using 12 as the denominator


16/12 for 1 1/3

9/12 for 3/4


1 1/3 is the same as 4/3. Make 12 the denominator we would have to times the denominator (and the numerator) by 4 giving us an equivalent fraction of 16/12.

Getting an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 12 from 3/4 is more easier. Same process but multipled by 3.

What does Anya realize as she runs the race?



We need a little more context please


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