1 There aren’t _____ stairs.

2 Hugo _____ to school last week.

3 _____ a school near here?
A There is Is there
4 _____ central heating in your flat?
A Are there
5 How many bedrooms _____ in her new house?

6 Daniela and Martina _____ to Dublin last weekend.
7 There are _____ glasses in the kitchen.

8 I listened but I _____ any noise.

9 _____ a very noisy party in our neighbour’s house last weekend.

10 We _____ a good time at your party yesterday.

11 _____ some shelves in the study.

12 Petra _____ the film was awful.

13 They _____ the bank manager yesterday.
A don’t meet meet met
14 There’s _____ comfortable sofa in the living room.

15 How many students _____ there in class on Monday?

16 _____ isn’t a garage. We park on the street.
A Where
17 A Did you see your friend who works at the hospital?
B Yes, I _____.
A saw
18 _____ any good programmes on TV last night?
A Was
19 When I was young I _____ in the same bedroom as my sister.

20 Where _____ for lunch with Anna?


Answer 1


hope to help you if not tell me

1 There Arent _____ Stairs. 2 Hugo _____ To School Last Week. 3 _____ A School Near Here? A There Is
Answer 2

The answers are:

1. There aren’t any stairs.

2. Hugo went to school last week.

3. Is there a school near here?

4. Are there central heating in your flat?

5.   How many bedrooms are in her new house?

6. Daniela and Martina went to Dublin last weekend.

7. There are few glasses in the kitchen.

8.  I listened but I  didn't hear any noise.

9. There was a very noisy party at our neighbor’s house last weekend.

10.  We had a good time at your party yesterday.

11. Get some shelves in the study.

12.  Petra said the film was awful.

13.  They greeted the bank manager yesterday.

14.  There’s no comfortable sofa in the living room.

15.  How many students were there in class on Monday?

16. There isn’t a garage. We park on the street.

17. Did you see your friend who works at the hospital?

18. Were there any good programs on TV last night?

19.  When I was young I slept in the same bedroom as my sister.

20.  Where Will you go for lunch with Anna?

What are Pronouns and examples?

Consistent with the Collins Dictionary, 'A pronoun is a word that you use to refer to a person or something while you do not need to use a noun, regularly due to the fact the individual or issue has been stated in advance. Examples are 'it', 'she', 'something', and 'myself'.

There are seven varieties of pronouns that both English and English as a 2d language writers ought to understand: the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the relative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the in-depth pronoun.

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, absolutely everyone, and many others.) is a phrase that takes the location of a noun. In the sentence Joe noticed Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively.

Learn more about the Pronoun here: https://brainly.com/question/3103641


Related Questions

Do you think economic inequality in Canada is going to increase or decrease in the future? Why ?


According to a 2020 study, global earnings inequality has decreased substantially since 1970. During the 2000s and 2010s, the share of earnings by the world's poorest half doubled. Two researchers claim that global income inequality is decreasing due to strong economic growth in developing countries.

Answer the question with solution




1. 7.32ohms

2. 1.64amperes

3. 3ohms= 4.92volts, 2ohms& 7ohms= 2.55volts, 4ohms & 9ohms= 4.54volts

4. 41.875ohms

5. 0.2388amperes

6. 20ohms=4.776volts, 30ohms & 50ohms= 0.4478volts, 20ohms=4.776volts

7. 10ohms

8. 0.5amperea

9. R1=2volts R2=1volt R3=2volts R4=2.5volts R5=0.5volts R6=0.25volts R7=0.25volts

10. 198.7ohms

11. 0.12amperes

12. 2.88watts


1. Solving the parallel connections,

1/2+1/7= (7+2)/14


Resistance= 14/9

1/4+1/9= (9+4)/36



Total resistance in the circuit= 3+14/9+ 36/13

(351+182+ 324)/117

857/117= 7.32ohms

2. V=IR

I= V/R(total resistance)

I= 12/7.32

I= 1.64amperes

3. V= IR

for the 3ohms resistors, V= 3×1.64


Voltage is the same for resistors in parallel

Current is the same for resistors in series

for the parallel resistors 2ohms and 7ohms,

V= 1.64 × 14/9

= 2.55volts

for the parallel resistors 4ohms and 9ohms,

V= 1.64× 36/13

= 4.54volts

4. For parallel resistors R2 and R3,

1/30+1/50 = (50+30)/150


Resistance= 150/80

Total resistance= 20+150/80+20


3350/80= 41.875ohms

5. V= IR

I= 10/41.875

= 0.2388amperes

6. for the 20ohms resistor,

V= 0.2388×20


for the parallell resistors 30ohms and 50ohms,

V= 0.2388×150/80

= 0.4478volts

for the 20ohma resistor,

V= 0.2388×20

= 4.776volts

7. R6+R7 = 2+2

= 4ohms

1/4 + 1/R5


2/4= 4/2


2+R4= 2+10


R2 +R3= 4+8


1/12+1/12= 2/12


6+R1= 6+4

total resistance= 10ohms

8. V=IR

I= 5/10


9. For R1

V= 0.5×4


for 6ohms effective resistance



For R2 and R3




In R2



In R3




In R4



for the 2ohms effective resistance,



In R5

v= 0.5volts

I= 0.5/4

= 0.125amperes

current in R6 and R7


In R6



in R7



10. for R1 and R2


(5+2)/500= 7/500

500/7= 71.43ohms

for R3 and R4

1/350+ 1/200



total resistance= 71.43+127.27

= 198.7ohms

11. V=IR

I= 24/198.7


12. Power= IV

power= 0.12×24


Summarize this short text for the most relevant information:

The 2 main areas of agreement of the Glasgow climate pact
Developing countries
The agreement pledged to significantly increase money to help poor countries cope with the effects of climate change and make the switch to clean energy.
There's also the prospect of a trillion dollar a year fund from 2025 - after a previous pledge for richer countries to provide $100bn (£72bn) a year by 2020 was missed.
While some observers say the COP26 agreement represented the "start of a breakthrough", some African and Latin American countries felt not enough progress was made.

Fossil fuel subsidies
World leaders agreed to phase-out subsidies that artificially lower the price of coal, oil, or natural gas.
However, no firm dates have been set.



This text was about the struggles of gas, oil, and coal prices. Many world leaders agreed to lower the price, some observers say this could be the start of a breakthrough. Prices are raised to help poor countries with climate change so they could switch to clean energy.

What are your expectations in this class?​




Expectations are a strong believe that something will happen.

What are expectations?

Expectation is a state or act of expecting in anticipation of something to happen or a recovery to take place in a certain way.

Managing expectations

One should be able to manage expectations and here are tips to help manage expectations:

Giving yourself time.Adapting to changing expectations.Not judging yourself.Communicating about everything.Preparing for problems.

With these tips, one can overcome the harsh wait of expectations.

Please NOTE that this question is incomplete, therefore, I gave a general view on this question.

Read more about expectations here:


Fill in the blank questions usually require
One key word
b. A list of vocabulary words
in the answer
c. Complete sentences
d. None of these
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





Based off of what you've provided, I'm assuming the question is, "Fill in the blank questions usually require, A. One key word B. A list of vocabulary words in the answer C. Complete Sentences D. None of these"

If not, my apologies, having a hard time understanding what you're question is, though.

hope this helps :)

help me english !!!!!



2. the police officer asked: "Did you lock your door this morning?"

3. I answered: "Yes. I alwais close the door in the morning"

4. A woman on the street shouted "Help!"

5. The store owner said "I'm going to call the police"


When it says "says", "shouts", "answeres", etcetera, that's when you put " "

Which of these describes a comedy instead of a tragedy?
people experience many difficult situations
people die or suffer some serious loss
characters try to solve a problem together
problems are solved happily in the end.


2 problems are solved happily in the end

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6. PART A: How does the characterization of "good mother east river"
contribute to the tone of paragraph 45?
O A It calls attention to Liz's young age by suggesting that the river in
which she ultimately drowns is like a mother.
OB It illustrates Liz's strong connection to nature.
OC It characterizes Liz's death as an escape from a life of pain and
OD It suggests the idea of a God-figure accepting Liz into her rightful
place in heaven.


Answer: i23


we are not going on vacation__ august





we are not going on vacation in august

Please share one idea for actions or policies that you think would begin to address an issue of racial or social injustice


An idea for policies or actions which would address the issue of racial injustice

Racial injustice is the process of behaving in ways that are unfair and prejudicial against a person based on his race, or his color of skin. This has especially been a problem in the United States of America despite the stopgaps already in place.

I would like to add some suggestions which would help nip this in the bud and some of them are:

Educational orientation that nobody is superior to another based on raceTougher punishments for people who are racially prejudicedPromoting cultural integration, etc.

Read more about social injustice here:




number 5 is C number 6 is C and number 7 is B number 8 is C number 9 is is A

The story is about a local high school football team’s victory in its final game after a season-long losing streak. The team’s win was even more bittersweet because it came on the day its coach announced his retirement.

This story is:
A. A sports feature story
B. A sports opinion story
C. A straight-news sports story
D. A straight-news feature story


I think it might be A.

You can add music from a cd to objects, animations and transitions.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


OT is the correct answer

Which are the products in the equation CH3SH + 4O2 → CO2 + SO2 +2H2O? Check all that apply. CH3SH O2 CO2 SO2 H2O



CO2, SO2, H2O


The reactants are always placed on the left side of the arrow or the equal sign. Products are on the right.

Hope that helps

Giveaways really soon!!!


Wdym by giveaways


Hi! ❤️ I'm looking for some proficient actually (accurate) responses. depending on the responses ill probably give brainliest to the most accurate one.


the answer is A!! you’re welcome

name 5 classics of literature​



catcher in the rye

pride and prejudice

to kill a mockingbird

wuthering heights

faren height 451

Yea what she said so yea use her answer

Read this claim from paragraph 3 of the passage.

“One of the most common forms of censorship in schools is banned books.”

Which type of evidence does the author use to support this claim?

expert opinion

facts and statistics

anecdotal evidence

no evidence


Evidence refers to the facts that support or corroborate the opinion of a speaker.

The text was not included in this question. However note, that expert opinion refers to corroboration of the claim by a professional in the field.

Facts and statistics are figures and information from research that support the point. Anecdotal evidence is personal accounts that lend credence to the claim.

So, read through the text to find which of these supported the claim. If you found none of them, insert, no evidence.

Learn more about claim here:


it ___ be Anton's car .I saw him driving car yesterday


it must be Anton's car .l saw him driving car yesterday

It must be Anton's car. I saw him driving car yesterday

You use must to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something to happen.

We can use 'must' in a sentence to talk about something we need to do.When we are talking about possible causes of a situation or action, we can use the word ‘must’ to show we are fairly sure of the reason behind something.

Find out more on sentence at: https://brainly.com/question/11352260

Based on this scene, which statement most likely expresses a main
theme of the play?
A. Everyone makes mistakes.
o B. Poverty makes people desperate.
o C. People must change with the times.
OD. People need to hold on to their illusions.


I don’t know which play you are talking about, but A sounds more like a theme than the rest. B is definitely not correct, I wish I had the play to read to give you a definite answer. But to find the theme of the play, just ask yourself which one of these options sound most like the play. Is the play about people making mistakes or is about people needing to change with the times?

Rising action occurs:

After the climax.

At the beginning of the story.

Before the climax​





rising action

occurs before the climax

the climax occurs after the rising action

it's rising action then rising action

What is most likely one of Churchill's main purposes when giving his speech?
A. He wants to blame various political associates for the losses in
B. He wants to give an account of Germany's war atrocities.
C. He wants to give British citizens a realistic picture of the war
D. He wants to explain Britain's war tactics and strategies.





He wants to give british citizens a realistic picture of the war situation

The most likely one of Churchill's main purposes when giving his speech  to give British citizens a realistic picture of the war situation.

Who is winston churchill?

Winston churchill is prime minister of british rallied the british people during world war 2. He is known for succesfully leading britian during world war 2.

The main purpose of his speech is to give British citizens a realistic picture of the war situation.

Learn more about winston churchill here:



Select the best answer for the question.
6. Which of the following book titles is capitalized correctly?
A. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A brief history with documents
B. The era of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A brief history with documents
C. The Era Of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Brief History With Documents
D. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Brief History with Documents



You capitalize "era" and you lowercase "of" and "with".

The book that titles is capitalized correctly is The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Brief History with Documents.

The correct option is D.

What is capitalization rule of grammar?

The capitalization rule in English is always capital the first letter of the sentence and proper nouns in the sentence.

The words that name a specific person, place, or things are also capitalized.

The words after colon is written in capital.

In the given sentence, the specific words are capitalized.

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about capitalization rule


Plz help me with this question ​


today (date) is happening a national swimming championship everyone has come to watch it. As we can see the audience and racers are looking quite aggressive. Soon the race is going to start. And we can see kumari with her outstanding performance. She is doing her best. And She breaks all the previous records. Everyone is cheering her. And she has won the race with three gold medals.




Select the correct answer.

Which factor is the common link between positivist theory and social disorganization theory?


physiology of an individual


personal trait of an individual


social environment


crime rate




personal trait of an individual

Think of a symbol that would represent your most

unforgettable experience so far. On your paper, draw

a symbol and answer the question below.

Why a student like you should keep on learning?

(Please answer it fast)​


Considering the question, the reason I should keep on learning includes the "sense of accomplishment."

Some other reasons I should keep on learning include the following:To be ready to take on challenges both in academic and professional lifeTo be open to new opportunities To derive innovative solutionsTo boost my morale, etc.

On picking a symbol representing my most unforgettable experience so far, I would pick a book and incandescent light over it.

Note that picking of the symbol is personal; you may choose something different or personal to you.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that there are many reasons I should keep learning.

Learn more about the importance of learning here: https://brainly.com/question/9112197

Why does Hamlet feel badly about losing control of himself with Laertes at Ophelia's



Now Ophelia is dead, possibly by her own hand, and Hamlet has to be wondering if his recent words and the way he treated her had anything to do with her death. Hamlet answers his own question. ... Surprise, shock, regret, remorse, guilt, grief, and love are the reasons why Hamlet was so upset at Ophelia's funeral.


Valerie wants to go to a spin class. It starts ten minutes before her shift is over. She thinks it would be okay to leave early. Is this a good idea? Explain.


This could possibly go in multiple ways. If she just randomly leaves her job without letting anyone know to go to her spin class, she will most likely get fired for not letting anyone know that she left.

However, if she asks her boss about possibly leaving early and her boss gives her the answer yes. Than that is fine for her to do. Now, if her boss says no, than she should stay or else she will get fired.

Read the excerpt from "First Generation" of Dreaming in Cuban, by Cristina Garcia.
She considers the vagaries of sports, the happenstance of El Líder, a star pitcher in his youth, narrowly missing
a baseball career in America. His wicked curveball attracted the
major league scouts, and the Washington
Senators were interested in signing him but changed their minds. Frustrated, El Líder went home, rested his
pitching arm, and started a revolution in the mountains.
Which best explains how Garcia's word choice helps establish her voice in the excerpt?
C Garcia uses short, forceful words to assert a pessimistic opinion on fate.
• Garcia uses formal, academic language and location words to
suggest a theory about fate.
O Garcia uses American baseball terminology to suggest fate's defeat.
• Garcia uses words with positive connotations to suggest an optimistic outlook on fate.


The choice that best explains how Garcia's word choice helps establish her voice in the excerpt is: C. Garcia uses short, forceful words to assert a pessimistic opinion on fate.

In the writing above, we find that Garcia used short phrases separated by commas to paint a pessimistic opinion about the fate of a former baseball player.

The use of words like frustrated and wicked paint a pessimistic picture about the fate of the player.

Learn more about pessimism here:


In the article, "Growing Up: Key Moments," which word means "lacking interest or
mundane (paragraph 1)
trivial (paragraph 2)
valuable (paragraph 6)
elective (paragraph 9)



The answer to you question is A


Mundane- lacking interest or excitement; dull.

In the article, "Growing Up: Key Moments," the word means "lacking interest or excitement" mundane (paragraph 1). Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is article?

A written work based on fiction or non-fiction is referred to as a “article.” The author's personal experiences and relevant information regarding the subject are shared in the article. The essay elaborates on a certain subject, downplays significant points, and stresses essential words. Typically, articles are printed in periodicals, websites, and newspapers.

According to the article "Growing Up: Key Moments," the word denotes "lacking interest or enthusiasm" in paragraph 1. The author shows that we do not mature as we get older. The writers emphasize that all experiences, even negative ones, can help us evolve.

As a result, in the article, "Growing Up: Key Moments," the word means "lacking interest or excitement" mundane (paragraph 1). Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on article, here:



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